The Ink Titans

By Wayfinder225

616 17 0

A crossover Au of Teen Titans and Bendy and the Ink machine. Join Penn and Bendy as they save the city with... More

Penn and Bendy
ch 1 Divide and Conquer
ch 2 Sisters
ch 3 Final Exam
ch 4 Forces of Nature
ch 5 The Sum of His Parts
ch 6 The Ink Demon
ch 8 Deep Six
ch 9 Mask
ch 10 Mad Mod
ch 11 Apprentice pt 1
ch 12 Apprentice pt 2
ch 13 Car Trouble

ch 7 Switched

39 2 0
By Wayfinder225

A curtain opens to reveal a picture of Titans' Tower. A stringed puppet of Robin appears.

"Titans! Go!" A voice says for Robin.

The puppet moves forward before stopping and looking back at the puppets of the other Titans.

"Hey! Aren't you guys coming?" Puppet Robin asked.

"What's the point? We can't possibly defeat The Puppet King" Puppet Raven said.

"He is too clever and powerful" Puppet Starfire said.

"Not to mention good looking" Puppet Penn said.

"Our powers are useless against The Puppet King's awesomness" Puppet Bendy said.

"Yeah. We should probably just surrender now" Puppet Cyborg said.

"Dude, I think we already have" Puppet Beastboy said pointing up.

The puppets looked up and shook in fear.

"Bravo, bravo. But enough rehearsal. Time to start the show" The Puppet King said dropping the puppets as the curtain closed.

At Titans' Tower Raven was in deep meditation.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

"Raven? Raven?" Starfire said breaking Raven's concentration.

"Please forgive my interruption but have you seen Robin?" Starfire asked.


"Oh. Perhaps you have seen Cyborg?"



"My eyes are closed, Starfire. I haven't seen anyone" Raven said getting frustrated.

Just then Penn and Bendy walked into the room.

"Hey, has anyone seen the boys?" Penn asked.

"No" Raven said through clenched teeth.

"They must be doing the hanging out someplace" Starfire said.

"Well, why don't the 4 of us hang out?" Bendy suggested.

"Yeah, it's been awile since I've had a girl's day" Penn said.

"Yeah, wait, huh?" Bendy said.

"What a glorious idea! We might journey to the mall of shopping or perform braiding maneuvers upon each other's hair, or..."

"Uh, Star..." Bendy said pointing to Raven.

Raven's aura was flaming around her as she looked ready to snap.

"You wish to be alone?" Starfire asked as the 3 backed away.

"How could youu tell?" Raven said before going back to her meditation.

"Azarath Metrion Zinth-"

"MAIL CALL!" Cyborg called out causing Raven to yell and fall in surprise.

The boys stood at the entrance with a crate.

"Hey, fellas" Bendy said.

"Welcome back" Penn said waving casually.

"Robin! Cyborg! Beastboy! You are back! It was... quiet while you were gone" Starfire said.

"Not that quiet" Raven said dusting herself off.

Cyborg put the crate on the table.

"Check it out. This was sitting by the front door. Fan mail. Probably a gift from one of my many admirers" Beastboy said.

"You mean like the ones in your head?" Bendy said.

Beastboy sent him a death glare.

"Actually, it doesn't say who it's from" Robin said studying the crate.

"Well, one way to find out" Cyborg said opening the crate.

The Titans looked inside the crate.

"Whoa!" Cyborg said.

"Cool!" Robin said.

Starfire chuckled.

"Aw, sweet!" Penn said.

"Neat-o" Bendy said.

"Honestly, I was kinda hoping for chocolate" Beastboy said.

Cyborg reached in and pulled out a puppet that looked like him.

"Aww, isn't that cute? Puppet Cy has a light-up eye" Cyborg said.

"Yeah. They got all the details just right" Robin said looking at his own puppet.

"Speak for yourself. I'm way better looking than this. And taller" Beastboy said holding his puppet.

"This is so cool. My show never had merchandise like this" Bendy said looking over his puppet.

"Aw, neat! Mine comes with her very own pen" Penn said pulling out a tiny pen from her puppet's pocket.

"Someone certainly has a lot of time on their hands" Raven said looking at her puppet.

Starfire chuckled as she played with her puppet.

"I have never seen such a whimsical device. Hello, Starfire! Hello, tiny wooden replica of Starfire!"

The boys were playing with their puppets when Beastboy's puppet kicked Robin's puppet.

"Dude! My puppet is totally kicking your puppet's butt!" Beastboy said.

"Not for long. Wha-a-a! Hay-yay!" Robin said as his puppet pushed Beastboy's into Cyborg's.

"You want a piece of me, little man?" Cyborg said.

Robin and Beastboy were still fighting with their puppets.

"Come on. Show me what you got, Beastboy"

"I got you. I got you"

Just then Cyborg's puppet joined in the fight.

Penn was struggling to make her puppet move.

"How do I... no, that's the leg... hmm... maybe if I... No, that's not it either"

Penn looked at Bendy to see him skillfully make his puppet tap dance.

"Ok, now your just showing off" Penn said making Bendy chuckle.

"It's easy. Here, let me show you" Bendy said before showing Penn how to move the puppet.

Starfire approached Raven.

"Shall my tiny replica do battle with your tiny replica?" Starfire asked holding up her puppet.

"Knock yourself out" Raven said tossing her the puppet before walking away.

Later on that night, after the Titans went to bed, The Puppet King emerged from the crate

Starfire was asleep in her room when she woke up to a noise. Starfire shot up and gasped.

"Who is there?"

Starfire wasn't the only one who heard something. In Penn and Bendy's shared room Bendy shot up in the top Bunk.

"What the..."

Bendy hung upside down to face a sleeping Penn in the bottom bunk.

"Penn! Penn, wake up!" Bendy whispered.

Penn groaned as she sat up but didn't open her eyes.

"I think there's someone in the Tower"

"There is. 7 to be exact, and this one is going to sleep" Penn said tiredly as she floped back into bed.

"Penn, I'm serious, get up!"

Penn threw a pillow at Bendy's face. The pillow slid down to reveal the flat look on his face.

"Fine. The hard way it is"

Bendy jumped down, grabbed Penn's blanket and yanked it sending Penn to the floor.

"You do realize that I'm going to have to hurt you now, don't you?" Penn said with a tired glare.

Bendy waved her off dismissivly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can wring my ink out later. Right now, I think there's an intruder" Bendy said as Penn's eyes widened awake.

Beastboy was in his room, fast asleep in bed.

"Ladies, please. One at a time. You'll all get to take your picture with me" Beastboy mumbled in his sleep.

The Puppet King held up a controller and Beastboy glowed green. His soul flew out of his body and into his puppet.

Starfire was wandering through the halls.

"Hello? Hello?"

In Cyborg's room The Puppet King held up a controller. Cyborg's body glew white before his soul flew into his puppet.

Bendy and Penn walked through the halls on guard.

In Robin's room, Robin glowed red before his soul flew into his puppet.

The Puppet King laughed as Starfire walked through the halls.

"If this is a joke, it is not..."

The door opened beside Starfire revealing Raven. Both girls gasped in surprise.

"Raven!" Starfire said.

Just then, Penn and Bendy lept into the hall startling the girls.

"Opps. Sorry" Bendy said.

"I take it you guys heard the strange noises too?" Penn asked.

"The strange noises of you talking outside my door? Hard to miss" Raven said.

"Oh, forgive me. I thought there was someone..."

Starfire was cut off as a blast sent Penn flying into the wall.

"Penn!" Bendy exclaimed before Cyborg blasted him.

The boys, now possessed, ran towards the others. Beastboy turned into a dinosaur and attacked Raven. Raven kept him back with a shield.

"Beastboy, it's me! Don't make me hurt you!" Raven said.

Beastboy broke through the shield.

Robin pulled out 3 discs and threw them at Starfire. Starfire blasted them but one exploded causing her to fall into Cyborg's arms. Beastboy smacked Raven with his tail sending her flying. Cyborg caught her and held on tight to the girls.

Penn and Bendy groaned as they got up before being grabbed by Robin and Beastboy.


"What's going on!?"

"Let me go!"

"Friends! Why do you attack us?" Starfire asked.

"Oh. They're not your friends anymore" The Puppet King said revealing himself.

"They are my puppets. These are your friends" The Puppet King said holding out the boys puppets.

"Girls!" Robin said.

"Bendy!" Cyborg said.

"Help!" Beastboy said.

"Release them!" Raven demanded.

"Sorry, but you're not in charge here. You don't command me. I ccommand you" The Puppet King said holding out his controller.

Using their free hands, Robin and Beastboy held up the puppets of the other Titans. The Titans groaned in pain as the transfer began. Starfire glowed yellow, Raven blue, Penn grey, and Bendy black.

"And with The Puppet King pulling the strings, the Teen Titans will command the entire city" The Puppet King said.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos" Raven said as her soul left her body.

A powerful blast shot out knocking everyone down. The Puppet King lost his grip on his controller.

"My control!"

The controller lit up and the 4 souls flew out of the puppets and into the Titans. The girls and Bendy ran.

"After them" The Puppet King said as the possessed Titans got up.

The girls and Bendy jumped down into a room under the floors. They saw the Titans pass by above them.

"The boys! Friends, what are we going to-" Starfire said as Raven turned on the light.

Raven and Starfire looked on in shock as they stared at themselves.

"Starfire?" Raven asked in Starfire's body.

"Raven?" Starfire asked in Raven's body.

"Whoa, this is freaky! You guys switched bodies and- wait, why are you two so tall all of a sudden?" Penn asked.

"Uh, Penn..." Bendy said.

Penn turned behind her and saw herself looking down at her. Penn went wide eyed as she stared down at her hands. At Bendy's hands.

"Oh..." Penn said.

Starfire activated Raven's powers, shattering the lightbulb.

Later on the possessed Titans were searching the city for the girls and Bendy.

Starfire accidently uses Raven's powers to blow off a manhole cover. The cover clatters loudly to the ground and Starfire grabbs it silencing it. The group crawls out of the sewer into the streets.

"Oh, friends! This is awful! Terribly, horribly awful!" Starfire said.

"I know! I can't believe I'm human!" Bendy said.

"Hey! What's wrong with being human?" Penn asked offended.

"Humans are boring. They can't stretch, they can't defy the laws of physics-"

"Defy the-? Dude! Our group defies the laws of physics every day!" Penn said.

"Penn. Bendy. We have more important issues here" Raven said as the group walked.

"Indeed. Robin, Cyborg, and Beastboy have been trapped inside tiny wooden bodies, while a nasty creature called The Puppet King has taken control of their real bodies, which he is using to hunt us down, and we are in the wrong bodies and..." Starfire ranted unaware that her powers were causing nearby damage.

Raven put a hand on Starfire's shoulder to stop her.

"Starfire! You have to calm down. My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash" Raven said.

"But what if they find us? What if our friends are doomed? What if I am stuck looking like this forever?" Starfire asked worriedly.

Penn walked up to Starfire.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. I'm not quite sure how, but we'll rescue the boys and get our bodies back" Penn reassured.

Raven then realized something.

"What's wrong with the way I look?"

"Nothing" Starfire squeaked before her powers caused a walk sign to explode.

"I will try to calm down" Starfire said as Penn sat on the hood of the car next to them.

Starfire sighed.

"Peace. Quiet. Tranquil..."

Starfire gasped as the car next to them launched in the air. Penn screamed as she was launched in the air as well. Penn landed with a spat and the car landed on top of her.

"We are so doomed" Raven said.

The car door opened and Penn crawled out.

"That was so weird. It barely even hurt" Penn said surprised.

"That's Toon physics. You can get crushed, flattened, splattered and still come out virtually unscathed" Bendy said.

"So noting can kill me?" Penn asked.

"I didn't say that" Bendy said.

Before Penn could ask further, an eagle cry caught the groups attention.

"Beastboy!" Starfire said pointing up.

Beastboy flew towards them.

"You mean zombie Beastboy. Run!" Raven said before the group ran.

As they ran, Raven jumped up and tried to fly.

"Fly! Fly!"

Thinking they lost him, the group slowed to a walk.

"We cannot fight them again. I do not wish to, and in our present condition we would surely be defeated" Starfire said.

"Ok. How do you fly this thing?" Raven asked.

"You must feel flight" Starfire said.


"When you feel the unbridled joy of flight, you will fly" Starfire said.

"Unbridled joy? Not really my thing" Raven said.

"Look!" Starfire said accidentily knocking over Bendy with her powers.

Up ahead was Beastboy in tiger form.

"Bendy! Draw a wall. Block his path!" Raven said.

Bendy pulled out his pen and drew a line. The ink dropped to the ground in a puddle.

"Gah! Why didn't it work!?" Bendy asked.

"You have to visulize! Will the ink to solidify!" Penn said.

Bendy kept trying but all his attempts melted into ink. Beastboy was getting closer.

"What do I have to feel to use starbolts?" Raven asked Starfire.

"Righteous fury"

"Your alien strength?"

"Boundless confidence"

"Never mind" Raven said before the group started running.

They raced through an alley until Robin lept infront of them.

"Penn, we could really use Bendy's mallet right about now" Raven said.

Penn reached into her side pocket only to pull out a tea pot.


Penn threw it aside and dug into her pocket again. This time she pulled out a blender.

"Stop fooling around Penn!" Bendy said fearfully as Beastboy approached from behind.

"I'm trying!" Penn said before pulling out a sink.

"Why do you even have this!?" Penn exclaimed frustrated.

The boys charged at the group. Bendy and the girls dodged causing the boys to crash into each other. The group ran and ducked into another alley. Robin and Beastboy ran past them and the group relaxed. Suddenly, Cyborg burst through the wall seperating Penn and Bendy from the girls.

"Penn! Bendy!" Starfire said.

"Go! We'll find you!" Bendy said grabbing Penn's arm and running.

Penn and Bendy ran until they made it to a dead-end.

Robin and Beastboy approached them. Bendy looked up and saw the roof of the building next to them. Bendy grabbed Penn's shoulder and pointed to the roof.

"Penn, you're gonna have to stretch us up to the roof"

"What!? But I don't-"

"Listen to me. You can do this. Just concentrate. Think 'Stretchy as rubber. Stretchy as rubber'"

Penn took a deep breath.

"Stretchy as rubber. Stretchy as rubber. Stretchy as-"

Suddenly, Penn's limbs stretched out.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

She managed to grab Bendy as she shot up in the sky and stepped on the roof. She kept walking from roof to roof in long strides.

"Ok, Penn. I think you lost them. You can stop now!" Bendy said.

"I can't!" Penn exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Cyborg chased Raven and Starfire down to a dead-end. Raven turned Starfire to face her.

"If I can't fly, you have to levitate. You know those words I always-"


Starfire took a deep breath.

"Wait! You have to focus!" Raven said.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Raven and Starfire shot up in the air. They screamed as they flew through the air at high speeds.

Bendy was still being carried by Penn when he heard a pair of screams above them.

"Is that the girls?" Bendy asked looking up.

Starfire looked to Raven.

"I wish to stop! Please tell me the way to stop!"

"Look at the ground and imagine..."

Starfire looked down.

"Wait!" Raven said as the girls began to fall.

They crashed into Penn and all 4 of them fell into a dumpster.

"Nice of you to drop in" Bendy said muffled.

The group dug themselves out of the trash.

"Ugh! I smell like the breath of a Snervian blork worm" Starfire said when she noticed Raven moving the garbage.

"Raven, what are-"


Raven pulled down Penn and Bendy and threw a trash bag at Starfire to hide her. Cyborg and Robin passed by, looking for the group. Starfire whimpered as her powers threatened to activate. Bendy gently grabbed her hands.

"Do as I do" Bendy said before slowly breathing in and out.

Starfire followed his example and breathed deeply.

"It's alright. They're going" Raven said.

They peeked out to see the boys leaving when suddenly a rat Beastboy appeared in their vision. Raven and Bendy quickly covered the other two's mouths before they could gasp. They stood stone still as Beastboy sniffed for them.

"Enough" The Puppet King said.

Beastboy turned back to normal and stood with the other two.

"We will catch the others after the ceremony is complete" The Puppet King said holding up the puppet Titans.

"Ceremony?" Robin asked.

"What Ceremony?" Cyborg asked.

"Just a little spell that will destroy you three and make your bodies mine forever. Come, my puppets"

The Puppet King left with the possessed Titans following. The group climbed out of the trash with Raven and Bendy digging trash out of their hair.

"How can you stand having this much hair?" Raven asked Starfire.

"How can ya stand hair, period?" Bendy asked Penn.

Starfire grabbed Raven's arm.

"Quickly! Our friends are in danger! We must follow and..."

Raven yanked her arm free.

"And what, save them with mine and Bendy's unusable powers while Penn trips over hers and you unbridled emotions blow us to bits? Nice flying, by the way" Raven said.

Starfire's powers flared up and Penn and Bendy backed away.

"At least, I am able to fly. On my planet, even a newborn can unleash the joy of flight. But you are too busy being grumpy and rude to feel anything at all!" Starfire ranted.

"Maybe you haven't noticed, but my emotions are dangerous. I can't afford to feel anything. You may have my body, but you know nothing about me. None of you do" Raven said.

Starfire calmed down.

"Perhaps you are right. And if we are to overcome this ordeal we must know everything about each other" Starfire said.

"Star's right. You guys know our story, but we don't know yours" Bendy said.

"So please do share them" Penn said.

Raven smiled.

"Alright. I was born in a place called Azarath"

Time skip

The group stood infront of The Puppet King's hideout, an old abandoned theater. The group hid behind a fountain as Beastboy guarded the entrance as a dog.

"So much for the front door" Penn said.

"We'll have to try the roof, although I don't know how all of us will get up there" Raven said.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be right behind you" Bendy said pulling out his pen.

"Now remember, visualize. Concentrate. Don't think of it as just ink. If you believe it's real it will become real" Penn explained.

Bendy took a deep breath and started to draw. He concentrated on every detail until it was finished. Bendy had drawn two pairs of wings. They flapped in the air before connecting to his and Penn's backs.

"I did it... I did it!" Bendy said excitedly.

"You did it! I'm so proud!" Penn said hugging Bendy excitedly.

"Congradulations! Now it is our turn" Starfire said before turning to Raven.

"Now, do just as I instructed. Close your eyes and think of something joyful"

Raven groaned.

"You might choose flowers or kittens or the laughter of children, or..."

Starfire gasped as Raven started to fly. Raven held onto Starfire and the others followed behind with their wings. The group made it to the roof undetected.

"Very, very good! What was your joyful thoughts?" Starfire asked.

"You don't wanna know" Raven said.

"Oh, but I do. Please tell me. What did you imagine?" Starfire asked.

"You not talking" Raven said.

Bendy snorted a laugh and Penn elebowed him in the ribs.

"Oh. Well, I am glad I was able to help" Starfire said.

Raven looked at the locked door before turning to Starfire.

"Your turn. Find your center. Focus your energy on the lock" Raven said.

Starfire activated her powers with calm control.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos" Starfire said breaking the lock.

Starfire giggled with glee at her success.

"Nice work" Raven said impressed.

"Way to go, Star" Penn said.

"Success!" Starfire cheered accidentily slamming the door with her powers.

The others cringed at the loud noise.

"Nice work" Raven said flatly.

Inside, The Puppet King heard the noise. He turned to the possessed Titans.

"Search and destroy. I do not want an audience"

Robin and Cyborg went off to find the intruders.

"Well, Titans, time for your grand finale" The Puppet King said pouring a potion in a blue fire.

Up above on the catwalk the group saw the ceremony.

"No" Raven said.

"It's going to be a real showstopper" The Puppet King said holding the puppets over the fire.

The boys begged and pleaded for help.

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of your bodies. After all, they'll be mine forever" The Puppet King said.

Just as he let go of them a pair of toon arms stretched forward and grabbed them. Penn pulled her arms back and hugged the boys.

"Oh, thank goodness! That was way too close!" Penn said relieved.

"Penn?" Robin said confused.

"It's a long story" Raven said.

The Puppet King summoned the Titans.

"Go, my puppets! Capture them!"

The Titans ran into action.

"Move!" Raven said.

The group ran until Beastboy flew infront of them as a bat causing them to scream. Then Robin and Cyborg appeared on the catwalk. Cyborg fired his cannon at the group causing Penn to lose her grip on the puppets. The puppets landed on the floor.

"Dude, get your butt outta my face!" Beastboy told Robin.

"Can't move. Deal with it" Robin said.

The group split up with the possessed Titans following them. Robin faced off with Starfire.

"Robin, I do not wish to fight you" Starfire said dodging Robin's attacks.

Robin grabbed her and flipped her causing her to yell. Starfire sat up and saw Robin standing in a rope loop.

"But I will if I must!"

Starfire activated her powers on a sandbag. The sandbag fell, tangling Robin's foot and sending him flying.

Beastboy was chasing after Raven as a gorilla. He grabbed her and threw her onto the catwalk. Raven kicked him away before standing up.

"Ok, Raven. Starbolts. Just let go of your emotions, feel the righteous fury, and..."

Raven dodged a punch from Beastboy. Beastboy smashed the catwalk causing Raven to fall. Raven flew up and punched Beastboy away.

Cyborg was chasing after Penn and Bendy. Penn was digging through her pockets pulling out random objects.

"A whole dimension in your pocket yet no mallet!?" Penn exclaimed while running.

"It'll only come out at the right time" Bendy said.

"This isn't the right time!?" Penn asked incredulous.

"I don't get it. My mallet always appears when I'm protecting you-  Wait! That's it!" Bendy said.

"What's it?" Penn asked.

Bendy smirked as he stopped running. Penn ran past him before skidding to a stop.

"Bendy, what are-"

Penn's eyes widened and she gasped as Cyborg aimed his cannon at Bendy.

"Bendy!" Penn exclaimed.

She dug into her pocket, pulled out a mallet and smacked Cyborg away. Cyborg flew towards the puppet Titans. Starfire saw this and gasped before activating her powers.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

She grabbed Cyborg with her powers before the puppets could be crushed. This however led her to let go of the sandbag holding Robin. Robin growled as he dived for her. Starfire threw Cyborg into Robin. Raven smiled proudly at Starfire before gasping. She ran before Beastboy could crush her.

"Righteous fury, righteous fury, concentrate"

Raven formed a starbolt but it fizzled out. She jumped up but Beastboy grabbed her leg and slammed her down. Raven rolled out of the way before Beastboy could crush her.

Raven heard a scream and saw Starfire being ganged up on.

"Raven, help!" Starfire called out.

Beastboy picked up Raven and was about to punch her when suddenly a sink was thrown at him making him drop Raven.

"And that is why I carry around a sink! Nice throw, Penn!" Bendy said proudly.

"Go help Starfire! We'll cover you!" Penn said holding up her mallet.

The duo charged at Beastboy while Raven went to help Starfire.

"Starfire!" Raven called out.

Robin was about to kick Starfire but Raven flew down and grabbed him by his cape.

"Not me! Them!" Starfire said pointing to the ground.

Raven looked down and saw The Puppet King bringing the boys puppets towards the fire.

"The Puppet King is in command!" The Puppet King said preparing to throw the boys in the fire.

Raven's eyes glowed green as she formed a starbolt.


She blasted The Puppet King sending him flying. His controller flew through the air and landed in the fire.

"Uh! My control!"

The spell destroyed the controller.

"No!" The Puppet King cried as a blue light shined from inside him.

The boys souls flew out of their puppets and back into their bodies. The girls and Bendy's souls then flew out of their bodies and returned to their proper vessals. Everyone met at the ground floor.

"I am me! And you are you!" Starfire said happily to Raven.

"And we're us!" Cyborg said happily.

"I'm a toon again!" Bendy cheered.

"Everyone's back to normal!" Penn said.

"Thanks to you 4" Robin said.

"You go, girls! And, uh, Bendy" Beastboy said.

Starfire gasped.

"Friends, we have done it!" Starfire said hugging the girls and Bendy.

"You're hugging me" Raven said uncomfortable.

"No! The magic! Without it, I'm just a..." The Puppet King said before falling to the ground as a lifeless puppet.

The next morning, Raven was meditating in the Tower.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

Just then, Starfire, Penn and Bendy approached her.

"Raven, forgive our interruption but..." Starfire said before Raven spoke up.

"I haven't seen Robin, Cyborg, or Beastboy"

"Actually, we were wondering if we could join you in meditation" Penn said.

"Really? Alright" Raven said.

The group sat down in medatative positions.

"Find your center. Focus your energies and..."

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

"Guys?" Raven asked gaining their attention.

"After this... would you like to go to the mall?" Raven asked.

The trio smiled and nodded before going back to meditation.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

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