The Capital Visitor

By Elizabeth-Barnes94

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Elizabeth dreamed of the day she could finally find her mate and be set free from the shackles her father and... More

Chapter 1: The Crescent Star
chapter 2: The News
Chapter 3: The towns gone mad
Chapter 4: Savannahs Theories
Chapter 5: The Visitor
Chapter 6: The Garden Party
Chapter 7: The Herb
Chapter 8: The Ball
Chapter 9: My saviour
Chapter 10: The Wait

Chapter 11: Mrs Elizabeth Dawson

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By Elizabeth-Barnes94

Savannah and I spent the whole night talking about what we would do when we got out, we didn't really know what life was like outside of our town, only the pictures we had seen of the capital, but we imagined walking along its sand beaches and seeing the ocean for the first time, when we finally decided to sleep and I drifted off I saw him again the black wolf , we were in the centre of town, I could see him, closer than he had ever been before, he turned around and looked back at me motioning me to follow him so I did, we walked all through town and ended up at my house he sat beneath the oak tree and motioned me to climb up, so I did, I climbed to the huge branch just outside my window and when I looked down he had gone, I looked in my bedroom window and saw Savannah asleep on my bed so I tapped on the window but she wouldn't wake up, my father came into the room and he beat her first he hit her with his fist, then he kicked her the whole time I'm banging on the bedroom window trying my best to smash it but it wouldn't break and neither of them noticed I was there.
I sat up in bed, sweat dripping from my forehead, I look to my side and Savannah is still there sleeping peacefully, thank god it was just a dream, but what was the black wolf trying to tell me, I knew it had a meaning but I couldn't guess what, my only guess that my father was no only a danger to me, which I already knew but also a danger to savannah.
The next day Savannah left early as per her mothers instructions, and I started on my usual chores, I don't know why I still do this but part of me thinks it's because the routine is so ingrained into me that I wouldn't know what to do without it and another part of me doesn't want my mother to suspect I'm planning anything, if I stick to my same routine and act like the same Elizabeth I have always been my parents will think they have gotten away with drugging me, just as I was about to put my bucket away my father comes down the stairs.
"Good morning Elizabeth"
"Good morning father" I replied I wish I could tell him what I really think of his good morning, I also wish I could spit in his breakfast but I decided it would be best if I didn't.
"After breakfast you and your mother are going for your wedding dress fitting!" He announced like he was expecting me to be jumping for joy
"I've only just been introduced to him father, why would I need a wedding dress so soon" I ask although I already know the answer, he wanted me married off before the effects of this stupid herb wore off, that's if they ever did.
"You will have plenty of time to get to know each other after you are married, a whole lifetime of it" he sneered "yes father I know but I just thought I would have a chance to actually speak to him first, we didn't get much chance at the ball, I don't know anything about him, how am I to be a good wife if I don't know his likes or dislikes? and where are we going to live?" My voice fading into a whisper, he eyes me for a minute before he says "ok Elizabeth, I will ask young Mr Dawson when he is free to have a talk with you, then you can bother him with your questions, but you still need a dress and today you WILL be going" he demands and I stand there and nod before serving him his breakfast.
I go upstairs into my room and try to delay the inevitable, taking extra time to brush my hair, extra time to pick out my clothes and when mother had finally lost her patience with me we left to go and visit Mrs Bouquets boutique.
Last time I was here I was desperate to find answers about our visitors, since then I have learned so much more, I feel like a completely different person than I was when I came here a few weeks ago.
The bridal section in Mrs Bouquets is upstairs, and much like downstairs it's filled with rails of big puffy dresses but these are all white.
I follow Mrs Bouquet through the rows and rows of rails, her asking every question about what I like, what style? do you like this one? Do you like that one? She finally took me through to the changing area when she had two arm fulls of dresses picked out for me, I didn't pay much attention to what she had grabbed, my head was spinning into oblivion the whole time, what if I can't get out? What if I'm made to marry Mr Dawson son? Could I really spend the rest of my life here? The answer was defiantly NO.
As we turn the corner into the changing area I see Mrs Banks sat down on the large pink sofa in the middle of the room along with my mother and Savannah.
Clearly seeing the shock on my face mother says "oh darling Mrs Banks and Savannah have come to help you pick the perfect dress" I looked to Savannah and she smiled although i could tell it was a fake smile for our mothers sake.
"Thank you for taking the time to come and help me Mrs Banks, Savannah" I nod my head to them both.
Mrs Bouquet takes me into the changing room and begins lining up all the dresses on the rack, this is the first time I've had a chance to take a real look at them and they are all beautiful, if I was happy about this marriage I know which one I would be so excited to try, Mrs Bouquet must have noticed me staring at the second dress because she picked it up and motioned for me to get undressed, she helped me step into the dress and when it was all the way on, she started fastening the beautiful big pearl buttons that were all down the back of the dress.
It really was my perfect dress the long sleeves were a beautiful white lace with pearl buttons on the cuffs, the bodice hugged my figure perfectly and the lace had been finished with pearl beading all down the bodice and skirt making it shimmer in the light.
It was all too real, seeing myself stood here like this, Mrs bouquet opened the curtains of the dressing room and revealed the dress to everyone, then walked me over to the pedestal in the middle of the room so I could see myself fully in the floor to ceiling mirror.
I could see Savannah in the reflection behind me, tears falling from her eyes and a fake smile on her face, I turn to face them and seek out my mothers approval, for some reason it was still so important to me that she was proud of me.
"Elizabeth, I have never seen a more beautiful bride!" She gleamed "I don't think we will find a better dress for you in all the world" tears start to fall from her eyes and that part of me that needed her approval was satisfied, I turn back around to look at myself again, it really was the perfect dress.
Mrs bouquet came behind me with a floor length cathedral vail, she attached it to my hair at the top and let it flow around my arms and down my back.
I burst out crying, I can't stop the tears, seeing myself like this, knowing deep down that I had no chance to get out of it, father would never allow it, and mother was his smiling puppet I couldn't count on her to help me, no, I was trapped, all the hope and resilience I had disappeared in that moment, I just stood and stared at myself, I felt defeated, I was going to spend my life as Mrs Elizabeth Dawson.
We tried on a few more dresses, mother wanted to be absolutely sure we had seen every option but we ended up buying the first one I tried on, I can understand why women love to go wedding dress shopping, if I wasn't being forced into this marriage I would have also enjoyed it but the whole time my mind was in panic mode, by the time we left the shop I'd come to terms with the fact that I would be getting married and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.
We said goodbye to Savannah and Mrs Banks and made our way over to Mr moons cafe, this was the place mother would always take me when I was young as a special treat or when I had a birthday.
We sat down at our usual table by the big front window, mother didn't speak a word to me the whole way here, I could tell there's something on her mind but I didn't want to be the one to break the ice.
"Can I take your order Mrs Stone?" Katherine Mr Moons granddaughter says with a huge smile,she was only 15 but worked here most days helping her grandfather she had the most beautiful green eyes and chocolate brown hair that she had tied back into a ponytail.
"Yes dear I'll have the club sandwich and Elizabeth will have the same, thank you dear" my mother replies not even bothering to look at her "actually I'm not hungry" I interrupt giving my mother a hard stare, she finally turns to look at Katherine and says "two club sandwiches thank you dear and two glasses of orange juice" Katherine gives her a nod, takes the menus from the table and leaves.
"What has gotten into you today Elizabeth? You have been quiet all day, you didn't smile once in the dress shop and now you are being rude in public?! All girls get nervous when they are about to be married but that is no excuse" She gave me a look that had me thinking she genuinely had no idea that I didn't want this, that the last thing I wanted was to be married, maybe if I'd been given the chance to get to know him I might not feel this way but I do.
"Do you really not know mother? First I find out that father has been drugging me for the past two years and then he announces I am to be married, I have no idea when, I have only met the boy once, I know nothing of this personality or his nature, his likes and dislikes and father didn't even ask my opinion he just announces it will be happening" I finally let my tears fall and she just looks at me shocked like she doesn't know what to say, the awkward silence continues until Katherine finally arrives with our sandwiches and drinks.
"Is there anything else I can get you Mrs stone? She says as she is setting down the drinks "no dear that's everything, thank you" mother replies still looking out of the window.
Neither of us touched our sandwiches we just sat in silence to ten minutes when the bell sounded above the door, I look up to see Mr blue eyes walking in with Beta  Kieron, he sees me and comes straight over to our table
"Good afternoon Mrs Stone, Elizabeth" he says never taking his eyes off me "do you two know each other?" Mother asks him "we met at the ball, I wanted to introduce myself and your daughter left quite the impression on me" he replies still looking into my eyes
"Well my daughter is an engaged woman so please lower your gaze!" She shouts and that gets his attention he turns to mother "engaged? Since when?" He sits down beside her "since the night of the ball, her father arranged it with Mr Dawson, she is to be married next week!"
"NEXT WEEK!" I scream I knew the clock was ticking but next week, the tears start to fall again and I give Beta Kieron a pleading look hoping he gets the hint that he needs to hurry up with his plan.
"Oh did you not know? You look surprised" Damien says bringing my attention back to him, "no" I clear my throat "I didn't, sorry about that it came as a bit of a shock please excuse my behaviour sir" I couldn't let mother see me being so informal with Damien or she might get suspicious, I turn my head and look out of the window I wipe my tears and try to calm myself down "well it was nice to see you again Elizabeth, congratulations on your upcoming wedding, see you soon Mrs stone" he said before getting up from the table  "thank you sir" is all I reply, still looking out of the window.
I can hear the bell above the door ring again and I can see him leave through the window, he turns to look and me and then turns and walks away.
"It's time to go home Elizabeth, you have had enough excitement for one day, I will tell Katherine to pack up your sandwich you can eat it at home"
"Yes mother" I say giving her the best fake smile I can manage.
I can't wait to be home, I just want to get into the bath I felt dirty, I wanted to wash this day away.
One week until I become Mrs Elizabeth Dawson, the effects of this herb haven't started to wear off, I can't do any of the things Damien described, there's no voice in my head telling me what to do... One Week...

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