More Than Friends

By HiIm_Hanna

2.9K 69 342

Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies are best friends, these two do everything together. Suddenly things have change... More

Chapter One: Another Day πŸ“†
Chapter Two: Unexpected πŸ‘€
Chapter Three: Famous πŸŽ₯
Chapter Four: Birthday Boy πŸŽ‚
Chapter Five: Best Friends πŸ’™
Chapter Six: Moody β˜”
Chapter Seven: Crush On You πŸ’ž
Chapter Eight: In A Chick-fil-A Parking Lot πŸ”
Chapter Nine: Starbucks Coffee β˜•
Chapter Ten: Thanksgiving Special πŸ¦ƒ
Chapter Eleven: Confessions πŸ’˜
Chapter Twelve: Christmas Special πŸŽ„
Chapter Thirteen: Snowing 🌨️

Chapter Fourteen: Memory Lane πŸ›£οΈ

172 7 28
By HiIm_Hanna

Rainbow Dash's Pov

9:55 am

So, I'm slowly recovering from my memory. But, I can only remember up until Soarin got here from another city or something like that. The most recent memory I have is almost getting run over by a car, and then getting pushed onto the grass by someone, saving me from a crash. I don't remember who that is, just that they were wearing a varsity jacket from CHS and jeans. I think.

I'm writing all this in my journal that I've been keeping since the accident in Canada. My brother gave it to me when I arrived back in Canterlot yesterday. So, I remember that me and Soarin my best friend– I mean boyfriend. Ugh, I don't get it! He's attractive yeah, I can't deny that. But, I just don't see him like that. And the way he's so touchy with me is just–Bleh. I feel like vomiting now... Also, I keep thinking about that weird girl from Canada who told me to...

"Stay away from Soarin."

I still have no idea what the hell that means. And I haven't told Soar about that girl either.

*Knock, knock*


"Come in!" I yelled to the person at the door, closing up my journal. "Hello, my beautiful girl." Soarin smiled as he opened the door. Speak of the devil... "Oh...! Uhm, hi! I wasn't expecting you." I sheepishly smiled, "Surprise. How are you feeling?" he asked, "Fine, better actually." I replied, he smiled and left a peck on my lips. Then frowned as he looked at my strange expression.

"You okay? You seem off..." he asked, "Uh..." I mumbled.

Do I tell him?

"Well, I feel like um..." I mumbled again, he held my hands and looked at me concerned. "Uhmm, well it's just that. I feel like you're going to take this hard but... I don't think I like you. As in love you. As a friend of course I do! But nothing more, like sappy couple stuff." I said awaiting his reaction. "W-what? Are you breaking up with me? Dash–"

"Uhm, I don't know...?"

"You're still recovering your memory, don't do something that you might regret." he said, "But, what if I won't regret this?" I asked, he looked stunned and taken aback. "Rainbow– Please don't do this. We haven't even been together for a month!" he said, I noticed him on the verge of tears.

So, I quickly thought of something to change the subject.

"Soarin... You know this girl came to our hotel room in Canada–"

"Please don't change the subject Rainbow. It's not making me feel any better." he sniffled, "But, this girl told me to stay away, away from you." I said, this caught his attention, as he looked, "What? What did she look like?" he asked, "Well, I think... He had sand-colored skin, light blue eyes, and sky-blue hair. Also, I must say she had style." I recalled the other day when I met the strange girl.


He mumbled, "What? What's wrong?" I asked, "That's my 'friend' Seashell. She was one of my friends in Las Pegasus... We were pretty close, but whenever I talked about you she'd always change the subject or get moody. I think she liked me or something, cause she'd flirt with me from time to time. I think she was jealous of you." he said, "Jealous? Of me? What's there to be jealous of?" I asked, he chuckled and smiled at me warmly, "Well... I had a... I was crushing on you back then." he blushed, "I used to talk about you a lot, and such." his face reddening by the second.


"What was that?" he smirked, "Nothing!" I blushed, "Aw, thank you, sweetheart." He chuckled, crushing on me. Wait–

"You l...liked me back then?!" I gasped, feeling my face heating up. "Duh." He smiled, "How- What- Why-"

Soarin cut me off by kissing my cheek, "Shut up, already." he chuckled and walked over to my door. "And by the way, ignore Seashell, okay?" he added and exited the room. I silently nodded in response.




W h a t

Now I'm confused! I thought I didn't like him–




Whatever, anyway. I think I need to somehow gain my memories back. I can't live like this forever. What could jog my memory...?

Soarin didn't work, my friends didn't work. Since Soarin is apparently 'my boyfriend' I could ask him about some places we went, I guess? Ugh, I don't know!

How about a walk down memory lane?

Memory– what?

Walk to some of your favorite places, and see if they jog your memory.

You know, for once I think you're being helpful brain!

Wow, okay. I see how it is...

I changed into a black hoodie and some denim shorts. I headed out of my room and surprisingly, I couldn't find my mom anywhere around the house... Strange...

I shrugged it off and headed to CHS first, even though it was winter break I was sure I could walk around campus. Not inside obviously... On my walk, I saw my mom in front of Soarin's place talking to his mom. Huh, so that's where she was. I wonder what they're talking about... Also, where the hell is Fire Streak? I feel like I haven't seen him in like... Well forever! Maybe he's at work or something...

I eventually arrived at campus and nothing popped into my head. I walked around some more, and the school felt so... Empty. Kinda sad school starts again next week though... I decided my next location would be the park. I happen to have a lot of cool and epic moments there. I saw the soccer field me and my friends once all played on.


Damn it. This is hard! How the fuck am I going to job my memory?!

What place will help me remember...?

"The answers you seek, child. May not be a place, but rather an object."

"W...What? Who's there?! I know karate, and I'm not afraid to use it!" I yelled turning on every direction, the voice startled me to my core.

"It is I...


I turned around to find myself standing in front of a woman, she looked a few years older than me. "Ah! Jeez, don't creep up on me like that, dude." I sighed, "You are seeking answers... For your lost memories, child...?" She walked closer to me, examining me. "Yes, how'd you know? And what do you mean it could be an object...?" I asked her, "Come child. Come to my home, all will be explained there..." She gestured for me to follow her.

Despite the high level of danger I could be getting myself into, I followed 'Zecora' who was wearing a white dress, with gold accents. She also had wavy black hair and some gold jewelry.

Yeah, cause it's not dangerous to be following a stranger to their house...

Shut up.


"How much longer?" I asked her, "Almost there, child. Almost." She lightly glanced at me. We were walking in a creepy-looking forest. Trees everywhere. Then I saw a small light in the distance. "Is that it?" I asked, "Patience, Rainbow Dash. Patience" She said, "Wait, how do you know my name?!" I gasped, she shook her head aimlessly and sighed. "One knows much with the knowledge that is collected." She said I couldn't understand what Zecora meant by that, so I shrugged it off and continued to walk to her house with her.

"We've arrived." She stopped in front of a huge tree, with lots of colorful lights around it. "You live... In a tree...?" I asked, dumbfounded at the situation at hand. "Yes, child." She nodded and opened the door for me to enter. "Thank you," I said, she nodded in recognition and went into another part of her house.

I heard a few noises and then she walked out holding two cups of tea. "Here, drink." She handed me the warm tea cup. "Are you sure this isn't drugged or something?" I asked, suspiciously. "Yes, drink before it gets cold," Zecora said and took a sip from her tea cup. I sighed and reluctantly took a sip. What did I have to lose anyway?

The tea surprisingly tasted really good, "Wow, did you make this? It's delicious." I took another sip of her amazing tea. "Yes, it's to calm and relax the nerves. So you can relax, and focus." she responded, "On what?" I gulped down another sip of the tea. "Your memories, child." She answered my question.

After a while I started to feel calmer, "Now, we will restore your memory." she aimlessly announced, "How...?" I said, "Focus, focus on this crystal ball." She randomly pulled out a crystal ball from out of her ass crack.

"Where did you–"

"Shh! Tell me what you see..."




I saw images of me and Soarin he was with me at a coffee shop. There was one of us kissing, him carrying me, us at a Chick-fil-A. I explained the visions I was seeing to Zecora and she nodded, as if she was calculating some math problem. Then I saw one of me and Soarin at a park near our school. Our fingers were intertwined, and he was putting on a beautiful necklace around my neck. I looked down at my neck and saw the gorgeous piece of jewelry. Another vision showed Soarin slipping a golden ring onto my finger with his name and initials engraved into it...


"This one's for me. And this one's for you, Rain." he picked up my hand and slipped the smaller ring onto my ring finger. "So you never forget how amazing I am," he kissed my cheek.


"I know you told me a billion times, 'Don't kiss me in public, Soarin!' Your voice is so cute." He mocked me in a high-pitched voice, "Soarin! I do not sound like that!" I glared, He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, I love you." he hugged me, I was startled but hugged him back either way.


"Love you too, stupid." I giggled, he pulled away and slipped the larger ring with my initials onto his ring finger. "We're matching." he smiled.


My eyes suddenly lit up, I looked down at my ring finger to find the same gold ring as in the vision. "I... I think I remember something..." I glanced at Zecora, "Here, child. Drink." She handed me another cup of something, "What's this...?" I asked, "It will help with the shock you might receive from regaining all your memories, child." she said and gestured for me to drink it. I reluctantly followed her orders and drank that strange concoction.

...I taste... Strawberries...?

"Yes, freshly picked from my garden, child." She smiled, and I nodded in response. "It's good." I smiled back, I suddenly felt something burst in my heart. Like when you feel... Love...?

Memories suddenly started rushing back to me... Soarin's birthday, Pinkie's star-spangled banner song at Thanksgiving, the Christmas party, Soarin's confession, and...

"We were skiing, I think... And someone pushed me... Into a giant pile of snow...?''

Zecora smiled at me, "How do you feel, Rainbow Dash?" she asked, "I feel... Alright, good even." I smiled back,

"...Thank you, so much. How could I ever repay you?" I asked, "No need, child. Just remember the prophecy..." She said, "W...What prophecy?" I cocked my head in confusion. "This one." She pulled out a giant dusty book, with worn-out pages.

"Listen." She whispered, I was now getting even more confused with this. What the fuck is going on?! She turned to a page that showed a group of seven girls, one had green eyes, one had magenta, two had blue, one had teal, and one purple. There was another picture with a boy smirking at the magenta-eyed girl. The boy had bright emerald eyes...

Emerald eyes...?

Why is that familiar...?

"See child, and remember the prophecy. Always." She pointed to a bunch of words on the side. "This will help your love stay true, and true forever. Even if something or someone comes in-between." She said, I looked at the strange wording that read:

"The two sparks will forever be bonded, if one always remembers that the storm can always be conquered because love conquers all."

The fuck does that mean?! "I guess I better get going now, huh?" I asked, and she nodded. "Safe travels, child..." she guided me to the door, "Take this," she handed me a cup of that delicious tea from earlier. "Wow? Thank you so much again, for everything." I smiled, and she smiled back as I exited then she whispered one last thing to me before she closed the door.

"Remember that love conquers all, Rainbow Dash. Remember."

I kept the strange message in mind as I walked through the creepy forest again, once I arrived home the door was locked. And I didn't bring my keys with me...


I rolled my eyes at my brain's statement, I suddenly saw my brother in the corner of my eye across the street at Soarin's place, with my mom. Still? Is she seriously still there? I walked across to meet with them, then I felt myself being pushed to the ground, "Ow!" I groaned, "You really should be more careful, princess." I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up to see.

"Soarin?!" I sat up and hugged him tight, "Woah, what's gotten into you now?" he chuckled, "I love you." I said, not letting him go from my grasp. "Since when?" He asked, "Since fucking forever!" I smiled, "I love you too... But what happened–" he asked, "Shut up and kiss me already, will you?" I shot, "I thought you'd never ask." He pulled me in and brushed his soft lips against mine. Then he pulled away, "Really though, this is the second time I've had to save you from getting run over." He sighed, "Sorry." I giggled, he stood up and pulled me up for my grass.

I explained the crazy adventure I had that day and about how Zecora helped me regain my memories. I didn't explain the prophecy thought, I couldn't even understand it that well. So, what makes you think Soarin can?

After a while of explaining I saw Fire Streak walking up to me. But I beat him to it as I sprinted up to him, "Fire! I have my memory back!" I squealed, "What how?!" He gasped,




back!" I said quickly, "What?! Why the hell would you follow a stranger to their house?!"

I told you so.

"Uhh, at least I got my memory back?" I chuckled nervously. "Whatever, just please be careful next time little sis?" Fire sighed, "I promise." I smiled at him, and he smiled back and hugged me tightly.

Seashell's Pov

Okay, that's it! Pushing her didn't work, now what do I do?! Stupid magic lady... How the fuck does Soarin even like that two-faced clown?! Well, maybe...

If I can't have Soarin, then nobody can...


2,514 words! Hey guys! Wow, how long has it even been? I don't even remember half the storyline. I suggest that you guys go back and read the plot so this chapter might make more sense. Cause I used a lot of references from older chapters for her memories. But as always I love y'all so much!!! Pls, make sure to check out my profile for updates and other books! But until then, peace out! 😇😀

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