Secret identities

By Tatiana_frog_08

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Welcome to Lucia Gomez's life. A young special CIA agent. She is one of the youngest and best agents who was... More

0.1 intro
0.2 Intro
1. Illegal adoption?
2. She's alive?
3. Enzo Moretti
4. Our Lucia
5. Childhood bestfriend
6. Throw a party
7. Friday night
8. Italian mafia princess
9. 真倜中
10. Boring day
11. Lil bro
12. Bloodhounds
Family intro
Family intro 2
13. Family and drama
14. Bonding
15. Petty gang
16. Your mind the worst enemy
17. Girls day out
18. Childhood album
19. Nonno
20. Best film of your life
21. The Maldives
Villa tour
22. No parents
23. Bitchy brothers
24. Fallen cheerleader
25. Rivals
26. Night out
27. Pathological liar
29. Sneaking out
30. Aunt Azzurra
0.3 Intro
31. Halloween party
32. The voices

28. Mafia

675 27 5
By Tatiana_frog_08

I hope karma
slaps you in the
face before
I do

I was driving, on my way to pick up Tom from his school.

I swear that girl was ready to jump me if it weren't for her friends reminding her who my brothers were. Are they seriously that afraid of them. I'm pretty sure I'm more intimidating.

It has been a few weeks since I joined school, and I'm already chosen as the captain in the cheer team, and Bella didn't like that at all.

I joined the soccer team where Aly was the team captain, then there's the track team.

I found out that Bella's father was a soldier in the mafia.

I'm getting used to them being the Italians. But none other than my triplets know that I know, and we act all normal and all.

We went to a few fights where we watched each other fight, but we kept getting angry once one of us got hurt. I let the opponents hurt me on purpose as I want to feel the pain. However I don't feel anything even then.

We've been sneaking out more frequently and I'm slowly getting back to my old self. And honestly, it feels amazing as I've been getting good sex.

Anyway. As I was saying I was on my way to pick up my little brother as the others couldn't, they said they had a job emergency and I guessed it had to do with the mafia.

The guards were following from behind like they always do when I and the others go out.

I pull up to Riverside elementary school and parked the car. The outside was filled with kids running around, playing with friends or walking to their parent's car.

I was told to him in and pick him up. It confused me because Luc told me they pick him up outside the building. This was my first time picking him up though.

I got out, immediately being guarded by Vinezio and Angelo while the rest of the guards stayed back out.

We went to the receptionist. "Hi." The old lady greeted with a sweet smile.

"Hi. I'm here to pick up my little brother, Tommaso Moretti." I said politely with a kind smile.

"You must be Lucia Moretti?" She said, I nodded. "Okay, I'll sign him out and call for his teacher to get him. You can sit down and wait dear."

I went and sat down on a chair and the two sat on both sides of me.

We waited for a few minutes before I heard footsteps and saw a young lady, about in her early twenties walk over with Tom.

But that wasn't what made me shot up to my feet in a speed of a bulleted. It was a small bruise on his cheek.

"Tommy?" I called out as I walked to him. He was looking down staring at the floor till I called his name.

He immediately crushed me in a hug and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I wrapped my arm around him and the other went to his head that leaned on my stomach.

"What happened?" I asked, my thumb touching the bruise on his face. He only buried his face to my hoodie. So I looked up at his teacher trying not to show my anger.

I stared at her blankly. She gave me a nervous look.

"Tommaso ha litigato con alcuni ragazzi più grandi, signorina." She said. My grip on him tightened a bit, but not enough to hurt him.

(Tommaso got into a fight with some older kids, miss.)

"Quindi mi stai dicendo che si è fatto male mentre era di guardia?" I asked my voice cold. She stared at me with shock and the slightest of fear.

(So you're telling me that he got hurt under your watch?)

"Nessuna signorina. Sono solo i bambini che si divertono e non possiamo sempre guardarli tutti." She rushed out.

(No miss. It's just the kids having fun and we can't always watch all of them.)

"Tu chiami il bullismo divertente?" I asked, my voice showing clear annoyance.

(You call bullying fun?)

"Io-io." She stuttered.


My attention was brought down to Tom who moved his head back. I looked down at him and he was looking up at me.

My expression softened and I gave him a soft smile. He removed his arms from around me.

'It wasn't her fault.' He signed. I pursed my lips for a moment before nodding.

"Ok, grazie per averlo portato. Ce ne andremo adesso." I said looking up at the female.

(Okay, thanks for bringing him. We'll be leaving now.)

"Ciao, ciao Tommaso." She said, giving me a scared look while she smiled nervously at my brother who waved at her.

We started walking with me holding his hand. We got out and I noticed Tom was staring at a certain group of boys.

They looked to be in fifth grade and looked to be some typical trouble makers. Is it them that hurt him?

"Are them the ones that hurt you?" I asked, stopping and bending down to his height.

He looked at me with his slightly glossy eyes. Fear in his eyes. He nodded. I hated seeing him scared. It just made me sad that he has to be scared of someone.

And those kids were older than him, he was only a first grader while they were obviously fifth. I din't care what you think but I feel like teaching those kids a lesson.

I eyes those kids as I watched them scared some younger kids away. They probably think it's cool to be bullies. They'll learn soon enough not to mess with the Moretti's, especially the baby of the house.

"Vuoi dare loro una lezione?" I asked him my eyes not moving from the kids, but I felt his eyes on me.

(Wanna teach them a lesson?)

I turned back to him waiting for his answer. He stared at me with his curious big eyes. I smiled brightly at him.

I stand up to my full height as an idea popped up in my mind when I saw some men I recognised. I smirked.

"Hey, Teddy!" I called out the man with tattoos and a brow piercing. Therefore. But I call him Teddy.

He stopped and so did the group of men he was with, and I recognised each one of them.

He turned to me with a cold look before shock took over his face. All of them stared at me in shock.

"Lucia, what are you doing here?" He asked as he walked over to me.

The kids that were behind them stopped and started grumbling shit. They looked about ten years old, perfect.

"Just here to pick up my brother. Can I ask for a favour?" I asked looking up at the four young men in the late twenty and some in their early thirties.

They each other a confused and questioning look before turning back to me.

"What is it?" Liam asked with curiosity. I smirked. I could feel the questioning looks Tom, Angelo and Vinezio were giving me and aware of the guards who stood close by ready for an attack.

"Noah." I called. Teddy's kid looked up and recognition washed over his face. I waved him over and he came and stood in front of me. His friends' following close by.

Theodore was from France and so were Liam, Evander and Xander. Though Teddy had an Italian wife and him and his gang moved to Italy.

"Ragazzi, conoscete quei ragazzi laggiù?" I nodded towards the kids who were still laughing.

(Do you guys know those kids?)

The three boys turned to them and Noah nodded. "Si, sono Zion e i suoi amici." He replied with a look of confusion as he stared at me.

(Yeah, it's Zion and his friends.)

They all stared at me confused. I ignored the looks we were getting from by passers.

I indicated for Noah, Caleb and Jacob to come closer with my too fingers. With a frown they came closer and I whispered something to them so only they could hear.

I straightened up and they shared a glance before glancing at Tommy who stood beside me, still holding my hand. They then nodded.

I look up at four men and spoke in French, asking them something.

"Bien sûr." They all replied with.


"Merci. Je dois y aller maintenant. À bientôt." I said. They said by and I started walking while the others followed.

(Thanks. I need to go now. See you guys.)

Tommy got into the passenger seat while I sat on the drivers seat and put in our seatbelts. He caught my attention when he rose his hands.

'What did you tell them?' He signed. I smiled at him adoringly.

'Just a little secret.' I signed back and winked. "Don't worry about the bullies. They won't be anywhere near you anymore." I told him.

He nodded slowly. I started driving and we got home half an hour later.

Donnez à ces garçons une leçon pour avoir blessé mon frère. Assurez-vous qu'ils ne le toucheront jamais.

(Teach those boys a lesson for hurting my brother. Make sure they won't hurt him, ever.)

I know the three boys were trained and can fight quite well, or else I wouldn't have asked them.

We got home safely and parked the car. We went to the kitchen and ate some snacks before joiner the rest to watch a movie in the movie room.


No one was home other than me, Dom and the guards. Dad and Nico had to go to some meeting, the other boys and Aly went out to football practice or with friends.

Tom went out with Massi and some of their friends. Ami said he had to run some errands and couldn't be with me.

So it was just me and Dom. I was so hungry but dad told me never to use the kitchen without supervision.

I barged into Dom's room and he snapped his head from his game to stare at me. He had a ps5 in his room and that all the guys have and is what inspired me to change my whole room and make a game set on the corner of the room like theirs.

I plop on his bed as he went back to his game after sending me a glare. I groaned while he was talking with his friends and focusing on the game.

I could feel him rolling his eyes which makes me smile. I let out another groan that was louder. I groaned a third time and he snapped taking off his headphones and jumped to his feet.

"What!" He snapped. I moved my head that I face planted to his face to the side so I could see him glare at me.

I chuckled at him and he grunted making me laugh louder. He sighs and calmed down.

"What do you want little shit?" He asked. He went back to his game as he sat down and put the earphones on an ear, the other ear so I could hear.

"I'm hungry." I whine. I heard him scoff making me roll my eyes at him.

"Go eat something then." He said not looking away from his game.

I snort. "Do you really want the house burnt down?" I stared at him amused as he groaned and finally let his game down after telling his friends he'd be back.

"Can you make me something." I ask him in a pleading voice, using my puppy eyes and a pout.

"Make your own shit." I heard him mumble before sighing and standing up. A victorious grin appeared on my face.

I jumped and squealed. He gave me an annoyed look but I didn't let it ruin my happy mood as I was getting food.

We went to the kitchen with me tabling on about what I want. Dom was getting more and more annoyed as I rambled on. I greeted the guards and we got to the kitchen.

I sat down and was on my mouth, doing Dom a favour to shut my mouth while he made something to eat.

He finished making it and put it in front of me. I grinned and thanked him.

Hopefully I won't die of food poisoning.

I take a bite waiting for the horrible taste to fill my tongue, but got shocked when a delicious taste took over instead.

Holy shit.

"What?" He snapped when he saw my wide eyes and dropped jaw. I chewed before swallowing it.

"I didn't know you could cook." I said shocked. He chuckled at my expression.

"Well now you do." He said taking going on his phone.

"Well why didn't no one tell me, I would have asked you to make me food more often." I said scoffing as he smirked at me.

"Cause no one other than dad and Tom knows. I rather keep it to myself." He said.

"Why hide such a talent?" I asked in disbelief. If I had the ability to make such good food I would have rubbed it on everyone's faces.

He shrugged. "Dad taught me actually." He said.

"No wonder why it's so good. Obviously the best cook had taught at least one of his kids of his specialty." I said making him laugh and shake his head at me.

I finished the food in a few minutes.

"Btw. Don't tell anyone unless you want a snake on your bed." He threatened.

"Snakes are adorable." I said making him groan as he remembered I loved snakes and am always with Lio's snakes.

"Just keep your mouth shut." He said with a scowl.

"Only if you promise to make me food from now on." I said with a smile as I blackmailed him.

"Fine." He grumbled before standing up and leaving me. I stood up and washed the dishes before going back to my room and played some COD.

I was walking around in school. I had run away from Vinezio and Angelo. Hah. They could never catch me.

Bio class was really boring so I asked the teacher to use the bathroom. But really it was an excuse to skip class and instead roam around school.

I stopped as I heard sound of voices in an empty class. Weird, not many comes at this side of the school.

I walked over to the slightly a jar door and hid behind the wall listening to the voices. I immediately recognised them as the mean kids group. They're the schools bullies and are friends with Bella.

But I didn't see Bella there when I looked in. Only a few guys and girls as well as Julia.

I frown. What is she doing here with a bunch of bullies? It looked like they were cornering her, but aren't they friends?

I look in again as I heard someone crying. My

There were four guys and two girls. The two girls stood behind while the four boys stood in front of Julia, and that's when I saw what was happening.

The group leader, I think Corey it was. He was harassing Julia. He was roughing her chest. I scoffed in disgust.

I barged in without a second thought, the door slamming behind me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked as my hands curled into fists.

All their heads snapped towards me who stood in front of the door. Corey smirked a disgusting look on his face.

"Two pretty Moretti girls at the same place. Well aren't we lucky?" He said as he and the others started laughing. It angered me and disgusted me at what they were doing.

My eyes connected with Julia's she was crying with tears dropping from her eyes and her face red. She had a begging look in her eyes telling me to help her.

She was scared and that angered me more. Sure I wasn't the biggest fan of Julia, but this isn't alright at all.

I felt like throwing up. No one should go through this. What I went through.

My attention was brought back to Corey who started walking towards me.

He came up close to my face and looked down at me with a dark glint in his eyes. His face broke into a disgusting grin.

"I see why people like you better. You look prettier than most girls." He said. I turned my head to the face as his stinky breath seeped through my nostalgic, making more sick.

"Too bad I can't say the same to you. You would be at the bottom of the pyramid." I said back as I stared deadly into his eyes.

His grin dropped as an angry look took over his face. He suddenly raised his fist and threw it at me. I grabbed it easily and his mouth parted eyes widening a little.

His eyes widened as I raised my own fist and knocked it into his face. He fell back onto his back.

The other guys immediately attacked me. I didn't hold back and I might have gotten a bit too far.

All the six kids were on the floor all bloodied with broken bones and bruises.

I breathed a little heavily as I still felt angry. My eyes snapped towards Julia who had slid down the wall and was breathing heavily relieved.

Loud laughter was suddenly heard and her eyes widened. She looked at the passed out bodies.

I walked over to her and gave her a helping hand to help her up.

Thought she'd older than me, I was still getting higher. I've already grown an inch and a half. Now I'm 5'5.

Weeks started walking towards the other door on the other side. We got out just in time to hear the door opening followed with a loud girl scream.

We ducked on the window that showed into the class. It was a boy and a girl. The guy stood there frozen with wide eyes and jaw dropped. The girl was in complete shock and was still screaming.

We need to get the hell out of here before someone sees us. I heard their retreating footsteps as they ran away. Probably to get a teacher or someone.

We took that to our opportunity. The school alarms started ringing and I pulled Julia to the girls bathroom as all the classroom doors opened and students started walking out and loud chatter filled the halls.

If a teacher sees us out of class, they'll question us. We can't have that. We'll have to sneak out when there's less in the halls.

It surprised me that Lucia helped me because I was rude to her ever since she started living with us.

She was so calm like she didn't just beat up six people and almost got caught. She fought like it was nothing.

The anger I saw in her eyes. scared me. I was so relieved when I saw it was her that barged in. But I was scared that she wouldn't help me.

I don't know how to fight. It's just not my thing. Enzo may be an ex mafia don and Nic is the son, but I've never been interested in violence.

I rather be the princess. The only reason I was rude to Lucia was because mom said she was a threat and would try and take over the title as the mafia princess.

Mom always hated it that Alicia was the mafia princess, and it's bad enough that Lucia shares the same blood. I could never be compared to her or be the true mafia princess. It's in the rules that only blood can be the mafia princess.

Everyone loves her and just upset me that they liked me more than her and people actually liked her for being kind, while I have to force them.

I guess at some point I had began to truly hate her, but I still felt guilty for being rude to her without a reason.

I can't do anything anyway. Mom would kill me. I can't go against her or she'll go after Alicia. I know I and Alicia don't exactly have a good relationship but we did when we were younger.

Till mom decided one had to be better than the other and made a challenge out of everything. She knew Alicia was more tomboy like and she hated the fact.

She wanted us to become models but Alicia didn't. I did. I always wanted to become the better twin. But nothing that I did was enough to make many like me.

It's my fault really for being mean instead of being kind and actually trying to get people to like me.

I just realised that Lucia could have left me there to get harassed by Corey and his friends. Most people would when a person is giving attitude every time you so much as look at.

But she didn't. She helped me instead and beat them up. I'm so glad that she didn't leave me, or I wouldn't know what would have happened. I wouldn't know how I'd cope when I lose the only thing mom lets me have the control of.

I knew no one else would have helped me. I am Bella's best friend after all. I didn't even have a choice but to be her friend as mom forced.

Mom wanted me to be the school queen, Bella already had the title so she made me become her best friend. She wants me to get rid of Bella somehow so I'll take the title.

I don't even know why she's so obsessed with me being perfect. She manipulates me every time. And I let her do it. Using her sweet words and if that doesn't work she'll be harsh on me.

I hate it when mom is angry, she's not the nicest. And I hate that bitch Fernanda. I still don't get why Niccolò has to get married to her, he could just take guardianship of his unborn child.

I know mom and her are up to something. I just don't know what. They've always felt so sketchy. But I can't do anything.

Me and Lucia stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes till there was less people in the halls.

Everyone has gone out to the front of the school and police silence was heard.

Lucia walked out with me following behind her. We successfully snuck out without bringing any attention to us.

We pretended like we were there the whole time like the other students. Lucia grabbed my hand and started to move closer to where her brothers and their friends were.

I still don't know why she's letting me be with her. I thought she would leave me right after beating them, but here she is not letting me out her sight.

The students that were crowded around while the school staff were making sure everyone were there was making it harder for us to get to them.

We stopped besides Deo and Aly. They didn't look at us as they were too busy to notice us. They were staring at the students that were being taken to the ambulances.

Corey was conscious now. His eyes widened as he looked at something. I looked at Lucia and noticed her giving him a hard glare.

I turned to him and saw him swallow hardly. She was probably warning him not to tell anyone.

An officer suddenly blocked our view. He was about 6'4 and had rough features and was glaring down at us.

"Can I help you officer?" Lucia asked politely.

"Where were you guys, you weren't with the other students?" He asked in a tough voice as he glared down at Lucia. I frowned.

Guess we weren't so sneaky and this cops must have seen us come out after everyone else.

"We were in the rest room." Lucia replied in a calm voice giving nothing away. I still don't get how she can do that.

"Didn't you hear the alarm or are you death?" The cops continued. I looked down embarrassed when a few students stared at us.

"And may I ask how is not hearing the alarm makes us death, officer?" Lucia asked. I was taken aback by her cold and harsh voice.

The officer didn't like the way she talked back at him. He opened his mouth about to something but another officer came.

"Officer Romeo. May I ask what's going on here?" The other officer asked.

"No chief. Just these kids trying to sneak out the school without being caught after everyone had clearly left it during the alarm." He glared at us at the end after looking at his chief with respect.

"I got this officer." The apparent chief said, patting officer Romeo's shoulder.

Romeo turned and looked into his chief's eyes and the man that was taller than him looked down at him with warning eyes.

Grumbling under his breath, officer Romeo left. I definitely don't like him, but I really don't wanna get arrested.

The chief turned to Lucia. I noticed he looked at her before telling his officer off. They gave each other a barely noticeable nod before leaving.

"What the hell was that?" Deo asked confused looking at us.

"That was nothing." Lucia said nonchalantly.

The school had sent everyone home after the whole accident. Apparently, the cops couldn't find anything about how six high school students ended up beaten.

They wouldn't find anything anyway. I wiped all the cameras when I was in the bathroom. Any of me and Julia being in them at that side of the school.

No one said anything on the way home. I was driving with Ami as he was the one that drove me to school. He probably got his licence in another country.

Julia drove with Dom and the others dispersed into Dami's car or their bikes.

We walked in through the front door and the others went their own way. I and Julia were the last to stand as I said I was going to take a nap.

I made my way to the stairs greeting the guards who greeted back. I walked up the stairs and was stopped by a soft grip on my hand.

I looked at the owner only to see Julia. We haven't talked at all even while hiding in the bathroom.

I just helped her and then left her to the twin D's.

"Thank you." She whispered softly. She was so quiet and it shocked me as her voice is normal harsh and mean. "Thank you for helping me. I know you could have just walked away, but you didn't. And I'm grateful for that."

I stared at the girl that's been nothing but rude to me forever. I snapped out my shocked state and nodded slowly.

She let me go as she realised she was still holding my hand. I noticed she was trembling as she let me go. Probably still shaken, I know anyone would be in her position.

"It's okay." I said giving her a nod as she looked into my eyes with tears, but gratitude was clear in her eyes.

An awkward silent took over as we both stood in the middle of the hall not knowing what to say.

"Do you wanna stay with me in my room?" I asked. I know she probably wouldn't want to be alone after that.

I had plans to pass out as soon as my head hit my pillows but this is more important.

Am I hearing this right. Lucia Moretti is saying something is more important than her sleep?

Shut up Eli

My bad

She gave me a light nod as she looked down on her feet.

"Come on." I said nodding towards the elevators and she looked up at me.

We got to my room and I closed the door behind me. I jumped on my bed and got comfortable while she sat down at the edge.

I guess she isn't comfortable with me. I mean we did have a one sided beef, so yeah?

Silence took over. It was a comfortable silence this time.

At some point we both started talking and we just clicked. We actually had a lot of things in common and we spent the rest of the time gossiping and laughing and then watched a movie till it was dinner time.

Everyone were shocked would be an understatement. They all stared at us like we were too aliens from another planet.

"When did you guys become cool?" Ami asked baffled.

"Guess u was wrong about Julia. She really isn't that bad." I joked as I sat down. Julia sat down across from me.

"You're not that bad yourself Lucia." She said with a grin and playfully rolled her eyes.

Everyone stared at our interaction with confusion.

Her mother was glaring her during the whole dinner while Fernanda scowled and sent her dirty stares. Julia ignored them thought.

I'm not lying thought. Julia isn't bad at all. She's shockingly nice actually. She just hides her true self behind a spoiled bratty personality. I don't get how she and Bella are best friends, like seriously?

They're the total opposite. Bella is naturally hatable while Julia pretends to be awful.

She is really different from her twin but I can see that really cares about her. I saw it from the way she talked about their childhood together. When they actually had a good relationship.

She told me that she misses the inseparable kids they used to be. She didn't tell me why they stopped talking thought. Only that they liked different stuff.

I'm gonna make it my mission to get them to have a twin bond. And I sure am not gonna fail.


Us kids went to the living to play games after dinner.

Ami and Mateus were staying over the night today. They had their own room and sometimes stay over. Mostly Ami.

It's like he lives here honestly and I don't mind it as I can have my best friend close by.

The school had sent a message to dad that we will have a few weeks free from school because of what happened today.

We all sat down on the couches and arm chairs.

"Let's play Mafia." I suggested. They all smirked and agreed. We were totally ten players together.

"Okay, everyone knows the rules. There will be three mafias, a Detective, a Doctor and lastly citizens. Now let's start." Dami briefly explained as the Moderator, before he started sorting the cards.

He put one card in front of each other us faced downwards. Everyone took it up and looked around at the other's faces wearily.

No one gave away what characters they could be.

I got a mafia member.

I inwardly giggled knowing that they wouldn't know it was me. I'll most probably backstab one of the members. But hey, we gotta do what it takes to win.

"Night time." Dami announced.

I won that round. Mateus and Luc turned out to be the other members and I and Mateus ended up having to betray him and let the detective, who was Aly, take him out.

The doctor was Dom and he was such an egoistic bastard that saved himself for the whole round.

We played for a few more rounds. Eating snacks, laughing and teasing each other.

We came back from the park. Dad decided that we were all going to the park together as we haven't spend as much time together.

Considering that his been out of the country for most of the time because of the business which makes him have to travel a lot.

So has Nico so we don't an adult, if you don't include Dom and Dami. But Mira has been checking up on us occasionally. Because her husband was also on those business trips.

Julia decided to join us and her mother wasn't pleased, thought she acted like she didn't care. But I saw she did.

Julia had to leave in the middle for an urgent shooting for a new magazine she was going to be the front cover of.

We walked in through the front door talking and laughing. When suddenly Nico's phone started ringing.

We went all quiet knowing that it was probably about work. They don't know that I know thought.

Still can't believe you didn't tell me, Eli.

Shut up, it was you who didn't wanna know. I only did as you said

So if I told you to jump off a building, would you

Hell ya. It's not like I'm the one getting hurt

Heartless bitch

Says the Queen

Shut up. We've talked about this

Yeah yeah. It's in the past, got it

I must have zoned out for a while as Nico was done with the call. He gave dad a look and seems like he understood as he got all serious all off a sudden.

The tension seems to have risen as they all gave each other looks like they all knew something I didn't. Tom was the only one who looks as confused as me.

"Lucia, you and Tommaso should go and get ready for dinner. We just have some work to do." Dad said.

"All of you?" I asked giving them a weary look. Dad nodded. I nod and grab Tommy's hand before we went up the stares giving the guards a smile and greeting them.

We got up to the second floor and I told Tom to go up before me. I stayed back and hid behind the wall away from their view.

"What is it?" I heard Dami's voice ask quietly probably to make sure we weren't there.

What I heard next made me freeze.

"Félix said he had found out who agent Stormy." Nico explained.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I'm dead. I'm fucking dead. They can't know that. How the fuck could this Félix unfold my agent identity? I made sure no one would ever. Unless.

"The agent Stormy?" Luc asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I told him not to tell anyone who it is and not to open the file yet." Nico continued.

They talked for a bit more before their retreating footsteps were heard. They didn't leave though. They went to the basement from where I saw.

I realised I wasn't breathing. I took a deep breath in and tried to relax. Shit. I totally forgot about that. No one can know who I am.

The whole fucking underworld wants my fucking head in a silver plate. None know who I am and I wanted to keep it that way. God knows what would happen when one discovers it.

I'm so fucked.

Me, my boys and Aly sat at the meeting room waiting for one of our best hackers, Félix to send us the file of the spy in CIA who was able to discover the underworld.

Everyone knows to keep it a secret from outsiders especially the government. Yet it isn't much of a secret, you'll eventually know if you know the right people.

We got the file and started installing it to the laptop that was connected to the meeting rooms tv.

I made sure no one knew telling Félix to not show anyone. He doesn't know himself who it is, he only found the spy's file that was at the most locked up and highly kept files in the American government.

If the wrong hands gets a hold of this, it will start a war in the underworld. Everyone being after this agent for the amount of money they have over their head.

And we can't have it as it will ruin our reputation and we need to get rid of them before chaos starts in our world.

They've already started problems in the underworld when their initial's were found on an allies neck in our territory. Some came to Italy just to try and find out the identity of the spy.

As soon as everything was all ready, the file opened and come up at the full screen. Nothing could've got me ready for what I saw.

There. It was a picture of my only daughter. It was a pictures taken by a professional as she stared into the camera with no emotions. She looked younger on the picture, around fourteen.

LUCIA GOMEZ, stood at the top with big bold letters.

All of us sat there in dead silence. A few of their jaws dropped while the rest were frozen like me.

"Oh my fucking life." Luc whispered quietly, but everyone heard it as it was quiet.

"There's no fucking way. She's Midnight-." Our heads snapped to Lio's way as Luca slapped his hand to his brother's mouth.

"Midnight?" Aly screamed in shock and confusion.

"No?" Lio said as he slowly removed Luca's hand from his mouth. But he sounded confused.

"You dumb fuck, she doesn't have a scare." Dami snorted.

"Yeah. But she's a fucking spy." Dom spat, his jaw tightening. Lio, Luca and Luc glared at Dom and Dami.

"Can the two shut the fuck up?" Luc asked with a deadpanned look.

"Why don't you shut your mouth instead?" Dami asked with annoyance.

"He asked you first." Luca scoffed with as much annoyance.

"So you're talking now mute boy?" Dom sneered.

"Look who's talking. The bitch that has a stick up his ass twenty-four seven." Lio bit back.

"The fuck did you-." Dom said before getting cut off.

"Shut up." Nic said lowly. They all quietened down as they shut their mouths still glaring at each other.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do now. She could have been spying on us this whole time for all we know." Dom grumbled.

A snort was heard from behind me making all of us jump and turn our heads to the person. Lucia stood there with a grin.

I didn't even hear her come. Now I know how she's able to sneak up on people without making herself noticeable. It's almost like she's invisible.

"I didn't even know you were the Italians till my triplets told me." She said. I looked into her eyes and it showed honesty. She wasn't lying.

"Why the hell did you tell her that?" Dami asked as he glared darkly at her triplets.

"Because she's apart of the underworld. I don't see no point in keeping it from her." Luc glared back.

"Just cause she knows about the underworld, doesn't mean she's apart of it." Dom groaned. The quadruplets shared a look before they burst out laughing while Lucia shook her head, amused.

"Oh brother. You couldn't be more wrong." She chuckled, but Dom wasn't amused at all.

"And how's that?" He asked raising his brows. She smirked before walking over to the table and sat down across from me.

She swayed side to side with her elbows on the armrests and hands fiddling with a pen. "Didn't you hear what Lio said?" She said.

There was smoke thing about her. Since she walked in she had this emotionless and cold voice. Her eyes didn't show a single emotion except when she wanted to.

Her movements were as confident as ever. She was talking like this was a meeting. And there was this aura around her, stronger and more dangerous and dark.

She looked different from the Lucia I knew. But at the same time I still saw my daughter, just a different side of her that I didn't know she even had.

The guards did inform me that she was cold towards Tom's teacher when she saw that he was hurt. I'm glad she's looking after her siblings.

"What? You're saying that you're Midnight?" Dami said mockingly with a snort.

"What are you gonna say next. That you're good friends with the American president?" Dom smirked mockingly.

Lucia stayed silent holding eye contact with him. She didn't deny it. No way my daughter knows a president. What else is she hiding?

"Do you really wanna know?" She asked with a raised brow. Okay. It makes me wonder if I even know my own daughter.

I, Nic and Aly stayed silent as we watched the six of them.

"Then you should have the scare." Dom said referring to the scare that it Midnights initials.

It's what makes everyone know that it's her and people know better than to steal what's someone else's. She also has heterochnomia with one grey eye and the other ... gold. Shit, how did I not see that?

Wait, hold on.

"So you've killed people?" I asked almost choking in air. I've heard rumours that the underworld champion isn't so clean like everyone in the underworld.

And agent Stormy has definitely had her fair share of killing people. She is the best agent after all.

"Yes." She replied bluntly. I and the rest stared at her wide eyes. "And as for the scar..." she trailed off before grabbing a handkerchief from her pocket.

She used it to wipe off the make up she had in the left eye.

Aly gasped as she and the rest of us saw the scar that starts from a bit over Lucia's brow and trails down to under her eye.

And with her not wearing her contacts, we instantly knew it was really her. Though Midnight uses a mask.

She then proceeded to wipe her left hand and it revealed a tattoo. The tattoo that has a half skull face that I've heard she sometimes uses.

She wiped her left forearm finally revealing the tattoo that shows that she was indeed Midnight.

We all sat there with dropped jaws, staring in disbelief frozen in place. Her triplets smirked at our expression.

Dom scoffed in disbelief not believing what he was seeing.

"How did you guys know all of this?" Aly suddenly asked the three who were holding the laughs back.

"We went to one of her fights as we finally got the entrance card by our dear sister, and let me add she didn't know who we were." Lio said sending a glare to the twins.

"We watched her fight and instantly recognised her." Luca continued.

"We followed her to her private room and broke in. She came out her closet after changing and that's how she revealed who she was and we told her about the mafia." Luc finished with a shrug.

"You're my idol?" Aly said with open mouth. "Holy fucking shit. You're Midnight!" She said as if the truth sat in now.

"Yes." Lucia chuckled.

"But you're also a fucking businesswoman? How can you own clubs when you're underage?" Dami asked.

"The company is under the name of someone I know that's over the legal age. I can take over the company fully when I turn of age." She explained.

She's as rich as us too? Her company made a huge hit in only three years and have become one of the most successful companies that's in compete with us.

The company is also a weapon dealer and technology supplier in the underworld. They don't have any allies except two. And they also don't have many business partners.

That's what makes them even more influential as they got in a higher rank than most could in only few years and with few partners.

"Your daughter is a better businessman than you, Nic." Dami laughed. The others burst out laughing.

Nic scoffed but I saw the proudness in his eyes as he hid his smirk.

"So you are the founder of Moonlight Melodies." Dom asked. Is he slow or something?

"Dom., stop acting like you're dumber than we know." Lucy said. Dom scowled at her.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" I asked.

"Me owning a business or being a part of the underworld?" She asked. Both, I said.

"Well, I didn't know how you'd react knowing that I was apart of our world, I thought you were normal. But at the same time, I knew that you had to be apart of it, just thought that you were in somethings smaller, like a gang."

"And I didn't really want anyone to know that I own a trillion dollar company till I was ready." She finished.

We all nodded with oh's.

"Anyways." She dragged. "I've heard that you guys were looking for me?" She raised her brows with a smirk.

"We wanted you to join our mafia. But now we definitely don't." Dami said.

"I can't even if I wanted to." She said.

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