Clustering Wishes (AbusedStar...

By SansofDestruction

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Y/n Rose was the Youngest child of Summer Rose and Tai Xiao Long . The moment he was born his father had grow... More

Bio and Reason I made this story
Prologue: Stardust Trailer
Chapter 1: Running from the devil and Finding Sanctuary
Chapter 2: Adam Taurus & White Fang
Chapter 3: The wake of the Dragon
Chapter 4 The meeting of siblings
Chapter 5: Dragon's First Flight
Chapter 6: Reunion with Roses and Dragons
Chapter 8 Making a pact
Chapter 9:The Triple Dragon Threat
Chapter 10: The Black Rose
Chapter 11: First day
Chapter 12: Helping a cute Bunny
Chapter 13: Y/n's Clear Mind
Chapter 14 A Friend in Need
Chapter 15: First Day of Edu'ma'cation
Chapter 16: Falling Star
Chapter 17: So....tired...
Chapter 18: Y/n's New Guardian
Chapter 19: Dragon of Clustering Wishes
Epilogue Of Volume 1: One Day= 2 year?
Volume 2 Prologue: Y/n's return
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best day/Reactions to Y/n
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Young Dad'ragon already
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Operation Information part 1
A/n: Needing Viewers Opinion on a Idea
Volume 2: Chapter 4: Operation Information part 2
Volume 2: Chapter 5: The Truth of the Past
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Jack's story: A past Warrior awakens
Volume 2: Chapter 7: A meeting of Former Friends
Volume 2: Chapter 8: Talk between Y/ns Past and Present.
Volume 2: Chapter 9: Siblings/Ancestor Talk

Volume 2: Chapter 10: Distancing/ Dance Infiltration

554 17 9
By SansofDestruction

The scene reopens to Y/n slowly beginning to wake up from his downed state looking around the room confused. Slowly his memories flood back to the boy... His past self.. Everything... He didn't know what to make of it.. Having a second soul inside of him and all... It all felt like a dream to the boy.

Yusei: *In Y/n's mind* "So.. you finally awaken." *Startled the boy jumped up from his seat from His other self's voice.* "My apologizes, Y/n I didn't mean to startle you.."

Y/n: *reassuring tone with a sense of a bit of unwellness* "I...It's nothing. Just got to get used to all of this now I guess" *Looks over to the alarm seeing it's 7:45 in the evening* "Oh... How long have I been out?"

Yusei: "I believe it's been 2 hours since you passed out."

Y/n: "Oh..." *Thinks for a moment before his eyes widen jumping out of bed as he realizes what he forgotten* "THE DANCE IS TONIGHT!!" *Rushes over to his closet and quickly grabs a hold of the outfit he was going out in the bathroom to get change. As he does, Luna and Leo open the door and look around to find their legal guardian.

Luna: *confused to see Y/n in the room* "Papa?"

Leo: *the two look all over the room under the lower beds, upper beds even the pillows?" * "Papa where are you?" As Leo asks outloud the bathroom door opens up and Y/n comes walking out in his outfit for dance*

(Note is wearing scarf and Rose is White)

Luna and Leo: *excited and happy toned to see Y/n* "PAPA!!" *Y/n looks over to the two kids as the two hop off the beds and hugs his legs* "We found you!!"

Y/n: *smiles* "Heya Luna and Leo!" *pats the two kids heads causing them to look up and smile.* "Were you two looking for me?"

Leo and Luna: *nods* "Mhm!"

Leo: *lets go of Y/n's legs first to stretch out his arms* "We search all over!!" *Luna also lets go and goes down on ground*

Luna: "Even under the beds!"

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the two's words. But that when Luna looks up to Y/n with a worried expression.

Luna: "Are you okay Papa?"

Y/n: *reassuring tone* "I'm fine Luna don't you worry."

Leo: *crossing his arms* "See Luna like I told you, Papa's really strong and all!"

Luna: *pouts adorably* "You were worried about him too, you started crying like me."

Leo: *blushes embarrassed and in denial * "WAS NOT!"

Luna: "Was too!"

Yusei: *thinking In Y/n's head as Y/n had a large anime sweat appear in back of his head sighs* "Kids..."

Y/n: *Breaking up the argument by changing the subject* "Anyways, you two ready for the dance?" 

Luna and Leo: *looks up to Y/n with excited tone* "Yeah! Papa's going to perform."

Y/n: "Hehe! You know it!" *Pick up the two kids on to his back each holding on to his shoulders. Leo on the right and Luna on left as he leaves the room.* "OFF WE GO!"

Luna and Leo: *fist bumps the air as Y/n carries them to the ballroom* "YEAH!"


The three soon arrive to the ball room to see many people already arrived. He puts down the two kids who looked super excited of all the colors and lights.

Y/n: *kneels down* "Luna, Leo!" *The two look over to Y/n* "Try not to cause trouble okay?"

Luna and Leo: "OKAY!" *the two run off happily to explore and play, which causes Y/n to sigh. As he does he felt someone hugging him from behind*

Akiza: *Y/n turns around and his eyes widen in shock and amazement at Akiza* "Hello Y/n."

A/N:(If you are wondering had to change image cuz got flagged Wattpad is so annoying)

Y/n: *began to blush bright red* "A-akiza y-y-you look... s-stunning." *In Y/n's head as he continues to stares*

Akiza: *she leans in on Y/n having a questionable look on her face* "You don't look bad yourself~" *Y/n began to blush even more as she leans in for a kiss."

Ruby: "*calls out* "Y/n!" *The two looks over to see Ruby right next to punch bowl, waving over to him* "Over here."

Y/n: "U-Uh excuse me!" *Walks over to his sister*

Akiza: *has calm look on her face* "Take your time." *thinking angrily* "GRRR SO CLOSE DAMN IT RUBY!!"

Ruby: *as his brother approaches her* "You feeling better. Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Ruby: *smiles as she hands him a glass of punch* "That's great!" *He takes the punch as Ruby makes herself a glass before holding it up* "A toast to health." 

Y/n: *smiles as he does the same* "Cheers." *The two cling their glasses together and drinks.*

Ruby: "So... with everything going on, you sure you been alright?" 

Y/n: *confused a bit* "Uh.. what do you mean?" Suddenly Yang was seen appearing behind Y/n who grabs his shoulder startling him* "What's with everyone jumping at me from behind?"

Yang: "Let's go talk outside." *Y/n letting out a unsatisfied sigh, Yang and Ruby led their brother outside to the balcony to him in private.*

Ruby: "Y/n, talk to us. What's wrong?"

Y/n: "Nothing, I swear I'm fine. Look if it's about Yusei and it's we're cool! Sure he scared me a bit but you know, we're cool."

Yang: "Y/n... That's not what we meant." *Y/n looks up confused* "Lately, you've been avoiding me and Ruby. I mean we every time we try to talk to you, you keep it as brief as you and wonder off."

Y/n: *nervous tone* "I...I.."

Ruby: "When was the last time you talk to mom?"

Y/n: "M-mom?"

Ruby: "Yes, you know our mom. The one who has been searching for you for years? The one who barely left your room? The one who would hold onto to a picture of you and cry herself to sleep every night?"

Y/n's eyes widen as was left speechless as he only begun to realize that he hasn't been keeping contact with his long lost family as much as he planned to.

Y/n: *tries to talk* "....Mom...crys.. I.." *Ruby and Yang approaches him and puts a hand on shoulder."

Yang: "Y/n, we've been looking for you for seven years and here you are but... it doesn't feel like we got our brother back. We need to know what's wrong. Do you hate us?"

Y/n: "What!? No.... of course not!"

Yang: "Then tell us why you've been reclusive towards us."

Y/n: *voice breaking and panicking** "I don't know... I don't know. Hell I don't know what's happening to me?! I mean I've been gone for so long.. I just... What am I supposed to say? I mean everything going in my life isn't normal. I mean look at me, I'm two years older than I'm supposed to be.. I taking care of two kids at my age. And Hell suddenly it turns out I'm some kind of reincarnated ancient warrior who now lives in my head.. How can I explain anything to anyone without them thinking I'm crazy and all? And I.. I don't want to start thinking I'm a freak.. and them hated like... Tai..did.." *Yang and Ruby's eyes widen as Y/n said that* "I just.... I-I-... I'm scared.... okay? I didn't mean to- I.." *A boy slowly began to break down to tears which his two sister pulled into a tight hug*

Ruby: "That's enough."

Yang: "Just let it out.. Let all of it out."

Y/n slowly began to hug them and began to cry on them, similar to Blake would let him cry on her shoulder. "I'm sorry... "

Ruby: "It's okay.. we're here.."

Yang: "Your big sisters are here for you."

Soon the three broke from their hugs as Y/n wiped the remaining tears away.

Yang: "Feeling better now?"

Y/n: "A bit.." *Looks up towards the sky* "Blake and her parents have done so much for me..." 

Ruby: "Yup and they are part of our family just as much as we are a part of theirs.. And don't you forget that."

A lightbulb appeared over Yang's head.

Yang: "I got it! How about this week, we are for the time off and go home."

Ruby and Y/n: *looks over to Yang* "Eh!?"

Yang: "We take the time off for this week and go home to Mom. No Blake, No Weiss, No Jack, No Hogan and no Akiza just the three of us and Mom for the whole week."

Ruby: "That's sounds great! What do you say baby brother?"

Y/n: "I would love that... I do being Luna and Leo with us." *The two sisters look over to Y/n* "What I'm their legal guardian and I have to introduce them some point!"

Yang: "Then it's settled!"

The three finally broke from the group hug. Deep within Y/n's mind, Yusei began to think about his happy time with Ozma, and Salem when they were teens just smiling and laughing having fun.

Yusei: *within Y/n's mind* 'To be young and happy...'

Suddenly Jaune walked out on the balcony, wearing a white dress which shocks the sibling and Yusei.

Jaune: "Hey Y/n, we're ready to perform." *Ruby and Yang starts laughing while Y/n was confused and concerned. Meanwhile Yusei just face palmed in disappointment*

Inner Y/n:

Yusei: *annoyed tone* 'It's Pierre Nikos all over again...' 

Outer Y/n: "Um... you do realize you're wearing a dress?"

Jaune: *sighs* "Yeah, long story."

Y/n: *sighs* "Ah, screw it to each their own I guess."

The four of them went inside as Y/n followed Jaune to the stage and Ruby and Yang saw Blake and Weiss sitting at a table. Luna and Leo were nearby running around before stopping and noticing Y/n up on stage, while Akiza walked to RWBY's table* 

Ruby: "Come on, you two are gonna miss it!"

Weiss: "Miss What?"

The four got to the stage and saw Jaune and Ren holding guitar and Jaune was standing in front of a microphone, Neptune was holding a bass guitar, Sun was sitting at the drum set and Y/n walked on stage, took off his jacket and picks up his own Electric guitar before grabbing the Microphone.

Y/n: "ALRIGHT BEACON ACADEMY! LET'S REV IT UP!" *The crowd of people began to cheer*


(And Cuz I love Divide Music New Song)

(I'm not putting Lyrics cuz I get so many Complaints so just watch videos)


After the songs was over, the crowds roared and cheered as the bands members and exited the stage.

Y/n walked outside to get some air when he heard clapping behind him. He turned around to see Jack and Hogan both clapping.

Jack: "That was quite of the show."

Y/n: "Hey guys! I never thought you two would be here. But why aren't you in formal wear?"

Jack: *shrugs* "Don't care."

Y/n: "Oh..." *looks over to Hogan* "What about you?"

Hogan: *telepathic* 'As the leader of Blackwing's the armor you see before you is formal wear.'

Y/n: "Ah! Make sense. By the way anyone knows why Jaune was wearing a dress?"

Hogan: 'Oh that... Pretty sure He made a bet with Pyrrha.'

Yusei: *within Y/n's mind* 'Oh.. great it was the whole Joan Arc and Pierre Nikos Situation all over again.'

As the three were chatting Jack soon spots a shadowy figure heading to the Transmit Tower.

Jack: "That can't be good!" *The other look over toward Jack who began running* "Come on you two!" *The two soon quickly follow behind Jack to investigates the mysterious Shadow Figure. They walk inside to see the guards are all unconscious. They enter the elevator and rode it to the next floor and rode it to the next floor. The exited into a room where nobody was in sigh but Y/n and Yusei could sense the other presence.

Yusei: *warning tone* 'Keep you guard up kid they are nearby.'

Y/n: *thinking* 'Got it.' *speaks up* "I KNOW YOU'RE HERE, I CAN SENSE YOUR PRESENCE."


A woman in a cat burglar outfit walked out from behind the desk. However a dark and ominous aura surrounded the girl body. This causes Yusei to quickly envelop the Y/n's body in him transforming him into dragon Faunus form.

Y/n: "Yusei?"


Y/n was left confused as she smiled toward Y/n before putting out a bow and fires three arrows at them.

Yusei: 'LOOK OUT!' 

Y/n quickly rolled out of the way of the attack while Jack and Hogan rush in on girl. The woman threw a bottle on the ground to create a sheet of ice to block Hogan only to be met by Jack who slams his claw into wall of ice and destroys into in a fiery warpath. However the woman flicks her wrist before hurling three cards into Jack's arm, which began to draw blood. Y/n quickly pulls out Vulcan a proceeded to open fire rounds of energy waves which she swiftly dodges before making her escape.

Y/n: *reverting back* "Jack, you okay?"

Jack: *annoyed tone as he pulled out the metal play cards out of his claw* "I'll live just a scratch."

Hogan: *looks over to Y/n* 'Kid go back to the ball room. Me and Jack need to talk with Ozpin.'

Y/n: "Right!" *quickly runs off and went back to the party* "Yusei, you think he will go okay."

Yusei: 'He's young, an Archfiend Dragon like himself will heal much  faster than your average human. Still though.' *The scene changes to Jack, healing his injuries while examining the weapon* 'Why was a Vessel of the Earthbound Immortals present here?'

Hogan: 'It's unlike you to be sloppy like that Jack.' *Jack rolls his eyes in irritation* 'What are you thinking about away..'

Jack: *examining the cards* "That woman... there was something familiar about her.... and I pray that I'm wrong...'

The three cards thrown at Jack

Hogan: 'Familiar... Wait you're praying.. Definitely something wrong if your praying.'

Jack: "We need to investigate some more.. You with me."

Hogan nods which the two quickly make their way into the Elevator to exit the tower and inform Ozpin of the intruder and their plan to catch her.

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