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The TARDIS reappears somewhere dark, and it wasn't long before the Doctor, Rose and the Toon kids stepped out. Rose: "So what is it?, what's wrong?" Doctor: "Don't know, some kind of signal was drawing the TARDIS off course." Tommy: "Where are we?" Doctor: "Planet Earth, Utah, North America... half a mile underground." Jokeo: "Hey, America is where we originally came from before we got turned into Toons and made a run for it from the Demon trio." Jokey: "Yeah, it's good to be back home... sort of..." Melody: "What year is it?" Doctor: "2012." Rose: "Gosh.... That's so close... so I should be like... 26 or 27 in this time..." Melody: "It's really dark in here..." said Melody, before the Doctor flips a switch and the lights came on, showing that he and his companions were in some sort of museum full of stuff that's alien. Doctor: "Blimey... we're in some sort of alien museum... someone's got a hobby..." said the Doctor, before he looks around and sees a piece of wood that said 'Bad Wolf' on it, and then an arm of a Slitheen that has been stuffed. Gidget: "That's a Slitheen arm..." Tommy: "They stuffed it... oh man..." Rose: "That is just messed up..." that was when they see the Doctor looking at a display that has the head of what looked like some sort of robot, which was the head of a Cyberman, trapped in a glass case. Rose: "What is that?" Doctor: "...An old friend of mine... well... enemy really... the stuff of nightmares that has been reduced to an exhibit... I'm getting old..." Rose: "Is this where the signal's coming from?" Doctor: "No... it's stone dead... the signal came from something alive... something was reaching out... calling for help..." said the Doctor, before he touched the glass, and then the alarm was set off and a lot of soldiers came to the scene and point their guns at the group. Rose: "If they're collecting aliens... that sort of makes you exhibit A..." said Rose while the Doctor just grinned at the soldiers, and the kids had a nervous smile on their faces while waving. Elsewhere in the museum bunker, the owner, Henry Van Statten (played by Corey Johnson), was with his assistant, Diana Goddard (played by Anna-Louise Plowman). Henry Van Statten: "Well... any news about our living specimen?" Diana: "None sir... just the same... screaming, unless that counts as talking." Henry Van Statten: "Anything else?" Diana: "Well... we just captured some intruders... and some of them were not human..." Henry Van Statten: "Really?" Diana: "Well they say that they're human... or at least they used to be before running into demons." Henry Van Statten: "Well we'll see about that." said Henry Van Statten, before he and his assistant went off to meet their intruders. When the Doctor and his companions went into a room, they see Henry Van Statten and his assistant coming in. Tommy: "...I'm guessing you're the owner here?" Henry Van Statten: "Indeed I am... I am Henry Van Statten... and it's not every day to have living aliens here..." Gidget: "We're not aliens!, we're humans!... well we used to be humans... it's a long story..." Jokey: "Yeah, we got turned into Toons by the Demon trio, and they're really mean." Jokeo: "Hey... where's Melody?" asked Jokeo, before he and the others looked around to see that Melody was nowhere to be found. Rose: "Melody?" Tommy: "Little sis?!, where are you?!" said Tommy as he began to freak out and run around like crazy. Doctor: "Calm down Tommy, I'm sure she's around here somewhere." elsewhere in the museum, after managing to escape from the soldiers, Melody was now lost, and then went into a room that was really dark, and there was some small blue light shining. Melody: "Hello?, is someone there?... I'm Melody D Rabbit... and I'm with my brother... my friends... and the Doctor." said Melody, before a voice said 'Doc-tor?... the Doctor?!', was heard, and the lights in the room came on, showing what looked like some sort of alien in some metal case body. It was called a Dalek (voiced by Nicholas Briggs), and it was one of the aliens that made the Doctor the last of his kind in the first place. Dalek: "Exterminate!, Exterminate!" screamed the Dalek, before Melody begins to scream in terror, which Tommy and the others heard and began to run off to follow the scream, right to the door of the room where Melody and the Dalek was. Tommy: "Melody!, are you in there?!" Melody: "Tommy, help!, there's a Dalek in here!" Dalek: "You are with the enemy of the Daleks!, you must be exterminated!" screamed the Dalek, which the Doctor heard and froze up in shock and horror. Doctor: "It can't be... that's impossible... Melody get out of there!" Rose: "What's in there?!" Doctor: "The most evil form of alien life in the universe!" said the Doctor, before he uses his sonic screwdriver to open the door, getting into the room and sees Melody and the Dalek. Melody: "Big brother!, it was gonna exterminate me..." said Melody while crying a little and hugging her brother. Dalek: "Alert!, alert!, you are the Doctor!, you must be exterminated!" Henry Van Statten: "It's talking... it's really talking!, finally!" Rose: "It's gonna do more if we stay here..." Diana: "The robot?" Doctor: "Worse... the metal you see is just armor... the real creature is inside... but why hasn't exterminated any of us already... unless... [looking at the death ray the Dalek had for one of it's arms and smiles] it's not working... oh that is fantastic!, but I don't get it... why are you here?" Dalek: "I am waiting for orders." Doctor: "What for?" Dalek: "I am a soldier, I was bred to follow orders." Doctor: "Well you'll never get any... your race is dead, they've all been burned." Dalek: "You lie!" Doctor: "I saw it happen, I made it happen!" Dalek: "You destroyed us?!" Rose: "Doctor... is that true?" asked Rose, while the Doctor just had a sad and guilty look on his face. Doctor: "... I had no choice... it was either that or all life in the universe would have been doomed..." Dalek: "And... what of the Time Lords?" Doctor: "Dead... they got burned with you... the end of the last great Time War... everyone lost..." Dalek: "And the coward survived." Doctor: "Oh, and I picked up your little signal... calling for help... but there's no one else coming cause there's no one else left." Dalek: "I am... alone... in the universe?" Doctor: "Yup... that's right." said the Doctor, before Rose and Melody went to take a closer look. Melody: "What happened to you?, why do you look like you've been tortured?, are you in pain?" Dalek: "... Yes... I am in pain... they tortured me..." said Dalek, which made Melody covered her mouth in shock, while the Doctor and Rose turned to see Henry Van Statten, who looked a little nervous. Henry Van Statten: "I just wanted it to talk." Doctor: "Daleks are not the kind you want to talk with..." Rose: "So... the Daleks... they were the ones you and your people fought?" Doctor: "Yes..." Diana: "What is a Dalek?" Doctor: "A genetic mutant creature... created to have no emotion but hate... to exterminate all life that isn't a Dalek..." Henry Van Statten: "Who would create something like that?" Doctor: "An evil genius... but how did it get here?" Henry Van Statten: "It fell from the sky many years ago... and got captured and been sold at a private auction moving from one collection to another..." Doctor: "Must have fallen through time... the only survivor..." Dalek: "But now... I am dying..." Melody: "No... you can't die... maybe we can help!" Dalek: "Too late... I welcome death... my race is dead... I shall die... alone..." said the Dalek as it slowly looks like it was about to die. Melody and Rose couldn't help but feel sorry for Dalek, before they placed their hands on the Dalek's armor. Doctor: "Rose!, Melody don't touch it!" shouted the Doctor, but it was too late, they already touched it, and when they removed their hands, some sort of orange/red glow that was shaped like their hands appeared on the Dalek's armor, and once the glow was gone, Dalek began to move and acted like it came back to life. Dalek: "Genetic material extrapolated, initiate cellular reconstruction!" yelled the Dalek, as it's armor begins to repair itself and begins to free itself from the chains. Jokey: "What did you do?!" Melody: "I don't know!, I didn't use my healing powers!" Doctor: "It was the radiation your bodies absorbed while traveling through time, the Daleks used that radiation as a power source during the Time War, but never mind that, run!" shouted the Doctor, as he and the others began to make a run for it, trying to escape from the Dalek, who was now on the move. Jokey tried to stop the Dalek, only for it to use the other arm, which is like a toilet plunger, that pressed on the Jokey's face and it was suckering him to death and it crushing the skull and somehow pulls Jokey's face off, which his eyes and mouth and nose on the plunger, much to everyone's shock. Jokey then grabs the inside of the plunger and puts his face back on and ran away. Jokey: "It has a toilet plunger that kills people now?!" Doctor: "Toilet plunger?" Jokeo; "Well it does look like a toilet plunger..." Diana: "How in the world did you get your face removed and put it back on?!" Jokey: "I'm a Toon, we can do anything as long as it's funny, now uh... let's stay away from that thing's plunger of death!" Gidget: "I'm more worried about that alien gun of his!" shouted Gidget, as the Dalek begins to fire it's death ray gun at the group, who managed to dodge the blasts and were heading for the stairs. Once they got to the higher level, they see the Dalek has stopped in front of the stairs. Jokey: "Ha!, a killing alien getting beaten by stairs." Doctor: "No... it hasn't..." Jokeo: "But it's got no legs, how can it get up here?" Melody: "Um... flying..." Jokeo: "Well that's one way to get up here, but it can't fly..." Melody: "No!, I mean it's flying!" shouted Melody, pointing at the Dalek, which was now levitating up towards them. Tommy: "You got to be kidding me..." Tommy: "Must be a new feature..." Doctor: "Run!" shouted the Doctor, before he and the others began running again, and the Dalek goes after them. A lot of soldiers tried shooting the Dalek, but the bullets didn't do a thing on it, and the Dalek fires it's death ray gun that killed all the soldiers that stood in it's way. The Doctor and the others went to a hallway, trying to escape from the Dalek, when the lights began to turn red and a large steel wall was about to block the group's way out, alerting them that the place was about to be sealed off to keep the Dalek from escaping the museum. Henry Van Statten: "Hurry!" shouted Henry Van Statten, before he and the others went to the other side of the steel wall that closed up. Once everyone got a moment to take a breath, Tommy noticed that Melody and Rose were missing. Tommy: "Melody?, Miss Rose?" Doctor: "Oh no..." said the Doctor as he slowly turned to the steel wall, and hears Rose and Melody banging on it as they were trapped on the other side, and then see the Dalek behind them, shouting 'Exterminate!' and then fired it's death ray gun. Tommy fell to his knees and started crying, while Gidget was doing her best to comfort him. Tommy: "Melody... my little sister... the only family I had left... she's gone..." said Tommy as he continued to cry, while Jokey and Jokeo began to cry too, and Gidget couldn't help but shed some tears too. Doctor: "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry about Melody..." Jokeo: "And Miss Rose... she was so nice... it's not fair..." on the other side of the wall, Melody and Rose, who were still alive, turned around to see that they Dalek was near them, but has not killed them. Rose: "Go on... aren't you gonna kill us?" Melody: "Why are you doing this?!" Dalek: "I was created to kill, it is my purpose!" Rose: "All those people... they're all dead because of you!" Dalek: "They are dead because of us!, do not forget, you were the ones who brought me back to life!" said the Dalek, which made Melody widen her eyes in realization that what the Dalek said was true, she and Rose were the ones that brought the Dalek it's life back, so in a way, so many people were dead because of them, which made Melody to cry a little from guilt and sadness. Melody: "What are you waiting for?" Dalek: "I can feel your fear." Rose: "What would you expect?!" Dalek: "Daleks should never feel fear, they must never feel fear!, we can not feel fear!" shouted the Dalek in fear, acting like it was scared as it fires it's death ray gun on the wall, while Melody and Rose were scared and confused on what was happening. Rose: "It's acting really scared..." Melody: "Yeah... but why?" meanwhile, Gidget went over to use her psychic powers to see the bodies of Rose and Melody, only to see that the pair were still alive, and the Dalek was acting crazy. Gidget: "They're alive... Melody and Miss Rose... they're still alive!" said Gidget in joy, which surprised the group as hope began to fill in their hearts. Tommy: "Are you sure?!" Gidget: "Yeah... but the Dalek... it's acting crazy... almost as if it was... scared of something..." Doctor: "But Daleks don't have fear... the only emotion they have is hate..." Jokey: "Come one bro, let's get Melody and Miss Rose out of there!" Jokeo: "You got it!" Henry Van Statten: "Wait!, you can't do that!, that wall costs a lot of money!" Diana: "Besides, that thing will get out!" Jokey: "We don't care!, our friends are in there!" said Jokey, before he begins to transform into a large anthropomorphic wooly mammoth, while Jokeo transforms into a large anthropomorphic giraffe, and they both charged towards the steel wall and broke it down, freeing Rose, Melody and the Dalek in the process. Melody sees Tommy running up to her and gave her a big hug while crying. Tommy: "Little sis... I thought I lost you forever..." Melody: "You know that you can't get rid of me that easily..." that was when the Dalek started to approach Henry Van Statten, who was getting very scared. Dalek: "Henry Van Statten... you have tortured me... why?!" Henry Van Statten: "I uh... I was only trying to know more about you, I swear, I just wanted you to talk!" Dalek: "Then hear me talk now!, exterminate!" Rose: "No stop!, there must be something you want more than just killing!, there has to be... what do you want?!" asked Rose with a shout, before the Dalek takes another look at Henry Van Statten, and then looked at Rose again. Dalek: "I want... freedom..." said the Dalek as it goes off somewhere, while the Doctor noticed an opened door that leads to a room full of weapons. When the Dalek was at the first floor of the base, it fired it's death ray gun at the ceiling, leaving a big hole that lets out the sun's light shining through. Rose and Melody and the others see that the Dalek was looking at the sun. Rose: "Wow... I never thought I would see the sun again..." Dalek: "How... does... it... feel?" asked the Dalek, as it began to open it's armor casing, revealing the true Dalek inside, which looked like an alien squid/octopus with one eye. The others just stood there and watched the Dalek getting sunlight on it's skin, until they hear the Doctor, who was holding an alien gun, telling them to get out of the way. Doctor: "Rose... kids... get out of the way." Melody: "But we can't... I won't let you kill it..." Doctor: "That thing killed hundreds of people!" Rose: "It's not the one pointing a gun at us." Doctor: "I got to end this... the Daleks destroyed my home!, my people!, I got nothing left!" Rose: "But look at it!" said Rose, pointing at the Dalek, which confused the Doctor a lot, as he never seen a Dalek doing what this one was doing before. Doctor: "What's it doing?" Rose: "It wanted sunlight, that's what it wanted." Doctor: "But it couldn't..." Rose: "It couldn't kill me... or Melody, or Mr Statten, it's changing!... what about you Doctor... what have you changed into?" asked Rose, before the Doctor lowers his gun, feeling completely lost. Doctor: "I couldn't... I wasn't... oh Rose... they're all dead..." Dalek: "Why do we... survive?" Doctor: "...I don't know..." Dalek: "I... am the last of the... Daleks..." Doctor: "You're not even that... Rose and Melody's touch did more than regenerate you... you have absorbed some of their DNA... you're mutating..." Dalek: "Into... what?" Doctor: "Something new... oh I'm so sorry..." Rose: "But isn't that better?" Doctor: "... Not for a Dalek... it drives them mad..." Dalek: "I can feel... so many ideas... so much darkness... the pain... the feeling of death... so much coldness... Rose... Melody... give me orders... order me... to die..." Melody: "What?!" Rose: "We can't do that..." Dalek: "This is not life... this is... sickness... I can not... be like you..." Melody: "What's so wrong about being like us?... being someone who cares about the life of others?" Dalek: "The feelings... it's too much... the guilt of killing... it's unbearable... and yet... I was made to kill... I am... nothing..." Melody: "No you're not!, don't say that!, you're not gonna die!, I won't let you!, live!... that's an order." Dalek: "Why...?, why would you want me... to live?" Melody: "Because I seen enough death here... I will not see another..." Dalek: "But... I have no purpose... I... have nowhere to go..." Rose: "Yes you do... you can come with us." Doctor: "What?!" Jokeo: "Are you sure about that?" Rose: "Well we can't leave him like this... or leave him here for that matter, right?" Doctor: "... No... we can't... but Rose... you can't trust a Dalek..." Rose: "But you said it yourself... it's no longer a Dalek..." Doctor: "... Fair point..." Tommy: "And we can't argue with Melody... once she sets her mind on something... there's no way of changing it..." Gidget: "Yeah... but if Dalek is gonna come with us... we'll have to disable it's weapons." Doctor: "Yes... good idea." Dalek: "So... I shall be a prisoner to my enemy?" Doctor: "In a way... yes... but you will live... like it or not..." Dalek: "So... be it..." said Dalek, as it closed up it's armor, and it begins to follow the Doctor and the others. When they got to the TARDIS, the Doctor was making sure the Dalek got in and not tried to touch the controls of the console. Tommy: "Hey Doctor... I was thinking... if Dalek here survived... maybe some of your people survived the Time War too." Doctor: "... I doubt it..." Gidget: "So... where are we gonna keep him?" Doctor: "There should be a prison cell through that door... Dalek will stay in there until I say otherwise." Melody: "Do we really have to lock Dalek up?" Doctor: "It's either that or destroying it... and that's not what you want..." said the Doctor, before he leads the Dalek to a door that leads it to a hallway that goes to a prison cell, where Dalek was put in, and the cell had an energy force field that will keep Dalek contained until the Doctor says otherwise. It wasn't long before the TARDIS begins to vanish from the museum, and Henry Van Statten freaked out as he sees that the Doctor and his companions were already gone. Suddenly, a big ball of fire appeared in front of the museum owner, and once the flame faded away, the Demon Trio came to the scene, and they were cross. ScreamClaw: "Henry Van Statten... we need to talk..." Henry Van Statten: "Oh... hello boys... what's up...?" ThunderSmacker: "Do you remember the bargain we made years ago?, the one that in return of giving you the alien stuff for your collection... you give us those little brats..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... the ones that were just here..." Henry Van Statten: "Uh... I was gonna get them..." ScreamClaw: "You had them right in the palm of your hand!, and you let them get away!" Henry Van Statten: "I can find them!, just give me another chance!" ScreamClaw: "It's too late, they're already outside of this place and time... so if we can't have their souls... we'll have yours instead..." said ScreamClaw with an evil grin on his face, before he grabs Henry Van Statten and then the group vanished into a big ball of fire, which faded away and they all vanished without a trace.

DOCTOR WHO 2005 JDD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now