Cote React: Multiverse of inf...

By Random4012

169K 4.7K 4.4K

An unknown guest invites the ANHS students to react to different universes that will mainly focus on our prot... More

Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 1
Better Live Than Undead: Part 1
A/N :2
ANHS: Class S: Part 1
Better Alive Than Undead: Part 2
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 2
Unexpected Death
Random Images and Stuff
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 3
One Man Army
Lovestruck Eavesdroppers I
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 4
Special Reaction
Commissionkouji: Part 1
Two One Shots In One Chapter
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 5
A/N: 3
One-shots: 1
Ayano The Overlord: Part 1
Ayano The Overlord: Part 2
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 6
One-shots: 2
A/N: 4
Better Alive Than Undead III
The Brutal Masterpiece: Part 1
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 7.1
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 7.2
Classroom of the Elite: Alter - Self-Test: Part 1

One-shots: 3

3K 91 188
By Random4012

Pov Ayanokouji: 

The sun rose again indicating the beginning of a new day on the 'Speranza' cruise ship.

'How many days have we been here?', I asked myself as I got out of my bed.

I stopped counting how many days passed after the entity told us that it would return to us at the same moment when we arrived here.

Of course, if he told the truth.

Firstly, can archangels lie?

Now a new question crosses my mind.

But whatever the answer, I guess more days here are more days of freedom in a way.

Although if I didn't have to see myself on that screen every day it would be much better...

For the moment I decided to put those thoughts aside to go eat something before going to the theater.

*After a minutes*

I finished breakfast, it was nothing extravagant as usual.

Now with this done I made my way to the theater once more.

What would we see today?

Like every day I couldn't help but ask myself this before arriving at the place.

He had already shown himself several things about me, or at least most of them.

Most people are already aware of my abilities, they will probably start connecting the dots later and find out about my behind-the-scenes actions during this time.

Not to mention that at any moment they can show up on the White Room and everything will start to get problematic.


My poor peaceful life has its days numbered...

But well, for the moment I have already made some backup plans in case things get out of control, I won't be able to eliminate the cause but I can take care of the consequences.

While I was thinking about this, I suddenly noticed two people on the same path as me.

"Good morning, Kiyotaka"

One of them recognized me instantly and greeted me without hesitation.

"Good morning, Manabu," I responded to the greeting he gave me.

'I thought there wouldn't be anyone since I left earlier than usual,' I thought as my eyes turned to the other person present.

"Hey, hey, don't leave me out"

The other person did not want to be left out of the conversation.

"President Nagumo"

I greeted the other person who was with us.

A strange combination to see those two together considering what their relationship was like even before Manabu graduated from ANHS.

"Ohoh, how is Horikita-senpai's favorite kouhai?", he asked me.

"Good?", I answered the question somewhat confused.

'Does Manabu have that much respect for me?', I couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh, that's good hoho", he said.

Now that I think about it, the tension between the two of us seems to have eased.

It's a relief to no longer have so many seniors' gazes on me.

"We were on our way to the theater, are we all going together?"

This time it was Manabu who asked the question.

"Ah, okay, but first..."

Before accepting I decided to ask something that had been bothering me for a moment.

"Why are you guys dressed like that?"

I said while pointing to his clothes that were different than usual.

(You can tell me whatever you want, but I had to do it)

"What do you mean?" I could see Manabu ask confused.

Is seriously... ?

"Why do you have a t-shirt with an 'unusual' photo?" I decided to put the question more directly.

"It's a long story, Ayanokouji," the one who answered this time was Nagumo. "But if you want we can tell you"

I nodded at his words as I waited for my doubts to be answered.

Nagumo leaned his back against a wall before beginning to tell his story.

"Well, you see, yesterday when we left the theater, we decided to go get something to eat," he began his story.

"We were the usual ones, me, Asahina, Tachibana-senpai, Horikita-sempai and Kiryuun... although she comes whenever she wants"

'Typical Kiryuun-senpai,' I thought as I continued listening to him.

"So we were eating while chatting until..."

Suddenly he paused for a long time for some strange reason.

'Is this what they call a dramatic pause?' I asked myself.


"Tachibana accidentally spilled her juice on me," I heard Manabu sigh before deciding to continue the story himself.

"T-that's what I was going to say," Nagumo seemed a little annoyed at being interrupted.

"Then why are you taking so long?" he replied.

"It is to give emotion to the story, so that he can experience it firsthand"

I guess good narration is essential to telling any story... but I really wasn't here to listen to them for an hour or more.

"Uhm...can you continue?" I said.

"Oh, yes. Then she spilled her fruit juice on Horikita-senpai," he said.

"I'm sure she didn't take it well...", I couldn't help but say that while listening to them.

"She hasn't wanted to leave her room until now," Nagumo said.

Poor Tachibana-senpai...

"Continuing, since him had no extra clothes, we decided to go to some of the stores on the cruise," he continued with his story.

"Couldn't you lend him some clothes?" I asked.

"I refuse"

Manabu answered before even Nagumo thought about his answer.

"W-well, so we went to buy new clothes, but curiously the stores were closed at that time, so we turned to the old reliable," Nagumo said.

The way he said it, only one person came to mind.

"Don't tell me... Ryuuen, right?" I said.

"That kouhai has more control over the school market than you can imagine", for the SCP himself to say that then it's true.

'Looks like he was serious about his 800 million point plan,' I thought as I remembered some of the things he did in the room.

"Well, we actually made a deal. If we promoted his product, then he would give us free clothes." he said.

Why did Ryuuen sell t-shirts with a picture of me?

Better yet, where did he get that image from?

Or even better, why does Ryuuen want to be SCP?, and what would happen to the school if that happened?

When I find him I hope he will at least give me a portion of the profits.

"So it's kind of a mutually beneficial agreement, right?", I asked.

"Yes, and these clothes are incredibly comfortable," he added.

By the way, who made those clothes?

Could it have been someone from Ryuuen's class or a student or senpai from another class?

(I want to do something fun for all the readers who watch this chapter. The person who guesses who Ryuuen asked to make the clothes, I will let him choose what to react in the next chapter.)

(Hint: It was two people, who are not from Dragon-boy's gang.)

"Aside from that, what is the reason for the phrases?" I asked while looking at the two people in front of me.

"Ryuuen chose the phrase," Manabu said.

I guess it makes sense if we're talking about Ryuuen.

"Mine was because I am the SCP, and if people see that I support someone's candidacy..."

Both I and Horikita-senpai looked at Nagumo after he said that.

"Anyway, what's the worst thing Ryuuen can do as an SCP?"


I sighed as I looked at the two of them. "We better go now," I said.

Both people nodded, so I started walking to lead the way.

"Kiyotaka, there is something I want to tell you before we leave."

I stopped for a moment to listen to what Manabu wanted to say.




"The ship is sailing"

That was the only thing he said before he started walking towards the place with us following him.

*Time skip*

Pov Third Person:

Once again everyone was in the theater waiting for the next show.

- Michael: Well, well, friends a new day has started and a new reaction has arrived

The presence of the archangel was not long in coming.

- Michael: Well let's not make this any longer, I'll show you what we will react to next.

The ever-familiar roulette wheel was shown on the screen.

Surprise and confusion were present as always in a large part of the spectators, but that did not prevent the archangel from continuing with the show.

- Michael: The show must go on!

Saying those words the video began to play.

(Credits to: hhhhoooo22)

I'm a second year student and today was a normal day at school, a pretty unusual school but a school neverless. I was returning to my dorm to take a nap but when I entered it, something unusual happened.

- Keisei: Nothing could be more unusual after everything we have seen

- Haruka: What is it this time, Kiyopon? Zombies, killer robots, paranormal entities or maybe... they are mechanical lions that combine to form a robot that must fight against an extraterrestrial empire!

- Akito: I think you're exaggerating a little.

- Kiyotaka: I don't think it's anything like that, Haruka... by the way, the last thing was specific

- Haruka: Oh, I was watching a series with Airi that was about something similar

POV: Ayanokoji

It was a long day. Horikita wanted to know what I thought about the new special exam and held me back till now. All I wanted right now is to eat icecream and take a nap. I went to my dorm room because I have already icecream in my fridge so I won't bother myself to go to the convenience store.

- Kiyotaka: 'Reminder: replenish the ice cream in the refrigerator when we return to school'

- Horikita: 'Maybe the video is about another way of looking at that exam'

When I entered my room though, a light suddenly appeared in front of me and a text was written on it.

"What in the world is that." I talked to myself.

- Sotomura: Uhm... where have I seen this before?

- Hashimoto: Well this one is different from the other one.

- Shibata: Yes... although it can only mean one thing

- Kiyotaka: 'Bad news for my other self'

Then someone started to talk. I was alone in my room so how is that possible ?

- Haruka: I-is it a ghost?!

- Akito: I don't think so...

- Keisei: M-Masaka?!, is schizophrenia?!

- Kiyotaka: I'm listening, you know?

- Airi: We also mentioned it before, right? Sometimes Kiyotaka-kun talks to someone in his head

- Haruka: A little strange if I have to say...

- Kiyotaka: It's called a monologue, guys

"From now, you will missions that you need to do with limited times." The voice said.

"Huh ? What do you mean ?"

"Look at the text."

The text says that I need to make a girl fall for me and I need to do that in less than a month. Is this a joke ? 

- Keisei:, I won't even bother looking for the logic.

- Haruka: It could have been worse...

- Akito: Well, if we talk about Kiyotaka it shouldn't be that difficult

- Kiyotaka: 'What if I refuse?'

"What will happen if I don't do the task ?"

"I will teleport you back to the White Room."

So he knows about that too. It's not really surprising since just a voice is talking to me and a text appeared of me.

- Kiyotaka: 'Nevermind... are all divine beings like that with me?'

- Sotomura: At least it won't give you a headache if you don't choose to do the mission

"Can I change the task ?"

"No, you can't."

- Amasawa: Why, Senpai? Do you think you can't do it~?

- Kiyotaka: It's not about whether I can or not, but which is less problematic

"Then can I at least choose the girl that I need to make fall for me ?"

"I want to precise since you're as dense as a rock, it means fall in love. Also yes, you can choose but not someone that is already in love with you or has even a small crush on you."

- Hashimoto: And so friends, this became

- Shibata: Mission impossible...

- Sotomura: Is there any girl who isn't in love with him?

- Sudo: Well, maybe someone who is already dating someone

The four boys turned to see their friend.

- Ike: Why are you guys looking at me like that?

- Sotomura: Three letters, Ike-dono

- Sudo: N

- Hashimoto: T

- Shibata: R


The boy's scream was heard throughout the room.

- Michael: Hey, calm down. And no, no one has been NTR in this video 'At least not this time'

Then no Kei, Ichinose, Satou... Fortunately I broke up with Kei because if the missions are like these then we'll probably have some problems with each other.

- Ichinose: 'It's true, he still hasn't given me an answer to my confession...'

- Sato: 'I just want to be happy... and if it's with Kiyotaka-kun even better'

- Chiaki: Is it me or are there already several worlds where Kei-chan is dating Ayanokouji-kun?

- Kei: Y-you're probably imagining it, Chiaki-chan 'Another point for me'

- Michael: Oh, I can answer that.

- Horikita: Since when can you answer what we ask you?

- Michael: Whenever they say please

- Horikita: Then answer, where do we come from? Who created us? Does God really exist? What is our purpose? Why is Ayanokouji-kun so handsome? Will we graduate in class A? If God exists, So who created God?... please

- Michael: AHHHHHHHH!, there are too many questions!, do you want the world to explode?!

- Horikita: You said you could answer as long as we said please

- Michael: Well, as long as I know the answer... sorry, I don't know any

- Horikita: Ah, well

- Michael: Well, going back to the previous thing, the reason is because there are more worlds in which Karuizawa dates Ayanokouji

- Ichinose: Why?

- Michael: Eh... because the world wanted it like that? 'I don't know, ask Wattpad'

- Ryuuen: 'The more women the Monster has, it means more money in merchandise'

But for now I need to choose. Any girl will do right ?

"Then I choose... Matsushita." 

- Chiaki: 'M-me?'

- Hashimoto: Uhm... so he chose Stalker-chan? It seems like a good option to me

- Kamuro: They are going to hang you, snake, and it won't be me

I chose Matsushita since she is stalking me, I believe it won't be too hard.

"You can't. She has a crush on you."

Huh ? I didn't thought that she has a crush on me. Then I just need to change the target.

- Chiaki: 'Ah...'

- Hashimoto: Well, it will be for next time

"Then, Sakayanagi ?"

- Arisu: Oh, and to think that you would take me into account, Ayanokouji-kun~

- Kiyotaka: 'Here the best thing is to do nothing... if this is going the way I think it is, the best thing is to stay silent'

- Hashimoto: Stalker-chan is fine... but Hime is Hime, I can't betray her trust

- Shibata: And that's how easily you change sides...

- Akito: Now I understand why they call you Snek

"No, same reason."

What ?

- Miyamoto: It seems that someone is running out of options

- Hondou: At least he does have...

- Okitani: One hit hurt less

- Hondou: The truth is a pain that we have to deal with throughout our lives

"Hiyorii ?"

- Hiyori: 'M-me?!, I'm not r-ready yet, w-what should I do?'

- Ishizaki: Oh oh, I support it!

- Albert: ALBERT ALSO APPROVES IT *thumbs up*

- Keisei: At what point did this become a ship battle?

- Hirata: I don't know, Yukimura-kun, but we better stay away... things could get bad

"Also no."

What ? Hiyorii like me ? 

- Ishizaki: Should we be happy or upset?

- Ryuuen: You should be working, Ishizaki!

- Ishizaki: R-Ryuuen-san?!

- Ryuuen: Get back to work, Ishizaki! Those tissues don't pay for themselves!

- Ishizaki: HAI!

"Kiryuin ?"

- Kiryuun: Oh, new screen time? I hope this time it's worth it.

- Asahina: Fuka-chan, are you still upset because-

- Kiryuun: Don't mention it, Nazuna

- Asahina: I-it's okay

"Technically she don't have a crush on you but she is already interested in you so no."

Ok that is starting to annoy me. I will just say random names now to get this over with.

- Ibuki: Did you seriously spend half of your earnings on drawing classes, Ishizaki?

- Ishizaki: Don't underestimate art, Ibuki-san!

- Ibuki: It's not that, it's just that you could have kept them as a lifesaver, you know?

- Ishizaki: Why do I need a lifesaver if I can do this!

- Ibuki: What?

The boy then showed what he was drawing in his notebook.


The girl was left with a face that expressed nothing but surprise, but not the good kind.

- Ibuki: But what the hell is this?

- Ishizaki: A dream... or maybe a future

"Kushida ?"

- Kushida: 'Hell yeah!'


- Kushida: 'Damn schizophrenic voice!'


- Manabu: 'Come on, the ship needs one last boost!'

- Horikita: 'Well... it's not that bad'


What the- even Horikita ?

- Manabu: 'It's not what I expected... but I'm satisfied'

- Ryuuen: Hey, ex-kaichou, how's the shirt?, kuku

- Manabu: Very good, in fact it is surprisingly comfortable

- Ryuuen: It is made of 100% alpaca wool

- Manabu: I'm not going to ask where you got alpaca wool from...

- Horikita: N-Nii-san?!, what are you wearing?!

- Manabu: You didn't leave me any choice!

- Horikita: W-what are you talking about?!

- Manabu: I won't wait until volume 12 or 13 for this ship to become canon!

I then proceed to say all the names of the girls I knew the name. But each time he still has the response and it was a no.

What the hell, does everyone have a crush on me now that I show a bit of my ability ?

- Kiyotaka: 'Luckily that doesn't happen here, right?'

The boy turns to look at the rest of the spectators, in which he could see some embarrassed and others with red faces.

- Kiyotaka: 'Yes... even I know this won't end well'

"Kamuro ?"

- Amawasa: Oh, beer-girl-senpai!

- Kamuro: W-what- what the hell did you call me?!

- Amasawa: Oh, sorry, did the little nickname bother you~?

- Kamuro: Who are you first of all?

- Amasawa: My name is chaos! Who lurks and hunts in the chaos and for the chaos! HAHAHA

- Tsubaki: You should stop showing her so much anime...

- Nanase: Yes... I think that would be the best


"Then- wait you said okay ?"

"Yes, she don't like you at all."

- Sotomura: It can't be...

- Shibata: Is this real?

- Hashimoto: I demand a review of the VAR!

"So you decided to ruin my peaceful life for your own pleasure ?"

"Yeah. I'm bored so I want to see something interesting right now."

- Michael: This boy understands me

- Kiyotaka: Couldn't you have gone to have fun with someone else?

- Michael: In fact at some point I thought about going to bothe-,I mean react to a rabbit or a hydrogen bomb

- Kiyotaka: And what happened?

- Michael: Well, let's say your world is more fun 'And easier to react too'

Sigh "Ok... I need to make her fall in love with me under a month is that right ?"

"Yeah. Now good luck."

The text disappeared. Now, on top of all the troublesome things I have to do with Horikita, I need to make a girl fall in love with me and the girl in question is Kamuro. This will be a pain in the ass.

- Hashimoto: So, how does it feel to see how they try to conquer you, Kamuro?

- Kamuro: Not another word or else...

- Hashimoto: If not, what? Hahaha

- Kamuro: I will turn you into a snakeskin wallet and sell them at low cost!

- Hashimoto: Haha... we're still friends, right?

- Arisu: Unfortunately Hashimoto-kun is still useful for our class, but if one day he betrays us... fufu~

- Kitou: I always wanted to check if snakes really taste like chicken

- Hashimoto: D-don't worry, guys, I-I'm 100% loyal to our class, really

Now I just want to take a nap. I don't want to eat the icecream anymore. I never thought I would ever say that.

- Kiyotaka: 'If the school sells a yogurt maker, then it must also sell an ice cream maker... I'll have to get that information'

I approached my bed and before I start to sleep, I took my phone and called someone.

"Hello ? Who is that."

"It's me Ayanokoji, Ryuuen"

- Ryuuen: Or is Monster going to ask for my help? What do you have in mind this time?

- Kiyotaka: Probably nothing good if I'm calling you...

- Ryuuen: Maybe you want us to make brownies with laxatives for everyone at school?

- Kiyotaka: You... 'Why doesn't it sound so bad?'

- Ryuuen: Although making the school fly doesn't sound like a bad idea either.

- Kiyotaka: If you do that you'll probably go to prison

- Ryuuen: Who said I meant flying from exploding, Monster?

- Kiyotaka: Wait, don't tell me...

Meanwhile in another universe.

The next day.

POV: Kamuro

'Ughh, what a long day. This loli made me worked to the bone by stalking Class-D (Ichinose). So annoying and the worst of all, I couldn't get any information.'

- Ichinose: 'Huh? Why or for what?'

- Kamuro: 'Couldn't she have sent the snake to do that?'

When I was thinking of how terrible the day was, I approached a hallway and suddenly 2 two big hands grabbed my arms and took me deep into it.

"Hey ! Who are y-" Another hand covered my mouth.

"Shut up." The voice belonged to the one of a boy.

I shook my head to get his hand off and I saw that is was Yamada and Ishizaki.

After what they saw on the screen, almost everyone said in unison.


- Ishizaki: 'Oh shit...'

- Hashimoto: Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?

- Ishizaki: Don't ask me, it's not like we know.


- Arisu: 'It's Ryuuen's work or maybe it's someone else pulling the strings'

- Kamuro: 'But why do these guys want to mess with me if I didn't do anything to them?'

- Michael: Well, well, let's continue with the video

"Stop shaking your head !" Ishizaki commanded.

"Mhhh, mhhh."

I tried to make the loudest noise possible so someone could hear us. And suddenly, Ishizaki let go his hand and punched me in the abdomen.


People could simply watch helplessly at what was happening on the screen. It was not the first time they had seen something similar, but controlling your emotions at the right moment is not an easy task.

- Ryuuen: 'This is not my doing, my time on the roof ended long ago, unless... this son of a bitch!'

- Kiyotaka: 'I see where this is going, and it's not going to be good for my unstable reputation'

"Now shut up."

He then slapped my face harshly.

"Albert, hold her firmly I will gag her this."

He approached my face but I couldn't moved. Yamada is too strong. Ishizaki then put tape to cover my mouth.

"Now we can do our business without anyone noticing we're here."

Are they going to rape me ?

- Ishizaki: Of course not, we would never do something like that!

- Hashimoto: Dude, you better shut up and let the video end

- Horikita: 'I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to risk their school life for something like that'

*Operation Delta vibes intensify*


- Ryuuen: Nothing for now

- Ibuki: Hey, are you sure? Maybe this could intensify and-

- Ryuuen: Just apologize at the end of the video, that will be enough

- Ibuki: You don't care about this... do you?

- Ryuuen: Maybe this will slow down sales a little, but in general I don't give a shit what other people think

- Ibuki: Only this once I will agree with you

"Mhhhhhhh." I shook my head and tried to get free but Yamada hands didn't moved.

"I said shut up."

He then threw a punch at the same place as the first time. But this time, he didn't stop and repeatedly punched me here, near the stomach. I couldn't resist a long time. Just after some punches and slaps, my body started to weaken.

"You already start to weaken. How weak, couldn't even last 2 minutes."

- Ike: At least it's more than thirty sec- I mean, how cruel you are, Ishizaki

- Shibata: He took the role of the villain too seriously

- Kamuro: 'I don't think I want to go out alone again after this...'

- Kei: 'I understand part of your pain, Kamuro-san'

After he said that he continued his attacks. Tears were now flowing from my eyes. I then looked up and asked. He then took off the gag.

"Why..? What did I do..?"

"Why ? Because you're a fucking bitch. You pushed Shiina-san last time and you didn't even said sorry to her. Now this is what you get bitch."

- Kei: 'Where have I heard this before?'

- Hiyori: You know that's an accident, right?

- Ishizaki: Y-yes

- Hiyori: Please don't even think about doing something like that here

- Ishizaki/Albert: *nod*

He continued his incessant punches. At this point, I couldn't even feel my body. Every time I fainted, he slap my face with much more strengh to wake me up. All of this just because I bumped into a girl the other day...

"It's been a pretty long time since we started. The sun start to set. You know, we will continue this every day till you break so be prepared." He then continued his punches.

- Ibuki: 'Thank goodness these idiots didn't ask me to help them'

- Ryuuen: 'And here I thought I would appear too'

I was at the edge of fainting again but suddenly I heard another voice.

"Hey... you... doing ?" I couldn't hear everything correctly. I open my eyes and saw a figure. I couldn't see well because of all the tears flowing. He is probably here for me too... Maybe I should leave this school ?

The punches then stopped. Yamada stopped holding my arms and I fell on the ground. Then everything went blank.

Most viewers were wondering who the mysterious figure that appeared at the end was, while others had already deduced who it was.

- Ryuuen: 'Let's see how you get out of this Monster'

One day ago.

POV: Ayanokoji

"It's me Ayanokoji, Ryuuen."

- Chiaki: 'Ryuuen? Now what's happening makes sense'

- Horikita: 'Ayanokouji-kun is going to... who am I kidding? He's probably behind everything.'

"The monster ? What do you want from me ?"

"I have a request."

- Hashimoto: King will not go to...

- Shibata: The faster you accept it, the better it will be

"Wow, the monster is asking something from me. So what do you want ?"

"Can you break Kamuro Masumi from Class A ?"

With that said, the doubt was resolved for everyone. The various emotions they felt towards Ryuuen's group were now directed towards the boy, who turned out to be the author of everything.

- Kiyotaka: 'I was already expecting something like this'

The boy himself couldn't help but sigh at what was happening in the room.

- Kiyotaka: 'At least no one is telling me anything. Since it wouldn't make sense, because it's not our world'

"From everything I thought about, I didn't expect this."

"So ?"

"It won't be free."

- Ryuuen: Work was not free, Monster

- Kiyotaka: 'But I don't have points... and I don't think my other self does either'

"Then what do you want ?"

"Mhhh let me think. Join my class ?" 

Some people were worried by this sudden request, mostly the boy's class, while others had a different opinion.

- Ishizaki: It can't be, is the plan still possible?


- Ryuuen: Kuku, as much as this sounds like a good idea, I'll have to decline, Monster 'I'm still waiting for our rematch'

- Kiyotaka: I wasn't going to do it anyway 'Besides, you don't have mone-, oh right, the goods, but I still don't see it as something necessary for now'

"No." I responded immediatly.

Some sighed internally after hearing that, while some in Ryuuen's class felt disappointed.

- Ishizaki: At least there is still the double birthday plan, Albert...


- Ishizaki: True, true

"Kukuku, I knew that you will decline my offer then just tell me why you want to break her."

"Knowing you, you won't do it yourself so don't tell that it was me that asked you this."

 "So even this you won't tell me huh ? If you want I don't care."

"I won't tell you."

"Kukuku then if that's all I'm gonna hung up. I want to sleep."

-Ishizaki. Ryuuen-san seriously wouldn't ask for anything in return?

- Ryuuen: If he doesn't want to, there is nothing that can be done, or do you want to negotiate with him, Ishizaki?

- Ishizaki: N-no, no, no, I didn't say anything

"Are you sure you don't want anything back ?"

"Yeah I said that I only wanted to know why you wanted to break her but you said that you won't tell me."

"Okay, if you really don't want anything back I won't complain. I also want to sleep so I'm gonna hung up."

"Yeah, next time monster." And he hung up.

What a day. I will sleep now.

- Ibuki: 'This guy doesn't really feel remorse or anything'

- Ichinose: 'How can you sleep so peacefully, Ayanokouji-kun...?'


Ryuuen sent me the place where Ishizaki and Albert will break her. It was in a pretty isolated hallway that wasn't far from the dorms. I went to that hallway and saw that they already started so I just hid myself. I waited for the right moment and simulate like I was just passing by.

- Arisu. This all seems like a big game of chess, don't you think Ayanokouji-kun?

- Kiyotaka: Sakayanagi? Aren't you uncomfortable talking to me like the others?

- Arisu: Why should I be? Unless you think I think like everyone else here, Ayanokouji-kun

- Kiyotaka: No, but what about your class? 'She probably wouldn't care if it happened here too.'

- Arisu: Are you worried about what people think of you, Masterpiece? How cute~

- Kiyotaka: If that becomes an obstacle in my daily life, then I have to take care of it.

- Arisu: Haha, it's fine, this time I'll give you a hand, at least with class A

- Kiyotaka: Thank you, but I'm not going to pay you another favor if that's what you're looking for.

- Arisu: One is more than enough, but there is one more thing

- Kiyotaka: What?

- Arisu: If you are going to play with some of my pawns

- Kiyotaka: ?

- Arisu: Make sure you tell me first

- Kiyotaka: I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best

"Hey ! What are you two doing ?" When I said that, I saw that Albert and Ishizaki tensed up. All three of them looked at me.

Kamuro was on the edge of fainting and I could see cold sweat flowing down the face of Ishizaki and Albert.

-Ishizaki. R-Ryuuen-san didn't ask us to let ourselves be hit by him too, right?


- Ishizaki: No, no, I don't want to, why can't we see something else?!

"H-Hey, A-Ayanokoji-san." Ishizaki stuttered.

"Again, what were you two doing ?"

"N-Nothing. R-Right Albert ?"

Albert then stopped holding Kamuro's arms and nodded hesitantly.

Sigh "You guys can go, I won't tell anything." 

- Ishizaki: Damn, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

- Ibuki: Did what happened on the roof really affect you that much?

- Ishizaki: Not at first, but now that we've seen this and that... I feel grateful that it didn't end up worse.

- Ibuki: Should we take him to a psychologist?

- Ryuuen: Too expensive, let Albert and Shinna take care of it

- Albert: YES BOSS

- Hiyori: Eh?, ah... it's okay, Ryuuen-kun

- Ryuuen: Something's wrong?

- Hiyori: No, it's just...

- Ryuuen: *sighs* Don't take everything you see too seriously

- Hiyori: Eh?

- Ryuuen: You're still only seeing the tip of the ice, if this is the only reason you let yourself be scared then you won't be able to see the whole picture.

- Hiyori: Ryuuen-kun...

- Ryuuen: Anyway, keep watching everything for now

- Ibuki: Hey, you can really give good advice sometimes, right?

- Ryuuen: Kuku, do you want me to comfort you too, Mio-chan?

- Ibuki: Forget it, you're an idiot!

"A-Albert, let's go." And they left.

Now I need to take her to my room without being seen. Now that I got a closer look at her sleeping face, she really is pretty.

- Kamuro: 'No... just no'


POV: Kamuro

I woke up in a bed. I tried to get up but my stomach hurt so I failed. Since I couldn't get up, I just moved my head to get an idea of how I'm in a bed.

This room is not mine but it seems familiar. It is an empty room. 

- Amasawa: Hoo~, Had senpai already made his move with Beer-girl-senpai before?

- Kiyotaka: She came to ask me a favor a while ago, just that

- Amasawa: Oh, senpai answering my jokes? I guess our relationship is finally growing.

- Kiyotaka: 'And to think that my situation is such that Amasawa is one of the few people I can talk to'

"Oh, you wake up."

A boy came out of the kitchen and said that. It was Ayanokoji.

"What am I doing here ?" I said looking at him with disgust. He probably did something to me when I was sleeping.

- Kiyotaka: 'If I had wanted to do something to you, you wouldn't even be able to wal-, I mean I would just look at your thighs, anymore'

He then approached the bed. I tried to move and keep distance with him but my body didn't move.

"I was passing by to get a drink and I saw that Albert and Ishizaki were hitting and punching you. When I approached, they left so I just took you with me." He explained.

"I... see, thank you."

- Michael: 'Don't be so gullible, Mcfly'

- Horikita: 'Is he always having a drink when something happens?'

He then looked at me with a surprised expression

"What ? Do I have something on my face ?"

"No, it's nothing. Sorry for staring at you." He apologised.

- Ryuuen: It's so surprising, really?

- Kiyotaka: Can't I be surprised too?

- Nagumo: Well, kouhai, haven't they told you that your face is quite expressionless?

- Kiyotaka: Maybe a few times

- Nagumo: There is your answer

I didn't respond and he continued.

"Now, I want to know why they did that. Can you tell me or it's too personal ?"

"W-Well, I don't really know... Ishizaki said that it was because I bumped into Shiina-san and I didn't apologised.

- Hiyori: Well, let's start with the session. Yamada-kun, take notes everything he says

- Albert: *nods*

- Ishizaki: S-so what do I do now?

- Hiyori: Okay, Ishizaki-kun, close your eyes

- Ishizaki: Ok *closes his eyes*

- Hiyori: Now tell me what you see

- Ishizaki: I-I see myself walking around the school

- Hiyori: Okay, continue.

- Ishizaki: Now I'm going up some stairs

- Albert: *taking notes*

- Ishizaki: I'm already on the last step, so I open the door and

- Hiyori: And?

- Ishizaki: There he is, he is standing on the roof

- Hiyori: Who is he?

- Ishizaki: D-death

- Albert: 'Bro needs help' *taking notes*

POV: Ayanokoji

Did she just stuttered ?

"I see. Next time you should apologise if you bump into someone or you'll get problems with them."


Then silence filled the room.

- Kamuro: 'I don't think I'll forget that after everything that happened'

- Kiyotaka: 'Why is that awkward silence?'


- Ishizaki: Then he approaches me, he's about to catch me

- Hiyori: Ishizaki-kun, wake up now

- Ishizaki: Those dark eyes are about to engulf me... but my savior arrives

- Ibuki: Hey, Ishizaki, wake up!

- Ishizaki: Its great red wings shine in the sky, making my fears retreat

- Albert: *taking notes*

- Ishizaki: D-Dragon-boy, is that you?, I ask him

- Ibuki: Should I hit him?

- Hiyori: I don't think it's necessary.

- Ishizaki: Then he approaches me slowly and when he is a few centimeters away from me he tells me...


- Ishizaki: WAAHHH! *falls out of his seat*

"So, when did they started ?"

"After the classes when I was going back to the dorms..."

"I see. You must have suffered a lot."

"Yeah... But thanks to you they stopped..."

"You don't need to thank me. I was just at the right place at the right moment."

- Chiaki: 'I would buy it from you but too many times they are no longer a coincidence'

- Hashimoto: 'So this is King's way of flirting? I think it's too extravagant...'

Silence filled the room again.

"Then I will go to my room now..." She tried to get up but couldn't do it. It was understandable because of what she went through.

"I think it would be better if you don't move. You can stay in my room for the night. Tomorrow is Saturday anyway."

- Hashimoto: Don't believe him, Kamuro, that's what they told my sister and now I'm full of nephews!

- Kamuro: S-Shut up!

- Kiyotaka: *sighs* 'I'm going to sleep on the couch'

"What ? Stay in your room at night ? Do you want to try something on me?"

"Try something ? If I wanted, I could do it now since you can barely move so you can't do anything but I didn't."

She then stayed silent.

- Kiyotaka: Besides, the rules prohibit it anyway.

- Ryuuen: When the rules have not allowed you to carry out your plans?

- Kiyotaka: Good question 'Maybe a few times'


- Hiyori: What do we do with him? *while reading notes*

- Ibuki: Let me think...should we lock him in his room?

- Hiyori: *nods*

- Ibuki: It's decided

- Hiyori: Yamada-kun, if you would be so kind

- Albert: *nods* LET'S GO, FRIEND

- Ishizaki: Wait, don't take me!

With that Albert took his classmate out of the theater.

"If you want to be sure I won't try anything, I will sleep on the sofa. And it's already 11 pm so I'm starting to get sleepy. If you want anything just call me."

I then went to the sofa, lay down and slept.

The video ended and with it the strange atmosphere in the room ended.

- Michael: Well, you know, go away and come back later.

That being said, although some still felt somewhat uncomfortable by what they saw, they left anyway.

- Michael: To be continued...

A/N: Hi guys, I don't have much time right now so I'm going to say everything quickly.

I'll try to upload the chapters sooner.

Thanks for reading, and see you in the next update.


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