What the frik are all the Nar...

By MatsuriUzumaki

377K 11.3K 2.5K

This is a fan fiction about three adopted sisters living in Kyoto, Japan. There are both in their third year... More

What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here?
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here chapter 2
What the Frik Are All the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 3
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 4
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 5
What the frik are the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter 6
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter 7
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 8
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter 9
What the frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 10
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 11
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 12
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 13
What the Frik are all of the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 14
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 15
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 16
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter17
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 18
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 19
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 20
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 21
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 23
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 24
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 25
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 26
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 27
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 28
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 29
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 30
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 31
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 32
What the frik are the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 33
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 34
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 35
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 36
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 37
What the Frik are All the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 38
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 39
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 40
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 41
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 42
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 43
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 44
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 45
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 46
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 47
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 48
What the frik are all of the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 49
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 50
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 51
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 52

What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 22

5.8K 181 19
By MatsuriUzumaki

Kakashi pov:

Aki and I laugh as we finally arrive a few feet from the Lore house. Aki says, “I can’t believe you slammed the door right in your own face then had to go see the nurse because you got a cut on your forehead!”

I blush while shrugging. “I can’t believe it myself. I’m usually not that clumsy.”

“I know Mr. Jounin! You’re not as ninja like as you thought you were, Kakashi.”

That’s when it all came to me. I stop and stare at her. “Y-you called me Kakashi…and you called me a Jounin.”

“Yes, because that’s who you are, isn’t it?”


“Did you and the Lores think I was that stupid? I could tell there was something suspicious about all you  ‘Suohs’ since the day I met you, though I didn’t know what.”

“But how did you find out?”

“It was so odd, actually. I was going through the spare instrument closet in my classroom when, out of the blue, there’s this weird portal in the wall. Naturally, I was curious, so I stepped through and bam! I was in the Naruto world, your world. And there was this odd boy with a pineapple looking hair cut and a girl with four ponytails…”

“Shikamaru and Temari…” I mutter and Aki nods. “Yes. It was quite unusual to meet them. Anyways, I came back, obviously…”

“Wait, the portal! Where is it? The closet in your classroom? That’s—“

“It vanished when I stepped back into this world, Kakashi!” Aki stops me from calling the guys. I sigh. “That’s no help at all.”

“Do you miss your world, Kakashi?”

I actually had to think about that a little before answering. “Well…I love my world, but I also like things here.”

“One of those being the Lore girls?”

I chuckle a little. “Yes. I’ve definitely gotten attached to them.”

“How can you not? They really are charming girls.”

“Sometimes not though,” I add to make her laugh.

“And don’t worry, Kakashi. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thank you, Aki. Well, I guess you have to get going now…”

“Well, uh, actually, I was wondering if some time you’d like to have dinner…just the two of us,” she asks me a little timidly.

Did I hear correctly? Is she asking me on a date? Wow…

“Um, I’d be honored to, Aki,” I reply, smiling, “When?”

“Tomorrow at six? At the restaurant The Red Lantern?”

“Sounds great. I’ll see you then, Aki.”

Aki reaches up and places a kiss on my cheek. “Yes, I’ll see you then.”

Wow…..did that honestly just happen?  

Back at the house… The night before the Shire’s are supposed to leave…


Deidara’s pov

Poor Kakashi, the Lore girls just interrogated him before he went on his date with Miss Aki, and now he’s late.

“So…” I look up, surprised by Tsukii talking. This is rather unusual; usually she just braids my hair and falls asleep. We’ve never talked all that much. But when I looked up she looked kind of sad.

“Something wrong? Did a mouse die or something?” I ask, kind of kidding, because I’m horrible with serious stuff.

“Well sort of, but not really, I mean, a mouse did die, but that’s not what’s bugging me..” She mutters.

“Are you sad that Vick  and the others are leaving tomorrow?” I meant it sarcastically, but she nods in response.

“Oh… we—”

“It’s just that I used to really like him and then they left, and now we’re great friends and they’re all leaving again.” She says in a rush. Ahhh. She’s lonely. Sucks for her.

“Well, if it’s any help, we’re all here for ya,” I struggle for words, “I mean, yeah, should you need us, if you’re sad or anything…yeah.” I give up on words, I’ve never been good with words anyway, and settle for giving her an awkward hug.

“Thanks, Deidara,” she mumbles into my shirt and for a second, and only a second, I may have possibly, maybe, probably not, but maybe have turned red.

“Tsukii! I need some help! I’ve locked meself in your bedroom… Again!” Vick shouts from upstairs and Tsukii runs off to help him…. Moment ruined…Damn that Vick Shire, he did it on purpose!.....He ruined the one moment I’ve ever had.  

Alyson pov:

I brush my long hair quickly before wrapping it up in a really messy bun. Oh well, I’ll live. I walk to my bed, rubbing my neck and wearing my oversized ‘Troublesome Trio’ shirt and short athletic shorts. What? It’s comfy!

Meanwhile, Nick reads my favorite book, Jane Eyre, and I smirk. “And you said you’d never like that book, Nicholas.”

Nick smiles at me then shrugs. “It’s not bad, not my favorite though.”

“Yeah, your favorite book has many, many pictures, you idiot.”

“Does not! You give me so little credit, love.”

I laugh. “That because it’s all true!”

Nick rolls his eyes then notes, “You’re rubbing your neck. Does it hurt or something?”

“Sorta…just sore or something…It’s really bugging me, maybe enough to keep me up.”

“Here, let me help you,” he offers as he comes over to sit next to me. I roll my eyes at him. “No, go back to your couch. I know you’re going to give me a massage, and I don’t want one.”

“Come on, love! You’ll feel so better, which will make me feel better, love,” he muses, and I sigh. “Fine. Make it quick though. I’m really tired. Interrogating Kakashi about his date with Aki is tiring.”

He chuckles. “I bet so. Alyson, love, you need to relax. Just take a deep breath.”

Even though I’d rather not listen to him, I do as he says, and wow…my neck starts feeling so much better just after a couple seconds. I hardly even notice his body getting closer to mine, not until I turned my face to see his was only a couple of inches from mine. I gulp a little. “Uh, Nick…wha-what are you doing?”

“Just seeing how beautiful you are close up,” he whispers, his breath hot on my face. I close my eyes and a memory takes me back to the night of the scary movie when Kiba had stood outside my door. Kiba…

My door opened then shut abruptly, so I jump up and peer out my door, and I see Kiba just getting to the stairs. I call his name out, but he doesn’t even look back, so I have to chase him all the way outside into our gardens. When at long last he was within distance, I grab his wrist and make him turn around. “Kiba, why didn’t you stop? Are deaf or something now, you idiot?”

“Just leave me alone, Alyson,” Kiba mutters, trying to break free of me, but I firmly tell him, “No. Tell me what’s wrong, Kiba. I can’t help things better if you don’t talk to me.”

“It’s nothing, alright? Go back inside, it’s cold out here…”

“I’ll go in if you come with me, Kiba.”

“I told you to leave me alone.”

“I’m saying I’m not going to, you troublesome.”

At least that managed a smile from him. “Don’t turn into Tsukii. It’s just not you, Alyson.”

“Why troublesome? I think she’s a troublesome too but she’s cool, Though troublesome, I’ll make a troublesome deal with you: I’ll stop if you come back inside with me…troublesome.”

Kiba laughs a little, and I smile when he nods. “Fine, but only because that’s starting to bug me. Now I know why Tsukii doesn’t talk; she says troublesome too many times.”

I grab his hand then we walk in a comfortable silence then get inside, where I realize how much colder it is outside. Geez it was freezing! How could I not have noticed?

I wish Kiba goodnight, not asking any more question, but I still wonder what made him all upset. Bipolar maybe? Wait!.....oh my Kami I have to tell Matsuri and Tsukii tomorrow!

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