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A maid walked up to a room and knocked gently before opening it. "What is it?"Castillo asks bluntly. "Um... More



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Iris walked into the lab and found Castillo sitting on a stool going through a textbook. Castillo texted her earlier telling her to meet him there and luckily there was no one else there.

She walked to him and stood across the long table in front of him. She didn't say anything,she just kept mute.

"I think we need to do a research on the project first before starting. We can also make a rough draft on it so we won't make silly mistakes."Castillo said and she nodded.

"We'll do it after school..."Castillo said closing his textbook.

"I can't."Iris objected.

"Why?"He asks arching his brows.

"I have work after school and my shift ends by 7."Iris said.

"I'll send you an address then....be there once you're done with work... we'll work using my laptop."Castillo and she nodded.

She took her bag an turned to leave when she felt a palm on hers. She turned and looked at Castillo who had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Castillo..."Iris called but he didn't utter a word. He kept peering into her eyes.

He knows he promised to stay away but he couldn't...he can't ignore what he feels for her anymore. He can't keep dying in silence.

"For how long will this continue?"Castillo asks.


"You ignoring me....can you just stop it,you're hurting my feelings."Castillo said with emotions and Iris couldn't really understand what he was trying to say but on thing is for sure. She really doesn't want to stay away from Castillo nor ignore him.

"I'm sorry...for the way I treated you. I just thought that if you stayed away from me,you wouldn't make trouble for me anymore but it makes no difference...... sorry."Iris apologized.

"So we're okay now?"He asks.

"Yes......"Iris mumbled.

"One more thing Iris,is Lorenzo your boyfriend?"Castillo asks..

"No...he's still courting me."Iris said.

"So does...he has a chance with you?"Castillo asks.

Iris looks at him not knowing what to say.

"It's a yes or no question. If you like him then just tell me...."

"Yes....I like Lorenzo."Iris responded.

Castillo let go of her hand and ruffled his hair.

"So if he asks you to he his girlfriend... you'll....... nevermind."Castillo said.

"Just be at my house before 7:30..I'll be waiting."He said plainly then left the laboratory.


"Sir...we've already tracked down the house Emily used to live in but according to the witnesses,she suddenly disappeared and there were no signs of the baby as well."A private investigator, Cole said.

"I want you to go back to that province and do a thorough investigation. Find out who Emily lived with,who helped her hide and most importantly I want you to find that girl."The man in a black suit said.

"But sir....it's been seventeen years now? How are we supposed to find Emily and the girl?"Cole asked.

"There must be a way. I can't loose my daughter for good. I strongly believe I'll see her again."The man said.


Logan and Christine just came back from the event an hour ago and Logan went up to you room to rest. Christine really tried to tell him everything but was always interupted.

She walked into her closet and changed to her home wear. She wore a white top with a blue pair of jeans before leaving her room.

She got to the living room and saw the twins watching a cartoon titled "small foot". She sat down in between them and began watching the movie with them.

Logan walked out of his room too, he changed to a simply shirt and black jeans. On his way out, he saw the three of them watching TV while laughing.

"Are you going out boss..."Christine asks looking at him.

He simply ignored her.

"Frankie... Francis..you guys behave. I'll be back soon."He said and left the house.


"Weird.."Christine mumbled.




Logan walked into a one of the club in the area. For about 3 hours now he's been touring the city and now he decided to end his day in the club.

The music was blaring at each corners of the club. He quietly walked to a seat and sat down. With his casual wear it was quite hard to recognize him...

A server walked to him dressed in some skimpy clothes. She smiled seductively at him.

"What can I offer you handsome?" She smiled.

"Whiskey will do" He replied.

The lady left, making sure to shake her butt while leaving. Logan's eyes traveled round the club.

Some where dancing, some were busy kissing and romancing themselves while some were simply sitting and flirting around.

"I'm sure there are married men in this club. Busy f*cking some useless b*tches, while their wives are at home worried sick of them. Such a rotten world we live in" Logan muttered bitterly.

A lady suddenly came and sat down beside him. He looked at her and looked away.

The server came and served him his drink then kept the bottle beside. He paid the server who walked away after winking at him...

The lady who was sitting beside him, came more closer to him making sure to press her b**bs on his arm.

"Hey s*xy, I couldn't help but notice you've been sitting here all by yourself. I'm sure you need some good company" The lady whispered seductively in his ear with her hands slowly crawling to his thigh.

Logan simply stared at her, strangely his body wasn't reacting to her touches. Something crossed his mind and then he pulled her closer by the head and slammed his lips on her.

The lady wrapped her hands round his neck, kissing him hungrily. Logan groaned and broke the kiss, that kiss also didn't make his body react.

"Let's just go to a room pretty boy. There I'll-"

"Leave!" Logan said.

"C'mon hun"

"Leave now!!" Logan raised his tone abit. The lady scoffed and stood up, she walked away looking for another customer.

Logan continued his drink. These days he doesn't understand himself any longer... He didn't know for how long he stayed there.... something really bothered him at the event he md Christine attended.

♨️Flashback at the event♨️

Christine was busy with some businessmen talking about a deal when something caught Logan's attention who sat beside him.

There was a butterfly tattoo on her lap. It didn't really show fully but he could see it was sa butterfly tattoo. Racheal has the same tattoo as well......not just that......Logan is definitely not an idiot not to recognize Christine's voice but tonight he was going to see how her body reacts to his touch.

His phone rang and he picked it up immediately.

"Boss...we already found the doctor that conducted surgery on Racheal. We told him to let us see the face he put on her but he refused saying he would only speak to you."The man at the other end said.

"Once I get back from Paris... we'll go there. Make sure he doesn't run away."Logan said and hung up.


Christine switched off the TV. She went upstairs to check up on Francy and Frankie. They were still sleeping soundly...

She closed back the door and went back downstairs. She looked out of the window and sighed. It's almost 10 and Logan isn't back.....she made up her mind to tell him everything today. It's better they settle everything in Paris before leaving.

Christine sat down on the couch and brought out her phone then began surfing through it.

Few minutes later, she heard the sound of the car drive in the mansion. She dipped her phone in her pocket and stood up then walked to the entrance.

Logan staggered upstairs to the entrance while holding his head.

Christine opened the door and Logan almost fell on her if not for the fact that she was holding on to the door post...what a great actor he is.

"Boss..!! You reek of alcohol" Christine twisted her face.

"Just help me get to my room" Logan muttered.

She nodded and placed his arm on her shoulder. She struggled and helped him walk upstairs.

She kicked open the door to his room and they both went in. Christine placed him on the bed. She knelt down and helped him remove his shoes...

Logan kept rolling on the bed while holding his head. She lifted herself up abit arranging the pillow properly under his head.

Logan stopped moving and now began starring at her face. He didn't want to believe his assumption but for sure if this is Racheal,she wouldn't stop him but if not...then so be it. Besides he has touched Rachel's body and know what it's like and also her weak points.

He raised his hand and cupped her cheeks.

Christine looked down at him, she looked at his hand on her cheek and tried to pull away but...

Like a flash, Logan switched their position such that he was on top of her.

"Logan..." Christine called his name nervously. Why didn't she call him boss this time.

"Shh..." Logan said with swaying eyes. He slowly began leaning.

Christine shifted her head away from him more and more so much that the bed was almost swallowing her.

"Logan, no no no no" Christine said and made to push him away but he pinned her hands on the bed and slowly claimed her lips.

Christine'seyes grew wider by the second. She was completely trapped under him. She could even taste the alcohol. She knew she really wanted this but wants to stop him.

Logan kept savoring her lips, kissing her hungrily. He bit her lips and sucked then nibbled on it.

Christine tried as much as possible to resist but he was such a great kisser! She found herself giving in.

Logan released her hand when she stopped struggling. She dipped her hands in his hair, slowly melting in the kiss.

Contrary to the madness that Logan did earlier this was the real deal! His heart kept hammering against his ribcage...

He slowly broke the kiss and kissed her shoulder, licking and sucking on it.

"Logan....." Christine moaned.

His hands crawled it's way under her shirt and then caressed her bare waist and back. That made all the hairs on Christine's body to stand.

He trailed his kisses back up to her ear and then licked and sucked on her earlobe. That alone made her shiver.

His hand found it's way to her underwear and he made to pull it down but then she stopped him.

"Logan that's enough...."She said standing up from the bed and left.

He dipped his hands in his hair and sighed loudly.

"What games are you playing Racheal.!!!"he groaned before cleaning his lips.

"F*ck!!" He muttered and closed his eyes drifting to sleep...

��� RAVEN CAFÉ ��� 7:15PM

Iris was done with he shift for the day and signed out. She was about to go to the address Castillo sent her... although she dosen't know the place but the cab driver should know where it is. She headed outside ten bumped into someone.

"Iris...I came to pick you up....let me take you home."Lorenzo said.

"Sorry Lorenzo but I'm on my way to somewhere important now. I'll just go home later."Iris said.

"Where are you going?"Lorenzo asks.

"To...to Castillo's house."Iris said and Lorenzo nearly fainted.

"What are you going there to do Iris?"He scolded.

"Chill Enzo...it's for a project we're working on."Iris said.

"I'll take you there...and I'll wait till you're done so I'll take you home."Lorenzo said.

"You really don't have to..."

"You don't have a choice Iris. Let's go."He said holding her hand and they walked to his car.

��� ANDERSON'S ���

Iris walked in with Lorenzo and the smile Castillo had in his face disappeared.

"What are you doing here Lorenzo?"Castillo asks calmly.

"I'll just take her home when you guys are done."Lorenzo said walking over to the dining to grab some snacks for himself.

Castillo glared hard at Lorenzo before he sat down on the couch beside Iris,opening his laptop.

Lorenzo would often notice Castillo stealing glances at Iris. He even made attempts to touch her but always kept his cool. Lorenzo didn't like this at all so he kept on checking on them asking if they're done. He got more angry when he saw Iris smiling at Castillo.... laughing to whatever he was saying.

Lorenzo walked outside to make a call for a while.

"I need to use the restroom. Where is it?"Iris asks Castillo.

"Follow me."Castillo said standing up with Iris and followed him upstairs.

Iris was done an came out of the restroom adjusting her clothe properly only to find Castillo standing by the door looking at her.

"What are you looking at?"She asks without looking at him.

"Nothing.....I just want to look at your face."Castillo said.

"Well then look at it."Iris said raising her face to him.

Castillo leaned in and Iris's eyes widened. What the heck is he doing. He brought his lips closer to hers and he stretched hi hand an shut these bathroom door.

"Let's go..silly girl."Castillo chuckled and walked away.

It was 8 pm and Lorenzo stood up from the dining and walked over to them.

"Aren't you guys done...!"Lorenzo asks more like in an angry tone.

"What's your problem Enzo....if you want to go home...then leave..!!"Castillo yelled at him.

"Aren't you guys done....it's been an hour and it's late. I need to take her home."Lorenzo said.

"Lorenzo just give me a few minutes."Iris said calmly.

"Just be quick..."Lorenzo said glaring at Castillo.

Castillo sensed what Lorenzo was trying to do so he had to stop him.

"What are you so insecure about..!!"Castillo stood up yelling at Lorenzo.

"Finally,you said it."Lorenzo said glaring at him.

"What's going on?"Iris asks in confusion.

"Go wait in my car Iris."Lorenzo said.

"But Lorenzo..."

"Don't make me repeat myself."Lorenzo yelled at her and she flinched.

"Will you quit talking to me like that!!!"Iris snapped at him

"Okay.... please...go to my car and wait."Lorenzo pleaded and she walked out angrily.

Lorenzo turned back to Castillo.

"Get straight to the point."Castillo said.

"I overheard your conversation with Miguel last night...and I also saw you holding Iris's hand at the laboratory at school. What exactly are you trying to do Cas? Snatch her from me?"Lorenzo asks.

"I'm not trying to do anything Enzo I....."

"Does she know you have feelings for her?"Lorenzo asks.


"Let it stay that way. I won't loose Iris to anyone and especially not you Castillo. Leave Iris alone... I'm warning you now and keep your damn feelings to yourself."Lorenzo said and left the house.......


Iris walks out of Lorenzo's car and slammed the door close while he ran after her.

"Iris....I'm sorry. It won't happen again...I won't yell at you."Lorenzo said holding her wrists.

"Why did you two have m argument?"Iris asks.

"Nothing serious...just bro talk."Lorenzo said.

"Are you sure?"Iris asks.

"Iris....I want you to promise me something.."He said and Iris signaled him to go on.

He held her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Promise me that when your heart finally opens up to love.....it should be me. Please don't fall in love with any other guy.."Lorenzo said and Iris bit he lower lip.

"Lorenzo I can't promise that......."

"Shh...."he placed his index finger on her lips.

"I love you Iris..... I'll say it again and again and I can't wait to tell everyone just how much I love you...."He said with emotions peering into her eyes.

"I lo....."her phone rang but the line cut.

"Goodnight Enzo. That was my older cousin..I need to call her back....see you tomorrow."Iris said tiredly and tried to leave but he pulled her into a hug.

Then next he kissed her neck, pulling her waist closer to himself.

"Enzo stop!!"Iris pushed him off slightly.

"Sorry... goodnight."He said tapping her shoulder and walked into his car and drove off.

Iris yawned tiredly before going into her house.





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