The Uchiha's\\ Sasuke xreader...

By scarletsdream

321 15 7

The night of the massacre in the Village Hidden in the Leaves was a turning point for Itachi Uchiha. He had b... More

What's in the black box?
Fight or flight
The Hideout
Family Reunion
Let the games begin
The things we do for love.
Only the weak will fall
It's just a nightmare.
Your love made me Crazy
Welcome home
Is love a choice

No strings attached..

21 2 1
By scarletsdream

Smut warning!!! (Also, my work is a little choppy here, so I might edit later. The artwork is just for a general idea of what I was imaging in my head. I do not take credit for the art work!!!)

The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as I sat comfortably on the bed, watching (F/N) sleep. She was wrapped snugly in my favorite comforter; she looked peaceful and serene. Her tousled hair was spread out in all directions, adding to her endearing charm. Unable to resist the urge, I gently leaned over and ran my fingers through her hair, feeling the softness of each strand. She stirred slightly, grumbling softly as she rubbed her eyes. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gave me a sleepy smile before snuggling deeper into the comforter and nuzzling closer to me. It was that same sleep smile she gave me all those years ago; I laughed through my nose. Oh, how I wish I could go back to that day. After taking a slow sip from my warm cup of coffee, I carefully placed it on my dresser and leaned back against my sturdy backboard. As I closed my eyes and relaxed, the memory of the day she left came to the front of my mind.


As I trudged my way back to my house, I could feel the weight of confusion and regret settling in my chest. My clothes were caked in mud, and I couldn't help but feel like my soul was too. I clenched and unclenched my fist, trying to control the surge of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. I knew I had messed up, but the alcohol had blurred the line between right and wrong. At least, that is what I kept feeding myself. Despite my love for (F/N), I could only love her as a friend, nothing more. I wasn't allowed to put myself first, so my desire for her would have to go back to the back burner. I would wash my hands of this mess and hoped she would understand that it was a mistake and that we could move past it. We could go back to being the way things were before, right?

Suddenly, soft, milky arms wrapped around my arm, lacing her fingers into mine. Her warmth seeps through my clothes, but I can't bring myself to look at her. My heart thuds in my chest, and my eyes remain glued to the front of me. I feel her presence, but it's as if I'm not present in the moment. Not wanting to live in her delusion anymore.

"Itachi, oh my goodness, my love," she says, peering up at me with big, doe eyes. "Why are you covered in mud?"

I reply, my voice flat and emotionless, "Izumi." There's no love or passion for her name, just a simple word. She untangles herself from me and steps in front of me, blocking my path.

Uzumi looked at me with a half-smile on her face, trying to gauge my mood. "Itachi, I know that you're probably mad at me for ditching yesterday, but please understand," she pleaded softly, "I really hate studying." Her eyes were full of hope, and she was clearly worried that I was upset with her.

"I'm not upset, Uzumi," I reassured her, my eyes flickering briefly to the side before returning to her face.

She looked relieved at my words, and a smile spread slowly across her face."Good, I was worried," she said, wrapping her arm around my waist and shifting up onto her tiptoes to kiss me. However, I couldn't reciprocate her feelings and felt a sudden urge to pull away from her embrace. The thought of her kiss made me feel nauseous, and my frustration only intensified. It wasn't her embrace I wanted; it wasn't her lips I longed to feel on mine. I was filled with a sense of guilt as I sidestepped her and continued walking towards my house.

"I need to shower," I grumbled, hoping she wouldn't follow, but I was wrong.

"Soo," she gestured to my appearance, her eyes scanning my disheveled clothes and unkempt hair, all caked in mud, "how did, ya know, this happen? I mean. It's very out of character for you, Itachi."

I laughed through my nose, causing her brows to shoot up in surprise,"Just maybe you don't know me that well," I stated monotonely, feeling a bitter taste in my mouth. I knew I was being unfair to her, but I couldn't help it. The weight of my responsibilities was bearing down on me, and I felt like I was suffocating.

As I spoke those words, I could sense their gravity in the air, as if they had taken on a palpable weight of their own. The tension between Izumi and me seemed to intensify with each passing second, and I could feel her cold gaze drilling into the back of my head. With her arms crossed and her brow furrowed in displeasure, Izumi's body language was a clear indication of her annoyance. The pressure of the situation was almost suffocating, and I found myself rubbing my temples futilely, attempting to alleviate the headache that was rapidly taking hold.

At that moment, I realized that Izumi didn't know me as well as she thought she did. Despite our long history and shared experiences, there was a part of me that I had kept hidden from her. I had always admired her for her unwavering strength and determination. Still, I had always felt a sense of distance between us. It was as if we were speaking different languages, unable to bridge the gap between us; I realized that deep down, Izumi deserved more than what I was willing to offer her. It was true that I had feelings for her at one point, which had led us to start dating, but then (F/N) entered the picture. I never intended to fall in love with her, but I did.

I can still recall the first time we met. (F/N) was eight, and I was ten years old, and she was helping Sasuke tie his shoelaces on the playground. Even then, I knew she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. What stood out to me was how she didn't seem to care about my last name being Uchiha or the rumors about our clan being power-hungry and our eyes being cursed. When I told her who I was, she laughed and said, "I like that last name - (F/N) Uchiha has a nice ring to it."

My cheeks heated at her comment, but the idea of her being a Uchiha made my mind run wild with the possibility. As time passed, our friendship grew stronger, and I realized she was unlike anyone I had ever met. She had a darkness about her that matched mine, but she wore it like a badge of honor. She was unapologetically herself and wasn't afraid to show that she was flawed. I admired her for that. Her beauty only increased as she grew older, but it wasn't just physical - her spirit and her soul captivated me.

I remember the day I realized I was in love with her. It was like yesterday. I was sixteen then, and it was too late. I confided in my mother about my feelings, but she warned me not to tell my father and to let go of the idea. That evening, my father revealed his long-term plans for Izumi and me. And the next day, (F/N) shattered my heart when she told me she had started dating her first boyfriend. When she broke the news, I felt jealous that I couldn't explain. In hindsight, I think she knew how I felt because her relationship with that guy didn't last very long.

As the years went by, Izumi and my differences became more apparent. Izumi was always put-together, saying and doing all the right things, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. She never questioned anything and just did what she was told. On the other hand, I struggled to understand my place in the world and the actions of people around me. I often found myself lost in darkness, trying to understand it all. I wanted to see her darkness, to understand it, but it seemed like there was none to be found. Her light cast a shadow on me in many ways, and I struggled to find my way out. Pushing the thoughts out of my head, I tried to hide my pain. My emotions were in turmoil, and my mind was pulled in different directions. I felt like I was in the eye of a storm, with duty to my family, honor, and desires all vying for my attention. Finding a way out of the chaos seemed impossible.

Despite this, I knew that I couldn't show any weakness, especially not when so much was at stake. So, I took a deep breath, mustered up all the courage I had left, and spoke softly, hoping to ease the tension between us. "Please forgive me, Izumi. I am not myself today." I hoped my apology would end the conversation, but I knew the battle within myself was far from over.

Izumi's smile gave me a momentary reprieve from the chaos in my mind. She closed the distance between us, pressing her lips against mine in a gesture that I couldn't bring myself to return. "No worries, Itachi," she said, her voice soft and reassuring. "I'll see you tomorrow."I nodded, grateful for the excuse to walk away. As I left, I couldn't help but think about the weight of the task ahead of me. Izumi was a responsibility I couldn't ignore, a role I had to fulfill. But my heart belonged to someone else, someone I could never have. Duty and honor were my guiding principles, but they came at a steep price.----A month had passed since (F/N) and I had spoken; in all my effort to talk to her, she had put all her damned effort into avoiding Izumi and me. The icing on the cake was she was hanging out with none other than the most enormous ass in school, Dean, Danzo Shimra's son. I just didn't understand. Was this to force distance between us? I mean, she knew I hated the man. As I lay in bed, the blue light of my phone screen illuminating my face, I couldn't shake off the feeling of despair. My fingers were tapping on the screen incessantly, scrolling through the list of missed calls and unanswered messages to (F/N). Nine attempts were made to reach out to her, and there is still no response. I sighed, frustrated, and muttered, "This is ridiculous." I clicked on the (F/N) number and texted her without a second thought.

Itachi: Can we please talk? I hate this silence.

I hit send, staring at the message that read delivered. Suddenly, the message said read, and the bubble icon popped up. The two seconds it took (F/N) to write her message had felt like an eternity.

(F/N)Sorry Tachi bussy, ttyl

I growled at her dumb response. When the fuck did, she use text lingo, and she never called me Tachi? She hated the stupid nickname Izumi gave me. I quickly typed back.

ItachiLet's just talk about this.

Once again, I pressed send and was left on fucking delivered. I was tired of this fucking game. My mind was racing with questions, desperately trying to figure out what had happened between us. I rubbed my face with frustration, muttering "FUCK" under my breath. How was I supposed to tell my family that I had cheated on Uzumi and was now in love with (F/N)? Ha, yeah, I bet that would go over great. It was a complicated and messy situation, and I had no idea how to handle it.

I  threw my phone on the nightstand with a deep sigh. I was still left on fucking delivered. The weight of the situation had been gnawing at me for weeks, and I felt like I was no closer to finding a resolution than I had been when it all started. The situation was maddening. My parents had a specific role they wanted me to play, and my father was determined to ensure I fulfilled it. They wouldn't accept me leaving Izumi, or my father wouldn't. But the love I felt for (F/N) was all-consuming, and my emotions became harder and harder to contain each passing day. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, but I couldn't stay with  Izumi either. It was a predicament I couldn't seem to escape.

I tried to stick to my regular routine, hoping it would serve as a distraction from the turmoil inside. Driving to (F/N)'s house once again, I was both anxious and excited to see her. But when I arrived, she was nowhere to be found. She had been avoiding me for weeks, and I was starting to lose my patience. Her parents informed me that she had left earlier than usual that day, claiming that she had to make up a test. But I knew better. I knew it was all lies. All fucking lies. She had been giving me excuses for weeks, and I was sick of it. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, but I knew it was time for her and me to figure out our shit.

As I stepped foot into the school premises on that day, my eyes met with Izumi, who flashed her usual friendly smile. However, (F/N) was nowhere to be seen. She had been avoiding me for weeks, making excuses to leave every time I tried to make small talk. It weighed heavily on me, especially since we had been inseparable since childhood. I had always known I loved her, but I had kept it hidden from everyone, including myself. And now, everything was coming to a head.I decided that I wouldn't let her walk away this time. We needed to talk.

As I scanned the crowd, I saw her standing with Dean, the infamous womanizer of our school. My blood began to boil at the sight of him with her. He always tried to get into every girl's pants in school, but for some reason, he was obsessing over my (F/N). He had always kept his distance because I was around, but now that I wasn't in the picture, he was trying to sink his claws into her.

As I observed from afar, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I saw him wrap his arm around her waist and whisper in her ear. She responded by flashing that enchanting smile of hers, and he gently brushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. I couldn't help but wonder why Dean was so obsessed with her, given that he had always prioritized (F/N) before. He had never treated her like the others, and it bothered me that he always seemed to have a special place in his heart for her. She playfully pushed him away while giggling, and for a moment, it seemed like nothing else in the world mattered to either of them. At that moment, I finally realized I could no longer keep pretending. I had been playing this game too long, hiding my true feelings for her while watching her date other guys. But seeing her with Dean, of all people, was the last straw.

My heart was racing as I spotted (F/N) across the room. "Izumi, stay put," I commanded, trying to keep my voice from shaking as I made my way through the crowd towards her. When I finally reached her, I caught her wrist and turned her towards me. She looked up at me in surprise, her eyes wide.

"We really need to talk," I all but growled, my grip on her wrist tightening as I guided her through the crowds of people toward the exit. I could feel her trying to pull away, but I held tight, my fingers digging into her skin.

Dean quietly came from behind as we approached the door and clamped his hand on my shoulder. His voice was low as he spoke, "Hey man, take it easy." His words only served to make me angrier. I was too tense and agitated to listen to reason. With a quick shrug, I removed his hand from my shoulder, my Sharingan activating, and I shot a fierce glare at Dean, causing him to take a step back and raise his hands in defense. "Easy, Itachi," he spoke cautiously, attempting to calm me down. But I was too tense and agitated to be reasoned with.

My focus, was on (F/N), who was now whisper shouting at me through gritted teeth. With blazing eyes, she stepped in between me and Dean. "Itachi," she said in a commanding tone, gesturing for me to follow her. I nodded, holding tightly onto her wrist as we left the school. The tension between us was palpable, and I knew that this conversation would be anything but easy.

As we walked away, Dean muttered under his breath, "Fucking Uchiha's." It took all my self-control not to lash out at him, to show him the true power of a Uchiha. But I knew that wasn't the answer. I had to focus on (F/N) and find a way to make things right between us. If it had not been for my need to fix things with (F/N), I think I would of broke his fucking neck.

As we made our way towards her secret spot, she growled at me, tugging at her wrist, "Itachi, what are you doing?" Her frustration was evident, and the tension between us mounting.

I kept walking but cut my eyes back at her. "Let's revisit what started all this." she dug her heels into the ground.

"Enough,"  she tried, but I was stronger than her, and we were out of sight in the tree line; I couldn't let her walk away from this conversation. I pushed her back into a tree, causing her to let out a sharp exhale. Holding her there with my forearm. I searched her eyes, trying to understand her perspective, but my emotions got the best of me. I could feel my pulse racing, and my voice came out low and gravelly, full of anger. It was a side of me that I had never shown before, and it frightened me. I felt like a loose cannon, like a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean with no lifeboat. 

Everything that mattered to me - duty, family, honor, self - boiled down to this moment. For as long as I can remember, I have always put everything and everyone before myself. But now, I didn't know if I could continue on that path. Time was running out, and I felt like a ticking time bomb of destruction. I would be damaged beyond repair if I didn't tell her how I felt. Sooner than later, I would be forced to put on a face that would be truly unrecognizable.

Standing in front of (F/N), My heart was heavy with regret and longing, yet my mind was clouded with anger and frustration. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and rehearsing the words I had prepared to say to her. I needed her to know she was everything to me until I couldn't anymore.

As my emotions reached their boiling point, I felt like everything I had rehearsed in my head was slipping away. The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could even think twice. "Did I mean nothing to you?" The question had been gnawing at me for what felt like an eternity, and now it hung in the air between us, heavy and loaded with meaning. (F/N) looked at me in disbelief, her eyes wide with confusion. Her grip on my arm tightened as she pushed me away, creating a gap between us.

She aggressively pulled out her phone from her pocket with a raised voice. She confronted me, "What would you like me to do, pretend we didn't fuck? I mean, of course, you do!" she exclaimed, furiously slinging her phone at my face. I quickly moved my head to dodge the phone while she marched towards me. "Right, there is the text to prove it!" she yelled at me, maintaining her intense gaze.

As I stood there, my body felt frozen in place. Suddenly, I felt a forceful shove on my chest, and I stumbled back a step. I turned to see (F/N) standing there, her face twisted with anger. Though her rage was unsettling, I preferred it to the deafening silence hanging between us. With a sudden pivot on her heels, she was ready to walk away. But then, she turned back to me, and I saw the fury in her eyes. Her sarcastic chuckle cut through the air, and I tensed, unsure of what she would do next.

Taking a few steps closer to me, she jabbed her index finger into my chest, ready to scream at me with anger. But no words escaped her lips. Finally, she looked up at me, defeated, and her shoulders slumped. She could only mutter, "I-I can't."

Her words were barely audible, and her voice quivered as she slowly shook her head. Tears streamed down her face, and her emotions were visibly overwhelming her. She repeated the words again, "I can't," and I could feel the pain and confusion in every fiber of her being. It was a heart-wrenching moment that I never wanted to experience, and I wished that I could take the pain away from her.

As (F/N) raised her hands up in the air, tears streamed down her face. Her body was visibly shaking, and it was clear that she was emotionally drained. Her laughter sounded almost hollow, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying. "I guess I'll do it," she said with a deep exhale. "I'll pretend like none of this ever happened. I'll date Dean and switch friend groups." (F/N) was struggling to hold it together, and her decision seemed to be weighing heavily on her.

Her words hit me like bricks, and my heart sank. It felt like a sharp knife had pierced through my chest, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. I knew I had to do something but was lost for words. I couldn't let her go, and I couldn't bear to see her with someone else.

I shook my head in disbelief and whispered, "No, I won't let you." My voice trembled, and I knew I had to do something before it was too late.

A sudden surge of intense anger washed over me like a tidal wave, hitting me with full force. It was as if someone had dropped a ton of bricks on me. The reason for my anger? She was acting like a complete lunatic. At first, I had tried to avoid the situation, hoping to bury the awkwardness that had arisen between us after having sex. But then I realized I had to address it if we were to move forward as friends.

However, it seemed like she had no intention of resolving the issue. Instead, she had chosen to ignore me for weeks and started chatting with Dean, even after telling her I wanted to talk things out. Then, I realized she wanted me out of her life as if I had never existed. She was so eager to replace me that it hurt.

"So I meant nothing?" I seethed, walking towards her, and she rolled her eyes in response. Her cold demeanor left me feeling helpless and lost, but most of all, I felt bitter.

"Answer the fucking question (F/N)!" I said, closing the distance between us.

(F/N) eyes widened as she pointed to herself, her expression mixed with anger and disbelief. "Oh me," she laughed bitterly, her tone laced with frustration. "Me," she continued, emphasizing each word as she jabbed her finger at her chest.

She stepped forward, standing directly in front of me, and her eyes blazed with a fierce intensity. "Take a look in the fucking mirror, Uchiha," she said, her voice low and menacing. "You want to talk about meaning nothing? I left with a head full of chaos, and what did you do? You stood there like a goddamn statue, and then, within ten minutes of the unfolding shit show, you sent me a text. A fucking text," she spat, her voice rising with each word." What did it say, OH THAT'S RIGHT," she continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "LET'S PRETEND THIS NEVER HAPPENED. THE ALCOHOL BLURRED THE LINES SORRY, (F/n)."

She laughed softly, but the coldness in her eyes was unmistakable.

Suddenly, her voice dropped to a whisper, and her face twisted with hurt despite her attempts to hide it. "But here's the kicker," she said, her finger digging into my chest. "That same night, you told me you've loved me from the moment you met me."

Her eyes locked onto mine, and her voice grew more forceful. "So don't you dare question my actions?"

The atmosphere was filled with mixed emotions - anger, hurt, and bitterness - colliding. As I approached (F/N), she seemed taken aback and stumbled back a few steps. Instinctively, I grabbed her forearm, trying to steady her. "You are mine"  were the only words that came out.

She scoffed, pushing onto her tiptoes to try to be at eye level, but her attempts were futile. I couldn't help but smirk at her effort.

Our faces were only inches apart as I leaned down, and she blushed from the intimacy. "I messed up," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm afraid of losing the most precious thing I've ever had."

I held onto her forearm tightly, not willing to let her retreat back into her shell. We had come a long way in figuring out our relationship, and I wouldn't let her give up now. Our eyes locked in a fierce battle, neither of us willing to back down. I leaned in closer, my gaze unrelenting, the tension between us palpable. Finally, she broke the eye contact and looked away, defeated.

"Don't worry about Uzumi," (F/N) muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, as she gave me a weak smile. It was an apparent attempt to hide her genuine emotions, but I could see through her facade. "Let's just start over," she said, her voice barely audible, as she looked back at me uncertainly.

I spoke softly, leaning down to her ear, "I don't want to start over. Who cares about duty, honor, or Izumi? I want to be with you."

Her eyes widened as I said these words, and I felt relieved to finally express my true feelings. We locked eyes again, and her cheeks turned cherry red.

As she looked up at me, her lips slightly parted, I leaned closer. Our faces were so close that I could feel her warm breath on my skin. I couldn't resist any longer and gently brushed our lips together. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down my spine and making my heart skip a beat.

"Tell me what I mean to you," I demanded, ready to risk it all for her. Ready to give her the rest of me that I had before time was up for me.

"Don't make me say it," she said, looking up to the sky; capturing her chin, I forced her to look at me. "Say it for me."

She swallowed hard, eyes searching mine. "It meant everything; you mean everything to me," she said, eyes shooting to the ground in shame.

I moved forward. Hungry for another taste of (F/N) sweet lips. I was going to hell, but I could term with this. I could come to terms with everything I would do now that I had laid everything out on the table for her. Capturing her mouth with mine, she moaned and picked her up, her legs wrapping around my waist.

End of flashback

"Enjoying your daydream session about me?"  (F/N) asked a hint of amusement in her tone.I nodded at (F/N) question. "We were at the part where we had make-up sex after hashing out the cheating on Uzumi,"

Her fingers climbed up my chest. "Oh yeah, I remember that; you fucked me against the tree," she said, using the tip of her tongue to lick my ear.

"We said it would be the last time, and then what happened, Itachi," she asked, slipping onto my lap and slowly grinding her hip into my growing bulge.

"We couldn't stop," I groaned, and she rocked her hips back and forth.

"Open your eyes, Itachi. You no longer have to daydream about past memories; I am right here, baby."

I peeked my eyes open, and she sat naked on my lap, her hands resting lightly on my chest. My growing bulge was now very obvious. She smiled and slowly grinding herself against me.

"Well, I think you've got a little something going on down there." She said, grinning, her face flushed with excitement.

I was now rock hard and throbbing. Her full breasts and erect nipples were inches from my face. I couldn't help myself, and I lunged my mouth toward one. She giggled, but she didn't stop me.

I kissed, sucked, and nibbled at her breast while she grind her wet pussy against me. My hands roamed her body. Snaking my hand to the back of her neck,  I pushed my hand into her hair. Pulling her head toward me.

My lips found hers, and she met me eagerly. Her mouth opened to mine. Our tongues danced together. My free hand slid down to her other breast, and I gave it a light pinch. She inhaled sharply, her kiss becoming more urgent. Breaking away, Leaning in, I littered her neck with soft kisses before biting her, causing her to inhale sharply. I then licked the spot gently.

"That was mean," she whispered and bit my earlobe.

She was so incredibly sexy that all I could do was let out a small groan. She kissed me again, grabbing the hem of my shirt, and we paused to pull it over my head, tossing it across the room.

"So much better," she said, grinning, looking me up and down. My hands roamed her body, cupping her ass as I pressed her close to me. Her breathing deepened as I moved my mouth to her breasts and ran my tongue along her cleavage, teasing her. She moaned when I sucked her nipple, pushing her back into my bed. Her fingers tangled through my hair as I lavished attention on her other nipple. I continued my way down her belly, placing a kiss on her navel. I went back to sucking her neck, leaving a trail of little love bites. "God, you look so good underneath me." I groaned into her ear, causing her cheeks to tinge pink. Kissing her lips, she wrapped her legs around me.

"Someone is eager. Is that pussy nice and wet for me?" I asked

She whimpered, grinding against me. I could feel the heat coming from her core. I grabbed her thighs and spread her open, and she gasped at the movement. My fingers slipped between her thighs, and my thumb pressed on her clit, slowly massaging in small circles. She gasped. I pressed my still-covered cock into her wet pussy.

"Fuck. You're soaked." I whispered, moving my thumb faster, making her squirm.

"Yes, yes," she cried out, letting out a breathy moan. Satisfied with her reaction, I sucked on her breast before working kisses down her chest to her pussy. She arched her back in anticipation of my lips to touch her wet pussy.  

"Don't tease." She whimpered. I grinned at her, and my hot breath hovered above her pussy.

"Is that what you want? Tell me." I said, running my finger up and down her slit, watching her squirm and gasp for air.

"Yesss." She hissed. "Eat my pussy."

Deciding to make her wait, I moved my kisses to the inner part of her lush thighs, kissing and biting up and down them, making her moan in frustration.

"Please." She cried out. "I want you to lick my pussy so bad. I want to feel your tongue -" Giving her clit a sloppy kiss, her word halted in her mouth.

"Ohhh, God." She breathed as I sucked and nibbled her clit, flicking it with my tongue. She began rocking her hips against my face.

"Oh my God.Her back arched harder, and her eyes closed, letting out a sweet moan as Her finger tangled in my hair.

"Look at me," I growled out, hungry to see the lust in her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open, and I lowered my head, hungrily lapping her juices.

Her taste was intoxicating. My cock throbbed in my pants."God, you're delicious."

"More." She whimpered, rocking her hips again.

"You want more?" I asked, looking up at her. She nodded."Words," I demanded, slapping her thigh.

She moaned. "Yes, more." She said.

"Good girl." I groaned into her pusy. "Now tell me. What do you want? Tell me, and I'll do it."

"Lick my pussy, please."

I buried my tongue inside her, causing her to gasp, her back arching."Oh, my god!" She moaned.

She tasted so fucking sweet. I wanted to taste her some more. I wanted to savor her taste."God, you're so fucking wet I mumbled into her pusy as I sucked her clit my fingers digging into the out part of her thighs.

"You like that, baby girl?" I questioned

"I love it, please, don't stop."

Pushing my finger into her pusy, I watched as she tried to fight her eyes from rolling back again; her mouth hung open as a moan escaped her lips, and she started panting.

I groaned, feeling her tight, pusy stretch around my finger. Pumping in and out of her, she cried out, trying desperately to hold herself together. God, she looked so fucking good. Underneath me.

I reached out, cupping her cheek, running my thumb over her lip, and her eyes widened. "Open," I commanded. She obliged, and I stuck two fingers into her mouth, making her taste herself.She swirled her tongue around my fingers, moaning. Her tongue licked and sucked every inch of my digits, and the sight alone made my cock throb.

"That's a good girl," I praised her as she whimpered, sucking her own taste off of me. I was aching to be inside of her. Pumping my finger back into her.

"Does that feel good, baby?" I asked, and her only reply was a moan.

I moved my head down, my tongue flicking over her clit. Her fingers pulled my hair. Curling my finger, pressing against her g-spot as I sucked her clit into my mouth. I watched as her eyes rolled back hand desperately gripping the sheets. Humming in satisfaction at her reaction.

"You gonna come all over my face, sweetheart?"

"Yes," She cried out


I pulled her thighs closer, and her legs draped over my shoulders.Itachi," she cried out as her head fell back, her hips bucking up desperately as she pulled my face closer toward her wanting pussy.

"Yes, oh, yes." She screamed.

"Let go," I murmured into her pusy, and her hips jerked up as she rode out her orgasm. Her body was trembling as she tried to calm herself down. I smiled, watching her fall into her sweet release, kissing the inside of her thigh before giving it a soft nibble. I got up and saw her eyes follow me as she bit her bottom lip.

"Did you enjoy yourself, (F/N)?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I did." She responded.

"I'm glad you did." Pushing up from her, I smiled, "But I am not done with you yet, baby."

unbuckling my pants and slipping out of them with ease. She licked her lips as she watched my hard dick press firmly against my boxers, begging for freedom from their restraint. She crawled toward the edge of the bed and hooked her fingers into the waistband of my boxers. I let out a groan as she slid my boxers down, allowing my dick to spring up, bouncing against my lower abdomen. Grabbing the base of my dick, I gave it a couple of firm pumps as I looked at the beautiful woman naked in front of me.

"Fuck, (F/N)."

"What,  she asked shyly. "Did I do something wrong?"

"You are just so damn sexy. You make me crazy."

I stepped closer to her, and she leaned forward, licking the bead of pre-cum off the tip. My grip tightened in her hair as I pushed her down further, forcing her to take more of me.

"Shit, (F/N),"

I watched as her cheeks hollowed, her eyes locked with mine, and her mouth full of my dick, and I almost came. Pulling her off my dick. I needed to feel her wet, pusy, not just her warm, soft mouth.

She looked up at me as I stared down at her, her eyes full of lust. "On the bed," I ordered. She laid on her back, and I hung over her on the bed.

Slipping in between her thigh, I pushed one of her legs up into my shoulder, teasing her pusy with my dick. "Do you want me in that tight little pussy, baby?"

"Yes, please," She whimpered.

"Say it, (F/N). Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me, Itachi," Leaning into her, I slowly pushed my dick, and her walls clenched around me as my dick pulsed into her tight wetpusy,  she-moaned in bliss. Eyes rolling, toes curling.

"You're such a good girl, baby," I cooed, slipping my hand around her throat, trying to hold back my own groans of how good her tight pusy felt around my dick. Fully pushing myself inside her.

"Itachi," she cried out.

"Tell me you're mine, (F/N). You have always been mine."

"I have always been yours, Itachi."

"That's right, baby, You're all mine."

I began pumping into her hard or fast, causing a string of curses and moans to escape her lip.

"You feel so good, (F/N),"

My lips were on hers, our moans mixing with the sounds of our bodies joining together.

"You feel so fucking good, my little cum whore," I groaned as I pumped harder. Her hand slipped down to her pusy, rubbing circles on her clit.

"Fuck, Itachi." She cried out, her eyes squeezing shut.

"Eyes open," I demanded.

I loved the look in her eyes. Her eyes locked with mine, her moans were getting louder, and her breathing was picking up.

"Oh. Oh god, Itachi," she cried as her eyes rolled.

"Don't you cum yet, baby? I am not done." I said, pulling her hand from her pussy. Slipping out of her, I flipped onto her back, grabbing her hip; I pulled her ass up toward me, dropping my hand to the small of her back and forcing her into a deep arch.

"Keep your ass up," I growled.

She gripped the sheets. "yes, daddy," she whimpered, I slapped her ass, and she cried out.

"You look so fucking good like this," Sliding my hand over the small of her back, I grabbed her hips and pushed into her.

"fuck" she groaned.

Pulling out, I slammed back into her. "Fuck." She cried out, and I could feel her body tighten. Grabbing her hand, I pinned them behind her back. Leaning forward as I pumped into, I grabbed her throat, pulling her onto her knees, her back pressed into my chest as I fucked her into mindlessness.

"you're going to take it. Just like that. So, fucking good, baby."

"Oh, God, Itachi." She moaned out. She cried out each pump pulling for me to allow her to cum.

"cum for me, princess,"  I said, finally giving her the permission she desired.I pumped a few more times before she fell forward; her pusy tightened and quivered as she came, her eyes rolling.

I pulled her up by her hair."Not yet, baby. We are not done yet."

"Please." She whined tired from her orgasms.

"You can do it, princess.

Pulling her off the bed, bending her over the edge, I pulled her hips, thrusting into her, fucking her relentlessly, pounding her until my legs were trembling and my vision blurred.

"Fuck, Itachi. Cum inside me, please."

I pumped  into her a few more times feeling my own orgasm welling up inside of me. She was tight and hot around me. I looked down at the beauty underneath me. Herbreasts were bouncing to my thrusts and I could seethe beads of sweat on her forehead as she panted andmoaned.

"Shit, (F/N), take all of my cum,"

I groaned, my balls tensing up, and then I let loose, firing several thick shots of hot white cum inside her. (Y/N) lets out a soft cry as she cums at the feeling, and you can feel her pussy contracting around my dick, milking me for all. the pooled out of her pusy but i was determined for to take it all

I let out a groan as I fell forward onto her back.

"You did so good, baby." I cooed in her ear while I lazily pumped the cum back into her with my softening dick.

"Mmmm," she whimpered, and I slipped out, pulling her onto the bed and cuddling her into my arms.

As I lay in bed, (F/N) snuggled up against my chest, her warm breath brushing against my skin. In her half-asleep state, she muttered a name, "Itachi." I shifted slightly, turning to look at her. My hand subconsciously moved to brush a strand of hair away from her face, trailing down to her forearms.

She sighed deeply, asking, "Why do we keep doing this?" Her voice was tinged with sadness as she avoided my gaze.

I let out a yawn before responding, "What do you mean, (F/N)?"

"You know exactly what I mean," she said, gently pushing my chest. "We have sex, and then you hurt me with your words. After that, you ignore me for a few days. Then, you're nice again, and we have sex once more, and the cycle repeats. Aren't you tired of this?" She huffed, frustration clear in her voice. "If you just tell me why you're doing this, we can figure this out together." she said pushing up onto her hands.

As I lay on the bed, I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes. "Can we please just sleep, (F/N)?" I asked, hoping to put an end to her questioning. All I wanted was to cuddle her tonight, but if she continued to ask questions, I would have to resort to Mind games.

"I-I just don't understand..." she began to say, but before she could finish, I cut her off. "For fuck sake," I exclaimed, ripping the covers off me. "Is it that hard for you to understand?" I slipped out of the bed and put on a pair of pajamas. "I am nice because I want to fuck you," I explained, cutting my eyes at her. "I mean to you because you won't shut the fuck. It's just sex. I need something warm to stick my dick in; I guess you're too fucking dumb to catch on as you throw yourself at me," I said, hoping to make her understand and leave me alone with all her questions.

She looked at me for a moment before slipping back under the covers and turning away from me. "Oh," was all she said.

As I felt the pressure build behind my eyes, I instinctively reached up and pinched the bridge of my nose. The plan took longer than expected, and my patience wore thin. Engaging in mind games with (F/N) made me feel guilty, but I had no other option if I wanted to keep her at a safe distance. I couldn't bear the thought of putting her in harm's way.

My mind slipped to finding Sasuke, who had gone missing for the past couple of weeks. he was the one who could make her happy and fix this issue. Suddenly, my thoughts interrupted by a slight whimpering sound from (F/N). My eyes snapped in her direction, and my heart skipped a beat. The love I felt for her was overwhelming, and it took every ounce of self-control to keep my emotions in check.

"F/N),  I said, sitting on the bed next to her. She held her breath, hand pressed over her mouth trying to hide her sobs from me. I leaned down, kissing her temple, trying to comfort her. She sniffled, turning her head in my direction. As I observed her tear-streaked face, I felt an overwhelming urge to comfort her.

"I'm sorry," I murmured softly as I gently pulled the covers back and slipped into bed with her. She rolled over, and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and I could feel her body shaking slightly with sobs. I held her tightly, hoping to offer some solace in her moment of distress.

She pleaded for information, 'please, tell me, I can help you'" she said with a concerned expression.

Kissing her forehead, a deep sigh escaped my lips. I couldn't help but pull her closer to me, enveloping her in a warm embrace. "I can't." I finally said my voice cracking.

I was falling in love with her all over again. I knew that giving in to my feelings would have serious consequences, but I couldn't resist the magnetic pull between us. It was a pull to her that I couldn't fight. Despite the dangers and risks that lay ahead, I couldn't resist the powerful attraction between us. It was like a force of nature, pulling me towards her with an irresistible strength. It was as if I was tethered to her by an invisible rope, and no matter how hard I tried to break free, I could feel it tugging me back towards her, again and again. I couldn't stop it, and I knew I was fucked if I didn't get her to Sasuke.

After a long moment of silence, she said "I-I understand," snuggling her head deeper into my chest. Fuck, I needed to find my brother sooner rather than later.

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