Converging Fates

By TheSliverSquad

29 12 1

105 years after the Great Aranthian War, Corliss Hailward attends Velin Achenrill Academy, a prestigious acad... More

Prologue I - Origin
Prologue II - The Battle of Abbey Field
Prologue III - After the War
Chapter II - Velin Achenrill Academy
Chapter III - Classmates
Chapter IV - Tilvian Abbey
Chapter V - The Knight Track
Chapter VI - A First-Year's Struggles
Chapter VII - End of the First Month
Chapter VIII - Mikkora Greeves

Chapter I - Corliss Hailward

2 1 0
By TheSliverSquad

105 Years Later
Aranthian Year 4123

Northeast of Abbey Field lies a small home, with a garden in the back yard. In this home lives Rylos Hailward. He built this home himself, and moved in with his wife, Cilia.  In the year 4104, they had a daughter together, whom they named Corliss. Unfortunately, Cilia died during childbirth, and was not able to witness her daughter grow older.

Early in the mornings, Rylos works in the garden, something Cilia used to do. He grows vegetables and other crops. Once they are ready to be harvested, he does so, and then he travels to the nearby town of Lorentia, which lies west of Abbey Field, and south of Velin Achenrill Academy.

Corliss Hailward is now nineteen years old. She has short platinum colored hair reaching to her shoulders. She opens her green eyes, and sees her black and white cat, Riko, cuddled against her in her bed. Corliss pets Riko, who purrs.

"Good morning, Riko," Corliss says. She sits up in her bed, and looks out her window. "Strange, Dad's usually working in the garden right now." Corliss stands up, getting out of bed, careful not to disturb Riko. Corliss stretches. She heads downstairs, and sees her father, Rylos, sitting at their dining table. He has black hair reaching to the middle of his neck. Like Riko, he has green eyes.

"Dad?" Corliss says, getting his attention. He turns around.

"Corliss," He begins. "Good morning."

"Morning!" She answers back. "Why aren't you working in the garden?"

"I already did," He says. "I'm ready to head out. And... it looks like you aren't." Rylos looks at his daughter, still in her pajamas.

"Head out?" Corliss asks. "Um, head out where?" Rylos looks at Corliss, expecting her to reveal she is joking.  The reveal never comes.  Corliss can be forgetful sometimes.  Rylos learned this the hard way.

"To Lorentia," Rylos answers.  "To enroll you in the academy?" Realization spreads across Corliss's face.

"That's today?" She asks.  "I... I need to get ready!" She begins to run upstairs.  Rylos sighs.

"What would she do without me?" He asks himself, shaking his head.  "Ah, I might as well load the crops onto the cart as well." He heads outside.  Upstairs, Corliss changes out of her pajamas and into some casual clothes.

"What do you think, Riko?" Corliss asks, not really expecting an answer.  Riko wakes up from her nap and stretches, jumping from the bed.  She walks over to Riko, and nuzzles her leg.  Corliss picks up her pet, and they head downstairs.  "Hm.  Dad must have gone outside."

Outside, Rylos loads their cart with crates filled with vegetables from the garden.  He wipes the sweat from his forehead, and looks over to see Corliss approaching, Riko in her arms.

"You're bringing Riko with you?" He asks.

"Why not?" Corliss says.  "You want her to stay with you?  I'm sure it'll get lonely here while I'm gone."

"No, I'll be fine, Corliss." Rylos answers.  "Besides.  You know I'm not the biggest fan of cats."

"Thought so," Corliss says, smiling.  Riko purrs.  Rylos turns to the cart, filled with crates.

"I already loaded your things you'll need," Rylos says.  "Clothes and stuff.  It's... somewhere in here.  We'll look through it once we get to town."

"Wouldn't wanna go to school and only have vegetables," Corliss says.  Rylos laughs.

"No you would not," Rylos agrees.  "Alright.  Is that everything?"  Corliss thinks.

"I think so," She answers.  "Besides, the academy isn't that far.  If I need anything, I can always send a letter asking you to bring it."

"Or you could find a shop in town that sells what you need," Rylos suggests.  "I'm sure that'll work.  Come on.  Hop in the cart, and we'll head to Lorentia." Corliss climbs onto the cart, still holding Riko in her arms.  She looks at the only home she's ever known, and wonders when she'll see it again.  Riko sits on Corliss's lap, and Rylos climbs into the cart, sitting next to his daughter.  He grabs a hold of the reins, and they begin their ride to the town of Lorentia.

Aranthia is split into two large landmasses.  East Aranthia, which is connected to Mona Oase, and West Aranthia, which was connected to Helvoria by a bridge before the Razing of Helvoria.  Only the Aranthian Ocean lies between the two halves of the country. 

In Aranthia, there are seven territories that act as branches of the church of Valorix, watching over separate parts of the country.  These territories were once ruled by the children of Valorix, each of them ruling over one territory each.

Alvina the Arcanist ruled over the northern region of West Aranthia.  This area is now known as Arcanist Territory, with their capitol being the city of Ghitraedh.

Styrke the Gladiator ruled over the northern region of East Aranthia.  Gladiator territory's capitol is the city of Algard.

Rafael the Healer ruled over the southwestern region of West Aranthia.  Healer territory's capitol is the city of Cometa.

Kella the Warrior ruled over the southeastern region of West Aranthia.  Its capitol is the city of Langsevada, which lies in the area where three mountain ranges converge.

Tamira the Sorceress ruled over the central region of East Aranthia, right in-between the Gladiator and Nomad territories.  Its capitol is the city of Antisana.

Ewan the Nomad ruled over the southern region of East Aranthia.  Its capitol is the city of Ruiz.

And Alessandra the Knight ruled over a set of islands to the north of West Aranthia.  The capitol is the city of Ossary.

Abbey Province, where Achenrill Academy and the Hailward home are located, lies within warrior territory.  Corliss and Rylos's cart crosses the bridge that lies over the Velin River.  Corliss sees the academy in the distance.

"So I heard they let you choose which track to study," Corliss begins.  "Which did you choose?" Rylos, when he was younger, attended the academy.  There, he met Cilia, his future wife.  Rylos looks up, thinking.

"They didn't really do things the same back then," He answers.  "Nowadays, you pick which track to focus on, and you spend the four years with that professor and those students, but you still learn a little bit from the other professors.  When your mother and I were there, we studied all of the tracks equally.  Healers, Knights, Sorcerers, all of 'em.  Of course, everyone had a class that they excelled in.  Mine was the Knight class.  Your mother's was the Healer class."

"The classes," Corliss says.  "What makes them different from each other?"

"Each class has their own weapon, like Valorix's children," Rylos answers.  "When his children were old enough to be gifted godly power, he decided not to give them too much.  So he had them each choose a weapon to imbue godly power into.  The Warrior chose a sword.  The Sorceress chose a talisman.  The Gladiator chose an axe.  The Arcanist, a dagger.  The Healer, a scythe.  The Nomad, a bow.  And the Knight chose a greatblade."

"So it's just the weapons that are different?" Corliss asks him.  Rylos lets out a small laugh.

"Of course not," He says.  "The Warriors focus on melee combat.  Attacking and counterattacking.  The Gladiators are a more... fierce version of the Warriors.  They'll put their bodies under extreme stress to defeat their enemy.  You don't wanna cross a gladiator on the battlefield."

"I bet," Corliss says.

"Sorcerers use basic magic.  Fire, lightning, and ice, to name a few," Rylos continues.  "Arcanists... they're kinda like Gladiators.  They deal with more... questionable forms of magic.  Stuff you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of.  Healers heal, of course.  But don't underestimate their fighting skills.  Your mother, for example, was real skilled with a scythe.  That's what made me fall in love with her.  That, and her beauty, of course."

"Gross," Corliss says.  Rylos laughs.

"Nomads are real tricksters," Rylos says.  "They're good with bows, and can hit targets from almost a mile away.  You also gotta watch your step on the battlefield.  They set up traps all around.  You get caught in one of those, you're an easy target.  Finally, the Knights are kinda like Warriors and Gladiators rolled into one.  They're good physical fighters.  But they're also good with defense.  They can really take a hit."

"Hm... That's a lot to remember," Corliss says.

"You gotta choose by tonight," Rylos reminds her.  "You'll be in that class for the next four years.  So, no pressure."

"Yeah," Corliss says, sarcastically.  "No pressure at all." Their cart rolls through the gates of Lorentia.

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