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A maid walked up to a room and knocked gently before opening it. "What is it?"Castillo asks bluntly. "Um... More



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~~Happy Days Memorial Hospital~~~

"Im really sorry miss but we don't disclose information about our patients."The nurse said.

"I'm not asking for much. I just want to check who her parents are."Anna pleaded.

"Alright...what's the date of birth?"The nurse asks.

"19th October,2005.."Anna replied with a smile and the nurse went through her records.

"There were seven babies born here on that day."The nurse said and Anna looked at it but none of them was Iris. The photos weren't her.

"Thanks again mam....I'm really grateful."Anna said.

"You're welcome"The nurse said and she left.

"Such bad luck."Anna mumbled.

��� ANDERSON'S ���

Christine was done taking a bath and was now putting on her clothes. She then sat on front of the mirror dressing her hair when Logan came out of the bathroom with a towel tied round his waist.

"You're leaving already?"Logan asks.

"Yeah."She said and he walked to her then kissed her cheeks.

"You're still going to move in here right?"Logan asks and she nodded.

"And also,I'll be moving in with my little cousin."Christine said.

"Cousin? How old is he?"Logan asks.

"Seventeen and it's a she not a he. She's still in high school."Christine said.

"Okay,I'll have the maids prepare a room for her. It's nice at least Castillo will have a talking buddy at home"Logan said.

"Babe....since we're....good now. Can you hire me back at the office?"She pleaded.



"I want you to stay at home and take care of the kids and me. I want you to always have time for our family. You have a lot to make up for..."He said.."Especially to me.."He whispered to her.

"Besides I have a new secretary..."He said going to his closet.

"A new secretary? She stays in your office too?"Christine asks.


"Does.....does she wear short skirt?"She blurted and Logan turned to her trying to hide his laughter.

"Well she does. Her laps are so sexy and smooth....I feel like seeing it everyday.....and it's such a big turn on."He said in a sexy voice.

"Logan!!!!!"She yelled throwing her heel at him but he dodged it.

"Anything but my face babe....! I was joking!!"He said admist laughter and she glared hard at him.

"You're the only woman in my life. The only woman who has the right to touch me,kiss me,f*ck me...."

"Enough...I've heard enough.."She said standing up.

"Let me drop you off."He said but she declined.

"C'mon babe. Please....."He pleaded and she nodded with a smile.

"I love you."He smiled kissing her forehead.

"I love you too."

���️ VEGARA'S ���️

"You sure you don't want to join us?"Christine asks.

"Nope,enjoy your time with your hubby. I'll just stay here......and mingle around with boys."Anna said.

"How soon are we moving?"Iris asks coming down the stairs.

"The day after tomorrow."Christine said.

"So soon?"Iris asks.

"Yes....he wants me to move in quickly and also you'll be having a chat buddy there. He has a younger brother....fun right?"Christine said.

"I don't know...all I want is to meet those two kids of yours. I really want to see their cute faces."Iris chuckled.

"They're not only cute.... they're adorable too."Christine said.

"Yeah keep showing off..."Anna scoffs.

"If you want to show off then get a man in your life."Christine said.

"Oh you think I can't..."

"That's up to you..."

Iris laughed and stood up then headed to her room. They should keep nagging all they want.

"So...how was it?"Christine asks immediately Iris left.

"It's of no use. I don't think she gave birth there maybe Emily just visited someone there I think."Anna said.

"Goodness. We're really not finding her parents any soon."Christine sighed.

"I'll think of something. I think I know a way..."Anna said.

"What way?"Christine asks arching her brows and Anna whispered something to her.

"You sure it'll work. How will you find him?"Christine asks.

"He gave me his calling card in Mexico and there are some informations that I can use there."Anna said.

☀️Next Morning ☀️

Iris was all dressed in her uniform and walked outside the house. She stopped when she saw Castillo's car parked outside....he came out of the car and walked to her.

"Good morning cutie.."He smiled.

"What are you doing here?"I

Iris asks.

"Taking you to school. Let's go."Castillo said.

"Why are you taking me to school? Do you want to have a fight with Enzo. You know how jealous he can get."Iris said.

"Enzo is jealous? Iris I'm not doing anything to you. I'm just taking you to school..... we're friends aren't we? Do you want to say you can't be friends with me because Enzo is your boyfriend?"Castillo asks.

"It's not that. I know you're not doing anything wrong but I don't want him to misinterprete your actions."Iris said.

"We'll be late if we take any longer so just get in."Castillo said and went into his car.

She got in as well and shut the door.

"Fasten your seatbelt,I'm a crazy driver.."Castillo said and she gasped.

"I'm too young to die Castillo!!"She said and he roared the engine to life and drove off.

They got to the school and Castillo parked his car at the parking lot. All eyes immediately turned to them the second they stepped out of the car.

��� Isn't that Iris with Castillo

���Why are they coming to school together

���I thought she was dating Lorenzo

"What the hell are they doing together?"Vida asks no one in particular.

"Don't tell me he rejected you because of her..."Riele said to Vida.

"Isn't she dating Enzo?"Bianca asks.

Just then they saw Castillo smiling at Iris.

"Awwn I'll admit that they look good toge...."Bianca paused when. Vida and Riele glared at her. "What!...Are you expecting me to say that they look horrible together..?"Bianca asks.

"I need to have a word with that boy."Vida said walking out on them.

"Why are you adding fuel to the fire?"Riele asked Bianca as they made their way to the class.

"She should just forget about Castillo....he doesn't like her and you can't force the guy..."Bianca said.

Iris was on her way to the library when she felt a hand pull her into an empty class,shutting the door. She met Lorenzo looking at her angrily.


"Don't babe me! One minute we quarrel,the next minute you're over to the next guy....What were you doing with Castillo that's making everyone gossip..!"Lorenzo asks.

"Nothing! He just offered to bring me to school....I was surprised when I saw him."Iris said.

"You knew I'd get upset but yet you still followed him!"Lorenzo yelled at her.

"What's your problem Enzo?"

"My problem is that you're giving him too much attention and I don't like it! Or do you want to run to him now? You wanna be with him..!"Lorenzo yelled at her and she landed a slap on his cheek.

"Will you stop it already..! There's nothing going on between I and Castillo..."

"That's what you keep saying but you keep giving me more reasons to doubt you.."Lorenzo said.

"Will you stop with this jealousy of yours!! I don't have any interest in Castillo. Isn't the fact that I love you enough for you to believe me!! Stop being so insecure and trust me for once!!!"she said and walked out on him.

"Iris!! Iris!!!"


"I don't know what you're talking about?"Castillo said packing his books

"So now you're denying it. I seriously won't tolerate the fact that you have even the slightest feelings for her."Vida said crossing her arms.

"She's Enzo's girlfriend. I just offered to take her to school."Castillo said.

"But when I want you to take me to school you give me lame excuses..."

"You have a car and a driver....she doesn't. Besides I just did what a good friend would do."Castillo defended.

"You're really funny Castillo but it doesn't amuse me. If you're intentions towards Iris exceeds friendship,trust me I raise holy hell..."Vida said trying to leave when he grabbed her elbow.

"What's your problem Vida?"

"If you want peace of mind Castillo..then love me. Make me your girlfriend....then maybe we will all have a good day."Vida rolled her eyes and left.


���Basketball Court ���

"Castillo! Castillo!"Lorenzo called walking into the room.

He has been looking for Castillo since he came to school but it seemed impossible to find him. So he waited till recess cause he knew he'd be here.

Castillo turned to Lorenzo who charged towards him and next a pinch landed on Castillo's face, giving him a slight cut on his lip.

"Enzo..."Mason quickly rushed to him holding him further from Castillo.

"How many times do I have to warm you to stay the hell away from my girlfriend!!! Don't you know how to listen!!"Lorenzo yelled at him.

"I'm not doing anything to Iris. I only offered to bring her to school...."Castillo explained.

"Stop going near her! Is it too much for you to accept that she chose me....she's mine!"Lorenzo said struggling to get out of Mason's grip.

"This isn't a competition Enzo! I'm not after Iris....stop being so insecure and selfish!"Castillo said.

Lorenzo quickly pushed Mason aside and pushed Castillo to the ground. Before he could descend on him, Castillo punched Lorenzo causing him to fall on his back.

Castillo's teammates were able to stop them from fighting and helped them get up.

"Just get out of her Enzo!"Castillo said.

"Bro just chill...let's go."Mason said urging Lorenzo to leave.

"If you do anything foolish with my girlfriend again....you might as well forget about our friendship.."Lorenzo said and barged out.

Castillo clenched his fists tightly as he watched Enzo leave. He sighed and walked out as well.

....... Locker Room..

Iris took a deep breath before opening he locker. She knew that coming to school with Castillo would result to this but she still did. But she doesn't understand why Enzo is so insecure....it's obvious he doesn't trust her.

She packed her books into her locker and someone slammed the locker close. She turned and saw Vida standing with Riele.

"What is it Vida?"Iris asks.

"Are you that greedy?"Vida asks trying to be calm.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."Iris said.

"You already have Enzo,why are you still chasing after Castillo..!! Why can't you stay away from him!!"Vida yelled at her.

"I don't see anything wrong with him bringing me to school. I didn't ask him,he offered to help. It's not my fault if you keep on misinterpreting what you saw!! Besides Castillo isn't yours to begin with!"Iris fired at her and Riele gasps.

"What did you say?"Vida asks.

"You heard me and please stop disturbing me. Like you said I have Enzo...now if you have any issues with Castillo,go talk to him as leave me alone."Iris said.

"Vida let's go. Just leave her alone."Riele said nudging her as they left.

"Iris..."Hazel called and Iris turned to her.

"I heard your conversation with Vida."Hazel said.

"This is all Enzo's fault. He's always getting jealous unnecessarily and it's causing trouble. I don't know why he keeps thinking that there's anything going on between me and Castillo."Iris said.

"I don't think you should let him keep treating you that way."Hazel said an Iris arched a brow at her.

"What? Even if I ended up with Enzo I won't let him treat me that way. There's nothing wrong being friends with his friends. He should try and trust you at least. You don't have to let him control your life like you're some property. You're his girlfriend."Hazel said.

"I can't believe you're saying all these..."

"I can't believe it too. But if he doesn't trust you,he doesn't deserve you...."Hazel said.

��� ANDERSON'S ���

Christine walked into the house and everywhere was silent. Logan called her up earlier to come that he had something important to say but she still hasn't seen him. She walked to his room and he wasn't there. She started hearing slow sobs coming from Frankie's room so she marched towards it.

She opened the door and saw Logan kneeling before the kids who sat on the bed. Logan turned to her and stood up then smiled.

"Babies.....why are you guys crying?"Christine asks squatting before them using her thumb to dry Frankie's tears.

"Daddy told us."Francis said.

"Told you what?"Christine asks anxiously as to what Logan told them that made them cry.

"Is it true that..... you're my.....real mommy?"Frankie stuttered as her son's became louder and Christine's face fell.

"Why did you leave us? Did you hate us? Didn't you love us mommy..."Francis asks holding his tears.

"I didn't leave because I don't love you. I love you both so so much. You're my life and I love you with everything in me. Mommy was a bad girl and I'm appologizing for it."Christine said rubbing their cheeks.

"But you still left us.....I thought you loved me mommy....Do you know how it feels seeing other kids with their mom and when I'm asked where my mom is......I always feel sad cause I know if never see you again. But then when you came I was happy because you became a good mother figure to me but why didn't you tell me the truth ?"Francis said admist tears.

"Because....it's because I thought you'd never forgive me....I thought you won't like me or accept me. I didn't want you to think that I don't love you."Christine said.

Frankie quickly hugged Christine tightly.

"I love you momma.....I love you so much."Frankie sobbed and Christine hugged her tightly as well.

She looked over at Francis who sat still looking at them.

"Come here baby..."Christine called him over and she pulled him into a hug.

"I'm just happy that you're my real mommy and not anyone else....I love you mom.."Francis said.

"I love you too...so so much."Christine said drying her tears.

"Hey make room for me.."Logan said walking over to them and hugged them all tightly. He looked over at Christine and she smiled.

"Thank you.."She whispered.

"You're welcome"He smiled and placed a kiss on her lips.


Iris sighed tiredly as she leaned back on her chair. Her classes were over for the day and she hasn't set an eye on Enzo since morning they had a fight. She also heard from Miguel that he had a fight with Castillo. She just wished Lorenzo would try and understand her and at least trust her.

She was the only one left in the class and as she was about to leave the class when she saw Enzo standing at the door with an angry look.

"I'm not in the mood for this."Iris said trying to leave the class.

"Seriously? Now you're avoiding me?"Lorenzo asks walking fully into the class while she stepped back.

"Enzo I need space....we need space. You know,I think we were in a haste to get into a relationship. We didn't get to see what our interests were."Iris said.

"So are you going to leave me now? You don't love me anymore? What has that Hazel girl been feeding you're head with..!"he yelled at her.

"Enzo this is about us. You need to learn how to trust me. My decisions also matter in our relationship. You can't keep controlling whom I should and shouldn't be friends with just because of your damn jealousy!!!"Iris yelled añgrily at him slightly pushing him..and e raised his hand to hit her and she flinched but held it back,then slowly brought his hand down.

"So now it has gotten to this? Are you really going to hit me..!! Lorenzo just leave me alone for now. I need space......"she said and stormed out of the class.

"This is all your fault Castillo!!"Lorenzo thought inwardly.





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