Converging Fates

By TheSliverSquad

29 12 1

105 years after the Great Aranthian War, Corliss Hailward attends Velin Achenrill Academy, a prestigious acad... More

Prologue I - Origin
Prologue II - The Battle of Abbey Field
Prologue III - After the War
Chapter I - Corliss Hailward
Chapter II - Velin Achenrill Academy
Chapter III - Classmates
Chapter V - The Knight Track
Chapter VI - A First-Year's Struggles
Chapter VII - End of the First Month
Chapter VIII - Mikkora Greeves

Chapter IV - Tilvian Abbey

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By TheSliverSquad

"I am Headmistress Tilvian Abbey," the woman introduces herself.  Across the room, students watch intently.  "We hope you enjoy the next four years of your academic journey."

Behind Abbey sits the other professors.  The Headmistress turns to the side, and she begins to introduce the students to each one.

"This is the faculty of the academy.  They will be your professors," Abbey explains.  A woman with purple hair and black glasses stands.  "This is Professor Freya.  She teaches the Arcanist classes, and is the leader of the Arcanist track."

Freya sits down, and a woman with short blue hair stands.

"This is Professor Maximus," Abbey says.  "She is the leader of the Gladiator track.  She also runs the dueling guild." Abbey continues to introduce the faculty, including the leaders of the other tracks, including Lady Elsimas.

"She'll be my professor," the blue haired girl says. Corliss turns to her. "I'm Celia." Corliss tells Celia her name.

"You're joining the Knights?" Davik asks. Celia nods.

"I come from Ossary," Celia begins. "Capitol of Knight Territory. I met Lady Elsimas once. I showed her my skills with a greatblade. I tried to, at least. I fell flat on my face. So I began working harder. So that when I got here, I'd be able to impress her."

"Well, good luck with that," Isabella tells her. "I hear she's never impressed." Abbey continues introducing the faculty.  She introduces the athletics professor, the culinary professor, the geography professor, and the history professor.

"Now that you are all familiar with your soon-to-be professors," Abbey begins. "You may enjoy your meal. Afterwards, the first-years will be escorted to the common area, where they will choose which track they will study." Abbey sits down, and academy workers bring food to the tables, and the students begin to eat.

Ayden sits down next to Corliss and Davik.

"Finally done moving stuff," Ayden says, letting out a deep sigh. "Well... done moving stuff into the storage chamber." Corliss notices Isabella whispering something to Katelyn, both of their eyes on Ayden. Katelyn rolls her eyes. Davik grabs a roll, and begins to eat.

"Ayden, what are the classes like?" Corliss asks. Ayden is eating some kind of meat. Perhaps ham? Corliss could never really tell which meat is which.

"Hm, good question," Ayden says, still eating. "It's gonna be a little rough, your first few weeks. This place is huge, and you'll probably end up getting to some of your classes late. But that's alright. The professors won't count it against you. Unless it keeps happening, you know?"

"Corliss," Katelyn says, getting her attention. Corliss looks up at Katelyn. "You never told us where you're from."

"Oh, right," Corliss says, feeling a little embarrassed. "Well, I'm not really from any town or city. My dad and I live just east of here. Right outside the Ajusco Forest." Corliss grabs some food from the trays in front of her, and she begins to eat. The wonderful tastes fill her mouth. It's unlike anything she's ever had before.

"What about you?" Celia asks, looking at Davik. Davik doesn't realize he's being talked to. Ayden softly nudges him with his elbow.

"Huh?" Davik asks, confused. He turns to his left, and sees Celia looking past Corliss, at him. "Oh. Me?"

"Yeah," Celia confirms, smiling. Davik swallows his mouthful of food.

"I'm from nowhere, really," Davik explains. "You probably never heard of it."

"Somewhere in Vahallor?" Katelyn asks. "Sorania?"

"Maybe Old Asleenia?" Isabella suggests. "Or maybe just plain Asleenia."

"I think we'd know if he was from regular Asleenia," Ayden says. "He'd have a head full of white hair."

"I'm from Old Asleenia," Davik tells them.

"Maybe we can go visit someday," Katelyn says.

"Yeah, during the summer!" Isabella adds. Davik continues his meal.

"I don't know," Davik says. "There's nothing really special there. There's not even a place for you guys to stay if you did visit."

"Well, that's a bummer," Celia says. Isabella looks at Ayden.

"So, Ayden, right?" She asks. Ayden nods. "I saw there's a lake nearby."

"Oh, yeah," Ayden says. "Lots of students like going swim in there. It's relaxing."

"I bet," Isabella agrees. "Do you swim?" Katelyn covers her face with her hand, not able to bear the second-hand embarrassment.

"Sometimes," Ayden answers. "Most of the time, I'm training. Other times, I'm studying scriptures."

"Studying scriptures?" Celia asks. "You don't look like a religious type." Ayden chuckles.

"Looks can be deceiving," Ayden says. "I'm the nephew of Avalis Octavian. The High Priest." Celia's eyes widen.

"I-I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I didn't realize." Ayden laughs.

"It's alright," he assures her. "No need to get worked up. Anyway, my cousin, Brisar, never really showed any interest in becoming High Priest once his father passes. His fiancée says she isn't interested either. So, it falls to me."

"Wow," Davik says.

"Yeah, wow," Ayden repeats. They continue eating their meal, the voices of hundreds of students filling the room. Elsimas approaches Corliss and her friends.

"So," she begins. "I hear you're the daughter of Rylos Hailward." Corliss looks up at the Knight professor. Corliss takes in the details of Elsimas's clothing, the elegant design woven into it.

"I am," Corliss says. "Did I do something wrong?" Elsimas shaked her head.

"No," she tells Corliss. "I just wanted to meet you. I'm sure you've been told that your father was an academy folk hero. I expect you to surpass him. Don't disappoint me." Elsimas walks off.

"Wow," Celia says. "She's so cool."

"So, Davik," Ayden begins. "Know which track you're choosing?"

"I was thinking Knights," Davik answers.

"That's great!" Ayden says. "I can help you through some of the tougher stuff. How about you, Corliss?" Corliss watches Elsimas speaking to some soldiers across the room.

"I think I might pick Knights, too," Corliss says.

"Aww, I was hoping you'd pick Sorcerers," Isabella says.

"Well, it's up to you," Ayden tells Corliss. "It's almost time to pick, so be sure you're confident."

The feast continues. Eventually, the students finish eating, and Abbey stands again. The room goes quiet.

"First-years," she begins. "Please follow Professor Bastien. He will lead you to the common area, where you will choose the track that you will study for the next four years." Abbey waves her hand toward a man with dark gray hair, standing in front of a door. Students begin to stand up.

"Alright, you guys," Ayden says. "See you later." He walks away. Corliss, Celia, Davik, Isabella, and Katelyn join the group of other first-years, and they follow Professor Bastien, the history professor.

He leads them down a long series of hallways. Corliss admires works of art that are hung upon the walls. Some of them depicting historical figures, and others depicting landscape portraits of beautiful environments.

They reach a doorway, and Bastien opens the doors. They enter a large pavilion, giving them a breathtaking view of Lorentia and the Aranthian Ocean.

"Here we are," Bastien tells them. The first-years enter the pavilion completely. The seven professors sit around the room, some of them sitting near each other, and some of them, like Elsimas, sitting alone. Headmistress Abbey enters the pavilion, and Bastien leaves, closing the doors.

"Students," Abbey begins. "Approach the professor you wish to study under, and begin your academic journey." The students scatter, many of them approaching the professors they wish to learn from. Corliss sees Davik and Celia approach Elsimas. Elsimas makes them sign a sheet of paper. Corliss takes a deep breath, and exhales. She approaches Professor Elsimas.

"Professor Elsimas," Corliss begins. Elsimas, sitting down, looks up at Corliss. "I'd like to join the Knight track."

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