Fairy Tail: Kakarot

By ChildOfBeast13

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The Fiore Kingdom. A neutral country with a population of 17 million. It is a world of magic. Magic is bought... More

Season 1 Chapter 1 : Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 2 : Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull
Season 1 Chapter 3 : Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!
Season 1 Chapter 4 : Dear Kaby
Season 1 Chapter 5 : The Wizard in Armor
Season 1 Chapter 6 : Fairies in the Wind
Season 1 Chapter 7 : The Strongest Team
Season 1 Chapter 8 : Goku vs Natsu vs Erza
Season 1 Chapter 9 : The Cursed Island
Season 1 Chapter 10 : Moon Drip
Season 1 Chapter 11 : The Monster Roars!
Season 1 Chapter 12 : Reach the Sky Above
Season 1 Chapter 13 : The Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 14 : To Keep from Seeing Those Tears
Season 1 Chapter 15 : Son Goku vs Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 16 : The Two Dragon Slayers
Season 1 Chapter 17 : My Resolve
Season 1 Chapter 18 : The Next Generation
Season 1 Chapter 19 : The Eight Finalists
Season 1 Chapter 20: Wizards vs Warriors
Season 1 Chapter 22: The Rematch of Fate!
Season 1 Chapter 23: The Terror of King Piccolo
Season 1 Chapter 24: Demon King Piccolo Descends
Season 1 Chapter 25: King Piccolo's Wish
Season 1 Chapter 26: Prelude to Vengeance
Season 1 Chapter 28: Final Showdown
Season 1 Chapter 29: The Temple Above the Clouds
Season 1 Chapter 30: The Tower of Heaven
Season 1 Chapter 31: Jellal
Season 1 Chapter 32: Battle for The Future
Season 1 Chapter 33: Destiny
Season 1 Chapter 34: Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light
Season 1 Chapter 35: Home
Season 1 Chapter 36: Battle of Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 37: Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends
Season 1 Chapter 38: Goku vs The Thunder Legion
Season 1 Chapter 39: Clash at Kardia Cathedral!
Season 1 (Finale) Chapter 40: Fantasia
Season 2 Chapter 1: Goku's Birthday
Season 2 Chapter 2: Allied Forces
Season 2 Chapter 3: Enter the Oracion Seis
Season 2 Chapter 4: Reunions
Season 2 Chapter 5: Battle Between Brothers
Season 2 Chapter 6: Celestial Skrimish
Season 2 Chapter 7: Jellal of Days Gone By
Season 2 Chapter 8: March of Destruction
Season 2 Chapter 9: Fairy Queen
Season 2 Chapter 10: Zero
Season 2 Chapter 11: Memories
Season 2 Chapter 12: A Guild For One
Season 2 Chapter 13: 24-Hour Endurance Road Race
Season 2 Chapter 14: Gildarts
Season 2 Chapter 15: Earth Land
Season 2 Chapter 16: Edolas
Season 2 Chapter 17: Fairy Hunter
Season 2 Chapter 18: Key of Hope
Season 2 Chapter 19: Welcome Back
Season 2 Chapter 20: Nature and Nurture
Season 2 Chapter 21: Code ETD
Season 2 Chapter 22: We're Talking About Lives Here!!!
Season 2 Chapter 23: Bite it, Crush it
Season 2 Chapter 24: Pinnacle of Strength
Season 2 Chapter 25: Lisanna
Season 2 Chapter 26: No Time Like the Present
Season 2 Chapter 27: Best Partner

Season 1 Chapter 27: Demon King Piccolo vs Fairy Tail

351 11 9
By ChildOfBeast13

Tien soon realizes that he was not killed by Drum and looks up to see Makarov standing next to him.

Tien: Mister Makarov...? Is that you?!

Makarov: Indeed I am, my boy. You've done well in handling yourself against a monster like that on your own. Well done.

Tien: T-Thank you.

Makarov nods his head at Tien. The old man then looks over at Piccolo and sees that he was able to regain his youth but had other matters on his mind.

Drum recovers from Makarov's kick and gets up from the ground.

Drum: You hit me, you old bag of dust! You're asking for it!

Piccolo: *snickers* That senile old man will be dead before he knows what's going on.

Drum soon dashes towards Makarov with incredible speed to attack him, but Makarov glanced to the left and jumps in the air before he knees Drum in the face, knocking his eye out, and killing him in one strike. This shocks Tien and Piccolo as the old man lands on the ground.

Tien: ( One hit?! One knee butt?! So this is the master of the Fairy Tail guild! )

Makarov: *to Piccolo* What have you done with Goku?

Piccolo: *confused* Goku...? Who is that?

Makarov: An eighteen year old boy with black spiky hair with three bangs in the front. What have you or your lackeys done with him?

Piccolo thinks on the description for a moment before he the face pops in his head and he smiles evilly.

Piccolo: Oh, that's who you mean? I killed him.

Makarov soon exerts a surge of magic power as its destructive power shatters the windows of the building behind him.

Makarov: *furiously* Is that so? Die!

Piccolo sees Makarov's magic power and smiles at his strength, but still thought he was stronger as he gets into his fighting stance and releases a purple aura around himself. As the King of Demons moved into his stance, Makarov took to the air.

Makarov uses his magic, Giant, to enlarge his fist and throws his fist at Piccolo who doesn't move and blocks the punch by receiving it in the arm. Piccolo expects to be able to easily push it back, but Makarov's monstrous strength starts to push the Demon King back as the ground beneath his feet cracks from the sheer force.

Makarov's strength soon overpowers Piccolo's and pushes the Demon King onto the ground. Makarov doesn't hold back any of his strength and enlarged his other fist and throws a barrage of punches down at Piccolo, destroying the area and flinging up debris all while creating a massive cloud of dust. Makarov raises his right arm and slams down with no restraint creating a large shockwave that could be seen from afar.

Piccolo was soon launched out from the cloud of dust looking at the old man who caused it. Piccolo then lands on the ground as Makarov lands in front of him with a serious expression.

Makarov enlarges his fist once more and swings a horizontal strike at Piccolo with an open palm as the Demon King tries to block it again. Piccolo gets pushed back just like before as he realizes that Makarov was more than what he seemed as the old man's strength was enough to stop him from retaliating.

Piccolo: ( That old geezer is actually pushing me back?! )

Piccolo soon loses his balance from sliding across the floor and is dragged across the floor by Makarov's giant hand before he gets launched into the air. He then crashes through multiple buildings before he crashes into a rooftop.

A vein then appears on the side of Piccolo's head as he was starting to feel irritated from being constantly tossed around by Makarov.

Piccolo dashes towards Makarov with a bit more speed than before as Makarov performs a few hand signs before he releases a light magic spell at Piccolo which sends him flying back into a building. Piccolo jumps towards Makarov once more and tries to attack him from different angles, but Makarov's hand signs to unleash spells was faster and ensured his safety and kept knocking the Demon King away.

Piccolo rushes at Makarov from the front but the guild master unleashes another spell that sends Piccolo flying.

Piccolo: ( That's it. He repeatedly does those hand signs to start the attack. Those are the only motions he has that surpasses my speed. Such wasted movement could cost one's life in battle, but now, it works as a weapon that allows him to battle against me. Interesting. )

Piccolo lands on the ground with an irritated expression but had an interested smile on his face.

Piccolo: ( In the place of strong martial artists, this era instead has strong wizards. )

Makarov then throws a straight right jab at the Demon King with an enlarged fist that sends him crashing into a building. Footsteps can be heard from the building as Piccolo walks out from the cloud of dust while barely scratched from Makarov's attacks.

Piccolo: It seems I made a mistake in only targeting the martial artists. However meager the skill may be, I suppose I underestimated wizards. I recognize that you have dedicated an incredible amount of time to achieve the power you have displayed. You've earned my respect. You should be honored.

Makarov: ( After all that, he's barely been scratched. Not that I expected any different. )

Makarov strikes Piccolo with one of his spells once again and launches him backwards, but as soon as he crashes into a building, Piccolo immediately jumps towards Makarov to attack once more. The guild master of Fairy Tail continues to attack Piccolo with numerous spells as the Demon King uses his speed and agility to counter every time.

Piccolo's strategy was quite simple. Keep attacking. If the only attack capable of besting him were Makarov's spells, could do next to damage, he had nothing to fear.

Piccolo: ( These are no more than dummy attacks. An individual will always move in set patterns. If I attack from an angle that he can't block with a move he's already used, he'll have no choice but to reveal a new move. Once I verify all his moves and combinations, I can find an angle of attack that will force him to reveal another move. )

Makarov then unleashes a fire magic spell that he used before but used it in a different way to land a hit on the incoming Piccolo.

Piccolo: ( However, while he may have a limited number of attack patterns, the number of combinations they can be used may as well be infinite. But each individual has a rhythm. Sooner or later, this old man will run out of combinations to use and that will be my opening. )

As he was flying through the air, Piccolo starts to smile at the arrival of his opening and sign of victory. He then dives towards Makarov and starts to laugh.

Piccolo: ( Old wizard, this is an order from your king. Don't die before I succeed! )

Makarov: ( He's laughing? No matter the attack trajectory, he recovers immediately and moves to counter. If I make a wrong move, his speed won't allow me time to unleash the next spell. If I lose focus, he'll tear me apart before I realize it. This is a contest of endurance, in which I must keep choosing correctly. When I fail, you win. )

The two continue their guessing game as Makarov was able to keep guessing correctly and fend off Piccolo. After hundreds and thousands of hits, the Demon King was beginning to feel the slightest hints of dull pain within his body. However...

Suddenly, Makarov's leg comes flying off as it lands a few feet away from him while Piccolo lands on the ground in front of him with blood on his hand.

Piccolo: You have done well for a human. I'm a merciful king, so I'll make your death swift.

Makarov: Don't make me laugh.

Makarov slaps his leg and uses his muscles to close the wound on his leg and stop the bleeding. The guild master starts to radiate a determined aura as his spirit has not been harmed in any way.

Makarov: I'll die? You shouldn't get cocky after landing a lucky punch...! The battle's just begun!

Piccolo: Oh? In that case... I'll take your left arm this time.

Piccolo leaves the area he was in the blink of an eye and gets in front of Makarov.

As he released his Giant magic, Makarov's resolve heightened his physical and mental senses. The two then jump into the air and in less than a minute, exchange more than a thousand punches, and sparking countless fireworks between the combatants.

And then the moment came. Living for more than a hundred years, Demon King Piccolo had more than his fair share of powerful adversaries in his time. After using his body to bear the brunt of Makarov's attacks, Piccolo had found the old man's rhythm and as a result, Makarov lost an arm.

Piccolo: I'm not done yet. I still want to crush your heart, your lungs, and your liver. They'll make excellent dishes, don't you think? Your planet's chefs should be able to handle—

Suddenly, Piccolo hears Makarov chuckling as he sees that the old man's spirit still hadn't dropped yet. The guild master puts his remaining hand up as a golden light starts to emit from his palm.

Makarov: Did you assume that because I had one arm, I still couldn't fight you? If the heart achieves the correct form, it becomes emotion... And emotions will be manifested.

Makarov then activates his most powerful and his trump card spell, one of the three great Fairy Magics, Fairy Law, the same spell he used on Jose. The blinding golden spreads throughout the whole city but it does not harm any of its citizens and only targets both Piccolo and Piano as the energy emitted damages both of them.

Makarov then falls to the ground as he starts to breathe heavily after exerting himself this much fighting Piccolo.

Makarov: ( It's been a long time since I've pushed myself like this. I'm getting far too old for things like this... )

Piccolo: I have to say, I am impressed. That was the pinnacle of individual strength. You could have been King if it weren't for me.

Makarov's eyes widen in shock as he hears Piccolo's voice and footsteps walking towards him and looks up to where they were coming from. He then sees Piccolo who was severely damaged from his attack and missing a hand, but alive nonetheless.

Piccolo: I was born to be the King of Demons, and rule over all organisms. Do you think a pitiful human such as yourself could have defeated me?

Piccolo raises his remaining hand in the air and points his finger at Makarov as he prepares to fire at him and kill the old man once and for all. However, Piccolo soon feels a static before he immediately jumps back, as he dodges a lightning bolt that was about to crash down on him.

The lightning bolt disappears as it reveals Laxus who tries to hide his angry expression but couldn't help but show some on his face as he glared at Piccolo.

Laxus: Hey, Gramps! You lose some weight?!

Piccolo: Hey now. Don't get me too excited!

Laxus quickly runs towards Piccolo and swings a heavy right blow at him that Piccolo blocks by taking it in his arm, but Laxus' strength sent him flying back and crashing through cars as he ends up on a street with many people as they run away.

As Piccolo was sliding backwards, Laxus rushes at Piccolo as sparks of electricity travel across the metallic parts of the city and swings a kick enhanced by his lightning magic at Piccolo's head. Piccolo was able to evade by leaning back as the attack hits a building and creates a large crater in its wall.

Blood comes from Piccolo's nose and he licks it as he looks at Laxus.

Laxus: Did you feel a tingle?

Piccolo: Another parasite come to be exterminated? Fine by me. This will serve as a perfect example for the others as I tear you apart.

Laxus: Laxus Dreyar. Make sure you remember that name when I send you sliding down to hell.

Piccolo: *chuckles* The people of this era sure are skilled in their trash talk. I'll be sure to reach you all manners.

Laxus then runs at Piccolo and high kicks him in the side of the head and follows up with a jab before he ends the combo with a knee to the face. Laxus then sees that Piccolo had a spaced out look on his face and becomes slightly annoyed.

Laxus: Hey, don't disappoint—

Before Laxus could finish his sentence, Piccolo punches Laxus in the face with incredible strength which sends him rolling across the ground.

Piccolo quickly charges towards Laxus and gets behind him and brings his leg back and goes for a kick, but Laxus regains his composure and catches his kick.

Laxus: Not bad!

Laxus twists his upper body and elbows Piccolo in the face but Piccolo immediately counters by wrapping his grabbed leg around Laxus' arm and pulls him to the ground. The Demon King quickly throws his fist down at Laxus who reacts quickly by jumping back.

Laxus: Let's see if you can handle this!

Laxus covers his fist in lightning and shoots a powerful lightning bolt at Piccolo who reacts quickly by shifting to the left but the attack still pierced his arm and cut it off.

Laxus: ( He's dead meat! Now pile on! )

Suddenly, Laxus was kicked in the face by Piccolo and is surprised he had attacked after losing his arm.

Laxus: ( He counterattacked after that?! But it's too la— )

Out of nowhere, Piccolo's arm regenerates and throws a punch at Laxus but the wizard blocks it with both his arms. Piccolo continues to regenerate until all the injuries he sustained from Makarov had completely disappeared.

Piccolo: You're doing pretty good for yourself.

Laxus: I am. But what about you?

Piccolo: Give me a break. At least you're more lively than the old man.

Meanwhile with Makarov, he feels someone pick him up and sees that it was Tien who got off the ground.

Makarov: Tien...?

Tien: Please don't talk. You need to save your strength. Let me help you from here.

Makarov: Thank you.

Tien then runs off and gets as far away from the scene to get the injured Makarov away from the danger.

Back with the fight between Laxus and Piccolo, the Demon King punches Laxus in his side of his gut and then back hands him in the face. Laxus tries to punch him but Piccolo dodges it by rolling to the right before he elbows Laxus in the back of his head.

This makes Laxus cough up saliva and lose consciousness for a moment but he grasps back onto it and snaps back to reality. He then turns his body into lightning and circles behind a nearby car before he punches it, sending it flying at Piccolo. Piccolo gains a bloodthirsty smile and punches the car back at him.

The two then start to use all their strength to punch the car as it was crushed between their immense strength. Piccolo throws a final punch at the car but Laxus rips a door off before he covers it in lightning and slams it in Piccolo's face, ripping the skin off of his face.

Laxus: ( You're just like that monkey. You don't have any magic power but you're stronger and faster than he is with freaky regeneration. But no matter how strong your regeneration is, if I crush your head, you'll die! )

Piccolo soon starts to regenerate his face and Laxus sees an opening and shoots out a lightning strike that makes contact as soon as Piccolo's face regenerated.

Piccolo: ( That's not good. )

While the lightning was destroying his brain, Piccolo blows the magic from out his ears and repairs his brain.

Piccolo: You almost got me, brat!

Piccolo then swiftly hits Laxus with three punches as Laxus notices that his speed was increasing. Laxus throws a punch at Piccolo who dodges it and grabs Laxus' torso and swept his foot, knocking him off balance before he drops his elbow directly into his stomach.

Laxus quickly wraps his legs around Piccolo's leg and pulls him to the ground and grabs the Demon King's wrist, putting him in an arm bar. He then raises his fist as he starts to chant a spell.

Laxus: The roar of summoned thunder rolls far and wide. Now plummet from the heavens and turn him into ash!

Lightning starts to emit from Laxus's fist as it goes up into the air and forms a large ball of lightning in the air. Laxus then swings his arm down with all his strength and sends the ball of lightning down at Piccolo.

The attack causes a huge explosion that destroys the surrounding buildings as both Laxus and Piccolo were launched out of the cloud of smoke while Piccolo took some damage from the attack.

Piccolo: Hey, brat. Do you like to swim?

Laxus: Huh?

Suddenly, Piccolo rushes towards Laxus with incredible speed and grabs him by the face before he flies from the area while pushing him through buildings.

The Demon King then flies straight up into the air before the two start to fall down to the ground, and as they do the air behind Laxus' back compresses incredibly quickly. The temperature around the two start to heat up from their speed as they start to glow.

Finally the two were mere inches away from an aquarium, and without holding back, Piccolo smashes Laxus through the roof as they enter the building. He then tosses the wizard into a water tank as he stops his own velocity by levitating in the air.

Laxus: ( Dropping me in the water is a good idea. My magic power is like lightning, so once it starts discharging in the water, it won't stop until it's depleted. )

A large amount of lightning starts to emit from Laxus' body that spreads throughout the water as he could feel that he was losing magic power.

Laxus: ( Damn it! I can't stand a chance against him without magic power! It's all flowing out! I gotta suppress it! )

Piccolo: ( As I suspected... The power is leaking into the water! )

Piccolo raises both arms in the air and starts to charge up his ki as he was getting ready to unleash the same technique he used on Goku that killed him. He then shoots two powerful ki blasts down into the water causing an explosion to go out through the building as the building falls apart.

The fight between Fairy Tail and Demon King Piccolo attracted the attention of a news crew as their helicopter was hovering over the aquarium that Piccolo destroyed.

The news reporter then starts to report the scene to the people at home as she sees that Piccolo was standing over the fallen Laxus.

Female News Reporter: Did you see that folks? To think that someone this strong existed. He took down both the master of Fairy Tail and a famous S-class wizard!

Piccolo walks over to Laxus while healing his injuries and sees that he was on the ground, unconscious but Piccolo could still hear his heartbeat.

Piccolo: Still alive? It looks like you're stronger than that other brat.

Piccolo aims his finger at Laxus and attempts to kill him with a finger laser, however, as he was about to fire it, he is punched in the face by fist covered in flames. Piccolo slides back a few feet and sees that the attacker is Natsu who was accompanied by Mystogan.


[ Flashback ]

About two hours ago, Bulma contacted the Fairy Tail guild and told them about Piccolo's plan and even that he regained his youth and killed Shenron. Currently, the wizards are holding a meeting in order to figure out how to deal with a threat like this and agreed that their master would face him first.

Makarov: In the case that I lose, we need a backup plan. The issue is Demon King Piccolo. Even though it's an all-out battle, we still have to decide who we're sending to the battlefield.

Laxus: Are you going senile, Gramps? "All-Out" means everyone is fighting. I'm going first, though.

Makarov: And just what would be the point of sending out someone to fight in a suicidal battle and they can't buy us an opening. Take someone like Wakaba or Macao, for example. Sure they're  experienced but they're lacking the power needed for this battle.

Wakaba: At least he was nice when he said it...

Erza: With regard to his announcement of wiping out the 43 sectors of the world, I have a feeling that if we can get in contact with the Magic Council to prevent his takeover. Even if Piccolo gets his way, the military power of the council shouldn't be underestimated. It shouldn't be impossible to at least evacuate the people or at least slow him down from getting there.

Lucy: Though, I expect that Piccolo might not be all that bothered by that. Maybe we can get some Saint Wizards to cooperate with us?

Gray: That's a good idea.

Erza: But that will take some time to get them all together and get to one place out of the blue like that.

???: In that case, I'll go after Laxus.

Everyone hears a voice speak to them and turn their heads as they see air start to rise up from the ground. The air takes shape and reveals an S-class wizard Mystogan.

Mystogan: I think I might have just the technique for an opponent like this.

Laxus: *irritated* You assuming I'm going to lose is really pissing me off!

Lucy: Scary!

Gray: It's just a hypothetical, man!

Lucy: I'm just surprised he's letting the master take the first crack at Piccolo.

Laxus: I'm still pissed about that, too!

Erza: *to Mystogan* What is this technique of yours?

Mystogan: I saw his broadcast and decided to have a look at him myself and he's just the perfect target for it. It'll lower his power output and make it even harder for him to fight while making it easier for us to take him down.

Makarov: A technique that can lower an opponent's output... It'd be a big help.

Mystogan: If you want me to use it at maximum output then I'll need some time to charge it up for great effect.

Natsu: *raises hand* Ooh. Ooh. Let me get on the battlefield!

Macao: Are you sure?

Natsu: Totally! 120 percent sure!

Gray: I wanna go, too!

Lucy: Gray...

Natsu: Argh! Now my mood is ruined! Why the heck do I have to work with you?!

Gray: I'm going so you don't get in Mystogan's way, you moron!

Gray and Natsu start to butt heads with each other as everyone sighs at this, but it was a good way to ease the serious situation they were in.


A large hammer made from ice comes falling down towards the aquarium and slams into the building and rains down at Piccolo but he dodges by stepping back as the ground cracks all over.

Natsu gets beside Piccolo and punches the debris kicked up at Piccolo who swats them away with his hand. The Dragon Slayer then dashes towards Piccolo and throws a punch at the Demon King's stomach, but he blocked it with his hand as he slides back.

Gray then freezes the ground in front of him and creates a path of ice that speeds towards Piccolo. The ice forms into an iceberg and freezes Piccolo's arm. Natsu then attacks the Demon King's arm with a Fire Dragon's Iron Fist and as he shatters the ice, he also destroys Piccolo's arm.

Natsu: Fire Dragon—

Natsu gets ready to follow up with his roar attack but Piccolo immediately regenerates his arm and grabs Natsu by the face. He then throws Nastsu at Gray with incredible strength, causing them to crash through the aquarium walls and get thrown outside.

Natsu and Gray regain their composure and land on the ground as they slide backwards.

Gray: That regeneration speed is crazy!

Natsu: We'll just beat it out of him then!

Piccolo comes running out of the cloud of dust and heads towards Natsu and Gray as Gray creates a large spike of ice in between his hands. He then throws the ice spike at Piccolo who doesn't dodge as it pieces his stomach, but he instantly regenerates it and gets in front of them both and he back hands Natsu as he crashes into a building before he kicks Gray in the side.

Gray coughs up saliva from the strength from the attack but he was able to endure the pain and grabs onto Piccolo's leg and freezes it solid. Gray smashes his leg but Piccolo regenerates it once more and kicks Gray in the face.

Natsu comes running out from the building as Gray quickly recovers and rushes towards Piccolo as they cover their fists in their element. The two attack Piccolo who easily fends off each of their attacks and as they attack him at the same time, Piccolo avoids it by ducking and shoots a ki blast at the ground, cracking it all over as the two wizards lose their balance.

Piccolo stabs his arm through Gray's stomach shocking Natsu as Piccolo throws the ice wizard into a wizard.

Suddenly, a white light appears above Piccolo's head as he looks up to see a bunch of stars and a figure standing on top of a roof. The figure was revealed to be Mystogan who was using his technique that would greatly aid in this battle.

Mystogan: ( Maximum Output: Star Fall! )

The stars come together and shoot down a pillar of light at Piccolo as he becomes engulfed in the beam. The beam dies down and reveals Piccolo who was injured from the beam but ignores that since he knew he could heal and was more focused on the fact that he felt weaker for some reason.

Piccolo: ( What was that...? )

Mystogan draws out one of his magic staves and jumps down towards Piccolo and swings his weapon down at him. Piccolo grabs the stave and blocks the attack, however, the wizard lets go of the stave and punches Piccolo in the stomach while Natsu comes from behind but gets back handed.

Mystogan grabs the stave from Piccolo's hand and throws it down at Piccolo's foot. He then throws the other staves at Piccolo's feet as he performs a hand sign.

Mystogan: Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song!

A purple pillar of light then shines down on Piccolo as five magic circles appear above the Demon King's head. A concentrated magic blast then comes up from the ground and hits Piccolo who takes a bit more damage that he was supposed to.

Piccolo: ( He's strong. No, that's not it. )

Natsu runs at Piccolo's side and throws two quick jabs at Piccolo who blocks them both. The Dragon Slayer jumps in the air and sends an axe kick down at Piccolo who dodges it by jumping to the side.

Mystogan performs his Star Fall technique once more and hits Piccolo directly again as he feels its effects again.

Piccolo: ( Again? )

Mystogan summons one of his staves to his hand and Natsu and Mystogan run towards Piccolo and attack him from both sides as the Demon King blocks it but could feel that the two were getting slightly stronger.

Piccolo: ( It's this brat. He's using an ability that's lowering my physical attributes. Every blow I take from this brat, my physical stats fall, and my control weakens. They'll keep chipping away until I can no longer fight. )

Piccolo grabs Natsu's jacket and was about to hit him with a ki blast but Mystogan reacts quickly and punches Piccolo in the gut. Natsu quickly reacts and grabs Piccolo's head and knees him in the face.

However, Piccolo immediately recovers and grabs Natsu once more and puts his hand on Natsu's chest and shoots him with a strong ki blast, making him cough up blood. The Dragon Slayer's determined spirit allows him to continue moving as he spits blood into Piccolo's face before he falls to the ground.

Mystogan runs at Piccolo and uppercuts him before he spin kicks him and makes a hand sign. Suddenly, Mystogan is pierced through the chest by a ki blast and looks up to see that it was Piccolo who shot him.

Piccolo: ( Your strange power may lower my physical ability, but it doesn't seem to be lowering my ki output. )

Time seemed to have frozen for Mystogan as he had been pierced through the chest by King Piccolo's attack. His vision starts to get blurry as he falls to the ground and coughs up a large amount of blood.

Piccolo aims his finger at Mystogan once again and he attempts to shoot him once more, but he is suddenly stabbed  through the chest by a sword. Piccolo glanced behind him and sees that it was Erza who had a cold but furious look on her face.

She then flings Piccolo away with incredible strength as the Demon King slides backwards  and realized what happened.

Piccolo: ( That masked brat... That sign wasn't for another attack. I bet that was the sign for this woman who was watching this whole time. Once I was assured of my victory and my eyes are drawn to him, this woman goes in for the kill. )

Piccolo starts to regenerate all the wounds he sustained but instantly notices that his healing was much slower.

Piccolo: ( I'm healing much slower...?! )


Over at Korin's Tower it has been six hours since Goku drank the Super Sacred Water and he was still suffering from the poison while Yajirobe and Korin could only watch and hope he pulls through.

Yajirobe: The sun came up a long time ago. He's been struggling for more than six hours.

Korin: What vitality!

Suddenly, Goku's ki starts to increase as Korin could sense this as well.

Korin: This power! I feel all of Goku's power!

Goku soon sits up from the ground with a clueless expression as if he hadn't been suffering at the hands of poison.

Yajirobe: You're alive! You really are unbelievable!

Korin: I congratulate you, Goku!

Goku looks down at his hands and could feel that his strength was exponentially higher than it was before.

Goku: This power! I can feel it! It's there!

Korin: *amazed* ( Incredible! That boy never ceases to amaze me! )

Yajirobe: Oh yeah? I don't think you've changed.

Goku: I think so!

Suddenly, Goku feels a new feeling and turns to the direction he felt it and could sense Piccolo's energy signature. Not only that, but he could feels his comrades' signatures and they were either weak or getting weaker by the second.

Goku: I sense a real evil energy! Demon King Piccolo is there!

Korin: You can tell that?

Goku turns to Korin and Yajirobe with a serious expression but it changes to a confident smile.

Goku: I'm going to get rid of him! I get the feeling I can do it this time!

Korin: *nods* I've got my money on you!

Goku: Can I borrow some Senzu beans?

Korin: Sure.

Korin walks over to the jar that he keeps his Senzu beans in and takes out a handful and places them in a small bag and ties it up. He then walks back over to Goku and hands it to him and remembers he had something for him.

Korin: Ah, yes! I have something for you! Flying nimbus!

As Korin calls out to a Flying Nimbus, Goku becomes shocked since he thought it had been destroyed. A large yellow cloud then appears and floats over to the top of the tower which amazes Goku.

Korin: Jump in there and pick out a good one, Goku.

Goku: I thought the Flying Nimbus Old-timer Turtle Hermit gave me was the only one in existence.

Korin: Nah. That was just an old model I gave him years ago.

Goku attaches the bag of Senzu beans to his belt and jumps over the tower railing as he lands in the cloud, as Yajirobe looks away thinking Goku fell through it and was falling to his death. However, he looks up and sees that he was not only standing on the cloud but was also holding a piece of it.

Goku: Master, I like this one!

Korin: Nice choice!

Goku: Wanna go for a ride, Yajirobe?

Yajirobe: No thanks! I like living too much!

Goku: Oh well. I guess I'll see you around, then.

Goku gets on his new Flying Nimbus and jumps up and down on it as the cloud floats up into the air.

Goku: Thank you for the new Nimbus, Master Korin.

Korin: So, where are you going now?

Goku: To Piccolo and my friends!

Korin: In that case...

Korin thinks about something for a moment and decides that it would be a good idea to tell Goku.

Korin: Hey, Goku. Before you go, I want to tell you something.

Goku: Huh? What is it?

Korin: It's about your Power Pole. Wanna hear something exciting?

Goku: Huh?


Back in the fight, Piccolo was still healing his injuries even though it was still slow while Piccolo and Erza were running across from each other.

Piccolo grabs an electric pole and throws it at Erza who dodges it by rolling on the ground and gets in front of Piccolo. She then swings her sword at Piccolo but he evades it by jumping.

Piccolo grabs the blade of the sword and was going to overpower her, but Erza switches to her Giant Armor and uses her enhanced arm strength to flip Piccolo to the ground off of her back foot.

She then throws Piccolo at a building and as he crashes into it, he puts his hand on the building and destroys the wall with his Ki as the debris flies towards Erza. A Ki blast goes through the cloud of dust and debris and speeds towards Erza but she was able to dodge it, but it was still able to graze her cheek.

The debris lands on to the ground and the dust cloud settles as Erza switches to her Black Wing Armor while Piccolo lands on the ground a few feet away.

Erza: ( His technique is similar to Son's. And I stabbed him through the heart, but he's still alive. That goes beyond simple regeneration. ) That heart of yours... Are you going to keep fighting me with that?

Piccolo: I don't see why not. I've hardly broken a sweat.

The two charge at each other as Piccolo shoots a ki blast at Erza who avoids it by jumping and swings her sword down at the Demon King who blocked it. His ki blast then cuts through a building behind them causing it to fall down towards them as the two jump back and avoid the building as a bunch of cars come flying out.

Erza dodges the incoming cars when suddenly, Piccolo appears behind the car Erza dodges and shoots a ki blast through it to hit her. The red-headed wizard blocked the attack with the flat side of her sword as she gets launched backwards and crashes into a building.

At the same time Erza crashes through the building, Piccolo already gets behind her and grabs her head before he slams her into a wall and drags her across it. He then fired a Ki blast at point blank range and shoots her out of the building. This causes the right side of her face to split open as she sees that Piccolo jumped out of the building to go and attack her.

Suddenly, Piccolo sees that that he was underneath a shadow that was getting larger by the second where he was falling. He looks up to see a large figure falling down towards him which causes him to fly back as the large figure crashes down on the ground, rupturing the ground and creating a huge crater.

Erza then lands on something soft and looks down to see that it was a Flying Nimbus cloud.

Erza: ( This cloud... It belongs to... )

She soon hears the sound of footsteps and looks down at the ground and sees that it was Goku who was waking up to what fell from the sky. It was revealed that what fell from the sky was actually Goku's Power Pole which, instead of increasing in length, had increased in size.

Goku: You were right, Master. That is exciting!

The news crew who were showing the entire fight live then catch sight of Goku as everyone who was watching the news gets a good look at his face.

News Reporter: In spite of this troubling battle between Demon King Piccolo and Fairy Tail, it looks like another challenger steps up to the plate! Son Goku! Seiten Taisei!

Goku reaches his Power Pole and puts his hand on it as he gives it a command.

Goku: Shrink, Nyoibo.

The massive staff then shrinks back down to a better shape for fighting as Goku spins his staff around and gets into his fighting stance.

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