The brightest Star in Hell, t...

By RealMasty

3.5K 75 43

Lucifer and Alastor hate eachother. After the fight with Adam alastor got weaker but denies it. Apparently ch... More

Enough is Enough
It doesnt do what i want!
You know the bible well, sinner
Are his wings the only problems?
There is nothing, in the heart of yours. You are a monster
Blood looks good on you, deer
what are you doing here.
The Radio is surrounded by two bads and one good
Divine wings and the bruises from a Sinner
I can feel my heart breaking, mistakes I've been making.
He is the type of flower that can still grow after the forest fire
Cameras are everywhere
Come on, what acts of naughtiness have your angelic looks been able to cover up?

whose purple nails...are those...

287 6 7
By RealMasty

                        ╭⊱ꕥ Chapter 5  ꕥ⊱╮

When lucifer woke up, alastor was long gone, his hand is where there would be alastors face. Ah he remembers, his soft ears, the fur--.... EHEM NU UH stop thinking lucifer stop! He should rather care for alastors disappearance, i mean it was obvious that he will leave but- without a note or a thank you? Bastard.

Holy shit it was 1 pm?!

Lucifer stood up directly and got dressed, running downstairs. "Oh? Dad hey...-!" Angel laughed in the back? Why would he laugh?

"Hey char char! Pew im sorry i overslept a little" she looked at his coat, why would she look down there- er well why are they strange today.

"Dad- where were you- erm last night?" Where i was? 

"In my room?" Angle couldnt hold back more of his laugh. Husk growled, slapping angels head and charlie- she looked happy? Or uh sappy- worried but happy? Honestly i dont know.

"Where you- woth alastor-? Erm-" how would she know? Well good guess.

"Oh er yea first we were at his room then in mine"

"Wooow~ it got this wild huh~" wild- why--- i mean it did....


"Dad youre wearing the wrong coat-" lucifer looked down at himself... he was wearing alastors coat, FUCKING ALASTORS COAT.

he feels his face getting warmer, taking off the coat and throwing it away. Where tf did he got that coat from- alastor wasnt undressing in his room-...SHIT thats the damn coat alastor gave him when he was asleep fuck fuck fuck thats damn embarrassing.

"It's a mistake! He forgot this damn coat after er our fight" Angel grins, his eyebrow raise the slightest.

Oh fucking hell!

"Now why is my lovely coat on the ground" alastor appeared behind lucifer, scaring the SHIT out of him. AGAIN. "I told you not to sneak up on me!" Alastor just grins tho he looked not at lucifer. Alastor snapped and his other coat which was one the ground was gone.

"Ohh-kayyyy-" charlie looked between them but then spoke to everyone. "Lets make a movie night! Oh and dad and alastor u make dinner later!" Charlie smiled brightly. Actually, movie night doesn't sound THAT bad, he looks forward to it, but not the cooking with alastor.

Talking about alastor, he is- strangely more away from lucifer then the last times, does it have to do with- yesterday night--- I mean alastor almost hugged him, fell asleep next to him in his bed and lucifers hand was--- in his hair, rather ears.... to my defense! Alastor liked it and it looks like he needed it! None of that is my fault! Plus he is an asshole for not even saying thank you!



Alastor doesn’t know how and why he was in Lucifer’s room this morning and why his hand was— in his hair touching his ears also. Strange, he never let anyone touch them, not even when he was asleep. He would wake up immediately.

Ignoring that, alastors pain was gone, thankfully. He is concerned what this damn lucifer did with his feelings, the touch was strange, different to be precise.

It doesnt matter right now, he has better things to think about. How to get out of the deal.

Lucifer probably could help but he would get oh so emotional when he gets to know who owns his soul, and where this person is. He can forget lucifer, or all morningstars.

One of the deadly sins would be an idea but they wouldnt help him. So he needs a deal, with lucifer.

Alastor walked downstairs, seeing lucifer in his coat talking to the others. He looks confused his hair isnt in the right place either but something- something at this view is delightful. Not his stupid face tho, maybe because Red is a beautiful colour and maybe thats HIS coat which looks so beautiful.

Lucifers eyes widen, he had a small blush on his cheek. Alastor never understood that, its not that hot is it?

Oh and his coat went flying to the ground, now thats a waste of good clothes.

He melted into the ground and appears behind lucifer.

"Now why is my lovely coat on the ground" lucifer jumped and alastor had to hold back his little giggle, its always funny to see him like this. Lucifer and charlie talk but alastor was somewhere else with his thoughts. What he hears is 'dont sneak up on me'     'movie night'    'alastor and lucifer make dinner'

Wait what. He snapped his head to charlie and looked at her. Him and lucifer? Making dinner? I will make jambalaya, if this snake is going to do Something else, alastor will ignore him. 

Lucifer looked over to him, glaring and alastor could feel his tail leaning down. This will be fun.

Everyone left and alastor just ignores lucifer, walking into the kitchen. Honestly, he does not want to see him, remembering last night. 

He never slept with ANYONE in one bed, not in his human years even, except his mother and maybe some guys- but he would rather not want to think abou---

"Whats wrong" lucifers voice was all of sudden behind him. Geez he is worse then lilith sometimes.

"Why would you suggest that something is wrong, your majesty?" Alastor tries to stay away a little more, still trying not to look at him.

Yesterday was a mistake. He was tired and for some unexplainable reason did he wanted to not be alone.

Might be because of the pain and exhaustion.

"Oh come on, your ears are in an different angle" alastor was a bit surprised by that. Yes he knows his ears give away, he can suppress that mostly but not always, the more and stronger he feels he--- "you can't feel, fawn." Lilith..



He could feel his ears even getting further down, lying on his skull, his smile is thight but smaller. Not right now. Alastor not right now.

"Your majesty?" He holds his smile up again, trying to forget her voice.

Lucifer has a strange look on his face. Alastor does not like that. As if he pities him.

"Is something wrong? Are you still hurt?" Luciger leans his head a little to the side, he is frowning and a wrinkle appears between hsi eyebrows.

"Oh nothing to worry about my small king!" Alastor tries to forget this, forcing his ears up but he now comes closer to lucifer to tug some strands of hair, which are sticking out, up. Lucifer closed one eye at that, now alastor could see his face getting golden (a blush).

Only after some seconds of staring alastor noticed what he had done so he stepped back some steps and stood at the stove, preparing his jambalaya while his tail was wagging, which he didnt noticed.

He is completely out of mind and he hates it. Despise it, the worst part is that lucifer makes it even worse.

"What you making-.." lucifer broke the silence.

"My mothers favourite, jambalaya" lucifer came closer and looked over his shoulder. Alasttor tries not to stiff at that.

"Ohh no no no no, we make pancakes!" Pancakes? does he have a pea brain?

"As far as i know, pancakes are for breakfast not dinner but who do i joke to? There is no brain in here"

He pokes lucifers forehead and leans down to him too, lucifer grabbed his collar and pulled his face even closer.

Alastor was concentrated on lucifers mad face and his eyes but when lucifer pulled away alastor noticed how close they were just now.

"Your temper is as short as you" alastor continued to cook and he could only hear lucifer angry noises but he started to cook soon, making his pancakes while alastor does his jambalaya.

He was just about to make a taste test when wings slapped his spoon our of hand all of sudden.

"Heavens- im sorry--- they just- come out lately" he took them and hugged them a little and alastor was just about to ask why but when he saw how shit his wings looks, he already knows it.

"It must hurt" he looks at his jambalaya which was ready by now but he could feel lucifers eyes Burning holes into the side of his head.

"No- i mewn yes- but its not of your concern"

"Well it is my concern if it gets on my nerves" now alastor was looking at a confused lucifer tho he had something else in his eyes.

"Cant you do it yourself" at that, lucifer turned away and alastor scoffs.

"I can do it, its not like I do it for the first time" alastor did it alot times for husk, what difference does it make that he does it for lucifer, after all.. he healed his wound so its a fair deal.

"H-huh, oh no! Ehem its alr! Dont worry uhhh" alastor touched his wings a little and lucifer winced at that. 

"It does not seem alright" he sighs and looks away from alastor, clearly fighting with his thoughts.

"Alr fine.." he said it in a low voice and alastor nods.


Lucifer has NO idea what just happened. First the- touchy alastor, them the coat THEN THE TUGGING BACK HAIR? and NOW the wing preening!

He cant believe this but- is this a start if a friendship? Is this how it works? Because he had friends but- his friends didnt do THAT plus they wouldnt even help with his wings, he thought it would be rather- intimate but now that alastor asked- i mean it does hurt plus its damn annoying but alastor-? Of all people?

Oh talking about alastor, earlier he looked- scared? No he dont look scared erm.. he looked different, almost- sad but that doesnt make sense.

Lucifer opened his door and tept to the side to let alastod come in, closing it then.

"So erm- uh alr- how- how we do this-?" Alastor looked down at him as if he is stupid. "What asshole!" Alastor came closer. "Everything has to be done by my own, tch tch" he puts his both hands on lucifers shoulder, leading him on the bed and makes him sit. Lucifer was a bit shocked by the movement and the touch, but he makes himself comfortable and sits cross-legged while alastor gets on the bed too, sitting behind him looking at all 6 wings.

It took a while until he finally took one of the wings into his hand and lucifer felt a shiver run down his spine. His hand is warm.. he notices it before too when his hand was touching his forehead and shoulders its comfortable.

"They are worse then i thought still soft tho" was that a compliment? It was a compliment- wow didnt thought he could do that. "Just- take care"

Lucifers back was almost free, his wings ripped most of his clothes but thats fine. I hope thats fi---

He let out a yelp and stiffed, Alastors hand brushed slightly against his naked back. Alastor prob didnt noticed.

He continued stroking one of lucifers wing pair, holding them carefully. It feels good really good, lucifer has to take care that he doesn't lean back. Fuck.. he does it good.

"How can someone so strong and royal have such wings, tch tch" it was a scold but also a compliment- ig..

Well lucifer doesnt care rn he just want to feel his hands and nothing--- okay that sounds sus but he means on his wings! His hands are talente--- OKAY NO NOT IN THAT WAY.

The way alastor took care of his wings, not even lilith did it this gently.

Lucifer closes his eyes and leans a little back, he could swear his tail was out too but he doesn't care.

"You seem to enjoy it majesty, your tail tells it" hm? Lucifer didnt dare to open his eyes.

He shouldn't feel so good but he does.

"Dont fall asleep" alastors voice didnt had any radio Filter in, it was pretty.

"A-ah- that tickles!" Lucifer laughs and alastor continues. Lucifer couldnt see but alastors smile was genuinely. "Alastor! Stoooppp" alastor stops.

"Were done, lucifer" lucifer wipes some tears away from laughing and after hearing his name he could swear his heart skipped a beat but suddenly he feels a breath on his neck. He stiffens and a blush creeps up his face. "W-wha--"

"You smell good.." he could feel alastors nose touching his neck. Shit shit shit- whats this- what is he doing       smelling good? Heavens-.

Before he could say something else he felt teeths on his neck and- IT HURTS- IS THIS FUCKER EATING HIM ALIVE?! 



"GET OFF FUCKER" he pushed alastor away and puts his hand on his neck ">:("

Alastor licked the last drops of the golden blood off of his lips and it was- hot-? I need bleach after this na ah this will be in my memory forever.

"Fucker" he stood up and got himself a new shirt the bite is a little visible but it goes away in some minutes so who cares. Alastot dat there, watching lucifer with a big smile, bastard. I forgot he is a cannibal, does he like drinking- ewgh- erm does he like drinking blood? Is he a vampire? Lucifer scoffs. I mean it was- it would feel good if he didn't tries to EAT him. He'll what am I thinking, it won't feel good because it won't happen again. God this sinner cant be gently huh, oh well he eas with his wings..and hair-. AHEM anyway

"Come on, the food and then movie" he walks off and alastor follows him like a kitten. Pft funny, kitten. Lucifer chuckles.

"Now what's there to laugh in your spinning mind" lucifer rolls his eyes with a smile

"None of your business bambi" alastor stiffens but continues to walk quickly.

"Dont call me that." His voice was dark but something was behind it but he really cant figure it out rn, maybe some softness?

"Dad heyyy" charlie walked over to them both looking only at lucifer. "We were talking about movies, which genre u like?" Ah- genre? Lucifer doesnt really watch tv- but alastor spoke for him. "Oh why dont we watch a horror movie? I would love to see the king being scared" . Fucker, as if!

"In your dreams demon." Lucifer glared at him, both stood still next to eachother. They got close not gonna lie but lucifer thinks thats alr, ehich is strange considering he despised this man just 3 weeks ago. Well what should he say, memories make a friendship.

"Husk was for a horror movie too! Lets watch this then" vaggie looked over to us and hugs charlie from behind. Lucifer couldnt hide the smile, it's nice that charlie got the love of her life. Lucifer wishes lilith was---.

He frowned. Does he really wish that..? Its been too long that's why. "Your majesty, why are you standing like that. Everyone sat down already" lucifer looks a little bit startled but he got back in mind. "Yes yes" both of them walked over to the sofa, husk and Angel are sitting on the ground with pillows and a blanket, charlie and vaggie are cuddling and beside them is enough space for lucifer and alastor. Wow. He has to sit beside that prick. Ugh!

Okay calm down lucifer, its not like u never had been close to him-.

Alastor sat down first, on the edge of the sofa, lucifer doesnt mind sitting beside charlie and vaggie so he sat down, it was a bit thight, so that their thights are touching, and the touch is burning into his skin. He doesnt know why hes like that around alastor but it concerns him.

Alastor seems like he doesnt really care and his back was still stiff. Lucifer tho leaned back and made himself comfy. He actually doesnt like such movies or horror stuff, devil or not, charlie was the same as it seems like, she was hugging vaggie tightly, husk and Angel are laughing.

After some more minutes the first jumpscare came, no one except charlie and lucifer jumped, charlie even let out a small screech, hugging vaggie even more. Lucifer leaned closer to alastor and swung his arms around alastors and his legs are pulled closer to his body.

Alastor on the other hand just relaxed but when lucifer hugged the others arm, he got stiff again. What he doesnt do is pushing the other away so lucifer continued to hug his arm, trying to hide the fear, he then realised what he done and moved away from alastor quickly. "Ahem that was because i uh saw charlie moving and i uh..yes it was an act" lucifer doesnt look at alastor but he knows alastor looks at lucifer.

Ignoring that they continued to watch, alastor was calm and got comfy on the sofa, the touches from lucifer doesnt stiffen him like before, their thights are even touching more and he could weel the warmth coming iver to his body. It was quite nice to he honest.

Angel fell asleep on husks shoulder, husk just let it be and continues to drink his beer but he looks like he will fall asleep any moment too. Vaggie fell asleep too, charlie was still watching the movie. "Seems like the morningstars have a gene that makes them able to stay away longer" alastor leaned down a little and lucifer could feel him now even more,

His whole side was touching alastors and its suprises him that alastor is STILL here and let it happen.

Lucifer whispers back. "Shut up, shouldn't you be asleep fawn" lucifer thought it was funny but alastor looked almost disturbed, as if lucifer had grown a second head. His ears flicked, now he looks rather mad but- only because he said fawn? It eas rather to joke around. "All the same. Like i said." Now alastor dissapeared. What- what just happened, shit was it lucifers fault i mean obvious. Fuck...

Shit he already misses the warmth... fuuuuck why tf did he said something back. Lucifer crosses his arms and just sighs. Should he go to him? Meh it would be strange... I just er- let it be for now..

Lucifer was the whole movie unfocused, thinking about the radio demon.


Alastor appeared in his room, now letting his ears do whatever they want, he doesnt force them to stay up anymore.

The touches, the small hugs, he doesnt know what to do with them and he even let it happen. Lucifer does this on purpose, yes he does. He is the devil, liliths husband.

Alastor shouldnt feel anything, no comfort no happiness no nothing. Hes not made for this.

he hits the wall and tears it apart with his nails, pulling them back, up to his hair.

No. He needs something! Someone! He needs to be free. He feels caged.

He pulls out some of his hair. This shouldnt had happened, being close to lucifer. None of this, he hates this man, yes he does, he cant have him as a friend, lilith makes it----

"Lilith was" a chain appeared around alastors throat. Now alastor is silent, wrapping his hand around the chains. Lilith stood infront of him, in person. 

Alastor tries to go backwards but he got pulled forward. "Now now, where you think youre going?" 

Lilith comes closer and closer, her heels clacking on the ground. Every pull on his chain gets more painful.

"I made a deal woth you, thinking you have no feelings, that you wont get ATTACHED" by that word she came so close that alastors nose almost touched hers and when he wanted to back away she pulled him closer again.

"What? Scared? Little fawn" oh how much he HATES this word. He despise it.

Lilith cups his face, alastors ears are lying on his skull and he was trembling. "Now now dont be scared little one hm? First you dare to come close to my daughter."

She says the word daughter with despise, alastpr doesnt understand that. Charlie is a good child, one that dreams alot but still she is kind at heart, yes she can get manipulated easily but that doesnt mean she is something or someone to hate.

"And now you dare to come closer to MY HUSBAND"

she slapped alastor across his face, alastor didnt react, nothing  new.

"You need punishment dont you think."  She pushed alastor against the wall, making his chain tighter. Alastor could barely breath, closing one eye as he looks down but when he looked up he could see the green lines from his mouth to Lilith's fingertips, those lines are seam tapes, to let him always smile. She makes them tighter, making alastors smile lift, blood rolls down his lips.

"Smile, my little pet" she laughed, she laughed loud and devilish. Almost dry but she likes seeing alastor bleed and suffer.

"You think thats all?" Was somethin she said before alastor could feel drill something through his palm. He yelped out of confusion. What-

He looks to the side, seeing a big purple nail which pierces his hand and nails him to the wall. Shit...

There were more nails, more and more and alastor only could see red, green and purple. He got hit and slapped and more worse, just because he talked to lucifer, lucifer morningstar. It will never happen again.





Alastor groaned out in pain, unable to move anywhere. He was pinned to a wall with purple nails, some through his clothes some through his body. The person that did this was long gone, leaving alastor to die there. He fought to stay awake, but he felt exhausted. His eyes feel heavy, he want to sleep, to close his eyes forever. He closed his eyes, feeling wet and warm because of the blood.

Before he fainted, he heard his door open.

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