The Blair Witch Project (Male...

By WeaselSnipes

5K 213 20

Four film students, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, Michael C. Williams and Y/N L/N who've traveled to a sma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Final Chapter

Chapter 3

287 17 1
By WeaselSnipes

The next morning everyone wakes up as Heather records Josh.

Heather: So, you heard noises last night?

Josh: l totally heard noise.

Heather: See, the problem is, l sleep like a fucking rock.

Josh: It was like there were two separate noises coming from two layers of space over here and one of them was kind of, like... One of them could have possibly been an owl, but the other one was, like, a cackling... Was a definite...

Heather: No way.

Josh: It was a total cackling, man.

Mike: If I heard a cackling, I would've shit in my pants.

Y/N: Come on, we should probably start packing up and leaving.

They all pack as they view the map.

Josh: Where'd we start out yesterday?

Heather: Off the map.

Josh: Off the map.

Heather:' Cause I knew where we were going. Though I know there was some confusion, but today...

Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Say that again. l said,

Heather: "I knew where we were going."

Josh: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Would that be a full-of-shit statement?

Heather: No, I did...

Josh: Would that be a full-of-shit statement?

Heather: I did know where...

Josh: All I'm saying is that you got us lost, man.

Heather: For a very brief amount of time.

Josh: Okay. Just don't get us lost today.

Heather: It was very brief. Yeah, serious. I'm not. l know where all of these places are. They're all very well-documented.

Josh: So, what's up? Are you happy with the way the documentary's going?

Heather: Yes, I am. Yeah.

Josh: Yeah?

Heather: And I'm very pleasantly surprised by our little Mikey.

Mike: "Our little Mikey"?

Y/N: Our little Mikey.

Mike, Y/N, and Heather laugh.

Mike: So, what's up?

Heather: He's a very spirited young man.

Mike: I mean, what's your take on the Blair Witch at this point? Do you think she exists?

Heather: I don't know. I don't know.

Y/N: I think she does...

Soon after, they all are hiking together.

Josh: Y/N, I really wish you'd found a trail...

Y/N: There's a trail on top of this hill, don't worry. It is a trail.

Josh: This is not a trail.

Heather: We like shortcuts, don't we?

Josh: We like level shortcuts. We don't like mountainous shortcuts.

Heather records Mike's chest.

Heather: It's a little warmer today, so this is the first time we're seeing Mike's chest. lt's really hard to pick up on video, actually. Mike has really sporadic hair patterns on his chest.

Josh: It's like a symbol, man.

Y/N: lt's, like, blank, hairy, blank, hairy.

Mike: You should see my ass.

Josh: Look, look. It's fucking Uruguay, right there, right there.

Heather: Wow.

Josh: There's Paraguay over here.

Mike: Yeah, whatever.

Heather: Look, I think I see Bolivia.

They then see a dead mouse.

What killed this dead mouse? Witchcraft?

Josh: How about God?

Josh then records Heather.

Josh: Is that the Blair Witch? No. I think it's Heather taking a piss.

Heather: You know, this is really not too good. I really have to go. Don't torture me.

Josh: Go.

Y/N continues to guide them on the Cemetery Trail.

Heather: We are hot on the Cemetery Trail.

Y/N: It should only be a...

Josh: Says you.

Y/N: What?

Josh: Says you.

Y/N: Says me, of course. And... We should be hitting it in about 90 minutes. You guys cool with that?

Josh: What?

Y/N: 90 minutes.

Mike: As long as you know where we're going.

Heather: Can you hang?

Y/N: I know exactly where we're going.

They then check the map.

Heather: Josh feels it's necessary to look at the map now, even though Y/N know where we're going and we're going straight ahead up there.

Mike: If you've known where we're going, we wouldn't be hiking like...

Y/N: We're in the middle of the fucking woods, man.

Mike: How could you possibly know?

Y/N: Some of it is off-trail hiking.

Mike: Because people told you? "Oh, yeah, there's a cemetery back in there."

Y/N: Because I live in these woods.

Mike: If we're lost, admit that first, because...

Y/N: We're not... I know we're not lost.

Mike: You knew that yesterday, too, and you knew that twice today.

Heather: Look... No, bullshit, and Y/N...

Y/N: We have not been lost at all today.

Mike: That's... That is not true.

Y/N: Not once. I know where we're going.

Josh: Okay, this is where we were.

Mike: Let me tell you what you said to us. "lt's, like, two miles away." Then, it's like, "Two hours away..."

Josh: Okay, just, just chill. Just chill.

Mike: "Three hours away." Maybe it's four hours away. How could you...

Heather: Did you agree to do this project?

Mike: I did. I agreed to a scouted-out project. I didn't agree to just trounce around the woods.

Heather: It is scouted out, and I told you getting to the location wasn't going to be easy.

Josh: Mike, Mike... Okay! Guys!

Mike: I've got $1,500 worth of equipment on me.

Josh: Guys, it's cool, it's cool. Please, you're being a smartass, you're being a smartass... Let's just... We're looking at the map. We're going to find this the best we can.

Heather: Okay.

Josh: I can totally find this. This is where we were. We're going more or less this way. Mika, what's your call? I mean, where do you think we're going?

Mike: I'll tell you the truth. This is, like... This is Greek to me.

Heather: Right.

Mike: It's useless.

Heather: Exactly.

Mike looks at Y/N.

Mike: So, I'm just putting my trust in you that you know where it is.

Y/N: Good.

Mike: Although I got to tell you, I don't fully trust you. And I... No, I'm not going to say it.

Y/N: What?

Mike: Nothing. I don't know why Heather have to have every conversation on video, man. Tape some ambiance.

Heather: 'Cause we're making a documentary.

Mike: Not about us getting lost. We're making a documentary about a witch.

Heather: I have a camera. Doesn't hurt because we'll all look back on this and laugh heartily, believe me.

It cuts to Josh crossing a log.

Mike: Baby steps, man, baby steps.

Heather: Just breathe and don't look down, maybe?

Y/N: No, you've got to look down.

Mike: You're gonna have to crawl.

Josh: I'm hitting the crawl.

Mike: Cool.

Heather: Think about how cool the fucking cemetery is gonna be when we get there. Think of the joy of being in a really good film.

Josh: Okay, shut the fuck up.

Heather: Okay, I'm quiet. shit. How am I gonna do this?

Josh: Okay, Mikey?

Mike: Yeah?

Josh: Dude, there's no way you're coming across with your DAT on your belly, man.

Mike: No way, man.

Josh: There's no chance.

Heather: How are we going to get the DAT across then?

Josh: It's really fucking hard, man.

Heather: How are we gonna get the DAT across?

Josh: The one this morning with the moss was cool. This is slippery as shit.

Y/N: How are we gonna get the DAT across?

Josh: I don't know. Let me get out of here and put my pack down.

Mike: I'll just go back and forth.

Y/N: You want to go back and forth? You could do it that way.

Mike: I didn't want to do this at all, but...

Heather: Okay, let's do... Yeah, we'll do it back and forth.

Mike then drops something while he, Heather, and Y/N are crossing the log.

Y/N: What'd you drop?

Mike: I didn't drop anything. The tree just broke on me. The log broke.

Heather: Oh, fuck.

After crossing the log, they continue to hike.

Y/N: We're very, very, very close now. You guys excited?

They do not answer.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N notices something.

Y/N: What's this? What is this? Dude. Guys?

The others come and see a pile of rocks.

Y/N: Do you remember something that Mary Brown said the other day?

Heather: What was the story from the Bible that she was telling us? Fuck, I wasn't listening to her 'cause I thought she was a lunatic. It was Esau, but it was something about a pile of rocks.

Josh: She was totally telling us about her rocks, man.

Heather: Well, what the fuck was it about a pile of rocks? Does anybody remember?

Y/N: "To live your life..."

Josh: This is like...

Y/N: "Live your life..."

Josh: Looks like an Indian burial ground, man.

Heather: See, I don't know if this counts. Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven.

They all then set up camp and roast sausages.

Heather: Witches in days gone by were roasted just like my Vienna sausage. Flames are licking you like the devil there, Josh.

Y/N: Hey, aboard this tiny ship and join the club.

Heather: Yeah, but this ship has a good captain, not a fat, beer-guzzling guy in a blue shirt.

Mike: He wasn't beer-guzzling.

Josh: They had no beer on the island, man. If they'd had beer, they would have had, like, big-ass orgies.

Heather: You're kind of like the Captain and Mike's kind of like your Gilligan. No offense.

Mike: That's all right.

Heather: I mean that as a compliment. Gilligan was a funny guy.

Y/N: The Captain was fat, though.

Heather: Well. Okay, let's call it a thin captain...

Mike: Let's not call it "the Captain" anymore, you illiterate TV people. lt's the Skipper. No more "captain."

Heather: Oh, my.

Soon after they begin to record.

Mike: Here we are back at the rock again. The rock thing. The cemetery deal.

They begin to record the piles of rocks.

Heather: I just want to be careful not to get in the film shot. It certainly is odd.

Josh then knocks over the pile of rocks.

Y/N: You didn't just knock that over. Please, tell me you didn't just knock that over.

Josh: I just knocked it over.

Y/N: That's not very nice. Let me put it back.

Y/N puts the pile of rocks together.

Y/N: Can't be too careful.

They end the recording.

Heather: What did you think?

Josh: It was, you know, the same thing, only darker.

Heather: Yeah, pretty much. All right. Bag it up, put it away.

They all get in tents and sleep only to hear noises and exit the tent.

Heather: Hello? Shit. No light. We were sleeping.

Josh: Do you want this?

Heather: Just keep it by the opening in the tent. Listen.

They hear snapping all around them.

Heather: Hello?

Y/N: It's all around us.

Heather: That is fucking weird.

It then cuts to Heather looking at Mike.

Heather: Michael, are you saying you're not coming down?

Mike: I ain't going down there.

Y/N: Why not?

Mike: Because I'm not. I don't hear shit...

Y/N: Because you're fucking scared.

Mike: Because I don't hear anything anymore.

Y/N: Because you're fucking scared. We heard... You could not deny hearing it. Get your ass out. What's the big deal?

Soon after, they all begin to sleep again in the tents as Y/N writes in his journal.

'It is night, and we are still in the woods. There was small arguing, but we found a pile of rocks and we began to record. Josh had the audacity to knock over one of the piles of rocks. Thankfully, I put it back together. We try to sleep only to hear noises from outside the tent. I don't know if that's her, I don't know if that's Elly. I probably don't wanna know. I don't know if Josh kicking those rocks pissed her off which I don't blame her if it did, but all I know is that tomorrow is a new day.'

Y/N puts away his journal and sleeps. 

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