Beastly Desires

By Jesssayhello

67 0 0

No. It couldn't be. Why would she desire him and in that way specifically? He was a beast. He wasn't entirely... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chalter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty- Three
Chapter Sixty- Four
Final Chapter
Author Notes

Chapter Fifty-Three

1 0 0
By Jesssayhello

Colette found Gregorie in his wood shop. He was leaning over a long wooden work bench chiseling away at a piece of wood. He had not noticed her yet and Colette stood in the doorway watching him work. He wore a loose cotton shirt that was untucked over brown trousers. Sweat dampened the spot between his shoulders blades and down the small of his back. She could almost make out his skin through the thin material.

Last night floated into her mind and his naked body appeared behind her eyes. A warm flutter blossomed in her chest at the sensual thought.


She blinked not realizing she had closed her eyes. Gregrorie stood with his hand on his hip and head cocked to the side. He looked at her with faint amusement.

He was not in bed when she woke up a little after daybreak. The adventures of last night must have wore her out, because it was unusual for her to sleep in so late. A blush creeped up her face as she remembered the feeling of his mouth down there.

"I um.." she gulped and stepped into the space. "I was looking for you."

He smiled and it warmed her to the bone. "Well here I am... wife."

A new sort of flutter erupted at the title she now owned. She was Gregory's wife. That gave her the encouragement to reply back with, "Yes, here you are... husband."

A light danced in his eyes and he walked the distance between them and hooked an arm around her waist, bringing her swiftly against him. Colette put her hand against his chest to steady herself. She felt his heart quicken.

"How did you sleep," he whispered. It was soft and raspy at the same time.

She looked up at him beneath her lashes and his eyes studied her intently.

"I slept... good. How about you? How did you sleep?"

He groaned softly behind his lips. "Hard."

Colette's eyes widened at the sultry confession. She vaguely remembered something hard nudging her in the side of her belly during the night.

She licked her lips and leaned her forehead against his chest. He smelled like wood and damp grass after a heavy rain.

"Are you hard now?" She breathed. She felt her need humming beneath her skin.

Gregorie took her hand with his free one and brought it down between them. Colette felt his hardness beneath her palm and she pushed against it.

Gregorie stifled a moan, thrusting slightly into her hand. Everything from last night came rushing in and Colette wanted to give into those desires again. Right here. Right now.

"Colette." Gregorie pleaded as she stroked him through his trousers.

"No. Don't talk. Just kiss me."

Gregorie leaned down and brought his mouth upon hers. At first it was slow. Tentative. Searching. Colette didn't want hesitation. She wanted him to claim her.

She pushed against his mouth, opening hers wider to let him in. Gregorie headed her request and kissed her back hard. His tongue sought her own and they met each other in a hurried dance.

Colette moaned into his mouth, grinding her palm into the head of his member. Gregorie buckled and swore against her mouth.

"What do you want?" He said, pulling back. His eyes searched hers and Colette couldn't find the words, only the throbbing need between her legs. She pulled him back into a kiss and started moving.

She ushered him backwards. Slowly, carefully as not to fall until he found the table behind him.

"Colette," he breathed, a hint of concern in his voice. She saw his eyes dart over her shoulder at the open door.

"Stay vigilant." Was all she said as she got down on her knees. Gregorie stared at her, appalled.

She needed him. Right now. Inside her mouth. She wanted to taste him again. Fill her mouth with all of him.

Colette rucked his shirt up his stomach and worked at undoing his trousers with her one hand. She fumbled at the buttons but managed to yank down the flap. Gregories cock sprang forward and she greedily sucked all of him into her mouth or at least as much as she could. His cock was impressively brawn and long.

Gregorie hissed and grabbed the edges of the bench. He leaned back and watched as she moved her mouth up and down him. Colette savored every quavering breath that fell from his mouth and he grabbed her head and started thrusting in rhythm to her sucking.

"Uhn... Uhn... Colette- I... I..." She felt him start to shake and quickened her pace. She wanted to drink him dry. She didn't fully understand the need that overshadowed every sane thought in her mind, but to claim and devour. Gregorie thrusted faster and Colette held onto his thighs as he claimed her mouth.

"Argh!" Gregorie grunted loudly, slamming the full length of him down her throat. Tears brimmed Colette's eyes as he spilled his seed into her mouth.

"My god, Colette." He rasped, removing his hands from her hair and bringing them up to his face. He smoothed them over his forehead, staring down at her with fervent shock. She slid her mouth off him and swallowed. She couldn't contain the smug satisfaction she was sure shown on her face.

Gregorie pulled her up and grabbed her face, smashing his lips against hers. Colette fell limp against him. Her knees suddenly weaken. She still wanted more. She wanted to feel all of him inside of her.

Gregorie gasped, coming up for air. "Gods Colette. Where does this fire come from?"

She shook her head hopelessly. She wondered the same thing. A small part of her mind recalled the words Sebastain had said to her. It's like I have a living hearth inside of me. Of course, smoke did not fall from her mouth like his did but now that she knew about Sébastien urges, his desire also kindled that flame.

"I will miss you." He said, kissing the top of her head.

Colette blinked. "Miss me?"

Gregorie searched her eyes. "When you are gone?"

"Gone?" Colette pulled back.

Gregorie had a puzzled look on his face. "Yes. Are you and your father not leaving to pay a visit to the kind Lord that offered you respite?"

Colette stared in disbelief. Had her father told him about his business venture with Lord Sebastain already? Before her? She grimaced. He also seemed to have not mentioned this kind lord was a beast.

She hung her head and looked at Gregories member still hard and glistening with her saliva.

"I did not realize father had already mentioned that to you. He only just told me this afternoon. I don't have to go with him. I can stay here with you Gregorie. I mean, isn't this supposed to be our honeymoon?"

Colette hated using that motive. They had agreed on spending their honeymoon elsewhere another time and for the first week after their marriage to settle into each other's company and routine. It seemed more logical to figure out one another's personal habits then spend the time forgoing that and making love endlessly each night. Of course, the making love part wasn't going to be put on hold. Although, they still hadn't exactly consummated their marriage in that sense, yet.

He pierced his lips. "I thought we were planning a honeymoon at a later time. Did you change your mind? Should I have the ladies start preparing our belongings?"

Colette frowned. "No. No. I just... I thought that you might have wanted to come along with us. With me."

Gregorie smiled and pushed a stand of hair from her face. "Unfortunately, I am needed here. Father has left on a business trip of his own and you know mother isn't the best at running things. Her memory is all over the place these days."

Gregory's mother suffered from terrible memory loss. Some days she didn't recognize her own children. It ate away at Gregorie but harder on his father, who watched her helplessly fight the blind attack on her mind.

Colette nodded. "Yes, you're right. But I still don't have to go." Please. Say you want me here with you.

"Your father seemed eager to have you go with him. He also mentioned the old lord was quite fond of you."

Colette's shoulders sank. Her father had already made the decision for her. She could not avoid the inevitable.

"I'll miss you." She said, running her hand down his arm.

Gregorie smiled lazily at her. "I will miss you more." She sighed. She really doubted it.

"Master Gregorie."

Colette whipped around while Gregorie hastily shoved himself into his trousers and did up the flap. Colette cleared her throat, smoothing out her wrinkled skirts, while her husband fixed himself behind her.

A scrawny older man stood in the doorway eyeing them both warrily. Colette turned to give Gregorie a peck on the cheek before hastily leaving. She gave the balding man a sheepish smile before brushing past him.

"Grinding wood?" The man piped behind her. The question was directed at Gregorie and Colette heard his nervous chuckle as she walked away.

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