After the rain | ChanSung

By ZoyaBang

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With tears in his eyes, Jisung fixed his tie and took a deep breath. He tried to be strong, but when he took... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

100 9 0
By ZoyaBang

It was almost time. Not that Jisung would count the hours, what he did, but he at least tried not to let it be noticed.

Since he was at work, he couldn't constantly look at the clock, which he would have liked to do.

He knew that Chan was on the plane on his way to him right now and all he could do now was trying to concentrate on work.

He just mixed a drink for a blonde girl with far too long nails and artificial eyelashes when Hyunjin stood behind him and pressed himself against him.

"I'm sure Chan will do some other things with you later," he whispered in his ear, hit Jisung's butt and then walked away giggling.

Jisung's cheeks turned conspicuously red and he looked around inconspicuously.

Fortunately, the blonde in front of him had just been very busy flirting with the guy next to her and hadn't noticed anything about it.

Politely smiling, he put the two drinks in front of her and took the money.

"Jinnie, I don't feel like working anymore," Jisung complained and leaned against the older, who grinned at him mischievously.

"I understand. You finally want to be laid," he said in a seductive voice and then evaded Jisung's fist laughing.

"I can hardly believe that Jisung will have a boyfriend before me," said Minho and sighed gloomily.

"He doesn't have one yet. You still have a few hours to find one," Hyunjin said with a laugh.

"Someone should teach you behavior," Minho growled and sparkled angrily at Hyunjin.

"Try it," suddenly a deep voice said behind him.

Frightened, Minho turned around and froze when he saw Felix behind him. The blonde was younger than him and looked cute and harmless, but had already proven to Minho more than once that he could quite defend himself.

"Lix," Hyunjin squeaked and was about to jump over the counter and pull his boyfriend to him.

Jisung looked at the two with a smile. He could understand that it was difficult for Hyunjin to hold back. Just when he wanted to greet the younger one, a new customer stood at the bar.

With a smile, Jisung turned to the young man and froze.

"Hey... I would like to have sex on the beach.. with you," said the blonde in front of him to me with a seductive voice and almost took him off with his eyes.

Jisung squeezed his eyes and clenched his teeth, but couldn't stop squeaking.

If he could have, he would have kicking with his feet in the air, but all he had to do was hold on to the counter.

Almost instantly, he opened his eyes again and stared at Chan. The older one looked stunning in his suit and Jisung couldn't turn his eyes away from him.

"Hi Chan," he finally whispered. He remembered very well that he had sent the pictures from the shower to the older the night before and now wondered what the hell he had been thinking.

Chan grinned at him and sat down on the bar stool. He noticed that he was unsettling the younger, but since he didn't look like it was really bothering him, Chan stayed where he was.

They had actually arranged to see each other when Jisung's and Hyunjin's shift were over, but apparently the two hadn't told the truth. Which meant that they had planned to surprise them.

"But you already know that we have to work for about another hour?" Hyunjin asked and looked quite unhappy about it.

"Yeah is fine. We'll wait for you at the table over there. Minho can bring us the drinks," Felix said with a grin and pulled Chan with him.

Minho looked after him and rolled his eyes. "Hurry, I also have to serve other tables."

"Does Chan really drink sex on the beach?" Jisung asked thoughtfully.

"No. They both drink gin tonic," Hyunjin said grinning and already handed Minho the drinks, while Jisung was still watching Chan and Felix.

"Why does he look so damn handsome?" he murmured more to himself, but Hyunjin had heard him.

"God you're really whipped for him. I've never seen you like this before," he said giggling and secretly gave a shot to the younger one.

Since Jisung felt damn insecure, it seemed like a good idea to drink some courage.

He toasted to the older one and then tipped down the shot.

"Another one," he murmured.

Grinning, Hyunjin poured him the next shot and then took care of the two guys standing in front of him.

Jisung watched Minho place the drinks in front of Chan and Felix and then returned to him and Hyunjin.

"Jinnie, I don't want to work anymore!" Jisung complained. He leaned against the elder and wrapped his arms around him.

"Continue like this and he will be right back out of jealousy anyway," Hyunjin whispered and then gently bit his ear.

Jisung looked over to Chan and Felix again and while Felix curled with laughter, Chan looked somehow unhappy.

"Don't do that," Jisung said laughing and pushed the elder away.

"I don't know why I like working with you. You guys are abnormally cute together," Minho sighed and leaned against the bar.

"It's just about making Chan a little jealous," Hyunjin murmured conspiratorially and winked at him.

"Yes, I know.. you are still cute together.. I also want a boyfriend," Minho murmured and seemed somehow depressed.

"I always thought you would get together with Jeongin," said Jisung, shrugged his shoulders and gave Minho a shot.

"Jeongin? He is like a little brother to me," Minho replied with a smile and shook his head.

"Oh oh, I think we made him angry... Minho, withdrawal!" Hyunjin murmured with a grin and disappeared with Minho to the back of the bar.

Jisung turned around to see what Hyunjin meant and saw Chan standing in front of him.

"I think maybe I should better go home.. I'm pretty knocked out," said Chan and seemed kind of sad.

"If you... if you wait a little longer, I would like to come with you...," Jisung murmured. His heart beat so fast that it hurt and he cursed Hyunjin for what he had done.

"But you.. Hyunjin..."

Jisung had to smile when he heard the confusion in Chan's voice. "Babe... he just wanted to make you jealous. He just wanted to push the whole thing between us a little," he said with a grin.

Chan blinked in surprise. "Babe...?"

"Are you staying a little longer? Then we can talk when I'm done here."

Chan still nodded a little confused, turned around and went back to Felix.

"Your boyfriend is the devil!" he growled at Felix and let himself fall on the bench next to him.

"Yes, he has quite a nasty vein in him," Felix said with a grin. "You should have seen your face when Jinnie bit his ear."

"Haha very funny," Chan murmured and still had to laugh. "Dumbass..."

Meanwhile, Jisung already started cleaning up the bar. Hyunjin hesitantly came back to him and didn't even dodge Jisung's fist.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset him," he murmured and pulled Jisung into his arm.

"I forgive you... after all, I would have gone crazy without you in the last two weeks," said Jisung and had to smile. "In addition, you took these insane pictures of me, how could I be angry with you."

"You shouldn't my handsome, I just want your best," Hyunjin said with a grin, let go of the younger one and helped him clean up.

When the lights in the club where turned on shortly afterwards and the Security wanted to kick Chan and Felix out, Jisung stopped him.

"The two belong to us," he said, and after the security guy gave him a thoughtful look, he shrugged his shoulders and went to send the other guests out.

"So, we just have to get our things and then we can go," Hyunjin said and yawned while Jisung looked undecided at Chan.

"We'll be right back," he said and pulled Hyunjin with him to the break room. "Jinnie, what should I do now?"

Grinning, Hyunjin pulled his bag out of his compartment. "You will now go home with him and let yourself be laid."

"But Jinnie... I... I've never..." Jisung murmured uncertainly and kneaded his fingers restlessly.

Hyunjin stared at him with raised eyebrows. "You've never had sex before?!"

Jisung bit his lower lip and shook his head.

"Then you should tell him that and you will take it slowly," Hyunjin said, shrugging his shoulders. "He will understand that. And he is certainly incredibly loving."

Jisung sat down and his heart beat insanely fast. He tried to take a deep breath and calm down.

"You can also just send him home and sleep in your bed."

But Jisung didn't want that either. So he took a deep breath again, took his bag and followed Hyunjin.

Felix and Chan were already waiting for them at the door, guarded by the security.

"Let's go home," Felix said with a smile, said goodbye to Chan and Jisung and pulled Hyunjin with him. "See you later."

Chan and Jisung looked after the two for a moment and then looked at each other a little undecided.

"Hi handsome," Chan muttered and hold his hand out to Jisung.

"Hi..." Jisung said quietly and grabbed Chan's hand. He felt incredibly insecure. Because although he had texted with him for the last two weeks, he became aware again that he had seen him first.

"Do we want to... do we want to drive to my apartment...?" Chan finally asked and sounded somehow insecure.

"Uhm yes...", suddenly Jisung was no longer quite sure whether the alcohol had been the best idea. He was a little dizzy.

"Okay then come..." said Chan and pulled Jisung with him.

The most different thoughts collided in his head and finally he had to giggle about how insecure he felt.

"Hmm?" asked Chan, who just opened the car door for him.

"I feel so insecure right now... as if I hadn't sent you pictures of me naked in the shower yesterday... and as if we hadn't slept arm in arm... as if I hadn't felt as safe in your arms as I haven't been in a long time," he said, shaking his head in disbelief and leaning against Chan.

Chan wrapped his arms around the younger and pulled him to himself. "I also feel insecure... You are the first one for whom I really feel more and for whom I would take the risk of being caught."

"Risk?" Jisung asked in amazement and looked at Chan confused.

"Sit in and I'll explain it to you."

Confused, Jisung nods and sat down in the passenger seat.

After Chan had circled the car, he dropped into the driver's seat and smiled at Jisung a little uncertainly.

"I... after I came here to become a trainee, I had to sign a contract.. we are not allowed to date anyone. It's like that in our contract... and so far I've never met anyone where I thought he was worth it... until I met you..," Chan explained quietly as he looked rigidly at the street.

"Wow... and what happens when they find out...?" Jisung asked quietly.

"That's not important," Chan murmured and looked at Jisung for a moment.

"Hmm, we will talk about that..." said Jisung and then leaned back yawning. He closed his eyes for a moment and only woke up again when a hand lay on his arm.

"We are here," Chan said quietly.

Together they got out and stood at the door of Chan's apartment shortly afterwards.

"Come in," Chan said, smiling lovingly at Jisung.

Smiling, Jisung went into the apartment in front of Chan and took off his jacket and shoes.

"I would really like to eat something with you and watch a movie or something, but actually I'm incredibly tired...," Jisung murmured crunched and looked at Chan apologizingly.

"I'm also quite tired... and would actually really like to go to bed after a quick shower."

Jisung nodded with relief. "Okay, then we could both take a quick shower and then go to bed?"

"Sounds good."

He pulled Jisung with him towards the bathroom.

"Do you have a shirt for me that I can wear to sleep?" Jisung asked with a grin.

Chan nodded and went into his bedroom while Jisung disappeared in the bathroom. He made a lot of effort to hurry and finished showering less than ten minutes later.

When it knocked quietly on the door, he had just wrapped a towel around his hip.

"Come in."

Chan came in and stretched out a black shirt towards him. "Let's meet in bed?" he asked and complained hesitantly.

"Yes, definitely!" said Jisung, smiling tiredly.

After putting on the shirt and shorts and rubbing his hair dry, he lay down in Chan's bed and snuggled up in the thick blanket.

Shortly afterwards, Chan also came into the room in a shirt and shorts and turned off the lights.

"May I come to that?" he asked.

"Of course. After all, it's your bed," Jisung murmured and slipped a little to the side.

Smiling, Chan climbed into bed and stayed a bit away from Jisung.

"Channie... I'm sorry to tell you that, but I can't sleep like that..." Jisung whispered and after hesitating for a moment he slipped closer to Chan until he finally lay in his arm.

Satisfied and overjoyed smiling, Chan closed his eyes.

Just to reopen it a few moments later. Jisung had taken the first step and Chan couldn't help but think about the next one.

When he noticed that the younger one was watching him attentively, he took a deep breath and finally put his lips on Jisung's.

The kiss was hesitant and gentle and yet it shook Jisung's world properly.

He had reflexively closed his eyes and opened them again when Chan finally detached himself from him.

"So, I think I can sleep now...," Chan murmured and smiled overjoyed at Jisung.

"I think so too. Sleep well, Channie."

"Sleep well, baby," Chan murmured, pulled Jisung closer to him and closed his eyes with satisfaction.


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