The Silence

Por jagodaaaaaaaaa

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It's an enemies to lovers Larry Stylinson fanfic. Harry has just changed schools but he made an enemy on the... Más

"To my Harry"~Letters


100 6 31
Por jagodaaaaaaaaa


I'm standing outside Niall's house and knocking on the door because some idiot told me to come here. I know Harry will do something stupid because he can't listen to me in situations that require it.

The blonde opens the door. "Hi, come in. Harry told me you'd come. Liam should be here any second now." The boy steps aside so I can go inside.

"Mhm... Thanks lad." I say as I walk past my friend.

Niall closes the door and we go to his room on the left side of the hall.

"What exactly happened?" He asks as we sit on his bed.

"I said something to Harry and he got angry. Then he told me to go to you."

"Hmm. Okay, weird. Well, that's too bad, we'll wait for Liam and play Mario Kart. Let Harry and Zayn sort out their shady business. As long as they don't murder anyone, we have nothing to worry about, right?" He chuckles.

"Do you think they could murder someone?" I ask, slightly concerned.

Niall chuckles. "Of course not, like, have you seen these two? Curly boy and Stickman. I would be impressed if they managed to kill someone."

Yeah.... But I know Harry more than you do, Nialler. He's changed.

"Yeah..." I shake my head to get rid of those dark thoughts. "Yeah you're right. I have nothing to worry about." I say that even though I don't believe in those words and point at the console. "Shall we play Mario Kart?"

Niall hands me one gamepad and turns on our favorite game. After a while we hear the doorbell.

"It's probably Liam. Be right back. Don't destroy my room."

"I'll try." I say with a small chuckle.

The blonde leaves the room and I have a moment to myself. I wonder what Harry and Zayn want to do. Their duo scares me a bit because they can both come up with very stupid ideas. And since they are alone now, there is no one who can talk them out of their stupid plan.

Maybe I should call one of them? Then I would know that I don't have to worry about anything and everything is fine.

"Wassup, Tommo." Liam says with a smile as he comes into the room and ruffles my hair.

"Dick." I say under my breath and push my hair out of my face to the side.

"Love you too, man." Payne laughs and sits on the bed next to me. "My turn." He takes the pad from my hand and makes himself more comfortable.

Niall enters the room a moment later with food and drinks. He puts everything on the ground next to the bed, takes his pad that was lying next to me and plays with Liam.

"So, what happened that made Harry send you here?" The muscular boy asks me without taking his eyes off the TV screen.

I sigh. "I don't know. I said something to him that seemed to piss him off and now he's somewhere with Zayn."

"Harry and Zayn? It does not sound good." Liam says, I agree with him 100%.

"Well no shit."

We play Mario Kart for like another 2 hours and after a while, when no one says anything except shouts of happiness and calling each other dickheads and such over the game, I decide to call Zayn.

"Zayn?" I talk into the phone while watching two of my friends play the video game.

"Louis? Oh my god mate you won't believe what! Harry is crazy! Like... Literally!" Zayn's concerned voice rings next to my ear.

"What? What he did?" I ask also slightly concerned now.

"I'll come pick you up soon and you'll see for yourself." He hangs up.

"What happened?" Niall turns to me and asks after he beat Liam. Again.

"Zayn will pick me up soon because he wants to show me something."

I knew not to leave these two idiots alone. Now, knowing life, I'll probably have to clean up all this mess after them.

While I'm waiting for Zayn, the guys keep playing the video game and trying not to upset me even more. I walk from one wall of the room to the other. Fucking Harry Styles. He's an idiot.

Just when I think that walking back and forth will make a hole in the floor, my friend sends me a text message that he is already waiting outside.

"Okay guys, I'm going. Pray that I don't murder these two idiots." I say and then I leave Niall's room and quickly walk in front of the house to Zayn's car.

"Hi." I say as I get into the front seat.


I glance at my friend behind the wheel. Jesus, what happened to make him look so absent?

"What happened?" I ask.

"Harry seems to be trying to kill your father."

I just look at Zayn and when he doesn't get any response from me, he starts the engine and starts driving.

"Wait... But seriously?" I speak up after a while.

"Yes, seriously. Louis what the fuck did you do with him?"

"Why what did I do with him? I didn't do anything." I defend myself.

"Louis, don't pretend. Harry was a sweet, shy boy when he first came here, and now this idiot is pretending to be a fucking mafia boss." Zayn tells me in an accusatory tone.

I didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it, Harry actually used to be more calm and everything. Now I see that he has changed. He changed because of me.

"Fuuuuuck...." I sigh, resting my head on the car seat. "How fucked are we?"

"Very much fucked... But I hope Harry doesn't do anything stupid."

Damn it, I let him join this job. What possessed me to let him do this?

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask.

"Some abandoned building, I think it used to be a factory, but I don't know."

Harry fucking Styles... You are so fucked, mate.


Once we're there, Zayn and I sneak inside quietly, making sure no one hears us.

We wanted to hide in some boxes, but the sight I saw made me unable to move.

My sweet boyfriend is currently pointing a gun at my father who is tied to a chair. Where did he even get a gun?


Harry turns his head towards me and Zayn who is standing next to me. I can tell he wasn't expecting us because his eyes widen when he sees us.

"Zayn are you fucking insane? The fuck is he here?" My boyfriend asks my friend who is standing next to me.

Does he really think Zayn would just let him kill my father?

"Better question is why the fuck are you holding a gun pointed at his father?!" Zayn asks concerned.

I nod as he says it to let them both know that I agree with Zee. I'm still interested in where Harry got the gun from.

"What do you want me to do?!" Harry asks and I hear my father laughing though the tape on his mouth. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH!" Harry yells at him suddenly with the gun still pointed at his head what gives me chills.

"Harry come here to me. Zayn, you watch my father." I'm telling the boys because I'm afraid there's going to be a murder here.

When the boy comes closer to me, I pull his sleeve further to the side to have more privacy.

"Harry, are you crazy? Do you know that what you're doing now will probably get you shot in the head?" I say in lower voice.

"Pff, don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not. His friends are crazy and they know everything. They will find out."

"Louis, they and your father raped you! It's not normal! At least he has to pay."

"But not like this! You will get hurt."

"I won't. I promise. I know what I am doing."

I look at him askance. Is he serious? How stupid does he have to be to even try to kill my father. I would have killed him a long time ago if it weren't for his friends. Fucking dogs who are at my father's beck and call.

I feel Harry's hand on my cheek. "It'll be alright, baby. I promise. You don't have to be here." He says softly.

"I still don't know if it's a good idea..."

Harry also looks like he's not so sure about his idea anymore.

"What are you planning to do, Hazza?" I ask.

"You can't be here, Louis."

"Oh but I do. What you want to do?" I ask once again.

"Louis, I really don't want you to be here."

"Harry, damn it, I'll be here and you can't do anything about it."

The taller brunette runs the hand that holds the gun through his hair. It's a super sexy sight, but the fact that he's about to try to kill someone with this weapon doesn't appeal to me.

When I don't say anything, Harry walks back to me and I stand in front of my father. The man looks up at him and when he sees the anger on Harry's face, I know he would rather be dead or take his actions back.

But since he can't take anything back, I guess there's only one option left. What the fuck has it come to that I'm standing with my friend and boyfriend and watching Harry, whom I bullied not so long ago, trying to kill father.

"Are you sure about that, love?"

I look at him while he's holding a gun towards my father's face.

"You don't have to do thi-"

"Babe, if you don't want to be here then just leave." He says to me. He's seething with anger.

Harry what happened to you...

"He don't deserve it."

The boy laughs at my words.

Okay, maybe he deserves it, but Harry shouldn't take the risk. I don't want him to go to jail or get killed himself.

I look at Harry more and more terrified.

At least I think this is Harry. Now I'm not sure about that.

"Are you kidding me Louis?! This man knew the consequences of his actions."

We both know my father thought he could get away with it, like every time he did something wrong.

"Harry please..." I'm trying to stop my boyfriend from killing my father.

Harry looks at the hostage, which makes me look at him too. When I see a tear on his cheek and that pleading look in his eyes, it breaks my heart. I squeeze my eyes tight and look away.

I have to stop this. My father cannot die. At least not like that. This is too cruel. And too fucking sick. My 17-year-old boyfriend shoots my father in the head. This is ridiculous and immoral.

I slowly approach Harry, trying not to make any sudden movements.

"Love, please don't-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he managed to pull the trigger.

We both look at my father's body. There was almost nothing left of the face. The man sits limply in a chair with his head tilted back.

From behind me, I suddenly hear Zayn vomiting. I'd like to puke too, but I can't. I can't do anything. I stand frozen.

"He won't hurt you anymore, baby." Harry talks to me but I don't hear any emotions from him. Cold bastard.

Where's my old Harry? That naive sweet Harry?

I walk over to my father's corpse and fall helplessly to my knees. I may have hated that son of a bitch, but he was my father. He could be bearable at times.

"Dad?" I speak weakly even though I know I won't get any answer. Tears come to my eyes.

I take his hand and place it on my cheek. The same hand that threw glasses at me, the same hand that I kept from hitting my sisters.

The same hand that is now dead.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper to the hand with my eyes closed.

I see the phone vibrating in my father's pants pocket. I pull it out with a shaking hand and look at the screen in tears. Mom asks if he will come home today. And right after that, a message from his friend asking where is he.

"Oh God-" Zayn throws up again.

"Styles take him out." I whisper, but loud enough for Harry to hear me.



"Jeez... Okay, okay. Come on, Zayn, let's take you outside." He says and then leaves with my other friend.

I focus on my father again. I look into his face, or what's left. I have no idea how Harry shot so badly that it destroyed his face so much.

"Shit." I say and then throw up.

"Wowowow, hey, baby." I hear Harry's voice behind me and then I feel his hand on my shoulder.

The same hand that just killed my father.

When I finish vomiting, I push his hand away from me. "Get the fuck away from me."



"Louis calm down."


"Darling please..."


"Burn them."

"Burn them..." I laugh nervously. "Burn them... Of course you will burn them..." I laugh harder.

"Why are you laughing?"


"Calm down, boobear." He hugs me and doesn't let go even though I try to move away.

After a while, I finally just give up and stand by Harry. God he still smells good.

His hand runs through my hair. I sigh. Why can this fucking idiot calm me down in every situation?

"Go see Zayn. I'll take care of the body." Harry kisses my forehead.

I nod but don't move away.

"I'll take care of everything. Take a break. I'll meet you at your house, what do you say? Take Zayn home and go to your place, honey."

"I'm still quite shaken." I say and I lean my head against Harry's chest.

"I'll suck you off."

I look up at him. "Are you serious? Do you have to reduce everything to sex?"

He smirks. "Don't pretend you don't like it, daddy."

I chuckle. This boy is unbelievable.

"Okay, I'm coming. Be at my house soon."

"I'll try to be there as soon as I can." He kisses my forehead goodbye and he pulls away so I can leave.

When I'm at the exit, I look behind me and see Harry carrying my father's body somewhere.

I still don't believe he did it. Harry. The little boy who was afraid whenever I approached him.

I leave the building and look for Zayn, who is sitting on the wall with his head between his knees.

"Come on, Zee. I'll take you home. I'm sorry you had to see that, mate."

"What the fuck was that, Tommo?" He looks at me.

"I..." I rub the back of my head. "I don't know. But I know it'll be better for all three of us if I take you home and I go back to my place."

"And what about Harry?"

"He... He's taking care of the body."

"Oh God... Jesus Louis, what did you do to him?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused and slightly offended.

"I mean... After he started hanging out with you, the boy changed. You must have noticed it too."

Zayn's right but is it really my fault? I know Harry has changed but is it really because of me?

"Let's get you home." I reply to the boy, ending the topic.

Zayn seems to understand that I feel guilty, so he also stops pursuing the topic and we walk in silence to his car.

"Are you driving or am I?" I ask.

"You. I'd rather not drive after what happened." He says and gets into the passenger seat.

"Okay, no problem."

I start the car and drive to Zayn's house. I say goodbye and walk to Niall's to get my car. Horan lives quite far away, so I am stuck with my own thoughts.

If I hadn't let Harry work with me at my boss, would this not have happened? Is it all my fault? Will I ever get the old Harry back? What will I tell my family?

So many questions and no answers...


After an hour I'm at home and lying on my bed. Girls run around and play tag. I haven't told them anything yet. Maybe it would be better if they just thought that the father just ran away.

I can't tell them the truth. I don't want to tell them. They are too young. But I don't know what's worse, knowing that your father was killed in your hometown or that he ran away and they might think he never loved them.

I mean, actually, I think the second option somehow sounds more realistic, even though it isn't.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of the door opening and the twins squealing at the sight of my boyfriend. They immediately ran to him and hugged his legs.

"Hello girls. I came to your brother. Can you play in the living room?" He speaks in a friendly tone.

The girls nod, take the toys they need to play with, and leave the room.

As Harry closes the door on them, he turns to me and sighs heavily. "I am so sorry, Louis... I..."

"Is it my fault?" I ask right away.


"Is it my fault you're like this? Is it because of me that you have changed so much?" I ask and feel how much my eyes hurt, which means I'm probably going to cry.

"It's not your fault, honey. Really." He sits next to me on my bed and puts his arm around me. "Come here."

I move closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. "You're an idiot." I say.

"I'm sorry... I know. I am an idiot. I know. I'm so fucking sorry."

"I should have left you alone when you moved here. If I did that, you'd probably still be that naive, shy Harry."

The boy gently grabs my chin to make me look at him. "Honey, even if you left me alone, I would definitely find a way to irritate you."

"I would stay away from you." I say looking into my boyfriend's green eyes. There's no way I would leave him alone.

Harry pulls me by the chin and kisses me, then looks deep into my eyes. "We both know you couldn't do it, baby. And now that the past is over, you will never get rid of me." He smirks.

I snuggle into his side. "I never want to get rid of you."


Harry stayed with me for another two hours and went home. Now I'm sitting with Lottie and helping her do her math homework that her teacher gave her.

"Okay, now move the comma here..." I feel vibrations in my pocket. "Wait."

I look at my phone and see Harry's mother's name on the screen. I get up from the couch and step aside.

"Louis, honey, is Harry still with you?" The woman asks.

"No. He left about half an hour ago, I think. Why? He's still not home?"

"No. He doesn't answer my phone either, so I thought he was at your place."

Harry's still not home? It's maybe a 10-minute walk from me to him.

"Maybe he went to Niall's or his phone is dead. I'll call Niall in a moment and ask if Harry is there."

"Thank you sweetie." She hangs up.

I immediately call the blonde guy who answers after 2 rings.


"Is Harry at your place?" I ask right away.

"No. Why would he? Did something happen?"


"Nothing happened, don't worry. His mother just asked where Harry was but they were probably wandering around somewhere."

"Oh okay. Let me know when he gets home, okay?"

"Sure, mate. Bye."

"Bye bye."

I hang up and run a hand through my hair. Where the hell is Harry? Maybe he's still coming home.

I call him but he doesn't answer. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Mom! I'm going outside for a while!"

"But you were supposed to help me with my math homework." My sister talks to me from the couch.

"I know. But I'm only going for a moment. When I come back, I will help you, I promise."

I go to put on my shoes and literally run out of the house and run towards Harry's house. I feel something happened. I can feel it in my guts.

"Harry!" I yell my boyfriend's name.

It's already dark and you can barely see anything. I keep walking, screaming and looking around. Suddenly I see an unnatural streak in the grass near the sidewalk that leads to the bushes. It wasn't there before.

I enter the large bushes carefully. My heart sinks when I see Harry curled up.

"Jesus Styles, you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing in those bushes, honey?" I come closer to him. "Fuck, man, why did you get so dirty?" I grab his arm and pull him slightly so that he turns around and his body falls limply to the ground. "Harry get up, your mom called me and asked where you are."


"Harry come on. End of jokes. You'll be grounded if you don't come home soon."


"Jesus, lad, come on-"

At the same moment I say this, his hand falls to the ground, revealing a large wound. As if someone... Stabbed him... Several times.

"Harry? What is that?"


"Harry tell me this is a joke."




The realization hit me immediately. This is not a joke.

I drop to my knees next to my boyfriend and check his pulse. No pulse.

No pulse.

"Harold, don't do this to me again."

I lift up his shirt. Real wounds. 5 stab wounds.

"Harry, what is that?"

A lot of blood. Too many. Harry is dead. Again. But this time he died alone in the bushes.

"We'll fix it, Harry. We've already succeeded once. Don't worry, darling. Hang in there."

I'm calling an ambulance. They will arrive in 10 minutes. Harry can do it. He lives. He must live.

I comb his hair with my fingers. "Everything will be fine Harry. Really."

It won't. Deep down I know it.

But he's alive. He is. He. Is. Alive.

He's not. I know it. But he is.

"You must be cold, honey. You must have been lying here for a while, haven't you?"

I take off my sweatshirt and cover him so he won't be cold.

Tears have been flowing from my eyes for some time now, but I only felt them now when I noticed one tear hitting my boyfriend's cheek.

"Fuck." I wipe my tears.

I sit for a moment with Harry's body in my arms, which is getting colder by the moment.

I hear an ambulance. Help. We'll make it.

I know we won't but we have to.

"I'll leave you for a moment. But only for a moment. I have to show them where you are."

I put my hand on the ground to help myself get up, but I feel some paper under my skin.

I take a nicely folded piece of paper.

"To Louis."

To me? Why?

I unfold the note. It's not Harry's handwriting, I know that right away.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or rather a friend for a friend..."


The sirens are getting closer so I put the note into my pocket and come out of the bushes to wave at the car so they will notice me.

When they stop, I show them where Harry is.

After a while they leave but I don't see Harry. I only see two men carrying a large black bag.

"Sorry, sir. Where is that boy who was lying there?"

The man I talked to looks at me strangely and then I see sadness in his eyes. "He had been dead for a good 20 minutes. He bled out. There was no point in saving him because it would do no good."

I stare at the man in disbelief. Harry's dead? This time for real? Like dead dead?

"Do you know who that boy was?"

"Yes. This is my boyfriend. His name is Harry Styles. His mom is waiting for him at home." I say with a shaky voice.

Harry's dead.

He's dead because of me.

It's my fault.

The man says something to me and then pats me on the shoulder, but I have no idea what he said.

He had been dead for a good 20 minutes. He bled out. There was no point in saving him because it would do no good.

He bled out.

My boy was murdered.

My boy.

My beautiful boy.


20 minutes.



They leave in the ambulance and I call someone.

Who do I call?

I feel like I have no control over my body.

He had been dead for a good 20 minutes.


He bled out.

"Hellooo? Louis, honey, is everything okay?"

There was no point in saving him because it would do no good.

"Have you found Harry?"

My boy is dead.

"Harry's dead." I hang up and the phone falls out of my hand.

I fall to my knees and start crying loudly.

"I'm so, so, sorry, sunshine. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'm sorry I wasn't able to defend you." I say this towards the sky.

"I love you, baby. I will always love you..." I sob.


Shoes off.

Lottie says something.

He had been dead for a good 20 minutes.

Someone is touching me.


He bled out.

I cry.

Someone hugs me.

There was no point in saving him because it would do no good.

"Harry died."

Someone hugs me even tighter and I stare emotionlessly at the wall in front of me.

Someone is crying.

I don't know who's crying. I do not know anything anymore.

The only thing I know is that Harry lay alone in the bushes and died. Without me around. He lay there for another 20 minutes after he no longer knew he was lying there.

Harry doesn't know anything anymore. I don't know anything either. All I know is that it was my Harry in those bushes.

I can't hear anything around me. I switched off.

There is only the depressing silence around me that often accompanied me with Harry.

Now I will feel it without Harry by my side.

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