Do or Die, a Huskerdust Story

By Gothic_Bxbie

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Husk didn't know what he was getting into when he was summoned to the hotel. Redemption? For sinners? It was... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three.
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three.
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine

Twenty Six

265 6 14
By Gothic_Bxbie


Charlie, Vaggy, Lucifer and Lilith were out to dinner having a very much needed talk about the last seven years.

"Charlie it wasn't because I don't care about our people but Adam had a target on YOUR back. At that point your safety was my only concern. At the point I was sent to spend my days in isolation, I didn't know your father already got heaven to agree to pardon hellborn from the extermination. I left to protect you cause if I didn't none of us would be here right now." Lilith explained after her daughter's completely understandable outburst of anger.

"See! I told you there was a reasonable explanation hon." Vaggy stated.

They finished chatting and eating and eventually went back to the hotel.

Angeldust had changed into some outfit he thought he'd look good in he did his make up and covered up the cuts on his thighs with a layer of make up too.

"Damnit! I forgot my booze again!" Husk slammed his hands on the wheel.

"There's a 24 hour liquor store just down the street he'll understand and it shouldn't take ya more than five minutes cause it's literally one building down from here." Cherri stated.

Husk nodded.

"If he asks let him know. Tell him I'm sorry."

Cherri got out of the car and walked into the building they still have fifteen minutes til Angeldust went on so Husk had more than enough time he didn't even bother driving so he turned off his car and locked it. He walked to the liquor store grabbed a bottle of booze, he quickly paid for it and walked into the club before Angeldust even walked on stage. He quickly spotted Cherribomb and walked over to her, and took a seat next next to her.

He opened his booze just a moment before the music started back up and Angel walked out on the stage. He made the song Cherri picked be the first song that played.

Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot
At the body shop
Doing something unholy

"Aaaayeeee!" Cherri cheered "I picked this one!"

Husk took a swig from his bottle he could admit this song was a bit more of what he expected, than the songs that played the first time. As Angel danced a whole crowd of demons appeared around the stage throwing money at him. Which was one of many reasons he was glad Valentino wasn't here. Because whatever money he got, he could keep; on top of his usual pay.

Mmm, daddy, daddy, if you want it, drop the add'y (yuh)
Give me love, give me Fendi, my Balenciaga daddy

Angeldust pulled himself to the top of the pole and swung himself around it.

You gon' need to bag it up, 'cause I'm spending on Rodeo (woo)
You can watch me back it up, I'll be gone in the a.m.

The spider extended his extra set of arms and held himself sideways as he transitioned into a different pose. He wrapped his foot around the pole and quickly let go, his other leg wrapped around the pole at his knee.

The song eventually ended. The crowds wooed. Angeldust went backstage where he downed two bottles of water, before the next song started.  This pattern went on with different songs for a bout an hour.

After the last song Angel went behind the bar changing into the clothes he arrived in grabbed another bottle of water for the road and walked out a side door. He walked down a hallway and into the club. Where several people tried to put their hands on him, but the spider quickly took out his guns and basically pistol whipped them with his giant ass Tommy guns.

He got to where Husk and Cherribomb were sitting when one very buff demon came up from behind Angeldust and placed a hand on his shoulder trying to turn him around. Husk flew from his seat and punched the demon.

"Keep ya damn paws the fuck off my boyfriend!" Husk yelled.

Angeldust gasped as did everyone else in the club. His eyes widened in horror

"HUSKY!"  Angeldust yelled but he wasn't mad. He was chuckling.  He was a little nervous considering this was Val's club and everyone heard that. It's gonna get back to him.

The cat demon's s eyes went wide realizing what he just said and where he was when he said.


Cherri smacked the cat demon upside the head gently.

"Nice goin genius! He's probably half way fuckin here now!"

"Run!" Angeldust yelled.

The three demons sprinted out of the club Husk quickly unlocked the car before even getting to the parkinglot. Everyone quickly piled into the car. He started it, and sped off.

"I am so fuckin sorry." Husk apologized.

Angeldust giggled. He was worried shitless for tomorrow, but he was glad Husk took care of the situation. Angeldust was strong but that guy was just as tall as he was and four times buffer there was no way that was ending well. Especially when the demon already had a hand on him.

"Nah, it's fine Husky. Ya just wanted to protect me." Angel assured.

Husk looked at Angeldust for a brief second. He was so pissed at himself.

"Yeah, and I fucked you over in the process. Don't fuckin matter what my intention was cause, now you're screwed, and it's my fault." He groaned.

Husk he rubbed his face with his free hand before hitting the steering wheel with the same hand.  "FUCKIN DAMNIT!"

The sudden action and the yelling made Angel jump. Cherri was in the backseat, but she popped her head between the space of the driver and passenger seat, her arms resting on one shoulder of each seat.

"Husk, For fuck sakes! He's fine right now! Because of you! Did ya fuck up? Yeah, but he's safe! Fuck whatever happens tomorrow we'll deal with it then." Cherribomb rationalized, her yelling didn't help Angel's anxiety, however.

She knew Husk was mad at himself, and he wasn't wrong to be but, being angry wasn't gonna fix shit. Angel started crying his fear finally took over.  Husk set his anger aside, the minute he saw Angel cover his face as he sobbed.

"Hey, hey, Ang look at me!" He instructed. He took his eyes off the road just to make sure Angel was facing him, "You're okay. Everything is okay. Deep breaths. You. Are. Okay."  He assured before looking back at the road.

Husk had his right hand resting on the inner console he turned his arm over so his palm was face up he spread his claw like fingers and Angeldust took it, interlocking their fingers.  "I am so fuckin sorry Webs."

Angeldust wiped his eyes as he sniffled.

Husk got to the hotel pulled into the parking lot and parked his car. Everyone got out and went into the hotel.

"Hey did you guys ha-" it was Charlie but she cut herself off when she saw how panicked all of them were. "What the fuck happened!?" She asked, mostly at Angel.

Angel rubbed his mouth as he was thinking.

"Charlie I'm fine, I promise. Shit just got a little outta hand."

"But An-" she was hesitant to believe him.


Angel said sternly as he held onto her shoulders with his top set of hands. He couldn't let another secret spill in the same night. "'m fine. Okay? He wasn't even there. Nuthin happened, Husk didn't let not'in happen." He assured.

Husk and Angeldust went up to Angel's room.  Cherribomb got Charlie up to speed. She was very worried for him too, especially considering the information she has been trusted with.

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