
By maimetanka

47.5K 2.7K 143

Y/N--bullied everyday by Kim Taehyung, madly in love with her neighbor, Jennie Kim. Jennie Kim--girlfriend o... More



2.2K 132 4
By maimetanka

Y/n woke up, body practically drenched in sweat. Her hands supported her body as she lifted herself from her bed with a groan.

What time is it?

Her eyes were still glued shut from having just woken up as the first thing that came to mind was the spider bite. Her hand instantly flew to the nape of her neck as she rubbed the spot that the spider bite was previously located. She didn't feel the bump, not even a scratch.


She stood up and felt... lighter. Her body lifted off of the bed with a slight jump. It was a weird transition. It was hard to explain. Imagine being 120 pounds, then waking up and feeling as if you suddenly lost half in your sleep.

She walked over to the mirror and checked her neck. Nothing. Wary fled through her system as she frantically searched her body in the mirror. Was it all just a dream? It couldn't have been.

After all, I'm wearing exactly what I wore in that dream. And I don't remember falling asleep after the field trip.

But maybe it was a dream. That would explain the spider bite that she couldn't seem to find anywhere online. Although, the vividness and the feelings that so vehemently coarser through her veins were too detailed to have been just a dream.

She checked the date and the time, Tuesday, Apr. 09, 12:37 PM.

Okay what the hell.

That only furthered her confusion. The timing just didn't make sense. She went home, got the spider bite, then passed out.

If it was a dream, wouldn't it be the other way around?

Y/n was just so confused and worried about the spider bite as her brain searched for any plausible reasoning.

Then it hit her.

Didn't Jennie say something about breaking up with someone over the phone. Does this mean her and Taehyung broke up?

She knew that there were more important matters at hand at the time, but she couldn't help the feeling of excitement that made her heart pound.

Maybe I should talk to her.

She looked down to see what she was wearing and decided to change her shirt, seeing as her clothing was sticking to her with the trail of sweat on her body. She took her shirt off in front of the mirror to check if the spider bite was maybe somewhere else. But instead of seeing a bunch of red dots or something crazy all over her body like she had expected, she saw something else that surprised her.

Abs? Damn, look at my arms. Since when did my body look this... in shape?

Y/n was beyond befuddled now. What she was able to put together was that she passed out from a spider bite, woke up with no spider bite, and then her body became completely in her sleep. She shook her thoughts off after checking herself out in the mirror, remembering that she should talk to Jennie. But then another weird thing happened.

A fly flew into her peripheral and she felt suddenly impelled that it could've been a threat as she caught it in between her index finger and thumb. After the sudden spurt of anxiety, her eyes widened. Never in her life had she ever been able to catch a fly. She hadn't even ever seen anybody be able to do that. Her breathing was heavy with shock as she carefully inspected the fly that she caught. She felt lightheaded with incertitude as she stared at the fly. Even though the fly was there, in front of her face, in between her fingers, she still couldn't believe that her reflexes were suddenly enough to catch an insect. After a moment of trying to catch up on the sudden strangeness of the current situation, she released the insect from her grasp.

This is all just so weird.

Y/n even pinched herself to see if this was real. Pinching herself did nothing. Nevertheless, she put on a new shirt and walked over to her window. Her eyes took a glance over at her bed side table and she soon realized that her glasses weren't on. Out of habit, she reached over to grab her glasses. She was just about to put her glasses over her eyes when she paused.

Why can I see everything so clear right now?

She looked around her bedroom with furrowed brows and registered that she could see so clearly without her glasses. She decided to put them on in order to see if her eyes were possibly deceiving her. But she instantly regretted it when she put them on, and everything suddenly went extraordinarily blurry.

"What the hell?" Y/n breathed out in bewilderment. And when she tried putting her glasses back down onto her table, they remained stuck to her hand.

"What the fuck?" She whisper yelled as she she erratically shook her hand in order to release her glasses. Then, as if she gained a sixth sense within the touch of her fingers, she let go of the glasses.

Did I really just gain the ability to... stick to things?

She tested her new "sixth sense" by clinging one hand to the wall before releasing it, over and over again in disbelief. It was as if somebody applied suction cups to her hands. Suddenly, she realized that the stick was so strong that it could most likely even hold her body up.

She slowly placed her left hand on the wall and began to slowly climb up, her left hand and right hands moving in sync. Once she almost reached the ceiling, she jumped down, surprising herself when her feet landed on the floor with barely any sound. She inspected her hands with utter incredulity.

So let's go over this again. Went to the field trip, got bit by a spider, passed out, woke up with no spider bite, woke up with super reflexes, the ability to... stick to things, better hearing, better eye sight, and my body is super ripped.

Her thoughts were snapped when she remembered what her initial task was. She walked over to her window, her footsteps lighter than usual, and saw Jennie. A frown took over when y/n saw Jennie with swollen red eyes.

Has she really been crying over Taehyung?

Y/n slid her window open with ease, which was strange because she usually had a slight struggle with it.

"Jennie!" The girl yelled and smiled when Jennie instantly turned to her window and opened it.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked, hoping that it wasn't too sensitive of a subject as she held onto the belief that Jennie actually broke up with Taehyung.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Jennie asked, trying to sound adequate passed her raspy voice.

"Oh come on. I'm not that stupid." Y/n said, smiling when her comment elicited a soft laugh from Jennie's lips. A small moment of silence surpassed in which Jennie looked to be in deep thought, biting down on her bottom lip.

"Did you hear anything?" Jennie asked in a light tone, trying not to reveal too much about the breakup.

"I heard a little bit. And I'm guessing you broke up with Taehyung," y/n stated, biting on her bottom lip. Because if it was true, then all of this really wasn't just a dream. Jennie nodded, and y/n tried her best to suppress her excited smile that was tempting to play onto her lips.

"Are you ever gonna go back to dating him?" Y/n said, obviously hoping that the breakup would last forever. Even if she didn't have a chance with Jennie, she certainly didn't want her with Taehyung.

"No. I don't think so." Jennie responded with a strong finality in her voice. Y/n furrowed her brows with a lip bite. Because now there was absolutely no way that this was just a dream. A chorus of celebration sang in y/n's head. On the outside, she attempted to stay calm and simply smiled.

"Good. You deserve so much better." Y/n said in a comforting tone, feeling accomplished when she noticed the light shade of pink rise in Jennie's cheeks.

"Thanks, Y/n/n." Jennie praised, a shy smile adorning her features. Y/n wanted to ask her if she wanted to go out somewhere, but she was too scared of rejection. Especially seeing as Jennie went through a breakup so recently.

"Sorry, Y/n/n. I gotta go eat lunch! Maybe we can talk later?" Jennie said, making y/n smile. Because she knew that if she were to ask Jennie out, it would've been bad timing. Maybe it was a sign to y/n that Jennie would need a little bit more time to get over Taehyung.

"Alright! Yeah! I'll see you later!" Y/n replied with a wave, feeling internally elated that Jennie finally broke up with Taehyung. She waited until Jennie finally left her room in order to close her own window.

Alright, now to see what these... "spider powers" are about.

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