The Unquiet Dead

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After ending their visit on Platform 1 in the year 5 Billion, the Doctor was now piloting the TARDIS through the Time Vortex to travel back in time. Doctor: "Alright you lot, we had a visit in the future, now let's have a look in the past... how about 1860, how does that sound?" Rose: "What happens in 1860?" Doctor: "I don't know, let's find out." said the Doctor, before he sets the controls of the TARDIS console to fly the ship to the past, and it wasn't long before it made a landing. Tommy: "So... we're in the past now?" Doctor: "Yup, somewhere in the year 1860, December 24th... Christmas Eve." Melody: "Seriously?" Doctor: "Yup, now come on." Rose: "Uh... are you sure that's a good idea?, I mean... the kids don't really look uh... human... they'll draw a lot of unwanted attention..." Doctor: "Hmm... then they should put on a disguise." Jokey: "Good idea!" so a moment later, the Doctor and Rose stepped out of the TARDIS, and they were looking at what looked like an old fashioned town of the late 19th century, when the Toon kids came out, wearing trench coats and hats. Rose: "What in the world...?" Jokeo: "These were the only clothes that we had that we could hide our animal features..." Doctor: "Follow me back into the TARDIS, there should be some clothes there." Rose: "You didn't mentioned this before..." Doctor: "It just slipped my mind... follow me." said the Doctor, before he leads the group to another room of the TARDIS, which is the wardrobe, and there were many clothes to pick from. A few moments later, Rose came out with a fancy outfit that can be seen in the late 19th century, while the Toon kids were in 19th century outfits out their own, and the Doctor couldn't help but blush a little by the sight of Rose. Doctor: "Blimey..." Rose: "Don't laugh." Doctor: "You look beautiful... for a human I mean..." Gidget: "What about me and Melody here?" Tommy: "You two look amazing as well." Melody: "Thanks." said Melody, before the group went out of the TARDIS again. Doctor: "Here we go... history." said the Doctor, as he and his companions started walking down the streets, hearing some people singing Christmas carols and some kids having a snowball fight. That was when the Doctor managed to but himself a newspaper and looks at the date. Doctor: "Hmm... got the flight a bit wrong..." Rose: "How so?" Doctor: "It's not 1860... it's 1869... and this place... it's Cardiff." Rose: "Right... hey... where's Jokey?" Melody: "Huh?, wasn't he with us a moment ago?" Jokeo: "Bro?, where are ya?" Gidget: "Look, [seeing Jokey's footprints] there's his footprints, we better follow them." said Gidget, before she and the others begin to follow the tracks. Soon they find them leading to a building, and they went inside to see an audience listening to a man with a beard talking. Doctor: "No way... this is fantastic!" Rose: "What is?" Doctor: "See that man?, that there is the one and only Charles Dickens." Tommy: "Seriously?!, the man who wrote 'A Christmas Carol'?!" Melody: "Wow... a famous writer..." Jokeo: "That's cool and all... but where's Jokey?, the tracks in the snow lead us here... but I don't see him..." Gidget: "I do..." said Gidget in annoyance, pointing at Jokey, who was eating some of the food that was on a table for the guests to eat while listening to the story. Jokey: "Hi guys, want a bite?" Jokeo: "I sure do." said Jokeo, before he joins his brother on the food. Rose: "Wow... they sure love to eat." Doctor: "You have no idea..." that was when they hear Charles Dickens (played by Simon Callow) speaking to the audience, on the part where Scrooge saw Marley's face on the door. Charles: "The knocker was no longer a knocker, but it was Marley's face... it looked at Scrooge like how he used to look... it looked like..." before Mr Dickens could finish, Jokey noticed an old woman that was glowing and looked ghostly. Jokey: "Like that?" asked Jokey, before the old lady screamed and some sort of ghost like being came out of her mouth, flying around the room, scaring everyone in the room, excluding the Doctor of course. Doctor: "Now that's more like it." said the Doctor with excitement, before Rose noticed that a trio of hooded men came and took the old lady away, and she decided to follow them, and so did the kids. Rose: "Oi, where are you taking her?" asked Rose, before one of the hooded men removed the hood, revealing the face of ScreamClaw himself. ScreamClaw: "Same place where you're all going..." Gidget: "Demon trio?!" Rose: "First the future, now the past?!" gasped Rose, before SpaceWarp came in front of her and the kids, and then he exhales some sort of gas from his mouth that caused them to fall asleep, and then the Demon trio takes the group into a hearse with the body of the old lady. It wasn't long before the Doctor saw what was happening to Rose and the kids, and he was shocked. Doctor: "Rose!, kids!" shouted the Doctor, before the hearse gets pulled away by some horses, and then sees a coach nearby and tells the driver to follow that hearse, just as soon as Charles Dickens came to the scene. Charles: "Hey you can't take this coach!" Doctor: "Why ever not?" Charles: "Why?, a very good reason, cause this is my coach!" Doctor: "Then get onboard!" Charles: "Why do you want to go after that hearse?" Doctor: "Because some friends of mine have been taken in there, they're my responsibility!" Charles: "Kidnapping eh?, then what are we waiting for, driver, after that hearse!" called out Charles Dickens, before the coach heads off to go after the hearse. When Rose and the kids woke up, they see that they were all tied up together on some chairs, and the Demon trio stood before them. ScreamClaw: "Had a nice nap?" Tommy: "Oh man... they're back..." Rose: "Yeah, we all noticed that already..." Jokey: "Where are we?" ThunderSmacker: "Your grave..." said ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons turned around and the group saw some sort of ghost like being going into the old lady's body, and the old dead woman started to get up and was coming towards them like a zombie. Melody: "Ah!, a zombie!" Gidget: "I think she's possessed by a ghost by the looks of it..." Jokey: "Ghosts during Christmas time?, no way." Jokeo: "Um... Jokey... A Christmas Carol... remember?" Jokey: "Oh yeah..." Rose: "Is that really a ghost?" ScreamClaw: "Not exactly... but you're going to be one if you don't surrender those kids to us." Rose: "The answer is still no!" ScreamClaw: "Then prepare to meet your end." said ScreamClaw, before the doors opened up and the Doctor and Charles Dickens came into the scene. Doctor: "Oh it's you again?" ScreamClaw: "Surprised?" Doctor: "A little... whenever I meet an old enemy, they don't normally show up again so soon right after the last encounter." Charles: "What in Shakespeare are they?!" ThunderSmacker: "Your worst nightmare, old man." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Doctor: "And the old woman, who is she?" ScreamClaw: "Just a client that needs the rift to open up." said ScreamClaw, before the old woman opens her mouth and the ghostly like figure came out and vanished, while the body of the old woman falls to the ground. Rose: "What's the rift?" Doctor: "A weak point in time and space, the connection between this place and another, that's the cause of ghost stories, most of the time." Jokey: "Hey uh... could you um... untie us now?" Gidget; "Hold on..." said Gidget, before she started to glow, along with the other kids and Rose, before they vanished, much to the group's surprise. Charles: "What in the world...?" Doctor: "Where did you do?!" ScreamClaw: "Us?, we didn't do that!" Doctor: "Then where did they go?" meanwhile, Rose and the kids were in another room, finally freed from the ropes, when they see a young woman all tied up to a chair. Her name was Gwyneth (played by Eve Myles), and she was surprised to see the group. Gwyneth: "Who are you?" Rose: "Um... I'm Rose, and these kids are my friends." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Melody: "I'm Melody." Jokey and Jokeo: "And we're Jokey and Jokeo, twins." Gwyneth: "I can see that." Rose: "Here, let us help you." said Rose, before she unties the young woman, freeing her at last. Tommy: "What happened?" Gwyneth: "Those Demons... they captured me... they want me for my sight..." Gidget: "What do you mean?" Gwyneth: "I can see things... like the one named Rose... she's from London... but not the one I know... a London where people can fly in metal birds... the things you've seen... the darkness... the big Bad Wolf..." Rose: "Bad Wolf?" Gidget: "You got psychic powers too?" Gwyneth: "You could say that... I suppose you have the gift too?" Gidget: "Yeah... and more... did you made a deal with the Demons?" Gwyneth: "No... I had this power since I was a little girl... but my parents told me to hide it..." Doctor: "But it gets stronger and stronger?" asked the Doctor, who came to the room through a door. Gwyneth: "Yes sir... that's right... all the time... every night... voices in my head..." Jokeo: "When did you get in here?" Doctor: "Just a few seconds ago... and don't worry about those demon creeps, I've taken care of them." said the Doctor, pointing at the Demon trio, who were now tied up to some rope and didn't had their pitch forks. Jokey: "Ha!, who are the prisoners now?" said Jokey and he and Jokeo laughed at the trio's situation. Doctor: "Anyway, back with you uh..." Gwyneth: "It's Gwyneth, sir." Doctor: "Right, Gwyneth, you grew up on top of the rift, you're part of it, you're the key." Tommy: "To do what?" Doctor: "To make contact with whatever was possessing that woman." said the Doctor, before he and everyone, including Charles Dickens, were sitting around a round table, and Gwyneth begins to use her ability to make contact with the spirits that live on the other side of the Rift. The ghosts were known as the Gelth, which were an alien race that lost their bodies in a war, and told the group that they were trying to get through the Rift and need the dead bodies of humans to live again, but couldn't stay in them for very long, had to revert into gas and hide in the gas pipes for a little while, and also saying they need Gwyneth to open the Rift wide enough for the Gelth to get through. Rose didn't like the idea of dead bodies being used by ghost like aliens, but it was the Doctor's call as he wanted to help the Gelth, and Gwyneth wanted to help the Gelth as well, but Gidget had a bad feeling about the aliens. They went to the morgue, where there were dead bodies, and then the Gelth leader came, asking Gwyneth to stand under her, which she did, and that was when the rest of the Gelth came out, and trouble began to brew. Turns out that there were like a billion of them, and they wanted the dead bodies of the human race, and it wasn't long before an army of Gelth possessing human zombies got up and were ready to kill the group. Rose: "I told you this was a bad idea!" Doctor: "Alright!, you don't have to rub it in!" Jokey: "Oh man... getting killed by ghostly aliens made of gas..." Charles: "Gas... gas!" said Charles Dickens, as an idea came into his head and went to do something in the house. Rose: "But I can't die here... I wasn't even born yet..." Doctor: "Time is flux, you can be born in the 20th century and die in the 19th century... and in Cardiff of all places..." Rose: "It's not just dying... we'll become one of them..." Doctor: "Well... at least we'll go through it together... I'm really glad to have met you all..." Rose: "Yeah... me too..." meanwhile, Charles Dickens was turning all the flames off of the gas lamps, so that the gas would be released into the air, before returning to the others. Charles: "Everyone, turn off the lamps, fill the air with gas!" Tommy: "What are you talking about?" Charles: "These beings are made of gas, correct?" Doctor: "Of course!, fill the room with gas, and they'll be drawn out of their hosts!" said the Doctor, before the Gelth began to come out of their hosts, and that was when the Doctor's group took Gwyneth and all made a run for it. As for the Demon trio, they finally managed to free themselves, and grabbed their pitch forks. ScreamClaw: "That Doctor... he will pay for this humiliation!" ThunderSmacker: "Yeah!, I will light him like a match, like this!" SpaceWarp: "Wait... s-s-stop!" but it was too late, ThunderSmacker used his pitch fork to light up like a match, and the gas in the house got mixed with the flame, causing the whole place to explode, burning it down to the ground. Doctor: "The Rift's been closed..." Melody: "But what caused the fire?" Tommy: "Who knows... at least the Gelth have been stopped..." Gwyneth: "To think... I used to think they were angels... but they weren't..." Rose: "I'm sorry..." Gwyneth: "It's alright... at least they've been stopped..." Jokeo: "What are you gonna do now?" Gwyneth: "I don't know... probably start with not living in morgues." said Gwyneth, which made the others laughed a little, before she left the scene. A little later, the Doctor and his companions, and Charles Dickens, arrived to the TARDIS. Doctor: "Now then... we'll be in the shed... so Charles... what are you gonna do now?" Charles: "Well... maybe I could write some new stories... ones that will have these... beings from another world." Rose: "Is that wise?" Charles: "Well I don't know... I could give it a try." Doctor: "Well... it was fantastic meeting you." Charles: "Why are you saying that like this is goodbye, where are you going?, and who exactly are you?" Doctor: "... Just a friend passing by, and we're going to the shed." Charles: "All 7 of you together?" Tommy: "Yeah... it's actually more roomier than you think." Charles: "Alright... but tell me... my books... will they last?" Doctor: "Of course." Charles: "But for how long?" Doctor: "... Forever." said the Doctor, before he and his companions went inside the TARDIS, which left Charles Dickens having the feeling of happiness in his heart. Rose: "But Doctor, won't history be changed if he writes about the Gelth?" Doctor: "In a week's time, it's 1870, and that's the very year that Charles Dickens dies." Melody: "Oh no... but he was so nice..." Doctor: "He was already dead in your time, but we managed to meet him alive in his time... come on, let's give him one last surprise." said the Doctor, before he starts up the ship's engines, and the TARDIS vanishes without a trace, which surprised Charles Dickens a lot, before he started to laugh as a man said 'Merry Christmas' to him. Charles: "Merry Christmas!, God bless us!, everyone!"

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