Eclipse's Punishment||SAMS FA...

By perildeath

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Art book for this au: Eclipse was living his bes... More

Happy Pride Month! :D
Nah FC Looks Scary


151 11 12
By perildeath

Art from Sr Pelo

Eclipse held Lord Eclipse close, he refused to let Eclipse let him go and was sleeping currently. Eclipse sighed and turned towards Fate, "hey Fate" he said and Fate turned towards him "huh?" Eclipse asked "you okay-" suddenly Fate hissed in pain clutching their shoulder, Eclipse perked up instantly "Fate you okay?!" he asked in panic and Fate hissed "fine fine, don't know why it suddenly started hurting again..." Eclipse said "that's not a good sign Fate, we should check it-" Fate pulled away and said "everything's fine!" Eclipse gave her a concerned look before he felt Lord Eclipse stir.

He looked down watching Lord Eclipse open his eyes slowly, he mumbled softly, clinging to Eclipse. He mumbled "brother..." Eclipse was surprised by that and he felt his heart swell, he's never been called brother before, but it made him so happy. "Yes..?" he asked softly and Lord Eclipse murmured sleepily "I'm tired..." Eclipse gave them a sad look "yeah, your voice box sounds scratchy, you need to rest it" Lord Eclipse mumbled softly, eyes drooping again.

He was clearly exhausted from screaming and Eclipse's rays drooped, tucking him closer. Lord Eclipse fell asleep again and Fate sighed "I guess I'll go get groceries" Eclipse gave her a surprised look "really?" Fate shrugged "I need to get out of the house, and were out of coffee" Eclipse shrugged "alrighty then, bring the Lunar though, they need to get out the house as well" Fate groaned "really?!" the Lunar's head snapped over and they yelled "no way am I going to some lowly store!" Eclipse grunted "you're going, and shush, you'll wake Lord Eclipse up. You two, quit your whining because 1) Fate, you're a god, creation even, I expect better from you, and 2) it's gonna wake Lord Eclipse up" Fate grunted "whatever. Dad me, scold me and whatever, come on Lunar, were going shopping" the Lunar snapped "I told you not to call me that-!" Fate said cutting them off "well I still don't know what to call you."

Eclipse watched Fate look up at the Lunar as they stood up, she rolled her eyes "ugh, tall people. Come on" the Lunar rolled their eyes and Eclipse watched them follow Fate, both Fate and the Lunar were clearly not happy about this.


She dragged the Lunar around and without warning, she teleported them to the supermarket, she was not at all surprised when the Lunar groaned feeling nausous, "wimp" Fate said grumpily and they glared flipping Fate off. Fate said unfazed "your going to have to do a lot more than that to faze me."

The Lunar slowly straightened themselves before growling "you could have warned me- where are we?" Fate grunted "the supermarket, we need some groceries, then we can leave" the Lunar said "ew, a lowly mart" Fate rolled her eye before dragging them in and grabbing a cart. 

As expected, she got a lot of weird looks. People stared at her as she entered the store rather rudely, the Lunar grunted "well, that's irritating, but a bunch of fluff brained morons" Fate said "agreed" the Lunar gave her a surprised look "you agree?" Fate shrugged "they're just staring mindlessly like I'm some, dunno anomaly" the Lunar rubbed their temples "Fate, your creation-" Fate said "I'm aware, I am an anomaly" the Lunar groaned "can we go home now?" Fate gave them a 'seriously?' Look, "we haven't even got the first thing" Fate pushed the cart into a aisle and they say "well yeah, but I don't want to be here."

Fate nudged them with an elbow gently "me neither bud, I wanted to do this alone, but I'm forced to drag you around" the Lunar rolled their eye "you act like I'm a child-" Fate said truthfully "your whining like a child" they froze up before looking embarrassed then.

Fate stared at them for a moment "but you are a child... aren't you? Your age, programming wise and physical wise... four years? You act much older than you should at this age," Fate gave them a concerned look and they sighed "The Great One forced many of us to mature, were able to act nice and such... but we have to be mature when we need to be" the Lunar straightened their posture lifting their chin.

Fate blinked before grunting "how does one force someone to mature exactly?" the Lunar shrugged before doing a thumbs up "enough yelling will do the trick!" Fate's head snapped over "pardon?" the Lunar just shrugged "he yelled at us until we listened" Fate stared before asking in a serious tone "did he verbally abused you-?!" the Lunar said innocently "I have no idea what that means :)" Fate took a deep breath before saying "it means yelling at someone, really really bad, constantly, to the point where it hurts them" the Lunar grunted "well i'm not hurt" Fate asked "hows your self esteem?" the Lunar froze up before saying "uh.... not the best?" Fate threw her hands up in the air "there it is!" 

She turned away from the shelf and the Lunar shrugged "don't see the big deal, doesn't everyone do that to people who need to learn-?" Fate yelled "no!" they were silent before saying softly "their place...?" Fate gave them a even more concerned look.

People were staring at her more, pointing and whispering to each other, taking out their phones. Fate turned to them and said "scram, I'm a robot, shush" they turned away embarrassed at being caught and Fate heard one of the people mutter "that was not a robot, it was creepy and seems biological" another said in a crazed tone "it's a demon! I'm telling ya!" Fate ignored them. 

"Listen kid, this is serious" Fate looked at them in concern, and they mumbled softly "no one does that..?" (Do any of you guys remember 0-018's previous behavior with Evil Lunar? Yelling at him when he tried to tell her something was wrong, this is why) Fate shook her head, looking at them in concern "no..." they were silent before saying "well... that's upsetting and scary- uh lets just uh- oh cereal, what we need!" they grabbed the cereal and Fate kept looking at them in concern, she knew exactly what they were trying to do.

She took the cereal from 0_018 gently and said "I know what you're trying to do, can you just tell me your number? Then I'll stop calling you Lunar" the Lunar was silent before finally, mumbling "0_018..." Fate grunted "i'll just call you 18, Jesus, that names complicated, how do you Lunar's do it?!" 0_018 was silent before saying softly "you get used to it I guess..." Fate heard their shallow tone before asking to try to lighten their mood "wanna ride in the cart?" they gave her a dumbfounded look "why would I-?!" Fate shrugged "it'll cheer you up, I'm sure" 0_018 looked at the cart nervously before saying "I'm not a child-" Fate shrugged "and?" they looked at the cart before asking "are you sure you can uh, push me?" Fate said "i'm quite strong for my size" 0_018 looked nervous and Fate said "come on, I can tell you want to" she was being a lot more gentle with her tone now.

After what she heard, she did not want to raise her voice at them. After some gentle persuasion, 0_018 crawled into the cart, they looked embarrassed and Fate said softly "I won't judge" she moved the cereal into a corner of the cart so they didn't crush it, they leaned forward in the cart, making the weight a little uneven.

Fate grunted, making sure the cart didn't tip over, Fate said softly "so what's next on the list? I want you to read it out to me" they gave 0_018 the list and they asked "where'd you get the list-?" Fate shrugged "don't question it, now what's after cereal?" 0_018 frowned "you're treating me like a child-?" Fate sighed softly "because you are a child technically, a child with their guard up constantly, don't take it the wrong way" 0_018 was silent before just reading the list "uh... milk, we need milk" Fate nodded and said "off to get milk then!" Fate noted how they didn't really object to what she said about them being on guard constantly.

Fate walked out of the aisle, pushing 0_018 forward as they sat in the cart, people stared even more and pointed at Fate whispering "what is that...?" the crazy man said "it's a demon! An entity from hell! Destroy it! Force it back to the depths of hell!" Fate gave him a look before sighing, the man was delusional.

"What got into him...?" 0_018 asked looking at the man and Fate said softly "ignore him, he's got a couple screws loose.." Fate turned 0_018's head away from the man slowly and gently and covered their ears and she tried her best to avoid the man, but he followed them, yelling nonsense and Fate turned and said "sir, can you leave us be?" but he kept yelling and Fate grunted grabbing the milk after checking its expiration date. 

0_018 shook their head "why are you covering my ears?" Fate said "they're saying some really creepy and crazy stuff that I don't want you to hear" they grunted "I'm not a child," so Fate let them go and almost instantly 0_018 said softly "this man is making me nervous Fate-" Fate said "he's making me nervous as well and that says a lot- just uh- ignore him" it wasn't long till the man was kicked out of the store for making a ruckus and harassing costumers, one of the costumers even murmured "was that man on drugs?" his behavior had been erratic and insane.

It was hard to tell however, Fate asked "well, what next?" 0_018 said "uhm... apples" Fate patted their head and they looked surprised by that and Fate said softly "we'll get apples then" 0_018 stared, before quickly turning away "y-yeah- app-apples" Fate asked concerned "you okay?" 0_018 said "fine- just uh, yeah fine" they sounded like they were crying.

At first, Fate wondered if it was something she said, then she realized, it was something she said. "Has anyone... really been nice to you before?" she asked in concern and they said "yeah! Uh- a Lunar at the camp, he was nice, just uh-" Fate asked "how was your Eclipse?" they were silent before murmuring "a jerk..." Fate realized then, that 0_018 went from one abusive place to another.

The poor soul... "well, you're safe now" Fate said softly making her way to the produce, she looked over the rows of fruits and went over to the apples. She grabbed one of the bags and began to look at the apples before putting them in, 0_018 leaned forward to watch her. After the incident with the man, no one was really paying attention to Fate.

Fate was glad about that fact, she tucked the apples in with 0_018 and asked "next?" 0_018 looked at the list before saying "bananas" Fate nodded and grabbed a bunch of green bananas, "why are you getting the green ones?" 0_018 asked curiously leaned forward even more and Fate said "they'll ripen" 0_018 tilted their head curiously, Fate watched their new child like curiosity.

They were starting to trust her more, that's good! "Next?" 0_018 looked at the list and said "coffee" Fate nodded "alright," 0_018 frowned looking at the list "that's all?" Fate sighed "Moon ran out of milk for his cereal this morning and got sad, and considering Lord Eclipse's current.. uh state, I decided to get the food so Eclipse can focus on him" the 0_018 was silent before saying softly "okay..." Fate walked around the store before finally finding the coffee and putting the bag in the cart. 

"I feel like I'm the queen of groceries at this point" 0_018 said in the cart and Fate chuckled "yeah?" 0_018 threw their hands up in the air "yeah! Like, I dunno, I'm the queen of groceries, wait no... it's stupid-" Fate said quickly "no no, it's not stupid, I find it silly in a good way, we got everything we needed to get" 0_018 eyes lit up at that "it's not stupid?" they squeaked in excitement and Fate said softly "not stupid at all" 0_018 smiled before saying softly "i'm the queen of groceries."

Fate was starting to see 0_018's personality, when it wasn't blocked by trying to be tough. It made Fate hopeful that she'd see more of it, Fate walked into a line and began to pile the groceries up, she looked at the woman staring at her. "Erm ma'am, why are you staring?" the lady said "first a robot now this? Uh, hi" and Fate quickly bought the food after having a tiny chat, very small, she was not here for small talk and It was clear that lady has already dealt with a robot, probably Eclipse. She was expecting to be able to go home but... she was met by a wall of rain.

A heavy thunderstorm was outside, Fate instantly pulled 0_018 back and said "not letting you go through that with your damage" 0_018 said "please don't do the teleport thing, I really didn't like that" Fate sighed "I know... I won't, we'll wait, can't rain forever." Fate didn't want to teleport anyway, she didn't want to make 0_018 sick again, so she said "wanna sit here-?" 0_018 said "I want cupcakes!" Fate was surprised and they instantly said frantically "we don't need to- just- uh-" Fate said "we'll get cupcakes then." 0_018's eyes lit up yet again with excitement and Fate pushed the cart and went over to some cupcakes near the entrance of the store.

She paused and looked over the cupcakes before asking 0_018 "which one do you want?" 0_018 said excitedly "I get to choose!" Fate nodded and watched them point at some vanilla cupcakes with red icing, simple, just as Fate liked. "That one?" 0_018 nodded excitedly and Fate patted their head picking up cupcakes "alright, lets buy them" 0_018 leaned forward as Fate went through a line again and bought the cupcakes. It wasn't the same line, just some random line, the one with less people.

The cupcakes were stupidly expensive, but Fate didn't care. Fate went back to the entrance of the store, listening to the steady thumping of the rain and she opened the cupcakes and handed 0_018 one, they took it and looked at her as if asking for permission. Fate nodded "go on, eat it!" 0_018 sat down next to Fate, crossing their legs and Fate watched them devour the cupcake.

Fate closed her eyes, leaning her head against the wall, listening to the rain pound against the roof, Fate opened her eye as she felt 0_018 lean on her, 0_018's eyes were drooping and Fate wrapped her arm around them, the rain pounding steadily on the roof sent 0_018 right to sleep. Fate sighed softly, they're just a child... a misled one, but a child.

Fate was silent, holding them gently, before taking a cupcake for herself and grabbing the dirty cupcake wrapper thing that 0_018 left, she crumbled it up, and tossed it to a trashcan, she did a small air punch when she made it, careful not to wake 0_018 up. 

I don't need a break, I'm fine. I don't feel stressed or forced to write this, I just wanted to, so don't worry. I wanted to make a nice wholesome chapter, and I'm feeling better from writing this. :)


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