Beastly Desires

By Jesssayhello

67 0 0

No. It couldn't be. Why would she desire him and in that way specifically? He was a beast. He wasn't entirely... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chalter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty- Three
Chapter Sixty- Four
Final Chapter
Author Notes

Chapter Twenty-Five

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By Jesssayhello

Sébastien informed everyone that Colette and her father would be staying as long as they needed to. Niel seemed reluctant about the idea but nodded understandably. Beatrice showed no sign of emotion and left with a curt nod. Aarva was the only one who seemed happy about it, a delicate light had danced across his eyes at the mention of Colette. Even though the smell of Beatrice reeked all over him. He didn't want to ponder too long on what those two had been doing and when. Although a small part of him envied the two and their secret rendezvous.

As he neared the great hall he slowed his steps and lingered n the shadows of the hallway. Colette descended the stairs. She appeared worried as she somberly sat down on the last step, propping her arms on her knees and resting her small chin in her hands. She wore her hair braided into a crown and her skirts today were a lovely shade of pink with gold trim and embroidered flowers running down the panels. Her stay was a simple white color. She looked beautiful with the sun beams creating a halo around her face through the open windows. Just as beautiful as she looked in his dream. Naked.

Sébastien swallowed the lump in his throat and smoothed his hands down his abdomen. He would not let his mind wonder further than that as he walked to the end of the hall and cautiously approached her.

"Lord Sébastien," she blurted, standing quickly.

He raised his hand before she could curtsy. "Please. Sébastien." He noted the tension in her body. She was still wary of him and she should be, he thought mildly. He worried for himself around her. Luckily she was not clothed in that alluring scent of hers. Today she smelled clean. Like fresh linens.

"Would you like to accompany me out to the gardens?" He hoped he sounded nonchalant even though his paw was shaking terribly behind his back.

She raised her brows and looked out at the snow that blanketed the grounds. Sébastien cursed himself.

"How about the libraries then?"

She seemed more inclined to that idea but didn't answer right away. Her eyes studied him and he felt like he had his trousers down with the way she looked at him. Fool. Why would she go anywhere with you? You're a raving beast. A monster. That was what she had called him. And he didn't deny it then.

"I can't read," she lied. He knew she read. She brought back the letter he sent her and Niel noted on more than one occasion she had a book in her lap.

He should have just left her alone and stopped before he embarrassed himself further, but he couldn't help himself and said, "I can read to you."

Her eyes brightened at the suggestion. Something swirled in those soft blue eyes. He so desperately wished he could read minds right about now.

"I- I can read. I just don't read very often."she admitted, offering him a half smile.

He gleamed on the inside but held his calm stature. "Then let me show you to the libraries. I have an expansive collection. I even have manuscripts dating back to Egyptian time." His excitement couldn't be more obvious and it seemed Colette thought so too and she reluctantly stood to her feet and gave him an odd look of sorts.

He cleared his throat, offering her his arm. She stared at it like he might swipe at her. Maybe it was the giddiness he felt but his next words were... less than appropriate. "I don't bite."

Colette laughed. She laughed. At him of course, but she laughed. It was a sweet sound. A little peak but enticing to the ears.

"I find that hard to believe." Was all she said before taking his arm in hers. Sébastien felt on top of the world.

The libraries were two large rooms conjoined together by an arched set of ornate doors that were left open for people to move freely from room to room. The walls were lined in books and several writing desks and tables were laid out in the rooms. A tufted, red, velvet couch with gold trim sat in front of the small hearth in the corner of the first room. Matching plush pillows with gold tassels littered its surface. Other tufted chairs of similar colors filled corners or sat beside a writing desk. Large rugs covered the stone floors, some layered on top of eachother. The room had tall ceilings and intricate chandeliers hung from the dome ceilings. The candles illuminated the room with a hazy, golden light. It smelled like paper and dust.

Sébastien stared at Colette who sucked in a breath while her eyes roamed around the space.

Wonderment filled those glacial pools. "Do you find it exquisite?"

She pulled back into herself. "It's... big."

Sébastien cursed himself for sounding egotistical. "I suppose it is rather big. My fathers father designed it. These were his libraries. Of course, as it was passed down my father added to it and I... well I didn't really hang out much here other than to study."

Colette perched on the arm of a chair, plucking a book from the shelves beside it. "Everything looks old."

"This castle is older than this library. My father was going to do some renovations when... well, when..." he swallowed hard. The last memory he had of his father was bloody and full of rage. "He, uh... he didn't get the chance to. I don't come in here often enough to care about making any changes that suit my taste."

Colette fingered the pages of the book. "What is your taste?"

Blood roared in Sébastien's ears at how provocative the question sounded. He knew that wasn't what she meant but he let his mind wonder for a second and thought what it would be like to kiss her. To press his mouth against hers and taste her with his tongue.
He turned abruptly the other way, stalking towards a desk and fiddled mindlessly with nothing on the surface. "I... um. My taste is... new?" He said, slowly.

"New?" Colette echoed, a hint of amusement in her voice.

He closed his eyes and willed himself to let go of the desire declaring itself in between his legs. He took a deep breath and exhaled out. Smoke circled around his face before dispersing.

"To be honest. I haven't stepped foot out of this castle in twelve years. My taste is probably a decade behind." He'd go with the truth. The truth always prevails in the end. Right?

"May I ask how old you are?"

Sébastien turned around finally. Colette had moved from her perch on the chair to stand beside him. A healthy two feet away. He sensed her warriness still but she seemed more relaxed than earlier.

"I am eight and twenty years old."

She tilted her head, studying him again. Her eyes seemed to drink everything in like they were glass mirrors. He wished he knew how she saw him right now.

"I know it's hard to tell in this form that I've taken on. I was told you met Aarav? I'm sure he willingly relaid my history to you."

Colette didn't let her surprise show and shrugged. "He told me the bare minimum. That what has happened to you and to everyone else here was a curse placed on you by an old witch."

He didn't bother asking if Aarav told her about how he slaughtered his own family or... Ayra. He was quite frankly scared to ask, lest her judgment of him be perceived as a raging, murderous, beast. He'd rather go hide in one of the cells then continue to talk with her.

"A body for a body," he said. He didn't mean to say it out loud but the chant echoed inside of him.

"Aarav said you stole her body so she stole yours."

"Yes... well, eh-uhm. Let's not talk about that any longer. It's not something I like to reflect on."

He moved around her and pulled a book off a shelf. "What would you like me to read to you?"

Colette shook her head. "I meant it. I do know how to read. It's just... well, I'd prefer painting." A light blush appeared across her cheeks at the confession.

"Oh." Painting. A woman painting. He certainly missed a lot behind these castle walls.

"I don't have any paints unfortunately. I'm not sure where to even purchase some. I suppose the town a ways over might have some supplies."

"You don't need to purchase anything for me." She cut in. "I have my own supplies back at home."

Home. What did that feel like? This castle was a prison and nothing more to him. He yearned for the day to be free of this godforsaken curse, but he knew what price he had to pay to receive and he would not go down that road.

"Would you like to go home?"

Colette's eyes became wide with emotion. "Yes," she whispered.

Sébastien's stomach twisted with guilt. He had told her to leave as soon as her father was well enough. He could have commanded them earlier today. Could have thrown them out, but he didn't. He wasn't ready for her to leave and he hated that selfish part of himself. Of the beast. He always wanted what he couldn't have.

"I can have Niel prepare your horse for you if you want to go home. I know you won't leave your father here, but if you'd like to venture back to your town and grab your painting supplies. I will not object. I only advise you to stay close to the forest line so as not to provoke any unwanted attention. Especially the kind with teeth and fur."

Colette trembled slightly and bunched her hands into her skirts. She could not hide the relief in her voice. "I would like that."

"Then it shall be done."

"But..." her face darkened. "I fear for my fathers safety."

Sébastien nodded. He understood what she meant. Her father feared him and so did she. Nothing has changed that. Nothing will change that. Not a stroll in the garden. Not books. Nothing. He was the wolf in his nightmare, the snake that so desperately wanted to sink its teeth into her.

"I understand."

Colette smiled but it did not reach her eyes. For all he knew she was only here to entertain him and not for her own pleasure. And he was foolish to think the latter.

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