Flower Husbands and Desert Du...

By microwave_shark

7.3K 141 735

This book is all about flower husbands and Desert duo one shots! I'll take suggestions :D I'll take ship sug... More

🏜 Heroes and Villains
Kingdoms part 1
Kingdoms part 2
Kingdoms part 3
Second best
Send Me No Flowers Part 1
Send Me No Flowers Part 2
Dear Soulmate
You Won Scar...
Execution Part 1
Execution Part 2
The Flower Shop Part 1
The Flower Shop Part 2
The Flower Shop Part 3
Eyes Part 1
Once More to See You

Eyes part 2

154 5 7
By microwave_shark


As the weeks went by, Grian's attitude towards life and his relationships with other people started to slowly change and get better. He had reconciled with Jimmy and was now friends with him again. He was also trying to repair the bridge that he had burned with Pearl and was slowly learning to love her once again. All in all, with all these changes and improvements happening in his life, he had slowly started to see things in a more positive light and was finally seeing a glimmer of hope for the future. 

Grian was walking home with Jimmy, feeling fairly content with his current situation in life and feeling like things were getting better. He heard a familiar voice calling out his name, which made him sigh...and once he turned around he saw Scar. "Hey Grian!" He suddenly said with a smile, making Grian groan internally. Grian sighed loudly once again at the sight of Scar, but this time he also added in a bit of annoyance since he really didn't feel like dealing with the boy right now. "What do you want Times?" He asked, using his last name again much to the annoyance of the boy I'm sure. Scar seemed to not mind it so much however as he replied with an upbeat tone. "Well, I wanted to see how you were! And hello Jimmy!" He greeted Jimmy as well. 

Grian rolled his eyes once again as Jimmy also joined in the conversation. Jimmy asked him about how they first came to meet and how they originally started talking to one another. Scar was about to answer first, but then Grian cut him off suddenly and spoke first. "A car was gonna hit me and happy over there pushed me out the way." He said, indicating Scar was the one who pushed him out of the way.

Jimmy seemed to be surprised by most of the things that Grian had revealed to him. The boy had been incredibly isolated and didn't usually go out unless for a necessary reason so this was surprising to Jimmy. Also, the fact he was almost hit by a car and was saved was also quite shocking to him. However, for some reason Grian was acting like it wasn't too big of a deal, which surprised Jimmy even more. "Yeah." Grian continued to reply with minimal emotion, almost sounding like he didn't care that he almost died. Jimmy was truly dumbfounded by the boy and how he was just acting like it was nothing but a scratch or some minor incident. He then looked over to Scar. "Hey Scar, thanks for saving Grian. Maybe if you didn't help him earlier he wouldn't have been such a jerk to you now." He said jokingly. 

Scar then took his leave, having waved and said his goodbye to Jimmy and the others as he decided to keep walking by himself. Once he was gone, Jimmy looked over at Grian with a confused expression on his face. "Grian you're quite odd. I like it?" He said, almost repeating what Scar had said but with a slightly twisted version of it. "What kind of compliment is that?" Grian didn't reply immediately, but he eventually opened his mouth and spoke a bit. "I...don't know. Maybe he was just trying to mess with me, probably." He said casually. Jimmy suddenly gave him a side-eye, the type that someone would give if they thought they were being told a lie. "Don't be like that. Come on, I know you and you were actually blushing when he said that." He said. Grian could also feel a bit of heat on his cheeks as he realised he was blushing and had been called out by Jimmy. "You're just saying that cause you wanna mess with me." He said, denying that he was actually embarrassed but in reality he definitely was. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way but he was trying to make sense of it. Jimmy just laughed as they kept on walking and finally ended the conversation, which only made Grian think even more about why he was feeling this way about Scar.

Grian was simply laying in his bed, casually scrolling through his phone and not paying much attention to his surroundings. He didn't notice her entering since he was focused on his phone, so he jumped when she suddenly said something and spoke to him directly. "Pearl! What the heck? Haven't you learnt how to knock?!" Grian replied angrily, not even looking up from his screen. Pearl then walked over and sat down on his bed, which made him even angrier. "Wow sorry mister angry." She said sarcastically and jokingly, which only angered him more. He then turned his head towards her and continued to speak. "Shut up."

Pearl then decided to mess with him even more by messing up his hair, which made him even more frustrated at her presence since it made it more obvious that he was feeling nervous and embarrassed. When she told him about the thing Jimmy and Lizzie said, he immediately denied it, but Pearl could tell that the boy was lying through his teeth. "Jimmy says you have a crush on sunshine Scar." She continued to tease him, which made him blush even more. "What?! N-no!" He tried to deny it again, but Pearl knew it was true.

Grian's response was to turn away in a pouty way, trying to deny the fact that he liked Scar. Pearl then tried to make him see sense by asking what was exactly wrong...and his reasoning was honestly a little strange. "I don't like him. He's way too nice and happy for my liking." He said, which actually made no sense and just confused her more. Pearl just couldn't understand his logic in his thought process as he continued to deny that he actually liked Scar even though she knew from the way he acted that it was obvious he did. She was really surprised. "Well, isn't nice and happy a good thing though? He's probably just nice like that so people will like him and won't leave him." She suggested, which made more sense. Pearl then let out a frustrated sigh. "Come on, what is really the problem? There has to be something else. You can't just not like someone because they're TOO nice and happy." She responded, trying to urge him to be more open about his true emotions and feelings. 

Grian was getting progressively more annoyed with the conversation, as he really didn't want to admit the truth and was getting irritated about having to be asked too many questions about the subject. "Pearl just leave. You're being so annoying. Why can't you just accept that I don't actually like him." He said angrily and rudely, clearly not wanting to continue this anymore. "Okay sorry sunshine I'll leave now bye." She then left his room. "Sunshine." The name that only his dad would call him. He hated it. It was a reminder of when they had been close and when those days were now long gone.

Grian laid back in his bed, thinking about everything that just happened earlier and trying to make sense of it all. He hated not being able to understand his own feelings, especially when he didn't fully know what was causing these emotions. His thoughts were all over the place and he couldn't focus on anything for too long, his mind switching from one thing to another pretty fast. It was like an internal battle between his logical mind and his emotions, with his emotions winning the fight as of now.

It's been weeks since Scar had last interacted with Grian and made him feel all awkward and weird. For some reason he couldn't get the boy out of his mind, almost as if he was attracted to him or was obsessed with him. Everywhere he went and no matter what he did, Scar would always be there to greet him with a bright smile and his usual energetic personality. Once again, he was feeling flustered and almost like he lost control over himself. No matter how much he would try to fight against his attraction towards Scar, the feeling still managed to seep in and take a hold of his thoughts and heart.

Grian had spent so much time protecting his heart and sealing it off from everyone. But when Scar came along, he made Grian drop his guard and allowed the boy to take a place in his mind.

His green eyes were like gem stones shining in the sun, almost as if it was drawing Grian towards them. And his smile...his smile was like the sun itself, warming his heart and making him feel happy and content whenever they talked. 

That was the question that kept playing in his mind. What was Scar doing to him? His eyes, his smile...they always made him lose his control over his thoughts and feelings. His whole attention was focused on him and for once in his life, he felt...vulnerable.

Grian decided he was going to tell Pearl that she was right, and that he did in fact have feelings for Scar. He knocked on her bedroom door and said "Hey Pearl?" She looked up from her textbook and looked at him and then he continued. "I'm sorry...you're right I do like Scar." Pearl let out a small smile as she looked at him. "Told you."

Pearl definitely was acting like her usual self, which of course involved her being cocky and thinking that she was always right. However, her usual behaviour was overshadowed by her genuine curiosity of his feelings and she asked him to confirm. "I'm always right. Anyways your not joking right? Scar? Like Ryan Times Scar?" She asked to make sure that the boy wasn't just lying to her. He replied with a simple nod of the head. "Yes." Pearl let out a soft chuckle as she started to tease him again. "Wow...that's a surprise." She said slowly and playfully. Grian rolled his eyes in the usual sibling fashion, but this time it was different. There was no annoyance or bitterness, but instead genuine happiness as he could finally share this thing with someone. She then continued. "So what makes you like him? His personality...or his looks?"

Pearl was expecting some answer like his personality or his kindness or even his sense of humor...but this was just as a valid reason.  

His eyes.

She laughed playfully and then teased him a bit more. "Oh his eyes? So when he looks at you, you get all gooey like a puddle and melt and get all bashful like a little kid?" Grian didn't reply with anger or frustration this time, as Pearl's teasing was actually making him smile a little bit. There was even a soft blush on his cheeks. "Shut up" he replied, though sounding more playful this time rather than actually being annoyed.

In the past, if Pearl had teased him or been playful with him, he would have responded with anger or annoyance. But lately, he's become softer and nicer...and she liked that. She knew that he had truly opened up and that it was all because of Scar. She was happy for her brother and wanted to see him finally be happy.

"See you are smiling. You probably do get all cute and gooey when he looks at you." She continued to tease, as she really wasn't going to give him any free passes when it came to this. Grian then spoke in a soft and gentle way. "Just shut up and let me enjoy my crush for once in my life."

Pearl couldn't help but laugh at the sudden pillow fight that broke out between them. This was the most she had ever seen him smile in a long time. She quickly chucked the pillow back at him and continued the game which she wasn't going to let her little brother win. After throwing the pillow, she tried to chase after him but was a little bit slower this time, letting him get a bit of a head start before she started to follow him.

Grian had been running around with Pearl and had finally turned the corner, thinking that he had made it away successfully. But before they could have got too far, the two ended up running into their mother and she saw the whole thing go down. She let out a laugh and then picked up a pillow herself and threw it at the both of them. "Pearl...Grian..." The two could barely get a word out before their mother hit them with the same pillow and started this big pillow fight.

The three were laughing and having a fun time with each other, something that the family hasn't done since...well, for so many years that they almost forgot what it was like to be happy and laughing as a family. Grian was smiling almost like a child, it had been so long since he felt like this and he was feeling happy and free. He was enjoying his life for the first time in a long time.

I'm literally falling in love with writing stuff about sibling and family ITS SO SO CUTE 


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