Cradle To The Grave

By kiirby-0

377 32 149

{Hii I am the author of a different next generation fic. I wanted to try again so bear with me } Decades afte... More

Former Number One Hero
Curse Of The Todoroki Family
Domestic Bliss?
He Has His Father's Hair
There's Two Of Them
Chaotic Good
Sins Of The Father
Where The Sidewalk Ends
No One Is Safe
Something Is Coming

Too Familiar

9 1 0
By kiirby-0

Pup was tense, hands folded on the police's table as she tried her best not to make any sudden movements. It was weird, Mr. Midoriya was the former number one hero, in fact, most of her family were former pro heroes, and she hoped to be a hero one day too, but the police scared her. 

"So you were walking with Mrs. Midoriya, when a man came up to her, asking about her daughter- are you okay? Do you need water or coffee or something?" 

"N-no thank you. I want to get back to Mrs. Midoriya as soon as I can." Pup whimpered she felt Toshinori's arm wrap around her, rubbing her shoulder with a sigh. 

"Relax, Pup. Nothing is going to happen to you, okay? I promise." 

"What has Mr. Midoriya told you about making promises you can't keep?" Pup whimpered 

The police officer put his hands up, "Don't worry, okay? It's normal for people with mutations to get a little more scared when they're brought in, but he's right, you're just here to tell us what happened. We have a former pro hero in the hospital." 
Toshinori sighed, "You were the only one there besides Mrs. Midoriya who witnessed it, and we can't get her account until she's recovered a bit." 
Pup frowned, but nodded "He tried to get Himiko out of Ochako's arms and stabbed her." 
He nodded "Did he talk to them?"

"What did he say?" 

"He asked how old she was and if her quirk had come in yet. Mrs. Midoriya said she didn't have a quirk because she was three, which is a lie she tells people so that it's harder to recognize her. Because a lot of Mr. Midoriya's fans don't recognize her unless she has Deku's kids with her, so she was hoping that they wouldn't recognize her or Himiko if she lied about Himiko." 

The officer nodded "We'll talk to Mrs. Midoriya about that." 

Pup nodded sadly "O-okay." she murmured 

The officer sighed, "Anything else you think was important?" 
"My friend Kei's mother was attacked yesterday.. They were trying to take her too." 

"Rest assured, we are taking that into account. Uh.. Did Mrs. Midoriya seem to know this man? Could it have been one of her past clients?" 

"No. I know all of the people who have gone through the rehab facility. It wasn't any of them, and all of her current clients are still in jail, and I would recognize them. Mrs. Midoriya didn't seem to recognize him either." 

the officer nodded, "we'll look into it." he smiled at her weakly 

"I'm sorry I can't be more helpful." 

"Thank you for coming in. Do you have a ride to the hospital?" 

Toshinori nodded, "I'll get her there." he nodded at the officer "Thank you." 

"Thank you." The officer sighed,  smiling at Pup and waving as Toshinori ushered her out of the station. 

"You did really good!" Toshinori huffed 
"Thank you. Uh.. Mom and Mrs. Midoriya taught me how to talk to the police."

"Huh." Toshinori wondered why, Pup was a pretty upstanding citizen. She was usually around Kaz and Kaide. It didn't seem like there would be neccesary to teach her how to talk to the cops. 
"they did the same thing with Kaide." 
Kaz nodded "I guess that's probably for the best." he thought it was weird, but if it made Ochako and Toga feel better he wouldn't say anything. 

"Straight back to the hospital, or do you want some cool down time?" 

"Can you just take me the long way there?"  

"Yeah." Toshinori huffed, "I got a text, said that Ochako is okay. She can go home tomorrow." 

"Thank goodness." Pup huffed, fists clenched at her sides as Toshinori helped her into the car 

"Everything is okay." 
"Thank you." 

"you're welcome." 


Deku frowned as he snuggled his daughter, she had been crying for the last couple of hours, there was blood on her favorite kitty jacket, and he would never be able to get it out, and even if he could, she would never want to wear it again after the awful memories it was now tied to. The day mommy got stabbed. The day she nearly got kidnapped. When this happened to Kaz it had been different it had rolled off his back, he had been so resilient. He had hated how nonchalant Kaz was about it at the time, but now, with a screaming five year old in his arms, he would love to hear a tiny Kaz rapid firing questions for the number one hero who sounded just like daddy. He would give anything to make Himiko feel as safe as Deku had made Kaz feel. He supposed Kaz had never been super happy and excited if his mommy was hurt.. But this wasn't like the last time she was in the hospital, she was fine, but Himiko had never seen her mother in the hospital before. Deku sighed as he rubbed her back 

"you're safe. Daddy's got you. Everything is okay. The bad man is gone." 

Ochaco sighed "Go get her some ice cream." 

"I'm not leaving your side!" Deku whimpered 

"That's how I used to calm Kazuku down when you were in the hospital." Ochako sighed 

Kaz nodded his head "that's true." he smiled weakly, Deku looked at Kaz with a small smile of his own 

"Would you like to come get ice cream with your sister and I?" 
Kaz nodded, sighing as he looked at his sister with a sigh  "Do you want some ice cream?" 

The girl nodded her head as she buried her face in Deku's coat. Deku sighed, running a hand through her hair. She was so small, he was probably a third of the size he had been when he had his quirk, but she still seemed so little! He kissed the top of her head. 
"We'll bring some back for you." Deku said softly, kissing his wife's forehead gently. 

"Thank you, Dekukun!" Ochako smiled at him, she was awfully chipper for someone who had just been stabbed, but Deku supposed this was far from the worst day of her life. He was just happy that everyone was going to be okay. Deku kissed her cheek gently before leading their children down the hall to the cafeteria where he ordered ice cream for his kids and his wife. He smiled weakly at the waitress as he paid her. 
"Your kids are getting so big!" 

Deku nodded "They are! And I don't think Himiko has been here since she was born, so.." He sighed, looking at his floor as he paid for the ice cream, handing two to Kaz and carrying two with him. Kaz frowned when he saw Kei Todoroki, that's right, this was the same hospital Fuyumi was in.

"Can I go see Kei?" Kaz said softly

Deku frowned, he had hoped to talk to him, but he also didn't want to smother him. So he nodded his head. 
"Meet us back at your mom's room in an hour." he sighed 

Kaz nodded "Okay." 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Deku nodded, hugging his son and bringing his ice cream to his wife's hospital room. 

Kaz sighed as he sat next to Kei with a sigh 

"How is Fuyumi?" Kaz asked softly 

Kei jumped "What! What are you doing here?"
"My mom got stabbed." Kaz sighed, "someone stabbed her and tried to take Himiko." 

Kei frowned "Oh.. Kaz I'm so sorry." 

"She's okay. She'll probably be released tomorrow." Kaz was very used to his parents being hospitalized at this point.

Kei sighed "They say mom is getting better, but they won't let me see her, and honestly, I'm not sure if anyone would tell me if she was already dead. Dad isn't speaking, and no one else will talk about what happened so-so we're just all sitting around talking about the fucking weather as my mother fights for her life." 
Kaz looked at his feet, that was weird. All his dad ever wanted to do was talk about feelings and shit that happened. 
"I'm sorry Kei, I don't know what to say.." 
"I.. just.. I wish I knew what was going on! Grandma asked me how I felt about entrance exams yesterday and I just.. I forgot about them! It's been the last thing on my mind!" 
"I'm sure you're prepared though." 
"I don't know! I honestly don't care!" 
Kaz sighed, nodding his head "I'm sorry. I really am. I just-"
"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do." Kei huffed 

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