Billionaire Villainess (Unedi...

By HighInCoco

51.9K 2.2K 280

AN 2/16/24: I am taking this story more seriously now due to the amount of attention. So I will be writing lo... More

Death (Edited 12/25/23)
New Appearance (Edited 12/25/23)
The Memories (12/25/23)
Her Options (Edited 12/25/23)
Meeting the Wellesters ( Edited 12/25/23)
She Messed Up (Edited 12/25/23)
Judgement (Edited 12/25/23)
Computer (Edited 1/18/24)
Orientation (Edited 12/25/23)
Annoyance (Edited 12/25/23)
Meeting (Edited 12/25/23)
Pushing To Her Limit (Edited 1/3/24)
Plan Failed (Edited 1/3/24)
The Fifth Male Lead (Edited 1/18/24)
Club ( Edited 1/17/24)
Accepted (Kind of) (Edited 1/18/24)
Private Talk
They Are Actually Not Bad
Project Idea (Edited 2/29/24)
Phone Call With Her "Dad"
The Vandersons (Edited 3/1/24)
Boys And Girls Together
Thrills, Twinkies, and Tension
Splitting Up
Ferris Wheel
The End of A Fun Day
The Project: Planning
Allowance Cut
Job Searching
The Project: Design pt. 1
The Project: Design pt. 2
What Is She Up To? (Gabriel)
What Is She Up To? (Verona)


1K 60 13
By HighInCoco

Why is she here?!!! Gabriel thought wildly.

Upon a closer look, he can also see that Judith is not alone in the neighboring ferris wheel cart.

He couldn't completely see the other person's face, but he can tell from the form of their body seems to be a guy.

Is that a guy with her?! What the hell?!She is already with another guy after what she did to me and embarrassing me in front of my parents?!!

"Gabe, you've been looking out the window for some time. Have you seen something interesting out there?" Verona asked curiously.

Startled, Gabriel whirled his head away from the glass panel in a panic.

"NO! There is nothing interesting out there!" He exclaimed a bit too loudly, his heart racing with a mix of shock, confusion, and anger. "Just some random people. Let's just focus on us, okay?"

Verona frowned, sensing Gabriel's agitation. "Okay, if you say so," she replied, a hint of concern in her voice.

Gabriel forced a smile, trying to shake off his unease. "Yeah, sorry about that. Let's just enjoy our time together," he said, pulling Verona closer to him and trying to push aside the unsettling sight of Judith and the mysterious guy from his mind.

Unexpectedly, Gabriel couldn't shake off the sudden feeling of betrayal and resentment that surged within him as he continued to ride the ferris wheel with Verona by his side.

The ride finally ended a few minutes later. Everyone began to get off the ferris wheel.

As among the ones ahead, Gabriel and his new fiancee stepped off then...

They were followed by Judith and Zayden.

When Judith lifted her head from watching her feet, she didn't expect to accidentally make eye contact with one of the very people she despises:


"The f*ck!" She exclaimed under her breath with a mixture of surprise and annoyance.

Verona gasped in shock, "Sister, I did not expect you to be here!"

"This is a newly opened amusement park. Of course I would be here," Judith deadpanned.

With clenched fists, Gabriel stepped forward.

"Don't you talk to Verona that way Judith! Did you follow us here?!" He asked her angrily.

I am literally just talking normally here! The f*ck are you on about?! I guess you needed more than a slap from me!

Judith is ready to give him a good punch, or worse, kick him on his soft spot.

"No! Why would I follow you Gabriel? I came here with my friends!" She replied defensively.

"I think you are lying! You came here to either spy on us, or try to make me jealous! Maybe even both!" The generic 1st male lead said accusingly, pointing at her and Zayden.

"Sister...don't tell me you are trying to break us apart?" Said Verona tearfully.

Are you kidding me?! Really, the crocodile tears?! I didn't even do anything to you! Judith thought, exasperated.

You are both unnecessarily dramatic and dumb!

Her left eye started twitching when she gets really annoyed.

She will not be dragged into the plot of this world. She will live the way she wants on her own terms.

As she was about to tell them off, Zayden unexpectedly stepped foward.

He stood toe to toe with Gabriel. They are practically the same height, with Zayden maybe a bit taller.

For some reason, Gabriel sees him as a threat.

Zayden's expression is calm when he spoke. "Judith didn't come here to spy on you or make you jealous, Gabriel," he interjected firmly. "We're just here to have a good time, like everyone else. There's no need for unnecessary accusations."

Judith glanced at Zayden, surprised by his defense. She nodded in silent gratitude, appreciating his support in the unexpected confrontation.

Verona looked between them, her expression confused. "But... why are you here with Judith?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Zayden glanced at Judith briefly before turning back to Verona. "We're just friends that are here to have a good time," he replied calmly. "There's nothing more to it."

"Nothing more to it?!" Gabriel reiterated in disbelief,"You both seems awfully close to be just that!"

Judith blinked when she heard that.

"Excuse me?" She said, her tone disbelieving.

"And where the did you get that idea?" Inquired Zayden suspiciously, arms crossed with a raised eyebrow.

"I-" Gabriel stopped himself from admitting that he saw the two together back at the ferris wheel.

"Gabriel, please," Verona interjected with a worried expression, her voice pleading. "Let's not make a scene."

Gabriel turned his gaze to Verona, his expression softening momentarily before hardening again as he faced Judith and Zayden. "No, Verona, I need to know the truth," he insisted, his voice tinged with frustration and hurt. "Judith, after everything that happened between us, how could you just move on so quickly?"

Judith tries not to burst out in laughter.

I can't. I just can't. This is getting ridiculous.

This kid is already jumping into conclusions. My soul is too old to deal with this sh*t.

"You know, I don't need to explain anything to you," She countered, "Whatever I do and whoever I hang out with is none of your business. We are no longer associated with each other, so I won't waste my breath on you." She walk forward until she stood between Zayden and Gabriel.

Although a head shorter, she confidently faces the 1st male lead.

"I'll only say one more thing to you Gabriel. You. Are. Irrelevant." She worded out to him.

"I-Irrelevant?!" Gabriel echoed, his voice barely above a whisper, the word landing like a blow to his ego.

"Judith, that is such a mean thing to say!" Verona exclaimed, "Please apologize to Gabriel! He doesn't mean any harm!"

Judith ignored her, gaze unwavering on the Edward Cullen wannabe.

"That's right. You heard me," she affirmed, her tone resolute. "You're a chapter of my past that I've closed. Now, if you'll excuse us, Zayden and I have a park to enjoy. I am not going waste anymore precious time."

With that, Judith turned on her heel, taking Zayden's hand to his surprise as they walked away, leaving Gabriel standing there, stunned and speechless.

Verona reached out to Gabriel, her touch gentle as she squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Let's go," she said softly. "We don't need to be around people like them."

Gabriel nodded numbly, his mind still reeling from Judith's words. As they walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling of being dismissed, of no longer mattering to someone he once thought loved him with her entire being.

As they walked away from the confrontation, Judith realized that she took Zayden's hand without permission and immediately let go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Zayden for grabbing your hand!" She quickly apologizes.

"It's alright," he reassured her.

They resumed their trek through the park. Instead of Judith pulling him, the two walk together side by side.

"You handled that really well back there," he said, breaking the awkward silence.

Judith glanced at him, "Thanks," she replied, feeling a sense of validation in Zayden's words. "Honestly, I'm just tired of dealing with unnecessary drama. Especially from people like them."

Zayden nodded in understanding. "I get it," he said, his tone sympathetic. "But still, it takes guts to stand up to someone like Gabriel."

Judith's smile widened at his compliment. "Well, if you mean because he came from a really powerful family, I honestly don't care about it," she said, humorously. "But seriously, thanks for defending my honor, I appreciate it." She joked.

"Anytime," said Zayden with a smirk, amused by her sarcastic tone. "And for the record, I'm not just saying that because of his family background. You handled yourself with grace and confidence, and that's something to be admired."

Judith felt warm at Zayden's words, "Thanks, Zayden," she said sincerely. "That means a lot to me."

It looks like they will become great friends.

Note: I will be back to the serious stuff in a couple chapters where the the characters will start the creation of Metube.

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