The Cyber samurai of the clo...

By hunter5241

3.1K 86 11

YN LN was homeless and was taken in by a master swords master who was also the legendary cyber samurai, after... More

The small box
A Game Of Cat And Mouse
The Hidden Enemy
The Battle Of Christophsis
Battle Of Teth
Rescuing Jabba's Son
Escape From Teth
Battle On Tatooine And Meeting Chancellor Palpatine
The Clone Cadets

Supply Lines

141 2 0
By hunter5241


"A world under siege! The separatists have launched a massive offensive against the planet Ryloth. A blockade of deadly battleships has cut off any support for the dwindling Republic defenses. Though they have fought valiantly with the help of Twi'lek freedom fighter Cham Syndulla, hope is fading for Jedi Master Di and his men, along with Cyber Samurai YN LN, as the droid army closes in."

(3rd Pov)

It is a full on battle on the planet of Ryloth. Currently troopers and Twi'lek resistance fighters are in trenches with 2 AT-TE behind us as they lay down fire on the massive army of droids and tanks moving towards them as blue and red blaster bolts fly past everybody as YN is on the battlefield slicing any droid in his path as he slices a tank as it explodes, and he slashes a group of battle droids as he sheaths Murasama as it glows and he draws it as blades slice up the droids and destroys a tank as he enters his thoughts.

YN: *Thoughts* This is crazy! I've never an army of this size before. *Grunts* I gotta fall back and see how the others are doing.

He begins to fall back while deflecting any blaster bolt as a tank aims and fires at him and he deflects the shot hitting a group of battle droids as they explode and create smoke as he jumps high and lands behind the trenches as he see Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di, Captain Keeli as Ima-Gun Di speaks to YN.

Ima-Gun Di: YN! Report!

YN: I tried the best I could! *Deflects blaster bolts* But there's just too many of them! 

They hear ships and see vulture bombers as one of the AT-TE turrets fires hitting the ships but one crashes behind the walker hitting a mountain as the rocks crush the Walker as the ground explodes around every body as a orange Twi'lek also know as the Resistance Leader Cham Syndulla riding an animal walks up as he speaks.

Cham: Master Jedi, Samurai, we're running out of food and water, and our heavy-weapon systems are out of power.

YN: We ain't gonna last out here. 

Ima-Gun Di: I'll contact our forces In orbit. *Comm* Admiral Dao, this is General Di. We're in trouble down here. We need those supplies immediately. 


Currently in space Republic ships are getting shot down as in the bridge Admiral Dao is peaking to Ima-Gun Di via hologram as he speaks.

Admiral Dao: I understand, General, but I am in no position to help. We are critically low on fuel and ammunition. 

Ima-Gin Di: Contact the Jedi temple again! Tell them reinforcements must be dispatched without Delay! 

An officer whispers to Admiral Dao as on the planet of Coruscant in the Jeid temple, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Master Yoda are talking to Admiral Dao through a hologram table as the Admiral speaks to the Jedi. 

Admiral Dao: If help does not arrive soon, the entire Outer rim garrison will be wiped out. 

Obi-Wan: Surely there must be something  you can do...

They look and see an officer speaks to an officer.

Officer: The main reactor's been hit, sir. Systems are shutting down. We are dead in space. 

Admiral Dao: With regret, I report that my fleet will no longer be able to provide protection for the troops of Rlyoth. I repeat my request that help be sent right away. 

Officer: The shields are gone. We have no...

The hologram cuts off as Admiral Dao dies as the Jedi look down as Yoda speaks.

Yoda: Hmm. Trapped on Ryloth Master Di and his men are.

Obi-Wan: Along with YN. He volunteered to assist Master Di and his troopers. 

Mace: He is strong, despite not being a force user. But, he can not hold off a battalion of droids.

Obi-Wan: They may need relief supplies. 

Yoda: Agreed. Contact Senator Organa, we must. 

Mace: Agreed. Let us hope YN and Master Di can hold long enough till supplies reach them.

They nod as they begin to contact Senator Organa. 

(YN Pov)

We were still fighting as both the Clone Troopers and Twi'lek Resistance fire fire at the droids as I continue to slice and droid in my path as a super battle droid with a rocket cannon fires at me but I deflect it a it flies and hits the droid making it explodes and other droids fall down and I see a tank fire and blow up one of the trenches as I charge and slice three battle droids and slice more as I see some resistance fighters helping clone troopers escape as I sheath Murasama and grab a clone troopers and a Twi'lek and follow the rest of the wounded as we arrive at base camp where families are huddled together and the wound get tended to the medic as I see the trooper and resistance fighter i'm carrying as I walk over the Ima-Gun Di, Captain keeli and Cham along with his second in command Gobi as I speak.

YN: General! The right flank has collapsed. The droid army is moving towards our position!

Cham: What about reinforcements? 

Ima-Gun Di: Communications has been spotty. I promise you, Cham, the Republic will not abandon Ryloth. 

Cham: I've heard enough of your promises, Jedi. The fact remains, if we stay here without reinforcements, we're all going to die. Gobi, tell the people we're leaving. 

Gobi: Yes, sir. 

Keeli: I don't think you understand what YN just said. The right-flank has collapsed. There's no leaving. We're stuck here together. 

He rides away as I look at Ima-Gun Di and say.

YN: What are we gonna do? The droid will kill everyone, even if they're women and children. We have to find a way to get Cham and his people out of here safety.

Ima-Gun Di: I understand my friend. But, we must think of a plan.

YN: Do that. I assist the people. 

I walk away and begin to help the Twi'leks pack up their stuff as later everyone was almost ready to go as I hear Gobi says.

Gobi: Come on! Hurry! Hurry!

I head towards the others as they are in a circle as I see a drawing of the mountain pass we are at as Ima-Gun Di speaks to Captain Keeli.

Ima-Gun Di: Captain, is the gunship ready?

Keeli: Yes, sir. But it's too small to evacuate the refugees. 

Cham: No escape? But our families are with us.

Ima-Gun Di: Ah. If we reconfigure the fuel system, we can turn the ship into a big bomb big enough to collapse the pass here. *Marks drawing* The enemy will then only be able to engage us on one front from this ravine. While we provide cover, the Twi'leks will have time to escape with their families over the mountain. 

Keeli: Brilliant strategy, General. *Sighs* I'll go tell the men. 

He walks as I look the Ima-Gun Di and say.

YN: You sure this plan will work?

Ima-Gun Di: I don't know, but we've exhausted all other options. 

YN: I hope it works. 

The twi'leks were finished packing up as they begin to leave as Captain Keeli walks over and speaks.

Keeli: Generals, we're loading the rest of the explosives onto the gunship. 

YN: Very good, Captain. Get the men ready for combat.

He walks to his soldiers and says.

Keeli: All units, prepare for attack!

Ima-Gun Di then speaks to Gobi.

Ima-Gun Di: We won't be able to hold off the droids for long. You'll have to move quickly to get your families out of danger.

We look and see Cham assisting his people as Gobi says.

Gobi: Cham is still angry. He feels betrayed. 

Ima-Gun Di: We counted on Republic assistance, and it didn't come. War turns promises into hopes. I wish it wasn't so. Tell him. 

He grabs Gobi hands as Gobi says.

Gobi: I will.

He nods to me as I nod back and he gets to his people as we walk to Captain Keeli as Ima-Gun Di says.

Ima-Gun Di: Captain Keeli, tell the pilots to move the gunship into position. 

He nods as he speaks into his Commlink.

Keeli: *Comm* This is command. Are all the charges in place.

Clone Trooper: *Comm* Copy that, we're all ready. The droid army is closing. 

Keeli: As soon as they're in range, blow up the gunship.  

A few minutes after we hear a big explosion go off as I look and see big chunks on of the mountain collapse and fall blocking the pass as minutes later the troopers are behind cover as we hear the droids marching towards us as I'm walking next to Ima-Gun Di as he speaks.

Ima-Gun Di: Steady. Remember, we have to buy as much time for the Twi'leks as possible. 

Clone Trooper: Yes sir. 

I draw murasama as my helmet forms as I yell.

YN: For the Republic!

Ima-Gun Di: For the Twi'leks! 

The clones open fire as I charge in and begin to slice any droid in my path as I see some clones get shot down as I see a droid with a grenade as I slice it but the grenade rolls and explodes killing 2 clones and I see Captain Keeli down with his helmet off as Ima-Gun Di charges out and slices a few droids and I slice a super battle droid as we see more drop ships and a super battle droid gets shot as it falls and we look and see Captain Keeli getting up with his blaster pistols as I says.

YN: Captain Keeli!

Keeli: I'm not finished yet, sirs. 

He walks to us as he says.

Keeli: We can do this Generals.

Me and Ima-Gun Di keep deflecting blaster bolts as Keeli keeps shooting as Ima-Gun Di says.

Ima-Gun Di: Well, let's make the end memorable. 

Keeli gets hit as he gets shot again and falls as Ima-Gun Di gets hit in his side as his Commlink beeps as a clone speaks through it. 

Clone: This is Republic blockade runner oh-niner-niner. We have broken through.

We look and see Republic ships fly over as Ima-Gun Di says.

Ima-Gun Di: The Twi'leks will live to fight another day.

He yells as I charge forward and slice some droids as I see Ima-Gun Di get hit and falls as his saber rolls as I yell.

YN: No!

I Growl as I slice the droids around me as I slice the last one and walk over the the fallen clone captain and Jedi as I see more droids with 3 tanks arriving as I grip Murasama and raise it as I charge while yelling as i jump high in the air and yell.


(3rd Pov)

The ships fly over and deploy drop pods as they land infront of the Twi'leks as one of them opens it and pulls a crate out while saying.

Twi'lek: It's food and medical supplies from the Republic.

They cheer as back on the battlefield YN put's Captain keeli's helmet on a DC-15 rifle in the ground as the troopers helmets are the same way as in front is Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di as behind him are sliced up battle droids and tanks in pieces and on fire as a couple of droid dropships are destroyed as YN grips Ima-Gun Di's lightsaber as he walks away with his arm resting on Murasama as a Republic gunships lands and he continues to walk towards the ship before getting on it and the doors close as it begins t fly towards a Jedi cruiser. 

A/N: This chapter was amazing, sorry for the lack of gifs I cannot find any good ones and Tenor is messed up so I can't get gifs from their anymore, i'm glade everybody is liking this story, after like 20 chapters, i'm gonna post an announcement about some clone wars story ideas for you fellow readers to vote on but as always thanks for the love and support and have a nice day/night. 2076 Words. 

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