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A maid walked up to a room and knocked gently before opening it. "What is it?"Castillo asks bluntly. "Um... More



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"Ryan..."Christine muttered as she passed out.

Logan drove in his mansion and packed the car. He got down the car and carried her in a bridal style before entering his house.

"Welcome back....boss..." The maids held a look of surprise on their faces.

Since no visitors room were cleaned, he had no choice than to take her to his.

She placed her on the bed and removed her shoes, he looked at her face for a while.

"Whatever you are going through must be so painful for you to drink this much. I have been there." Logan spoke, remembering how he drank when Rachel left him.

He stood up and walked in the bathroom to take a bath...

���️ VEGARA'S ���️

Iris fried her tears as she looked at her bank account balance. She had only $21,000 left. She saved this money from her previous jobs so as to help her cousin out as she enrolls into high school but she luckily got a scholarship.

She wanted to save this money to help Christine with household expenses but now it'll all go to that stupid Vida's phone.

She glanced at the clock at it was past 9 but Christine isn't home and her phone is switched off. Maybe she decided to sleep over at Ryan's.

Iris quickly laid on her bed as she closed her eyes in pity for herself. She'll just give Vida the money and look for a job....she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Christine turned on the bed and frowned, she smiled when an intoxicating perfume hit her nostrils. Wait a sec, that wasn't her perfume.

She spranged up on the bed. She looked around and couldn't believe her eyes, was she dreaming.

She winced when her head pounded really hard. Some blur images flashed through her eyes...

*grumpy @ss*

*who wants to f*ck this girl*

*Miss you need to go home!!*

Christine slowly began assembling the pieces and her hands immediately flew to her mouth.

"I did not just do that!! Tell me it's a dream... No a nightmare!!" Christine pannicked.

"You're awake "Logan said stepping into his room still dressed in his night clothes.

Christine's jaw dropped at the figure before her....stop day dreaming Christine!!!

"Who...who are you?"She managed to ask.

"Just someone...you were pretty wasted last night."Logan said putting his hands in his pocket.

Christine gasped as she looked into the duvet but her clothes were still on.

"Are you being serious right now! I have no desire whatsoever for your body."He said.

"Pick your clothes and then leave."Logan said and walked out of the room.

���️ VEGARA'S ���️

"Christine where have you been? You look like you were ran over"Iris asks her putting on her school shoes.

"It's a long story Iris and I don't want to talk about it."Christine said sadly.

"Well at least give me a hint of what happened."Iris said folding her arms.

"Ryan and I broke up."Christine said and Iris covered her mouth in shock.

"What happened? Why'd you guys end the relationship?"Iris asks now feeling concerned.

"I caught him sleeping....with his secretary. He clearly told me to my face that he doesn't love me and was only after my body but I didn't give in so he....he had to..."

"Shhhhh,it's okay couz. Don't let that moron give you a headache."Iris said hugging her.

"But I really loved that guy with everything in me Iris. Why did he have to hurt me this way?"Christine said now in tears.

"You'll find someone better than him couz. So where did you sleep last night?"Iris asks finally disengaging from the hug.

"Someone helped me at the bar when I was drunk and he took me to his house."Christine explained.

"He what..!!!"Iris exclaimed.

"Nothing happened Iris."Christine said. "Anyways,I have an interview at a company by 9am. I need to go take a bath."Christine said.

"Job interview? What happened to the restaurant?"Iris asked.

"It was sold yesterday. That's why I really need to get accepted by this company because we have a lot of debts to pay and also the expenses keep piling up."Christine said.

Iris sighed picking her bag.

"I'll go ahead now....see you later."Iris said walking out of the house.

"Take care..."


Iris withdrew the money from her account that morning before going to school. She was feeling really heart broken but it's better this way and she'll do her best to avoid getting into trouble with them again.

She walked into the school and walked towards the locker room when she felt someone pull her hair backwards.

She nearly fell but was able to hold herself. Se turned and saw Vida standing with two girls which were Bianca and Riele.

"So she's the Iris.....the looks can tell."Riele said chewing gum.

"I hope you have my money freak!"Vida said and Iris put her hand in her bag bringing out an envelope which contained the money.

She resisted giving it to her but Vida snatched it immediately. Vida called a student which was just nearby and whispered something to her as ye student went to do what she was told.

The student came back with a small steel bucket and a matchstick. Vida took out the money from the envelope and dumped it into the bucket.

"What are you doing?"Iris asked in panic trying to figure out why Vida had a matchstick.

"Watch and learn baby girl."Vida snapped at her and by now students already stopped to watch.

Vida lit the matchstick and threw it into the bucket as the money began to burn into ashes.

"Vida stop it!!! You said you needed the money for your phone!!!"Iris said admist tears as she tried to stop Vida but Bianca held her back.

"Look who's talking. She really doesn't get it...!!!"Bianca scoffs as she and Riele laughed.

"Why would I buy depend on you to get a new cellphone when I'm the president's daughter...!!!"Vida said bringing out a new phone from her bag. "I got this phone yesterday......I don't need your money!!"Vida said rudely to her and Iris.

"If you didn't need the money....why did you ask for it? Do you know how difficult it was for me to get that money. That was my life savings..."Iris said in tears.

"It's none of my business Iris.... I'll do whatever I want to do and you'll have no say in it."Vida smirked at Iris who was still crying.

Iris quickly ran out of the scene in tears.

Vida is a real snake. She never imagined Vida would do that.





"Miss, it's your turn." A female said to Christine.

She has been here for almost an hour waiting in line for the interview. The company was really big and famous and hopefully her salary would help sustain she and Iris's daily needs.

Christine rejoiced inwardly and went in. She saw a man, typing with one hand while jotting something down with the other hand.

"Good afternoon Sir" She greeted.

"Have a seat" He said with a serious expression on his face still not looking at her.

"So I believe you know why you're here for. What are your qualifications which makes you think you are fit enough to work for my secretary" He asked.

She brought out a file from her bag and handed it to him. He took it and began flipping through it.

He raised his gaze up and Christine almost fainted.

"You?"Logan said arching his brows.

Holy sh*t!!!! Why does it have to be him!! She thought and he faced the files.

"You studied business in university, interesting"Logan said flipping through.

"What was your former occupation?" Logan asked.

"Uhm...I was a waitress at Nelly's restaurant" Christine replied.

"Alright, so before I think of employing you. Here's a test" Logan said an turned his laptop to her.

"Here are a list of countries my company can export its technology to. Which one do you view best and proffitable" Logan asked.

Christine looked at it for a while then closed her eyes, reflecting.

"I will choose the only African country there which is Cameroon. Cameroon is lacking behind in technology and so will be willing to buy your goods at the price you desire" Christine proposed.

"Hmm" That was all Logan said.

He tore a paper and a brought out a pen then Placed it in front of Christine.

"Your account details and email address" Logan said.

"Jace?" Logan called.

A man entered the office and bowed.

"Yes boss?"

"Dismiss all those outside. The interview is closed" Logan said taking the paper Christine wrote in it.

"Okay boss" Jace said and left.

"Huh?" Christine blurted out.

Her phone beeped twice. She picked up her phone to know what it was.

Her eyes almost fell off and her mouth too.

"I just sent some small money to your account. That money is... let's say a motivation. Your salary will come at the end of each month. I have specific rules i love my employees to follow. My schedule will be sent to you later on. You can start work tomorrow at 8AM. If you're one minute late, just consider yourself as fired" Logan said.

Christine still couldn't get her eyes off her phone. The money he calls small money is enough to settle all their debts. What will her salary now be??

"Thank you so much Sir, I'm really grateful!" Christine bowed..

"You may leave now, have other things to do" Logan said.

Christine stood up and picked her bag then left his office. She began jumping up and down once she got out of the office.

God knows how happy and lucky she felt......now she can support Iris fully. Pay her debts and also they can now move out of their old house.

She's thinking of buying at least a nice apartment for she and Iris,that way she doesn't need to worry about paying the rent.

She clutched the file to herself and went out of the company smiling.


Iris sat alone at a corner in school field. She was sobbing bitterly a while ago but she decided to love on from it since there's nothing she could do.

She doesn't blame Vida. She's rich, entitled,the country's princess and she's loved by many unlike her who doesn't even know her parents.

Vida is very lucky that's why she has the power and guts to do what she did to her.

She was scrolling through her phone looking for a job at any restaurant,cafe, bouquet...any part time job she could get to get that money back.

She felt a presence behind her and she turned her back and saw Lorenzo smiling at her.

"What is a pretty girl doing out here all by herself?"Lorenzo teased but Iris didn't find it funny.

He sat beside her while she just stared at him.

"We're you crying?"Lorenzo asks and she looked away.

"What are you even doing here?"Iris asked putting her phone away.

"I've been looking for you since morning."He said.

"Why were you looking for me?"she asks.

"Hey...are we fighting. I just wanted to see you. I want us to be friends."He said.

"Why'd you want to be friends with a loser like me?"she asks looking at him.

"Iris did something happen to you?"he asks again.

"Does it matter if I tell you..!! You're all the same!! You.. Castillo.... Vida....all of you."She said feeling really hurt again.

"Iris I've not done anything to you. Tell me what happened."He said in a calm tone and she explained everything that happened between she and Vida.

Lorenzo shook his head negatively and sighed.

"That Vida dosen't know how to change."He said.

"I can give you the money back."he said.

"Don't bother...I don't want to be indebted or have anything to do with you guys."Iris said standing up to leave but he held her wrist holding her back.

She turned to look at him.

"Iris I'm being serious. I want to be your friend."he said.


"I have a crush on you..."He said with a wink.

"You're not being serious Lorenzo."She said scoffing.

"Iris I'm serious. I want to get to know you....I won't cause any problems for you."He said.

She looks at him.

"Please.."he pleaded holding both her wrists now.

She quickly yanks off his hand.

"Okay..."She mumbled and he smiled broadly.

"Can I get your digits.?"He asked.


He presented his phone to her and she put in her digits after series of persuasion.

"I'll call you when I get home...... pumpkin"He winked and left.

Iris slowly found herself smiling as she turned to leave heading to the Cafe she applied for work.


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