The Cloud Walker [RWBY Fanfic...

By MalpDragon

83 11 6

How much can one change before becoming lost? An old anime fan spends more than one hundred years training an... More

Before we start:
Running in the night
Shadow net
Gears in place
Splitting numbers
Searching familiarity
Hunters and prey
New variables
Needed time

Reuniting the pieces

6 1 0
By MalpDragon

The voices around had many different worries.

None that I really cared about, focusing my attention on the news on the screen. Facts about the S.D.C. and White Fang passed like an after thought, letting all that I listen be about the cultist of Grimm.

Many attacks have been confirmed, but seeing that even after our help, the group seemed to increase, a question from where all these idiots came from kept repeating itself in my mind.

"Excuse me" said a voice, taking me out of my mind. It was a boy wearing green and clear Mistral features ", have you seen the clouds recently?"

That was one of our secret codes. This one used to find each other with a simple trick. A cloud made of aura above the head. It was simple enough for any of us to do and see with focus, but invisible to the others, even those who awakened their aura.

With a smile, I turned to him and said:

"More than seeing, I am the one who makes them."

"Oh! You're our leader? You really look younger than you sound" he said, looking at me down-up.

"I do not think anyone is stupid enough to impersonate me" I said, taking my phone and sending a direct message to him. "Is this enough?"

He took his phone and saw the text, nodding in response.


"Now is my time to ask. Where is your partner, Ren?"

"She is there, talking with another member she found" he said, pointing at the other side of the bullhead.

The pink-Thor was firing questions as fast as a TMP, not letting the blonde boy answer in any way, which clearly confused him.

Seeing this, I decided to intervene. Ren walked with me, but did not do anything.

"Calm down, Nora" I held her shoulder, flaring my aura towards her.

"Hey, that's a strong aura!" She said. Her attention turned completely to me, but I held her chin and nose with a three finger pinch, shutting her.

"Teach- I mean, Vent!" The blonde said, correcting himself.

"Jaune, I said you should wait before meeting them."

Jaune Arc was one of my direct students, but was a second generation. All first became a group called the Eleven Suns and our new apprentices were called Planets.

"I know, but she came out of nowhere!"

"She was excited to meet everyone, so she was using focus since we entered the bullhead" Ren told.

Sighing, I let go of her face and held her shoulder, keeping the energetic girl in place.

"How did you find him? He does not have a cloud."

"He was strangely hidden, like his aura didn't exist!" she said, smiling. "Only someone who trained like us could do that!"

"Seems like your hide was too good this time" I laughed, looking at him.

He sighed in defeat. I petted his head as we were landing.

"Come on. Beacon awaits."

Walking out I gave the trio instructions on where to go. They went into separate ways since my plans required some things to be as close to the show as possible.

While I saw them getting distant, a hand on my shoulder got my attention. A written message on my front gave out who it was.

"Why didn't you wait?" Neo asked, pouting.

"I said to be up early. It was you who got late."

"She and of us it seems." Emerald said, joining the chat.

Looking behind me, I saw that a really big group formed there. It was almost all members of the infiltration in one place.

"That is quite the easiest way for us to be pointed out" I said, staring at them.

"Don't be so paranoid" Mercury retorted, crossing his arms. "We could be big group friends!"

"We kinda are, but this diversity isn't normal in this world yet."

"You see us as friends?"

I laughed, looking at each one of them. Those who I helped directly and indirectly. Smiling I gave them my answer:

"Of course I do. Why do you think I care so much? To be honest, I like to see all of you as my family."

This really took him by surprise, as it did with the others. Not even the planets reacted as they waited for their suns to say something. Luckily for them, I could see it would be late if we waited.

"I am Vent Nimbus, the white sun or, how some of you know me, The Universe" I introduced myself with a little bow. "I know all of you already, so your introductions should be done later today. Our time is little, so we should get moving."

Getting out of their stupor, the Suns nodded and went with their groups to the auditorium. I bid my farewells to them I watched them like the others.

The lack of an explosion left me curious about what happened. Something changed enough for either Rubi and Weiss not to meet or the dust heiress did not have her bags in this timeline.

To get me off of my theorizing mind, a new voice came, unexpectedly like the others.

"If it isn't Vent, the uniter!" Said the redhead with an eye patch.

"You know I hate this title, Adam" I said, turning to him. I was surprised with who was with him. Some I expected since I asked him to bring them, but the black haired girl was not part of the plan. "What is she doing here?"

"Hello. I heard you already know about me, is it true?" The black cat faunus asked.

Sighing, I decided to be sincere. Adam probably told her enough and Ilia beside him said the rest.

"You are Blake Belladonna. Daughter of Ghira and Kali. A member of the White Fang, coming here to learn more to be able to help more" I said, crossing my arms. "How much did he say about me?"

"Wow! He is the real deal!" The other cat faunus exclaimed, receiving an elbow from her parents.

"Adam said you came from the future and is trying to change history because everyone died."

I had to hold the bridge of my nose to not shout then and there. From all excuses he could come with, time travel was the worst.

"I did not come from the future, get that idea out of your head" I asked, giving the glare to the bull faunus. "I came from another world. A world where this one is just a show. A fiction."

"Another world? Like the multiverse theory?" Blake questioned. Eyes sparkling with interest.

"It's not just a theory" I said, looking back at her. "This world is a fiction there, but my world could be a fiction here. With that in mind, any of your books can also be real somewhere, but do not ask me to go there or open a portal. I do not have this power. My arrival here was a gift."

At this point, even the others were interested in the explanation. Looking at my scroll, I saw the time and decided to walk to the auditorium. Giving the others a sing, we all made our way while still talking.

"If is it true, what was supposed to happen now?" She asked.

"I do not know. I changed too much already" I started to point all at them as I told about the show version of each. "Neon and Flynt should have joined Atlas academy, hating the S.D.C. because they made your life worse with anti-competition tactics."

"Really? They would do that?" The cat shouted, surprised.

"I can't see them doing this type of thing nowadays, but heard it was common not even two decades ago."

I nodded at him before continuing:

"Vernal should still be with Raven and would die in two years as a decoy for her."

"I can see that happening. Was it worth it?"

"She defeated her enemy and got out alive at least."

She smiled. Her loyalty was showing since we first met and it appears to grow stronger with my interferences.

"The White Fang would be a human hating group instead of what is now. You would have ran away from it joining Beacon as a restart, per say. Adam would be a villan that would cause the fall of Beacon and almost of Heaven, and would be killed by you and, if it is not changed, your future partner Yang in somewhere between two to three years."

"Impaled by my own blade from both sides" he added, remembering what I told him.

"Well, it did have a theory he did not die, but I doubt it was canon." Ilia said, joining the chat.

"And she would be your enemy when you went to Menagerie, but would change sides after some things that happened there."

I nodded, saying all that was necessary before arriving at the big opened doors. Before dispersing everyone I looked at Blake one last time.

"You are free to believe me or not. It will not change my plans. I prefer to have you and your team as allies still this year, but I am patient enough to wait till later."

She did not respond, but nodded.

"Until tonight, everyone."

With those words I joined the crowd, hiding myself in the sea of bodies. The changes were arriving one after another and I needed to decide what our plans would be.

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