Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(...

By HappySoup156

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Isn't just fun being stuck with piles opf homework and stressing yourself 24/7? Today Courtney is going to ta... More

Wait....WHAT (Chapter 1)
Year Wha- (Chapter 2)
Kaguya's moon (Chapter 3)
Daily run (Chapter 4)
Cops and Robbers (Chapter 5)
New People (Chapter 6)
King Of What?! (Chapter 7)
Gunshot (Chapter 8)
Chapter of memes (Chapter 9)
CAR RIDE (Chapter 10)
Babysitting (Chapter 11)
Bet (Chapter 12)
The Fight (Chapter 13)
Lady in the Ballroom (Chapter 14)
Action #1
Nightmares (Chapter 15)
A Talk (Chapter 16)
Night (Chapter 17)
Aurthors NOTE
A child of somebody (Chapter 18)
What the countryhumans you havn't seen look like
The Compass (Chapter 19)
:) didn't expect this
Football (Chapter 20)
Unexpected Phone call (Chapter 21)
Appointments (Chapter 22 )
Memories (Chapter 23)
New School Same Me (Chapter 25)
Class fight (Chapter 26)
Action #2
Eyes (Chapter 27)
Choose a book Cover
The Truth (Chapter 28)
Other Family (Chapter 29)
A Family Betrayal(Chapter 30)
No name(Chapter 31)
Home (Chapter 32)

Just The Begaining (Chapter 24)

19 1 0
By HappySoup156

(Third person POV)

"Come in." said Soviet

The door opend and realived Courtney by the door way, the two countries greeted her while Weimar was alseep on the bed. His glasses was in his hands, because he stayed all night writing and drawing for his school work he was exuasted. He slept the whole time, Third tried to wake him up but he was passed out cold. 

"What do we do with him?" asked Soviet

"We could Po-." 

"We are not pouring water on him Third." cut Soviet

Third just crosses his arms and looked away, even though they are almost adults they acted like childerens. Third is the most childish one around, he would do challenges and things with his brother that usually get him in trouble with his grandfather and father. Soviet tried to act older and more mature but Third being around made it immposible making Weimar the more mature one. 

"Just let him sleep what was he doing staying up all night anyway?" asked Courtney

"School, he was studying all night." responed Soviet.

"You guys go to school?" Courtney was suprised that countries even go to school

"Yes, how else do you think we learn?" asked Third "Don't you go to school?"

"Yes, but I didn't know Countries also go to school." explained Courtney "I thought you guys would be homes schooled and all."

"I am home schooled." said Soviet "Third and Reich goes to school, I was taught by my father and grandfather." 

"Oh, thats cool." Courtney said. "Wait I also need to go back to school after summer ends." 

"Oh what school do you go to around here?" asked Third

Soviet smacked the back of his head for being stupid. Soveit told Third that Courtney doesn't go to school around here. Soviet explained that she obviously is not German, and she litterly fell from the sky and she probably not from this world. Third then corrected his question to what school does she go to. 

"I go to a school called, Repter High." (Made up name.) 

"You are a high schooler?" asked Soviet "But you are 13, not 14 or 15."

"Actualy I would be 14 in a flash." hinted Courtney

"When is your bithday?" asked Third

"Not telling you." Smiled Courtney "But I was born on June." 

Just tell me please." begged Third

Soviet then hit Third on the back of his head again. 

"I also want to know, not just you." 

"Alright, alright I'll tell you the date." gave in Courtney "June 25." (Random B-day)

Third asked which day is today, Soviet just shrugged. The two boy looked at the calender it was outdated, so they went downstairs to ask the older countries what date is today. Courtney smacked her head, how can those two countries forget today's date? Weimar started to move in his sleep, it started to get cold in the room so Courtney covered Weimar with a blanket to keep him warm. I went down the stairs and hear Third asking what date is today. 

"Its the 24th why do you want to know TR?" asked R.E

Soviet and Third looked together and smilied with exitement. They were about to tell R.E and Prussia that Courtney is turning 14 tommorw, but Courtney cover the to countries' mouth and saying that it's nothing important. She dragged to two back upstairs, Prussia looked at R.E they both shrugged and continued their things. 

"Why don't you want to let them know?" ask Soviet "Aren't you extited?" 

"Eh, I just don't really like you know people knowing my birthday and info." said Courtney "But I am exited to become an adult!"

"You are still a child, 18 is when you offically an adult." said Soviet "And we are also older than you." 

Well you two act like 10 year olds." said Courtney

"Third does I don't." deffended Soviet

This time Third smacked Soviet's head, he was angry at the red Russian's words. He made Soviet take back his words, Courtney just watched the two fight again. She looked back to Weimar who is sleeping through the noise, Courtney wished she can sleep peacfuly like Weimar. She stopped the two countries from killing eachother, and sepperated them from eachother proving her point that they act like childeren. The two apologised and the fight stopped, they played chess until they heard the empires calling them for dinner. They woke Weimar up and went downstairs, Courtney felt cold going down to the first floor. Soviet saw this and took off his hat and placed it ontop of Courtney's head, he told her it looked good on her and made her wear it since it would keep her warm. They entered the dining room Courtney sat down next to Soviet and Third while Weimar was sitting next to Third. Third noticed that Soviets hat was on Courtney's head, Third rarely see Soviet without his hat. 

"You look very different without your dumb hat." joked Third

Soviet glared at Third over Courtney's head. 

"Its called a Ushanka, and its not dumb." hissed Soviet. 

"Chill I was only joking." said Third in a surrendering pose. 

The chefs came out and gave the countries' their food, and they begane to dig in. The older countries were dinking and laughting as usaul, Soviet was also drinking a bottle. Courtney caught R.E and Prussia staring at her, she put her hands up a little. Courtney was careful with the untensles this time not wanting to runine them, and let me tell you it's hard not to make a scratch on it with her teeth. A bottle was set infront of her, she looked to her right and saw Soviet smiling. She was 14 now second year as a teen, Courtney got the bottle and pours some in her glass and gave the bottle back to Soviet. Third and Weimar was also drinking, the 4 childeren then clinked their glass together and took a sip. R.E noticed that Courtney's cup of water was looking different. Then it hit him, it was liqour in her cup. 

"Don't you take another sip from that glass, Courtney." ordered R.E 

The glass was in Courtney's hands ad the rim was touching her lips. The glass wasn't not set down but the liquid went in her mouth. Then she set the glass down and looked at R.E saying she won't take another one from that glass. R.E saw his son poured some of his drink in another cup and gave it to Coutney which she finished. 

"Soviet, you were not supposed to give her that." said R.E "She is underaged." 

"Well she is almost 14, and that age was the age I get my first bottle." said Soviet

"Is she 14 right now?" asked R.E 

"No, but tommr-." before Soviet could finish, his father cut him off.

"The she is underaged, and I don't know how much alcohol she took in."

"Oh, then I won't give her any until she is 14?" asked the red Russian 

"Soviet, she is a human not a country." explained R.E "She shouldn't even be drinking until 18."

 "But I am not a human right?" asked Courtney "I don't have flags on my face and I am not grey, plus didn't that lava demon say I am turing into a demon?"

"I guess." said Third "That means you can dri-"

"No Third, she still can not." cut G.E who heard the conversation. 

"Dang it." mubbled Courtney.

The four childeren finished their dinner, TR and Soviet would try to tell the other countries about Courtney's brithday. The would be cut off by Courtney or she would kick them under the table, the topic was dropped and Weimar would talk about his school work. TR and Weimar goes to the same school but they are in different levels and classes. 

"Speaking of school, after summer where would Courtney attend to school?" asked Weimar 

"She isn't around here too, so sending her to a German school would be hard for her to learn." reminded Ottoman

"I agree." nodded Rectangle

"I could understand German and read them now." Courtney said 

Third looked at her with an eybrown rised. 

"Since when I never heard you say pone word in German." asked Weimar

"I can only read and undertand people that speaks the language, I can't speak it though." Courtney explained "Talk to me in your own tongue." 

"Was?" (What?) asked Third

"Say something in German." 

"Uh, Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?" (What is your favorite color.) Third asked 

"I have many but one of them is Navy Blue." Courtney answerd

"Wow you realy do understand German, but you are not German though." said Weimar. 

"To be honest I never took any langauge classes, when I apeared here I started to understand langauges and I could read them somehow." Courtney explained  

"Csendes furcsa." (Quiet Weird) said A-H to himself

"Wait A-H I thought you only spoke German?" Courtney asked "You can also speak Hungarian?"

A-H nodded, the duel monarchy could speak many langauges. Most countries could speak more than 2, mainly they speak english to eachother since it is a popular and many spoke it around the world. Courtney thought it was pretty cool to be fluent with more than two, soon her phone started to ring in her pocket. She excused herself and went out to take the call, the three younger countries also left the dining room. Soviet was walking past Courtney's room and heard her voice and another voice. He pressed his head against the door and listened to the conversation, who is she calling?

"So, school is starting soon and I won't be able to contact alot." said Erick "I hope you take well."

"You too Erick." said Courtney "How's life in Cananda?"

"Its alright, just very hard you know learing French and all." respond Erick "I want to be with you, it makes me less lonely." 

"Erick I am stuck in another world." chuckled Courtney "But we can always facetime call eachother and you won't need to be lonely." 

"Thats a good idea." 

There was a pause in between, neither of them know what to say. Soviet was still listening, his thoughts were all over the place. 

"So which countries are you staying with?" asked Erick

"USA, Britain, France, Kingdom for France, Luxembourge,Rectangle, W-W-1 countries, and three W-W-2 countires." listed Courtney

"I am sorry WHAT?" yelled Erick "You are saying that somehow W-W-1 and W-W-2 countries are together, how doe sthat work."

"No, you are not getting it, W-W-2 countires are the childeren of the W-W-1 countries."

"Nah bro, how are you still alive?

"I don't know." said Courtney with a little laugh "Well I have to go, good night."

"Good night Courtney, or should I say 晚安." (Good night)

"Aye you learned!" cheered Courtney

"Yeah now I have to go."

The call ended, Soviet heard Courtney moving toward the door so he ran away. When the door opend Courtney got out and wanted to take a walk outside. 

(Courtney's POV)

I put on my earpods and played a song I was in the garden, I sat near the small pond and vibbed with the song. It started from vibing to huming and then singing it, it was an old song but still I learned it and started to sing it. This time I don't care if anyone heard it or not at the moment, they are inside anyway. Even though the song is in japanese I understood the song and started to say the lryics. 

I walked around the pond one more time it started to get cold so I walked back to the house. I was still softly singing the song, until I heard a noise in the kitchen. The workers should be off this time, I felt stupid enought to walk into the room and look around. I spotted a knife on the dining table and it was clean to, I used it as a weapon incase anything tried to jump me. I heard more noises from the kitchen room. I am not going in there, so I dashed out of the room and ran upstairs. It got cold like freezing cold, I went to my room and hid under the bed. The door was slowly opend and a pair of shoes walked in, it checked the cloest and then it went to the bathroom. Sooner of later it will just under the bed, I crawled out and ran for the door. I felt something grab my ankel and make me trip, I forgot the pieces of glass has not been cleaned up yet. I felt pain everywhere but my head, I kicked who ever is grabbing me and stood up, I looked in my back back and pulled out a flashlight and shined it on the floor. Nothing is there, what is going on!?

"I don't know who you are or what you are, but you better leave before I bite you." I warned the figure.

There was no momevent untill I heard the closet shuffle. My body hurts a lot becuase of the sharp glass on the ground, I think a piece is in my arm. I shined my flashlight to the closet it stopped moving, creepy. The small knife was still in my hands, I slowly walked towards it with my weapon up. I placed my hands on the knob and suddenly the closet was kicked open and it threw me against the wall. My flashlight fell out my hands, I looked up and saw the tall figure looming over me. It has a top hat on his head and I noticed it was wearing a suit as well. I heard more doors opening outside my room, I woken the others shoot. I saw Bulgaria for a moment, but the figure shut the door and some how managed to lock it. 

"Who locked it?" I heard G.E shout.

"It doesn't matter, I saw Courtney in the room and she's hurt." yelled Bulgaria's voice

"Brechen Sie die verdammte Tür auf." (Break down the damn door.) I heard Rectangle orderd

The top hat figure looked back at me while the door was being kicked repeatedly. It walked towar me, I wasn't quick enough to run. It grabbed me by my clothes and threw me to another wall near the bed and repeated it. The knife was out of my hands and fell on the floor attracting the figures attention, I knew what is going to happen. I tackled the thing before it could pick the knife of the ground. 

"You son of a bitch, I will kill you!" I bit the figure 

It didn't make any voice, but I can sence that he felt my teeth sank in. He threw me away and checked his arm before picking up the weapon his is going to stabb me with. The top hat figure grabbed my hair and hit me against the bed frame almost knocking my out, then I felt something cold in my waist. I looked down ans saw the knife in my skin, it then pulled it out and stabbed me in the shoulder and many more places. It was painful, but I didn't let out any screams. For some reason he didn't go for my chest, heart or head. I saw the door falling down as the figure finially pushed the knife near my chest and then disapeared out just like that. My eyes started to fail me, and the last thing I saw was Rectangle and the rest for the countries rushing in the room. 


(????? POV)

That was fun watching her in pain as I threw her dragged her and my favoirte part is stabbing her in many places. My boss told me not to kill her, I could do anything I want but not to end her life short. My boss said that we have more things planned for her in the future, and she can't escape them how ever she tries. That is the punishment for the Angelos, I watched as the countries panick over her state. I thought they would be happy, aren't they sided with us? I remember that they were also the ones who help us ending the family, but now why are they caring for her? Do they not know that its litteraly a child of Angelo? Well either way they can't help her with the things we planned, it's just the starte of the nightmare.


(Courtney's POV)

Everything hurts badly, I couldn't breath well. I started to open my eyes and saw that I was in a room. I sat up and noticed that I was in another country's room, the door was closed and the sunlight was the only thing that lit the room. I looked down and saw my body were all patched up, my chest and shoulder where the figure stabbed me the most were also patched up alot. I was wearing a big botten up shirt, this isn't my clothes. My backpack and things were next to me I unzipped my backpack and there was a good pair for clothes in there. 

After getting dressed I went downstairs, it was a bit painful to walk but I would get use to it. I saw the dining door open with voices inside, I slowly made my way to the door limping a little. I pushed the door a bit and saw the empires around the table discusing. There was a piece of paper infront of Rectangle, G.E and KoF told him to just sign it. There was an empty seat next to Britain and I took it, they don't seem to notice me until Britain accidentally hit my side. Luckly that side wasn't damaged.

"Oh My apologises Soviet, I didn't notice you." said Britain "You got a new hat."

I looked up, Soviet only wears his ushanka, I am wearing my navy blue captain hat.

"I am not Soviet." I said sleepily "My name is Courtney."

Every head turned to me and saw me, Rectangle scribbled on the paper and quickly handed it to Prussia. Britian told me that I should be in bed resting so I can recover, the night of the figure throwing me against walls and stabing me came back. I don't want to wast my special day lying in bed trying to recover, so I told Britian i was fine and he doesn't need to worry. HRE set a bowl of steaming hot soup infront of me, he said that I should eat something in the morning. I thought nothing about it and used the spoon and stirred the soup, I didn't bother to blow on it so I just drank it hot. It didn't burn me and I haven't realise it until Luxembourg pointed it out. 



"The soup is steaming." 

"I know, but it's not buring me." I said

"That's immosible, HRE just brought it to you from the boiling pot." said A.E

I shugged and continued to drink the soup, I don't feel cold anymore now. I then remembered that I talked to Dorthey yesterday and she said she is going to paris today, I was happy even though I couldn't go becuase I don't have a passporte wonder why. I heard the door opening again and saw Soviet russing in, he told me to come with him. I gulped down the rest of the soup and walked to the kitchen to put it alway and went with Soviet. 

"Soviet tell my son to be careful with her." said G.E 

"Yes sir." Soviet said and walked away with me. 

"What is it that you want me to come?" I asked "Is it important?"

"You will see, it's for you." Hinted Soviet

we went up the stair case and in to Weimar's room, for the first time I get to see what his room looked like. It was neat but the desk is a little messy, Soviet gave me a blindfold and told me to wait here after he put it on over my eyes. I sat in the room in silence until I heard the door opening. 

"Take off your bindfold." I heard Weimar say

As I did I saw them each holding a color box with ribbions. 

"HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY!" they all shouted 

I thanked them all and told them that they didn't have to get gifts. The three boys ignored me and gave me the gifts which I had to accept. Third asked me to open his first which I did and saw a scarf which I wrapped it around my neck. It was very comfy, Third said that he made it for sometime but never have the urge to finish it untill yesterday. I told him that I loved it, next was Weimar's box which inside was a notebook and a cool looking pencile. I could deffently draw in those and remember the moments, last box was from Soviet. I opend it and saw something unexpected, it was two knives. Weimar looked over and instaly smacked Soviet on the back of his head. 

"Why did you get her that?" asked Third "She is to young to hold one." 

"I mean I did a sword battle with Otto before." I pointed out "I can handle two small knives."

"You can use them when you are more mature." said Third

All three of us gave Third a look, why is he talking when he litteraly acts like a 3 year old. Weimar let me keep them but I have to keep it out of sight from the empires or esle the empires will kill them.  

"You got it?" asked Weimar 

"Yes sir." I saluted

Third nodded and then asked us an very importante question. 

"Anyone want to play a game?"


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