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A maid walked up to a room and knocked gently before opening it. "What is it?"Castillo asks bluntly. "Um... More



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��� RAVEN CAFE ���4pm....

Iris sighed for the nth time as she walked into the manager office to sign in her time card. Castillo was there but he was busy on his phone. When she was done, she was about to leave when he called her back... She turned and walked over to him.

"Sit down.."He said and she sat on a chair.

"What's with the mood?"Castillo asks looking at her.

"Nothing.."She said sadly.

"Did you have an argument with Enzo?"He asks and she nodded.

"And it's because of me?"He asks again.

"It's not your fault Castillo, Enzo finds it hard to trust me. I'm not doing anything wrong.....my anger is that he tried to...."Iris paused before she would spill that Enzo tried to hit her.

"He tried to what?"Castillo asks.

"Nevermind."Iris said standing up to leave.

"Do you love your job? You might be forgetting that I'm still your boss."Castillo said plainly.

"Well....he tried to hit me."Iris said.

"He tried to what!!!! So Lorenzo still hits girls. It's not new news to me anyways."Castillo said.

"What do you mean?"Iris asks.

"Nothing. Just be careful around him...and if we being close is the reason why he would get angry at you then I'll keep my distance......."

"No..no...no"She rushed at him.

"Why?"He arched his brows.

"Cause....like I said it's not your fault."Iris said.

"So you still want me close to you?"He whispered walking closer to her.


"Like this close....?"He asks standing in front of her. His face was very close to her while they kept their contact.

She slowly bit her lips and looked away.

"You can't even look me straight in the eye for long. Am I that handsome?"Castillo asks now standing erect and she turned sharply to him with wide eyes.

He chuckled.

"Just take care of yourself....for me. Don't let him hurt you and the minute he lays a finger on you,make sure you tell me."Castillo said. "Am I understood?"He asks.

"Yes."She said and left the office.

Castillo sat down and heaved a deep sigh.

"Am I doing the right thing?"He asks holding his chest.


Anna looked at the card in her palm and then at the building in front of her which had RM Cooperation bodly engraved on it. It was the calling/business card Cole gave her in Mexico. She walked into the office and everyone was busy running up and down, doing their work.

She walked to the receptionist at the lobby who was busy with her laptop.

"Excuse me.....I'm looking for Cole."Anna said.

"Sir Cole? He's in a meeting. Do you have any appointments with.....oh, there's his secretary."The receptionist said and Anna turned to the lady behind her.

"Hello,I'm looking for Cole."Anna said.

The lady looked at her from head to toe and roller her eyes. Why did she do that? It's not like she's looking or putting on rags. She's actually dressed nicely.

"The boss is in a meeting with the board and wouldn't want to be disturbed."The lady said.

"I can wait in his office."Anna said.

"And who do you think you are to make demands?"The lady scoffs.

Anna was really pissed off and thought of a way to meet Cole.

"I can see you want your boss to fire you when he finds out that you're harassing his girlfriend."Anna said.

"Girlfriend?"The lady gasped.

"Take me to his office while I'm still being nice."Anna said as the lady walked out while Anna tailed her.

"The boss has a girlfriend?"The receptionist thought full of shock.

They got to Cole's office and Anna walked in.

"I'll wait for him here. You may leave."Anna said and the secretary stormed out.

Anna sat on Cole's chair facing the window when the door opened.

"Boss she's been waiting for you."The secretary said and Cole told her to leave.

"Who the hell are you?"Cole asks and Anna spun the chair,now facing him.

"You? Anna?"Cole called in surprise. "What on earth are you doing here?"Cole asks walking to his table.

"Well I came to see you."Anna said.

"Do you know where Racheal is?"He asks.


"Then why are you here?"

"We'll have a greater chance of finding her if we work together."Anna said standing to her feet.

Cole laughed then dragged her by the arm to the door.

"Don't bother me again. I'm done with you."Coke said.

"You can at least tell me who Moji's parents are so I can help you."Anna insisted.

"Nevermind...just leave. You even had the guts to tell everyone that you're my girlfriend."Cole scoffs.

"Don't take it back...! I'm still coming for you...."She said and walked out of his office.

"What the....."

���️ VEGARA'S ���️

Iris sat in her room packing all her stuff into her suitcases. Her room was already looking empty since she already packed up a lot. She zipped the second bag and kept it with the others and opened the third suitcase and started packing the rest.

Christine said they were moving in the next day so she had to pack up tonight. Her phone rang and she took it out of her back pocket and sighed when she saw the caller. It rang again and she picked the call.

���Hello babe...why aren't you picking up my calls.

���I'm kinda busy Enzo,I'm tired too,I'll see you tomorrow.

���Come outside

��� Outside where?

���I'm outside your house.

Iris quickly hung up and walked out of her room and made her way downstairs. Christine was also packing up and Anna was fast asleep so she didn't bother them.

She walked outside and met Lorenzo leaning on his car. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a big polo shirt. Iris walked closer to him and stood with her arms crossed under her breast.

"It's late."She broke the silence.

"I know...just wanted to see you."He said and then hugged her.

"I'm sorry. Sorry for yelling at you, sorry for trying to hit you and sorry if I made you feel like I don't trust you. I trust you Iris because I know that you love me and I promise to be the boyfriend you want. I'll do anything to please you."Lorenzo said then then broke the hug.

"All I just want is your trust,I love you Enzo... remember that. I know it's partially my fault too...but please stop misinterpreting my actions towards Castillo. He's just a friend to me."Iris said then stood on her toe and kissed his lips and he smiled then hugged her.

"Wish you could come to my house tonight...I really miss you."He said after he broke the hug.

"Too bad,I'm really busy right now....don't worry I'll make out time to come over this weekend..... it'll be just the both of us."She winked at him.

"Okay.... goodnight."Lorenzo said.

"Goodnight....I love you.."she smiled and waved at him as he entered his car.

"I love you too."He blew her a kiss then drove off.

.........Next Morning...........

"Good morning Anna! Good morning couz!"Iris greeted cheerfully as she stepped into the dining.

"You look so happy this morning. You were so moody last night."Anna said helping Christine to place the food on the table.

"Well I'm now happy,and I just want to have a good and peaceful morning."Iris said.

"Um Iris......Logan's driver will pick you up after school. I'll be heading to his house this morning and I'll take your bags along."Christine said.

"Okay......I don't have work today anyways."Iris said munching her food.

"I'll come see you guys once in a while...but first,I need to see those adorable kids of yours. Do they know that you're their mom?"Anna asks.

"Yeah.....Logan told them yesterday. They were really hurt...and I blame myself for it but anyways,they forgave me easily and most importantly they love me so much."Christine said.

"Awwn..."Anna and Iris çooed.

"Will you guys stop it?"Christine giggled.

Suddenly they heard a car horn outside.

"You expecting someone Iris?"Anna asks.

"I have to go now. Don't wanna be late."Iris said and left the house.

She walked outside and met Lorenzo sitting inside his car so she walked over and entered the car too.

"Is it just me or you're looking so beautiful this morning."Lorenzo said and she blushed.

"Thank you."She said.

He roared the engine to life and drove off to school. They got to school and everywhere was so rowdy as people trooped towards the school's 'electronic visual board' which was mounted at the hallway.

Lorenzo and Iris held hands and approached the scene.

"Make way...."Lorenzo said and they cleared the middle for him while he walked towards the board with Iris.

It was for a school play. Specifically Romeo and Juliet and the representatives were already chosen. It was Vida and Castillo.

"What's that?"Iris asks as they walked out of the hallway.

"Just a school play,too bad we would've made a great Romeo and Juliet but I don't wanna join the play."Lorenzo said.

"I want to go to class now. See you later"Iris said and he nodded while she walked away.

��� Restaurant ���

Anna walked into the restaurant and she walked over to the counter to place her order. Her eyes scanned the room and she saw someone she wasn't expecting......Cole. He was sitting with a man and they were having a conversation. She walked over to the table and cleared her throat as they both looked at her.

"I'll meet you tomorrow then."Cole concluded with the man. They shook hands and he left.

Anna quickly sat before him and he heaves a sigh.

"Are you stalking me?"Cole asks.

"No,it must be..... destiny."she said with a wink and he shook his head.

"So since I'm here,I want you to treat me to lunch."Anna said drumming the table with her hands slightly.

"I said leave. Stop disturbing me."Cole said, looking uninterested.

Sh quickly thought of what to do and a smirk crossed her lips.

"So you think you can just leave me and run off to your mistress!!!!"Anna yelled shocking the hell out of Cole as all eyes turned to them.

Anna quickly started to make a scene.

"My husband wants to leave me and our five kids!!! He want me to go to his mistress!!!"Anna faked her tears banging the table.

People started feeling pity for her. Her tears looked so real and even Cole couldn't process what was going on.

���️What a wicked man

���️He doesn't deserve this pretty lady

���️So he's a womanizer

���️How can he leave his wife and five kids for a whore!!!!

People started to comment and Cole was getting embarrassed.

"Fine...Anna,you can stay. I'll treat you to lunch."Cole whispered and she smiled.

"Sorry for the disturbance, we're good now."Cole said to the people who wouldn't stop looking.

He looks at Anna who had a wicked smirk on her lips.

"Good boy."She said and he huffed.


........ Cafeteria.........

Iris walked into the cafeteria with a set of files on her palm as she walked over to them.

"Hi Iris.."Bianca smiled at her.

"Hi."Iris smiled.

"You look like a busy bee. What's with all those files?"Mason asked.

"It's for the play."Iris replied.

"You're part of the play?"Lorenzo asks and she nodded.

"Don't tell me they choose you to be Juliet. That role belongs to me!"Vida snapped angrily at her.

"Vida..."Riele nudged her.

"No....... I'm not Juliet. I'm your back stage manager. I'm in charge of your costumes,hair, makeup, the lights and sound."Iris said handing a file to Vida and Castillo each. "That's the script. We'll be practicing at the art club tomorrow during recess."she added.

"You sound like a real business woman...."Bianca said.

Miguel turned to Castillo.

"Cas...Cas... Castillo!!!"

"Castillo!"Castillo said with a flinch and they burst into laughter.

"What are you thinking about? You zoned out."Miguel said.

"Nothing,I was just thinking about.... nevermind."Castillo said.

"These lines look so creepy..."Bianca said glancing through it.

"They don't. It's really romantic, right Cas?"Vida asks and he simply nodded.

��� Restaurant ���

Cole watched as Anna bent low to the table,scooping the soup into her mouth and licking her lips at intervals. Her bangs were long that it almost covered her eyes as she always waved it off to get a clear view of her food.

"If it'll be a problem then cut it of."Cole said.

"What?"Anna asks cluelessly now,looking at him.

"I'm talking about your bangs."He said.

"No way!"Anna protested.

"Why do you keep on following me?"He asked.

"I just want to help you. I partially took care of the girl you're looking for when she was a child and I also want to know her whereabouts. So since you know who her parents are just tell me."Anna insisted.

"I don't give out useful information to strangers."He said.

"Then let's be friends."Anna said.

"Gosh....how can I just get rid of you."He shook his head.

"By the way,you own RM Cooperation right?"She asks and he nodded.

"Then why are you working as a private investigator?"Anna asks.

"The girl's father is my best friend and he's very influential and he doesn't want to make it a big issue so I decided to personally look for her. Besides she's my goddaughter and her real name is actually Vanilla."Cole said.

"Ohhh."Anna said and wiped her mouth with the napkin.

"Thanks for the meal."She said with a smile.

"You're welcome."he replied.

"So,are we friends now?"she asks.

"Do I have a choice? You won't stop nagging me."Cole said and she chuckled.





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