|Blue Love|


317 71 153

"Love between you and me that changed. From giving us peace to giving us nothing but pain and sadness, it's b... More

It's Blue Love
Mafia vs Civilians
1: My Life Sucks
2: My Doom
3: Being Chill Isn't Easy
4: Do Not Test Me
5: What The Hell
6: The Pain
7: Mistakes Happen
8: What's Wrong With Me
10: How It Started
11: The Repayment
12: We Have Hearts Too
13: Divorced Couple
14: Roomie
15: Kill Him
16: Don't Get The Wrong Idea
17: Family Love
18: Goodbye

9: The Confusion

20 3 9

"It was nothing. He was cranky all the time with me, and suddenly showed care, so I kind of felt he was a nice human. That's all. There's nothing wrong with me." Jiyoung kept mumbling to herself as she walked around the society park early morning.

"There is no way I like him. Oh god, even the thought is making me feel sick—" she shivered, shaking her head vigorously to convince herself until her eyes fell on Chan jogging around the place.

"Who the hell jogs with half sleeves!" She gasped as Chan ran, sweat glistening on his forehead and biceps, with earbuds in his ears, oblivious to Jiyoung's stare.

Woah... He's really well-built

Jiyoung licked her lips before pursing them with a heavy sigh.

Suddenly, she was startled as she felt a hand around her shoulder.

"Are you checking Chan hyung out?" Han asked, smirking at Jiyoung.

"No, boy, no! No!" Jiyoung quickly replied, clearing her throat and looking around.
"I was just checking the environment out... Isn't it lovely?"

"Sure it is, liar!" Hyunjin added, coming up on the other side and teasing her further.

"Guys, seriously, I am not checking your hyung out. Am I crazy to do it? He's not even my type..." Jiyoung defended herself, crossing her arms and avoiding looking at Chan, who, much to her disappointment, had already left.

"Ah, really? Normally girls say, Chan is my type." Han acted like a dramatic teenage girl.

"Heh? Why? He's so rude..." Jiyoung pouted, rolling her eyes, but faltering at the end.

"That he is nowadays. Otherwise, before, Chan hyung was one of the most desirable men... probably he still is." Han shared.

"He used to be so caring, wouldn't let Hayun do anything, so loving and careful..." Hyunjin added,
"But that girl Hayun literally messed up with him."

Jiyoung could feel the hatred bubbling inside Han and Hyunjin.

"The name of the devil and devil is here." Han exclaimed, pointing ahead.

Jiyoung blinked in confusion as she followed his finger, only to see Hayun and Mingyu appearing in front of Chan as he returned.

"The heck, she's Chan's ex?" Jiyoung asked, her lips twisting in disgust.
"What did he even see in her?"

"Exactly! Even we didn't like her." Hyunjin nodded aggressively.
"She was never good for Chan hyung." Han added, clicking his tongue.

Chan rolled his eyes as Hayun and Mingyu stood in front of him, and without saying a word, he began to walk past them.

"Slay, hyung!" Han chuckled, restraining himself from clapping. Jiyoung and Hyunjin felt satisfaction too.

"Chan, we need to talk." Hayun interrupted, stopping Chan in his tracks.

"No one's interested in you, Hayun!" Hyunjin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. Han and Jiyoung nodded in agreement.

"I am not interested, Hayun. I have better things to do." Chan retorted, about to leave.

"Listen to your ex-fiancé, Chan. It's important." Mingyu interjects, turning to face Chan and making him stop.

"Look at the audacity of him." Han scoffed, glaring at Mingyu.
"If he wasn't this mountain tall, I would have punched him." Hyunjin chimed in, closing his fist.

Jiyoung chuckled, covering her mouth at their ongoing reaction.

"You guys have five minutes. Say your piece and then leave." Chan said plainly, crossing his arms.

"Not here. Somewhere alone." Hayun insisted, and Chan sighed, rolling his eyes before following them.

"Why the heck did he listen to them?!" Han shouted in irritation, flinching both Hyunjin and Jiyoung.


Jiyoung stepped out of the lift, deep in thought, swaying her phone in her hand.

"That Hayun indeed is a bitch. Not one percent of guilt was there on her face." she scoffed.

"But why does she look so familiar?" Jiyoung bit her lip, sighing heavily.
"Who cares..."

She glanced back at her phone, standing in the middle of the hallway.
"Why the hell hasn't Taehyung replied or called me back? Idiot is not even picking up his phone!"

Sighing and sinking her shoulders, she muttered, "I miss him, Dad... Namjoon, Jay, Jungkook and—"

"Jiyoung-a!" Jiyoung flinched, turning around to see Changbin coming towards her, followed by Chan.

"Oh, hi..." Jiyoung smiled, waving at Changbin, but as she turned to greet Chan, he had already reached his apartment door and was entering his password ignoring her.

"We'll be having dinner tonight for Hyunjin's birthday. Wanna come? It was really fun yesterday." Changbin asked, smiling.

"Thank you so much, guys, but I think you guys should enjoy..." Jiyoung replied softly, touched by the gesture.
"I'm actually going to meet one of my friends here, so don't worry."

"Ah, I see. Okay then, see you soon!" Changbin chuckled, waving goodbye.

Jiyoung waved back, noticing that Chan had completely ignored her existence – no hi, no bye, no wave, no looking at her, nothing.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I definitely DON'T like him!"


Inside her apartment, empty cup noodles  were messily strewn around the table beside Jiyoung's laptop, where a game was opened with her waiting for her Jake to come in.

"What a lousy birthday this is... Last night was so fun." she sighed heavily.

With a beep sound in the game, Jiyoung's eyes widened, and she quickly straightened her back, stuffing her mouth with ramyeon.

Player Layla2021 entered the game

Layla2021: Code Red situation!

Layla2021: Jimin's men saw Taehyung in Jeju and right now are going to confirm if he's actually there.

Jiyoung felt the soul inside of her body leaving the second she read it.

Layla2021: Boss Chris denied to share this information with you but I guess you should know Jennifer

Layla2021: What should we do next?

Jiyoung pressed her chest as if her breath was stuck, feeling a tightness that made it hard to breathe.

First Jungkook, now Taehyung – she couldn't let it happen again.

Gulping down her fear, Jiyoung quickly focused herself and began typing.

Jenzie0420: We need to execute the next part of the plan right now.

Layla2021: Jennifer? We are not prepared. It's risky!!!!

Jenzie0420: I don't want my other brother to head back from Sicily and risk his life because of me!

Jenzie0420: All this is because of me so let me end it now. It's my order Jake, execute the next part right now. We'll see what happens next.

Layla2021: If that's what's your order is, I'll do it. Meet me at the corner point 430.

Layla2021: Signing off.


Two days later,

Chan was peacefully having breakfast with Han and Changbin, also discussing some business-related matters when their dinner was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Who could it be?" Han furrowed his brows as everyone looked at the door.

Chan put down his napkin and got up to open the door.

Standing there was Commissioner Hoseok.

"Hello, Chan. We received some information about a mafia living here in the SKZ apartment." Hoseok said, pursing his lips.

"Nobody lives here except me, sir." Chan humbly replied.

"Sure, but can we check?" Hoseok asked, showing the warrant to Chan.

Chan smiled lightly and nodded, gesturing for Hoseok to come in. "Sure, sir."

Han and Changbin also stood up, exchanging knowing glances with each other.

Hoseok entered with his policemen, searching around the house. There were two rooms, and both were empty.

Hoseok's men shook their heads after checking out the apartment.

Chan stood near the kitchen, waiting for them to finish, with Han and Changbin by his side.

"Are you done, sir?" Chan asked politely.

"Yeah, sorry to disturb you, Mr. Chan." Hoseok smiled, chuckling lightly.

"It's totally fine." Chan replied, returning the smile as he led Hoseok and his policemen out of the house.

"Ah, right... You have put the front apartment on rent. Can we check if the tenant isn't from the mafia?" Hoseok asked, raising both his brows inquisitively.

Chan smiled slowly and shook his head.

"I don't own that apartment, sir. It was sold to a British family weeks ago. And I don't think there is anyone living there on rent."

Hoseok squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"But you can gladly check. Though I don't have the password anymore." Chan shrugged.

"Alright. Thank you for your cooperation." Hoseok bowed slightly as he left the apartment.

Standing outside Chan's apartment, Hoseok gestured for his men to unlock the front apartment and check inside.

Much to his dismay, there was no one there either.

"You both live here for a while." Hoseok ordered, taking out his phone as he stepped outside.

"Yes, sir." his men nodded in response.

Hoseok waited for the person to answer his call.

"Yes, Hobi hyung, did you find something?" Jimin asked eagerly, clutching onto his chair with anticipation.

"No, Jimin. Jiyoung isn't here in the SKZ apartment anywhere. Plus, the apartment on rent is empty... I guess the information we received was false." Hoseok revealed over the phone.

In Chan's apartment, Han and Changbin listened in silence as Hoseok's voice faded away outside. Once they were certain the coast was clear, they signaled to Chan.

Chan swiftly moved to the kitchen, revealing the hidden door behind a cupboard. Clearing out the stuff from cupboard he opened that hidden door.

With a nod, he welcomed Jiyoung and Hyunjin out of hiding.

"Thank you for letting me hide, Chan." Jiyoung said softly, her gratitude evident in her eyes as she looked at him and then to the others. "And thank you all, too."

"It's okay." Hyunjin replied with a smile, wrapping an arm around Jiyoung.

"Our mafia Jiyoung."


The next chapter is going to be longgg. Hope you like it since this ends with a bit of suspense.

Vote or I will kill your favourite character!

Love ya!

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