DOCTOR WHO 2005 JDD Version

Від jurassicdinodrew

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This here is a sequel to my DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version story, where the time traveling adventures of the Doc... Більше

The Unquiet Dead
Aliens Of London
World War Three
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting Of The Ways
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth & Claw
School Reunion
Rise Of The Cybermen
The Age Of Steel
Army Of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Judoon On The Moon
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks In Manhattan
Evolution Of The Daleks
The Sound Of Drums
Last Of The Time Lords
Voyage Of The Star-Ship Titanic
Partners In Crime
The Fires Of Pompeii
Planet Of The Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Unicorn & The Wasp
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
The Star Beast
Wild Blue Yonder
The Giggle
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

The End Of The World

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Від jurassicdinodrew

Last time, Rose met an alien called the Doctor and a group of Toon kids named Tommy, Melody, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, and she decided to join them on time traveling in the Doctor's ship known as the TARDIS. Doctor: "Now then, Rose Tyler, you tell me, where do you want to go?, backward or forwards in time?, it's your choice." Rose: "Um... forwards." Doctor: "How far?" Rose: "Um... 100 years." said Rose, before the Doctor pushes some buttons and sets the TARDIS to travel 100 years to the future. Doctor: "There you go, step outside and you'll see the 22nd century." Jokey: "Boring..." Rose: "Ditto." Doctor: "Yeah I thought so too... so then, shall we go further?" Rose: "Sure." said Rose, before the Doctor pulls a lever and turns a knob to make the TARDIS travel a bit further into the future. Doctor: "10,000 years in the future." Rose: "You think you're so impressive, don't ya?" Doctor: "I am so." Rose: "Prove it." Doctor: "Alright, you asked for it, I know just the place and time." said the Doctor, before he sets the TARDIS to travel even further into the future. Gidget: "Where are we we?" Doctor: "Take a look outside and find out." said the Doctor, before he and the others went out of the TARDIS, and they see that they were in what looked like a futuristic space station that was above the planet Earth. Melody: "Is that the Earth?" Doctor: "Yup, in the year of 5 Billion... [looking at his wrist watch] hold on... [sees that the sun grew much bigger and turned red] this is the day that the sun expands... welcome to the ends of the world." said the Doctor, which made Rose and the Toon kids looked at the Earth, unable to believe what they just learned. Melody: "You brought us... on the day the Earth... our home... dies?" Doctor: "Yeah, pretty much, and this is Platform 1, which is like an observation station, where the people will get to watch the Earth burn from the Sun." Rose: "There are people that want to see a planet get burned up?, what kind of people?" Doctor: "Aliens of course." Rose: "Aliens?, like you?" Doctor: "Well not my race, but other species of aliens." Gidget: "Why would they want to watch a planet get burned?" Doctor: "For fun of course." Melody: "But what about the people?!, they're gonna get burned!" Doctor: "Oh don't worry, everyone left the planet long ago, same for the other lifeforms that lived on the planet, the human race took them with, basically the planet is empty." Jokey and Jokeo: "Oh... phew..." Rose: "Well that's a relief... but where did they go?" Doctor: "They went to other worlds, where they can make new lives while travel in the stars..." Rose: "How much time till the end of the world?" Doctor: "Half an hour, and then the planet get roasted." that was when a blue skinned man known as the Steward, came to the scene and asked the Doctor and his companions who they were, before the Doctor shows him a small leather wallet, which was really something called a psychic paper, which made the Steward believe they were guests like the other aliens that were coming. Rose: "What's that you got there?" asked Rose, as she takes a look at the paper, which was blank. Doctor: "Psychic paper, makes them see what I want them to see, saves a lot of time." Rose: "And that man... he was blue..." Melody: "So am I." Doctor: "Well of course, he's an alien." Rose: "Huh... okay..." that was when the Steward begins to make an announcement that the other guests have come to the scene, including a big alien head in a large jar known as the Face of Boe, and a human that had a surgery that made her become a vertical trampoline made of living skin, known as the Lady Cassandra (voiced by Zoë Wanamaker). The Doctor and his companions couldn't help but smile in amazement as they see the aliens coming in. Cassandra: "Ah... planet Earth... my old home... my parents were the last ones to be buried there... and I've come to say... good bye... oh boys moisturize me." said Cassandra, before a trio of men in suits and masks came over to her and sprayed something from a canister. Melody: "So... you're a human?" Cassandra: "That is correct little one, first time you've met a human?" Melody: "Well... actually... my brother and I... we used to be humans ourselves." Cassandra: "Oh?, is that so?" Tommy: "Yeah... but not anymore... since we now looked like this..." Cassandra: "You had a surgery like I did?" Tommy: "Uh... no... not exactly..." Jokey: "We got turned into Toons by a trio of monsters." Jokeo: "Yeah... and they were a mean bunch." Rose: "Well we don't have to worry about them here, they're without a doubt dead by now..." said Rose, as she, the kids and the Doctor went off somewhere else in Platform 1, unaware that the men with Cassandra looked at the group with glowing eyes and made a low growling sound. Some time later, an announcement was heard, which was the Steward asking that the owner of the TARDIS to come to his office, as a reminder that all weapons and transportation devices were not allowed in Platform 1. Tommy: "Are we in trouble?" Doctor: "Guess we'll find out." said the Doctor, before he his companions head off to the Steward's office. While on the way, they see that some staff was carrying the TARDIS on a forklift. Doctor: "Oi!, careful with that!, there better not a scratch on it!" Jokey: "Yeah, we'll need it to get back home... our own time anyway." Jokeo: "Yeah... um Doctor, how are they all talking English?, I mean we've been traveling through space for a while, but we never got to ask that..." Doctor: "That's the work of the TARDIS, it has a telepathic field that translates any language." Rose: "So... it's inside my head?" Doctor: "Not exactly..." Rose: "But there's something else... you said you're an alien, but what kind of alien?, where are you from?, I know now that there are many kinds of aliens... but I didn't get to ask you what's the name of your race... and home planet..." the Doctor only looked away in sadness, and Gidget and the other Toon kids looked down in sadness. Gidget: "It's a tragic tale really... let's just say he has no home to go to anymore... or a family to visit..." Rose: "Oh that reminds me... I haven't called my mum... which I can't as I doubt I could get a signal here..." Doctor: "Allow me." said the Doctor, before he takes Rose's phone and upgraded it a little bit to make it able to let Rose call her mother in anyplace and anytime, which Rose tested by calling her mother, letting her know that she's okay before ending the call. Rose: "I don't believe it... I managed to call my mum... even though she's dead in this time..." Doctor: "Yeah... [suddenly felt the whole station shaking a little] that's not supposed to happen..." Rose: "And yet it did..." Doctor: "Come on, let's just meet the Steward... he might know something about it." said the Doctor, before he and the others went off. However, by the time that time they got to the door of the Steward's office, they see the staff there coughing as smoke was coming through the door. The Doctor uses his sonic Screwdriver on the penal and the computer said 'Sun-filter rising', while the light that shines through the strong glass window of the door started to fade away. Tommy: "What happened?" Gidget: "Isn't that the Steward's office?" Doctor: "Yes... and I think he was in there when the Sun-filter went down in his office..." Jokeo: "What's that?" Doctor: "It's what's keeping the entire station from vaporizing by the sun, and it went down in the Steward's office... while the Steward was still in there..." Gidget: "You mean..." Doctor: "He got vaporized..." said the Doctor, while Melody had her hand covering her mouth while some tears came out of her eyes in sadness. Melody: "No... that's terrible..." Doctor: "Yes... and I have a feeling it was no accident..." Rose: "How do you figure?" Doctor: "Look over there." said the Doctor, before the others see what looked like a small spider like robot trying to get away, only to be caught by Gidget when she uses her psychic powers. Jokey: "What is that?" Gidget: "Looks like a robot..." Doctor: "Yes, designed to sabotage... come on!" said the Doctor, before he and the others went to the aliens, telling them that someone was trying to sabotage the platform and killed the Steward. Cassandra: "I say it was the Face of Boe, he invited us!" Tommy: "Hold on!, before we point fingers, how about we let the robot tell us." Doctor: "Yes, good thinking, whoever killed the Steward brought a lot of these drones, let's send this one back to it's master." said the Doctor, before Gidget brings the robot down and it walks right to Cassandra. Melody: "It was you?!" Rose: "I knew there was a reason why I didn't like her... and it wasn't just because she's all skin with a face..." Cassandra: "Oh I'm more than that, boys, at arms!" ordered Cassandra, before her men pointed their canisters at the Doctor and his companions. Doctor: "What are you gonna do?, moisturize us?" Cassandra: "With acid... but you're too late, my spider bots have taken over the mainframe." Rose: "Sabotaging a ship while you're still on it?, not very smart." Jokey: "I agree, even I know that's dumb." Cassandra: "I'd hoped to manufacture a hostage situation with myself as one of the victims, the compensation would have been enormous." Doctor: "5 Billion years, and it all comes down to money." Cassandra: "You think it's cheap to look like this, the flatness costs a fortune, but now I think I shall have my money from my boys here... once they have those little brats' souls." Rose: "What?" Tommy: "Our... souls?" asked Rose and Tommy, before Cassandra's men then caught on fire and changed into the Demon trio, much to the Doctor and his companions' shock. ScreamClaw: "Surprise!, did you miss us?!" Gidget: "The Demon trio?!" Rose: "But how?!" ThunderSmacker: "Your friend, the Doctor, isn't the only one who can time travel, we followed you here to this time and joined forces with Miss Cassandra, who promised us to help us get your souls while we pay her the money she wants." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Doctor: "If you think I'll let that happen... think again." Cassandra: "I got more important things to think about, boys, teleport us out of here." said Cassandra, before the trio had their eyes widened and face palmed themselves. ScreamClaw: "Oh nuts!" Melody: "What's wrong?" ThunderSmacker: "Well... the thing is... we can only teleport when we have our pitch forks..." Rose: "Yeah... so?" SpaceWarp: "We... sort of lost them somewhere in this s-s-station..." All: "WHAT?!" Cassandra: "You idiots!" Doctor: "Well this is fantastic... and embarrassing..." that was when the computer said that the Earth was about to burn in a few minutes, and the energy fields that keeps Platform 1 safe has gone down. Rose: "We're gonna get burned!" Doctor: "We need to restore the shields." Cassandra: "Only the Steward knows how, who is now dead, by the way." Doctor: "Then we'll do it manually, there must be a maintenance corridor here somewhere." Gidget: "I can use my psychic powers to locate it... and teleport you there... maybe..." Rose: "You can teleport too?" Gidget: "Yes, but I can't do it a lot as it burns a lot of my stamina." Doctor: "Then do it, if we don't restore the shields, everyone here will be burned." Gidget: "I'll try..." said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to teleport the Doctor to the maintenance corridor, and was able to get to the switch just before the countdown went to 0. at that moment, the shields of Platform 1 was back, just as soon as the Earth begins to burn up and blows up into a million pieces. A few moments later, the Doctor returns to the lobby, and sees that Cassandra and the Demon trio were nowhere in sight. Doctor: "Where are they?" Rose: "They ran off while you were away... we tried to stop them, but they flew away..." Tommy: "Doctor... we're so sorry..." Doctor: "Hey, it wasn't your fault." Gidget: "But it is... the Demon trio came and joined forces with that skin lady because they were after us..." Jokey: "Yeah... we already know, but I guess that even in the far future... we can't get away from the demons..." Jokeo: "Nope..." Doctor: "Well they couldn't have gone far, I mean they said that they can't teleport without their pitch forks." Melody: "Well that's just it, they managed to find them, and they all got away... we're very sorry..." Doctor: "Hey... there was nothing you could have done..." Melody: "Yes there is..." said Melody, before she heads over to the aliens that were badly hurt from the sun's light, and then places her hands on the wounded and her hands started to glow for a minute before the glow faded away, and once she removed her hands from the aliens, their wounds were gone, much to their surprise. Rose: "You can heal others?" Melody: "Yeah... aside from becoming our favorite animal, we gained the ability we always wanted to have, like psychic for Gidget or healing in my case." Rose: "What about the boys?" Tommy: "I wanted to be made out of rubber." said Tommy, before he grabs his cheeks and stretched them before letting go. Jokey: "I can transform into a mammoth that can shoot ice from the trunk." Jokeo: "And I can transform into a giraffe that breathes fire." Rose: "Seriously?" Jokeo: "Yup." Doctor: "Guess that's something you're looking forward to see." said the Doctor, before Rose and the others went over to the window, seeing that the Earth was no more. Rose: "I can't believe it... we missed it... the end of the Earth..." Melody: "All that history..." Tommy: "And nobody saw it..." Doctor: "You'd think it would last forever... but it won't... one day it's all gone... even the sky... just like my planet..." Rose: "What?" Doctor: "You see... it got burned like the Earth... before it's time..." Tommy: "Actually... we trapped it in a pocket realm, frozen in time, where it could not be harmed... while it could not harm the universe either..." Doctor: "Yes well... that's supposed to be a secret." Tommy: "Oh..." Rose: "What happened?" Doctor: "There was a war... known as the Time War... and everyone lost..." Rose: "And your people?" Doctor: "... I'm a Time Lord... the last of the Time Lords... the only survivor... I've been on my own with the kids cause there's no one else left..." Rose: "You got me..." Doctor: "You've seen how dangerous it is... wanna go home?" Rose: "Well... I don't know... what about the kids?" Tommy: "We can't go home... thanks to the Demon trio..." Gidget: "Yeah, we lost our humanity... our memories of our families... and theirs of us..." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yeah..." Melody: "We got no one too... so... we're stuck with the Doctor here." suddenly, their stomachs started to growl, alerting them that they were hungry. Tommy: "Oh man... I could go for a bite right now..." Rose: "Yeah, like some chips, Doctor, can you buy some chips for me?" Doctor: "Wish I could... but no money." Rose: "Who travels without money?" Jokeo: "Um... I could cook something up if you like." Rose: "You can cook?" Jokeo: "Yup, I had to learn how to cook in order to feed myself and my brother... we love to eat." Jokey: "Oh yeah, we love food!" said the twins, which made the group to laugh a little, before they went off to find a kitchen in Platform 1 so Jokeo can cook something for the group.

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