The Capital Visitor

By Elizabeth-Barnes94

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Elizabeth dreamed of the day she could finally find her mate and be set free from the shackles her father and... More

Chapter 1: The Crescent Star
chapter 2: The News
Chapter 3: The towns gone mad
Chapter 4: Savannahs Theories
Chapter 5: The Visitor
Chapter 6: The Garden Party
Chapter 7: The Herb
Chapter 9: My saviour
Chapter 10: The Wait
Chapter 11: Mrs Elizabeth Dawson

Chapter 8: The Ball

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By Elizabeth-Barnes94

As promised Mrs Bouquet arrived with Mine and mothers dresses, we didn't talk much after she woke up, I caught her watching me a few times and I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I already knew, it was guilt, I'd only seen it once before, father had woken up for breakfast and mother told him I would not get out of bed, forgetting to mention that I had been up all night with a fever and vomiting, father came to my room and pulled me from my bed, he beat me for twenty minutes, she gave me the same look then that she's giving me now.
"Elizabeth darling, come and let me fix your hair" she called to me from her bedroom, I really wasn't in the mood for tonight but I would do as I promised to savannah, I would walk in there and somehow find our cure and our way out. I'd been thinking about it all day, the only way I could think of was telling savannah to ask the delivery drivers son to smuggle us out in the back of his fathers van, of course that would mean waiting until next months delivery and then maybe another month for him to prepare, but it was an option and right now I needed all the options I could get.
Mother had pinned my hair up tonight into a high bun with small curls coming down and around my face, I think I would be smiling ear to ear at how I looked if I didn't know what I know, that she had poisoned me, that her and father had drugged me and done god know what to my wolf! I don't think I could ever forgive mother, my father I understood his need for control and for power but what was my mother's reason? Why did she deprive me of my right to find my fated mate, my right to know my wolf? I had no problem not shifting when I thought it was just a law but now I knew I physically couldn't do it anymore I felt like I was trapped in my skin, like I wanted to rip out of my body and be set free.
I go back to my bedroom and put on my gown it was a baby pink tulle dress with little pink flowers and sequins over the bodice, a week ago I could only dream of wearing such a dress but now even this isn't enough
To life my mood.
A knock came at the front door, it was Savannah and Mrs Banks, we walked over to the town hall together, my mother and Mrs Banks in front speaking in whispers and me and Savannah behind, too upset to even speak, we just kept giving each other slight glances and squeezing each others hand.
When we arrived at the town hall I couldn't believe how different it looked, the hall we were in yesterday was completely transformed, all the chairs had been moved to the side and put around tables that had huge centrepieces filled with white roses and lilac wisteria dangling over the edges, the was a huge dance floor in the middle of the room and a band was playing on the stage, I couldn't believe it, for the first time today I could feel myself smiling, I looked at savannah next to me and she squealed! "Omg Lizzy can you believe it! It looks like something out of Capital Star!" The music loud enough that we wouldn't be heard I turn and give her a big hug, after the broken version of her I saw this afternoon I thought my savvy was gone, but seeing her now that huge smile on her face it gave me the strength I needed, I wouldn't forget my mission tonight, but first I wanted a little fun, I pull savannah over to the dance floor and give her a bow, we didn't know how to dance to this type of music, actually we didn't know how to dance at all but holding her hands we swayed around the dance floor before people started to arrive,
First to arrive was father and Mr Banks and by the look on their faces it seems they didn't know about the changes made to their beloved town hall, this realisation only made me smile even more, I was going to enjoy every small inconvenience to my father for as long as I was here, next was the towns most affluent business men with their wives and adult children, they must have left their children with the omegas who weren't invited, Then they arrived Beta Kieron and Mr Blue Eyes with at least twelve other men who I hadn't seen yesterday.
I couldn't keep my eyes of him, and that same sickly feeling I had all day yesterday returned, his eyes locked onto me and he made his way over with Beta Kieron, he took my hand and kissed it "hello again, you look breathtaking tonight" I couldn't make my mouth use words it was like I'd forgotten how to speak it was only when he cleared his throat that I realised I had been holding my breath "hello again sir, thank you for the compliment" I said lowering my eyes to where his hand was still holding mine the same pinprick tingling feeling that he gave me yesterday was going all up my arms and making me feel lightheaded, I took my hand back and he gave me a sad look "may I ask you your name?" He said quickly fixing his expression "my name is Elizabeth Stone" I replied "may I ask your name sir?" He laughed "please don't call me sir you can call me Damian" his laugh had me instantly relaxed and I gave him a small smile "ok Damian, but I call you sir because it is polite, and I also have a lot of questions for you but for now I have to go, I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me, stood talking to men all night, goodbye" and with that I grab savannah and leave I didn't even realise I had interrupted her conversation with Beta Kieron so I quickly apologised to her I didn't mean to ruin her time with her biggest crush but I knew if our fathers had seen us talking to them we would be watched for the rest of the night and we wouldn't get another chance to talk to them, and there were so many things I needed to know.
When we sat down at the table with our mothers it seemed they didn't notice our conversations and I let out a sigh of relief I'm sure someone would have seen but it would easily be explained away as our fathers guests introducing themselves to their families, which is what is was,wasn't it?
The night went on and I didn't think I would get another chance to speak to Mr blue eyes a.k.a Damian, even his name made me shiver, I didn't understand the feeling I was having but I'd never had a crush before and he was so handsome he was at least 6 foot 6 and his build out matched even that of my father, his shoulder length black hair was oiled back behind his ears just a few strands had broken free and framed his bright blue eyes perfectly, I could never understand savannah getting so spaghetti legged over pictures of Beta Kieron but if I'd seen a picture of Damian in the Crescent Star I'm sure I would have been just as annoying as she was. I'd forgotten all about savvy's advice of treat them mean keep them keen when I was talking to Mr blue eyes, I kept replaying the conversation over and over again in my head, cringing at myself even more every time.
"Savannah I made a fool of myself" I turn to her when our mothers had left the table "what do u mean Lizzy?" Clearly her thoughts not the same as mine "when I spoke to Mr Blue Eyes! I couldn't speak to him, my mind turned to mush" I say putting my head in my hands "I don't think you have anything to worry about Lizzy, he hasn't took his eyes off you all night" she whispers nodding to a table on the other side of the room, she was right he was looking straight at us, could he hear us? Beta Kieron did say he had super hearing did Damian have it to? Before I could realise what I was doing I waved.. actually waved! Savannah quickly grabbed my hand and put it down on my lap "what are you doing you crazy girl" she nudges me in the side "omg savvy, see I don't know what I'm doing you said treat them mean keep them keen and I'm waving like an adoring fan girl... kill me now.. put me out of my misery" I groan putting my head back into my hands.
"He's laughing liz, I think he finds you hilarious, I just hope his super hearing can't reach this far or you will defiantly give him the ick" she says rubbing my back
"What's the ick?" I reply completely confused "well I read in the Crescent Star advice column that if you do weird things it gives people the ick and they stop liking you" she announces like she's an expert love guru
"Well great love master I will take your word for it" I said trying to sound unbothered but if truth be told she was the expert she had read every love advice column in that stupid magazine so she definitely knows more than me about this subject.
"Elizabeth!" Father shouted me over to where he was sat across the room, it was common at events that women and men would sit on separate sides and they didn't usually mingle unless they were husband and wife or engaged.
"This is Mr Dawson's son James" he says when I reach the table I turn to see who he is talking about when James reaches over to take my hand, he shakes it and says "nice to meet you Elizabeth, I was hoping we would meet yesterday but I hear you went home unwell I hope you are feeling better" his voice was polite and a little bit shaky so I knew he was nervous "good evening James, it is nice to meet you, yes unfortunately I was feeling unwell yesterday, and I'm not much better today unfortunately" I say looking over at my father giving him a knowing look, I hadn't spoken to him about the herb yet but I'm sure he knew by now that mother had told me everything.
"I'm sorry to hear that, I was hoping you would do me the honour of a dance?" James says bringing my attention back to him "ermm.. well.. James" I tried to find the words to politely decline "of course she would love to James" my father interrupts and James stands and takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor I look over at savannah who looks just as shocked and mortified as I feel, 'help' I mouth to her hoping she can find a way to get me out of this, my father clicks his fingers at the band and they start playing a slow melody, James takes my right hand and puts it on his shoulder, he takes my left hand in his and puts his other hand to my waist, no man had ever touched me like this before I felt so exposed, now everybody was looking at us on the dance floor and I just wanted the floor to swallow me up.
"You look amazing tonight Elizabeth, I'm so happy your father and my father have come to an agreement about our marriage" he whispers in my ear, I stop in the middle of the dance floor and look over to my father who is now deep in conversation with Mr blue eyes they must have sensed there was something wrong as they both turned to look at me, I turn back to James and say" thank you for the dance James but the news you have just given me has come as quite the shock, my father hasn't made me aware he was looking for a husband for me, please except my apology, I just need some time" I didn't wait for his reply I just give him a small smile and make my way back to the table where savannah is still sitting staring at me with wide eyes.
"Did you hear that?" I whisper to Savannah trying to keep a neutral expression "I didn't hear anything but I saw the way he put his hands on you, mr blue eyes marched straight over to your father and has been arguing with him ever since" she replied talking to me but looking over to the table where my father and Damian were arguing "my father has arranged my marriage to Mr Dawsons son James" she turned to look at me, mouth wide "WHAT?!" She shouted and everyone turned to look at us, we give everyone an apologetic smile and turn back to face each other "we have to move up the timeline savvy, we need to get out as soon as possible" she gave me a quick nod and stood up from the table "please excuse us, Elizabeth and I need to use the restroom" she announced to the table and pulled me up by the hand and we made our way out of the hall and into the garden, I needed the fresh air, I wanted the wind to pick me up and fly me anywhere but here "Lizzy you are not marrying that stuck up ogre, I will not allow it!" She shouts at me in a whisper "wow you look cute when your angry" Beta Kieron he directs at savannah as he comes out into the garden, I wonder how much he has heard, not that I care it wouldn't be happening and if he told my father I would tell him the same or at least hold him off long enough for me to run.
"Sorry Beta Kieron, I don't know what it's like where you come from but here a woman doesn't even have the right to find her fated mate, she is placed with whomever the elders decide is best with no regards what she wants or how she feels" she says to him quietly but angrily "where I'm from fated mates find each other everyday and live happily ever after" he says to her with a cheeky wink "how do they find each other? Here on the rare occasion it has happened they are made to reject each other in the middle of town at the rejection ceremony" she tells him and by the look on his face he had never heard anything so ridiculous "what?! They actually make you reject each other?" Ignoring her first question he just seemed to focus on that "yes they believe they know better than fate, luckily it has been years since anyone has actually found their mate here, but the last rejection ceremony the girl did not survive, her parents were devastated" Savannah tells him and he just looks disgusted "we better be going savannah, someone will notice we are missing, I'm sorry again Beta Kieron please forgive me" I give him a small bow and go to leave, he grabs my arm and looks me in the eye "you said you had questions for Damian, he wanted me to tell you he will come and find you, tonight" he lets go and walks off into the gardens, I have so many questions but there's  not a chance I will be able to speak with Damian without my father or one of the guests noticing, when we go back to our table our mothers tell us it's time to leave, I knew I wouldn't get chance to speak to him tonight but I also knew he was staying until there was a cure, at least that's what mother said earlier, I look around the room but I can't see him anywhere, Mr blue eyes had disappeared, I looked over to my fathers table and he was talking to Mr Dawson and his son, no doubt making arrangements  for my upcoming marriage little did he know he needn't bother because I wouldn't be here.

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