New Beginning

By FallenCause

28.5K 1.1K 1.3K

WARNING- READ THE FIRST BOOK 'Divergent High' BEFORE THIS! Beatrice Prior has moved on from a past of lies to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 9

1.5K 66 57
By FallenCause

*Tobias POV*

"Get out of my way, you big ass noodle head!" A short chubby kid shouts before stomping on my foot.

"Ouch." I hiss and glare at the boy who sticks out his tounge before running away. Little shit head.

"Isn't this nice?" Tris breathes out with her head leaning back on the park bench and her eyes closed. I look around at the kid filled play ground and internally cringe. No, its not nice.

"Yeah, lovely. Here you go." I hand her a double scoop of chocolate ice cream and sit down next to her. Last night Tris and I stayed up late watching movies and telling jokes. It felt so normal, like I was meant to spend nights with her.

"Mommy!" Little Josie came running up with a grin.

"What baby?" Tris coos leaning down and I smile. She's a great mom, I'd love to have kids with her.

Crap, that sounded creepy.

"You have icream?" She asks with wide eyes looking at me and I chuckle.

"Do you want mine?" I offer, but secretly hope she says no.

"Wealy? Yeah!" Josie exclaims and I give her my precious triple scoop of chocolate fudge ice cream.

"What do you say, Josie?" Tris urges her.

"Thanks Toe!" She hugs me and I laugh at my nickname. When she learned my name she insisted on calling me Toe instead of Tobias.

"Hey! If I'm Toe, then you get to me Joe!" I exclaim and she squeals.

"I like that! Momma, I'm Joe!"

"Yes baby, that's cute!" Tris gushes while Josie gives me a toothy grin.

I watch how Tris picks up Josie and sets her on her lap. I can't help but care for her so much and if that means caring for Josie as well, then so be it. When Tris finally forgave me, I felt hope that we have a chance, or would have a chance if not for Dale.

"Tobias?" Tris snaps in my face and I flinch.

"Oh uh... yeah?" I suddenly got nervous and she frowns.

"Are you okay?"

"Mmhh... did you need something?"

"Well, Josie is calling for a nap and I was wondering if you'd like to maybe uh.. come back to my place with us? I mean you don't have to, actually, maybe that's not a good ide-"

"I'd love too." I reassure cutting of her rant and she smiles gently.

"As friends?" Tris asks raising her eyesbrows and I nod.

"As friends." She can think that, doesn't mean I have to.

"Okay girlie, ready?" Tris asks Josie who has chocolates smeared across her face and is just finishing her cone.

"Yeah momma." She yawns and wraps one of her arms around Tris's neck.

"Alright." I follow the girls out to her car and sit in the front seat while Tris helps Josie with her carseat.

"Can I take a shower?" I ask her when we pull into her driveway where the small brick house on the corner sits.

"Sure, I can give you some of Dale's clothes and wash yours." She offers and I nod, but in reality, I hate the idea of wearing his things.

"Let me put Josie down in her room, you can use the bathroom in my room to the right, I'll bring clothes in a bit." Tris informs me and I thank her before going into the room she directed me towards. I eye the room and notice a letter and picture sitting on the large bed. I look behind me and slowly walk over to the bed picking up the picture frame.

Dale and Tris are holding Josie together who has Minnie Mouse ears on in the picture and I frown at how happy Tris looks with him.

"Dale took us to Disney a few months ago. Josie loved it." I drop the photo and spin around to Tris leaning in the door frame.

"Oh.. um.. sorry- I didn't mean to intrude.." I mumble nervously and she chuckles.

"Nah, it's totally fine." Tris walks towards me and picks up the picture.

"I was looking at this yesterday. I kept praying that he would walk through the door like he always did after work. Its stupid, I know." She breathes out lightly.

"No, it's not. You care about him. If it were you gone, I would be going crazy." I tell her wrapping an arm around her shoulder and she looks up at me.

For a second she leans in and I go to kiss her her, but she pushes me away quickly. Damn.

"This isn't right... sorry. There are towels in on the bathroom shelf. Yell if you need something." She mutters before walking out of the room with the picture still in her hand.

I sigh and trudge into the bathroom, I shut the door then turn on the shower.

"What am I going to do?" I mutter quietly staring at another picture on the wall of Tris and Dale hugging.

I slip into the shower and slowly let my thoughts over come me. After washing my body and hair I grab a white towel and wrap it around my waist out of the shower.

"Here I got y- Oh my.... oh sorry." Tris starts to come in, but quickly shuts the door and I chuckle.

"Tris! It's fine. Nothing you haven't seen before." I call out smugly and the door slowly opens.

"H-here's some of Dales clothes. Yours are washing in the laundry room." She mumbles with flushed cheeks and hands me a small stack of clothes.

I look and notice my clothes are gone of the floor. She must've came in and got my clothes while I was showering.

"Thanks. And stop being such a prude." I smirk taking the clothes.

"Shut up." Tris glares then stomps out shutting the door behind her.

I smile to myself then look at her selection. A pair of gym shorts, white t-shirt, and some boxers. Ha, bet she had fun getting this for me.

I slip the clothes on and shake my head, getting all the extra water out and running my hands through it. I walk out and go to find Tris when something latches around my leg.

"Toe!" I look down and Josie is smiling up at me.

"Hey, Joe. You done from your nap?" I ask picking her up and she squeals.

"Yeah! Momma said we can make sandwiches and cookies!" She exclaims and wiggles out of my hold before running down towards the kitchen.

"Careful." I walk in and see Tris helping Josie up the chair and she looks up and smiles.

"They fit." Tris states satisfied.

"Yep. Whatcha making?" I ask sitting down next to Josie who frowns.

"I already said silly! Cookies and sandwiches!" Josie says and I give her an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I'm getting old."

"That's what my daddy says too!" She laughs followed by awkward silence.

"Well, maybe we can write letter back to daddy after lunch." Tris offers Josie who nods.

"Mmhh. I tell him that Toe calls me Joe and gave me icream!" She says excitedly and Tris chuckles.

"Sure. Now come help me, Toe." Tris tells me and I smile before gladly getting up.

Hey, guys! I haven't left a note since the story started!

What do you think of it so far?
Do you like Josie?

Sorry this chapter was boring, it was kind of a filler chapter :)

Goal for next chapter: 45 votes and 55 comments!!

Please leave comments of what you think should happen or just your thoughts in general.

Comment, vote and follow!!

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