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A maid walked up to a room and knocked gently before opening it. "What is it?"Castillo asks bluntly. "Um... More



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Iris paid the drycleaner and left his shop. She had her uniform washed and dried at the drycleaning near by. She ran as fast as her feets could carry cause she was already late. Only God knows what I'll do to that boy if I see him again.

She ran into the school and the hallways were empty cause first lessons have already begun.

She took out a paper from her card which shows her class and locker. She started looking for her class and she bet it wasn't an easy one though.

She finally found it and marched towards it. She took a deep breath before stepping in and all eyes turned to her.

"Good morning sir"She greeted the teacher with a smile.

"You're the new student I suppose."The middle aged man said.

"Yes sir."Iris said.

"What's your name?"He asks facing her.

"My name is Iris....Iris Vegara."It introduced.

"And why are you late?"He asks again

"I'm sorry sir, something nasty happened on my way."Iris explained.

"I'll pardon you cause it's your first day miss Vegara....go take a seat."He said and Iris went to an empty seat which was located at the middle row. She walked towards it and just as she was about to sit down,her eyes met with his.

Castillo seat was right behind hers. She glared hard at him before sitting down. This class should just end early cause this guy needs a dose of his own medicine.

Castillo himself wouldn't take his eyes off her. He sighed briefly and focused on the teacher.

The bell rang after an hour as the teacher took his leave. Students packed their bags and began to troop out of the class.

Iris was also busy packing up her stuff when she heard his stupid voice.

"Hey dummy....I see you had your dirty body washed."Castillo said and she shut her eyes trying to calm down a bit as she turned to him.

"You're so rude you know that? It wouldn't hurt if you apologized instead of acting like a fool.... Zombie!!"She snapped at him.

"What did you just call me!!"He asks feeling pissed off.

"Zombie..!! And you really look like one!"She said, took her bag and left the class.

Castillo shook his head and stood up carrying his bag. That girl better know what's coming to her.

He walked outside the class and sees his friends already waiting for him there.

"What took you so long?"Mason asks.

"Nothing"He replied bluntly as they headed to the cafeteria.




Iris held her stomach which grumbled repeatedly. She was really famished and she couldn't locate the cafeteria. All the students she asked would either yell at her or ignore her.....so rude.

She then decided to go to her locker room which she saw on her way to class in the morning. She got there and placed some of her textbooks in it to lighten the load on her bag.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."She heard some students beside her saying as she quickly locked her locker and followed them.

They stopped in front of a door which had cafeteria boldly written on it. She stepped in and it was wow. The environment was so neat and beautiful. The tables were all fancy and te place looked like an expensive restaurant.

She walked over to the counter and looked at the menu mapped on the counter.

"I'll have burger and milkshake."Iris said as the lady served it to her after two minutes. She paid the lady and took her tray scanning her eyes for a seat.

She spotted a round table of seven carefully placed at the cafeteria that stood out from others as she went there to sit alone.

She barely started eating when she heard murmurs everywhere. People were staring at her like she got a plague but she simply ignored them.

Suddenly everyone in the cafeteria stood up and everywhere was silent. She wondered what was going on and stood up too trying to look at the entrance when Castillo,Miguel, Lorenzo and Mason walked to her table.

"And what are you doing here?"Miguel asked disgustingly.

"What do you mean? I'm eating."Iris sad confused.

"You know I don't want to talk too much so just get out of that table with that trash you call food."Castillo said rudely and everyone in the cafeteria laughed.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are to call my food trash!!"She yelled at Castillo.

Everyone gasps.

"Is this girl a newbie or what?"Mason chipped in.

"I know how to deal with this"Castillo mumbled snapping his fingers as three boys came to them at once.

"Throw her away!"Castillo ordered as the boys lifted Iris from the ground and one took her bag and food and followed the other two.

"Hey put me down!!!!! You scumbag!!!!! I'm going to kill you...you son of a bitch!!!!"Iris yelled as everyone kept taking pictures of what happened.

"Zombie!!!!"She yelled before the exited the cafeteria.

There was a big trash can outside the cafeteria and the boys threw her in as well as her bag and food as they left.

"Morons!!!!! Arrrrghhhhh!!"She screamed as people kept looking at her awkwardly.

"Let me help you out."A girl said helping Iris out if the trashcan.

"Thanks."Iris said wiping the dirt off her body.

"I'm Hazel and you are?"Hazel asks.

"Iris."Iris said.

"What the heck happened back there? Are you new? Don't you know that that's Castillo and his squad's table? Why'd you sit there.."Hazel rushed at her.

"Whoa....one question at a time. I don't understand. Who's Castillo? I mean which one?"Iris asks.

"The one who ordered you get thrown away."Hazel said

"So it's that Zombie..."Iris muttered.

"Zombie? Iris do you really want to get into trouble?"Hazel asks.

"I don't care....he's rude! He's mannerless! He's ugly! He's a Zombie!"Iris scoffs and Hazel shook her head negatively.

"Let's go to the restroom so we can clean your hair then I'll give you a tour of the school."Hazel said as they marched out.


Back at the cafeteria,Vida and two of her friends Bianca and Riele walked in as everyone stood up in silence but of course apart from Castillo and his friends.

This treatment was because of Castillo. Normally if it were just the others,the students would scream and cheer them but Castillo hates it when people yell unnecessarily.

They walked to where the boys were and sat down as all seven seats were occupied. Vida stretched her body to Castillo's and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Vida stop it."He said trying not to be rude but then she pouted feigning annoyance.

Castillo sighed and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Happy now?"He asks and she nodded.

Miguel who was busy with his phone put it down as he kissed Riele on her lips then cheeks. Yes, Riele is Miguel's girlfriend.

"What the hell happened here?"Vida asks.

"Just dealt with a pest."Castillo scoffs as their food arrived at the table and they began to eat.

"You know I'm still wondering why the both of you aren't a thing yet."Lorenzo said.

"I'll answer that for you... someone here has refused to ask me to be his girlfriend."Vida said turning to Castillo who gave her the 'like I would ask you out' look.

Riele was busy feeding Miguel and he would do the same too. While Vida was trying to act all sweet and cozy towards Castillo.

Castillo was now busy on his phone but he suddenly raised his head.

"Hey Bianca,you've been quiet all these while. Are you okay?"Castillo asks.

"I'm not okay....it's my girlfriend,she got mad at me cause I forgot today was our anniversary. She's freaking out."Bianca said chatting with her girlfriend over the phone.

"What were you thinking Bianca. How could you forget such a special moment. Luna will surely break up with you."Mason teased.

"Mason....don't start with me."Bianca said glaring at him.

Yeah Bianca has a girlfriend whose name is Luna. Don't be surprised....Bianca is a lesbian and she's the boyfriend in the relationship cause she's obviously a tomboy.

"Why don't you go see her after school. Take her out on a date and make her feel special and maybe that way she'll forget what you did."Lorenzo said.

"Look who's giving me relationship advice. I'd rather take advice from a playboy like Mason than from you. What do you know about love?"Bianca snapped at him.

"Bianca you're being mean now.."Lorenzo said almost annoyed.

"But it's true bro...you're love live is a mess."Castillo said.

"Not like you have ever has a girlfriend since birth."Lorenzo said.

"Cause he obviously dosen't want to. But you, you've been in a lot of relationships....but they keep on dumping you."Miguel said and they laughed.

"That's it!!"he banged his fists on the table and walked out from them añgrily.

"Lorenzo I mean no harm. Enzo!!!"Bianca called still laughing but he walks out of the cafeteria.

******Lorenzo walked to the main hall walking with his hands in his pockets as students kept smiling at him and he reciprocated.

He's actually the nicest among the seven of them. He's not a bully either but he doesn't really do anything when his friends bully others. And about his love life,girls always dump him after chasing after his money.

He's really handsome though...I would say after Castillo he's next but love dosen't really favor him.

He was still walking down the hallway when he saw a girl runs pass him like she was being chased.

That was Hazel....just immediately another person ran with great speed bumping into him from the side and he fell down with the person on top as her hair fell over his face.

"What the ....."Lorenzo yelped but then paused when he saw who it was.

"You?"Lorenzo said arching his brows.

"Sorry.."Iris muttered but then gasped when she saw his face.


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