The Amazing Spider-Man of You...

By MartyMcMe1

184K 5.5K 1.2K

After the death of Gwen Stacy, Peter hadn't had the courage to become a hero again. Meanwhile, the Justice L... More

Chapter 1: Last Seen 4 Months Ago
Chapter 2: Watching Spidey vs Electro
Chapter 3: Who Is Gwen Stacy To You?
Chapter 4: Meeting The Boys
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Hold On To Hope
Another Robot?
Losing Your Touch?
A Final Push
The Jungle and A VERY Old Friend
The Wolverine
Breaking In
The results SO FAR
Working Together
What's to come?
A SHOCKING Encounter
The Victor, Until Tomorrow!!
A Heist
The Amazing AMAZO
Moving In
School and Exes
Getting through School
Guilt And Grief
Old And New Foes
Gotham 2.0
A Favor
A Familiar Infiltrator
Protection Services and Opening up
Snuck In
The Supreme Sorcerers
A Whole Lot Stranger
Why I Never Had Kids
Open Your Eye
Too Many Sorcerers
The Black goo
I Want To Help
2 Unlikely Rivalries
Scorpion vs Spider-Man
The Contact
An Alien Therapy Session
Scorpion vs Spider-Man
Martian Meet Symbiote
Harry vs Peter
The Osborn Curse
Help From A Friend
2 Problems Dealt in 1 Day
Something Added
A New Mission
Xavier's School For The Gifted
Team Briefing
Kitty Pryde And Time
The Future
Breaking Out A Rogue
Little Bit of Trouble With A Rogue
Getting Out
A Plane Ride With Magneto
Stopping An Assassination
Erik Goes Rogue
The Mind
Raven's Plan
Final battle
A Choice
The Future Is Never Truly Set
A Step To The Truth
The Osborn Apple Might Not Fall far
Spider-Man vs Prowler Rematch
The Big Man vs Spider-Man
Beaten And Bruised
School For Aliens
Spider-Man Talks To An Osborn
A Vampire's Lair
The Secrets of Count Morbius
Confronting Harry Osborn
Ambush At Mount Justice
Artemis To The Rescue
Battle For The Symbiote
Felicia Hardy
Alpha Male
Not A Team
Savage Animals
Fighting Monkeys
Spider-Man and Rogue
A Date With Artemis
A Wonderful Date
The Baxter Building
The Fantastic Four
A Crash Landing
First enemies
The Stranger
The Inhuman
The Kingdom
The Ambush
Big Change
A Concerned Parent
The Injustice League
A Battle In A Swamp

The Deal

618 23 2
By MartyMcMe1

Brooklyn; September 22nd; 19:52 EDT

The team flew across the sky in M'gann's flying ship. All of them were geared up and prepared. This was probably one of their most important missions yet. If the symbiote got out, who knows what damage it could cause.

Artemis had refilled her quiver. Robin's cape was back and he had his gadgets resupplied as well. They had all had enough time to heal up.

Artemis looked to her left and saw Spider-Man with his mask off. He had it in his hands and looked down at it. She noticed he was clearly thinking hard about something. She moved her chair closer to him, "You alright?" she asked.

He glanced up at her then back down at the mask, "I don't know what I'm gonna do tonight." he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." He turned his chair towards her, "The symbiote can cure Harry. All his problems could go away in an instant if I can just get the symbiote and hand it to him..."

"And what's the problem?"

"M'gann didn't tell you already? The alien species the symbiote is is capable of destroying this world. And that's just what one of them can do..."

"So you know what could happen if you give the symbiote to Harry, but you wanna do it anyway?"

"No." He sighed, "We don't know exactly what would happen if a symbiote bonded with a human. Problem is, is it's too... unpredictable on what could happen. I... I don't want my best friend to die..."

She could see his eyes tearing up. She put a hand on his, "I may not have been on the team for very long or known you for very long... but I can tell you'll make the right choice. Whatever it will be." He finally looked up at her and she gave him a reassuring smile, "You'll figure it out."

The two of them stared into each other's eyes for a couple seconds. In that moment it was just the two of them. Artemis noticed how close the two of them were and quickly backed up, blushing.

Peter let out a huff then put his mask back on. He faced forward again. Now's the time, Pete. You've been wanting to do this forever.

He leaned towards her, "Hey, Artemis?"

"Yeah?" She replied, not sharing a glance with him.

"I was wondering... It might be awkward to ask now, but..." She finally looked at him, "Uhhh... You maybe wanna go out sometime?"

Her eyes widened, "You're right. This is an awkward time to ask."

"I just thought I wouldn't really have any time to ask after this and it would just be weird..."

"Then again if you were to ask me after this anyway it would still be weird."

He let out an awkward laugh, "Haha... Yeah... Well sorry if-

Artemis quickly spun towards him and put her hands up to stop him, "No, no, no. It's alright... Uhhh..." She looked around and noticed that the entire team quickly turned away when they saw that they noticed their staring. She looked back at Peter, "Yeah... I don't see why no." she finally told him. 

Spider-Man gave a wide smile and M'gann suddenly yelled out, "Finally!"

Spider-Man burst out in laughter and Artemis faced forward again, trying to ignore his laughter.

Robin chimed in, "You have no idea how long we've been waiting for you to do that." 

Artemis sighed, "Okay, can we move on now before I think this is a bad idea!"

Everyone went silent and faced the front of them again. "We're a couple seconds away. Get ready." Kaldur announced.

Artemis and Spider-Man shared a look and gave a small smile.

They finally made it to above the the warehouse, completely invisible. The backdoor opened and each of them leaped out. Each took their positions in different areas around the warehouse.

Spider-Man, Robin and Kaldur hid above the warehouse, peeking through the large roof windows.

M'gann hid above the entrance of the warehouse, completely invisible. She kept a lookout for Kingpin and Harry to arrive.

Superboy and Kid Flash hid inside one of the nearby buildings, ready to leap out and attack at any sight of if something went wrong.

And Artemis hid on the top of one of the nearby towers with her bow at the ready. 

M'gann then caught sight of a continues row of lights appearing on the road from multiple sides. She leaned closer and realized multiple cars were driving right towards the warehouse from different sides. "They're coming. Get ready." She told everyone in their minds and flew into the sky. All the heroes got into a spot where they could see the arrival of Harry and the Kingpin, but without being seen.

Car after car arrived through the gates. They each parked around the complex with some cars stopping right outside the gates to keep watch. After all the cars had found their place, a man finally stepped out one of the cars. He was wearing a pure shite buttoned up suit with a Hawaiian shirt. He also had on a white fedora and a cane.

"Kingpin." Spider-Man said.

He adjusted his jacket and then looked at one of the other black vans before making his way towards it. Then the door opened and out of it walked... Peter couldn't utter his name.

"Harry." M'gann said as she hovered above the air.

He had a cane of his own to help him stand up. He was looking even worse. It looked like every step he took gave him even more and more agony. Harry walked towards the kingpin and looked up at the man towering above him with no fear at all, "Shall we?" he asked.

Kingpin nodded and extended his hand towards the inside of the warehouse. Harry, accompanied by his own personal guards, walked inside the building. One of them had a briefcase in hand.

The doors opened and a car followed them inside the building. "Anyone got sign of the symbiote?" Connor asked.

M'gann got as close as possible, but found nothing, "Nada." she told them.

"Could Kingpin be tricking him?" Artemis asked.

"I've seen guys like Kingpin before. One thing is they'll always hold out on a deal. he's just hiding it." Robin replied.

Eventually, Harry with a large group of his own guards were standing around him. His servant was holding the briefcase beside him now. Kingpin stood a couple feet opposite of Harry with an even larger amount of guards behind him. Kingpin had a smug smile on his face and Harry glared at him, "So are we going to get this over with or what?"

"You uphold the agreement?" Kingpin asked.

Harry looked over at his butler and he held up the briefcase. He unlocked the case hesitantly and inside was the deeds and contract to Oscorp, "You wanna own Oscorp? Just sign..." Harry then let out a painful cough. 

Kingpin gave an amusing chuckle, "You seem healthy." he mocked. 

Harry glared at the man and the butler shut the briefcase, "You have my symbiote? Or did you find a way this favored only you again?" he replied.

Kingpin's smile dropped, "Bring her out." he said. A guard walked over to the car that drove in with them and opened it. Suddenly, a woman was pushed out of it.

M'gann's, Spider-Man's, and Robin's eyes all widened when they saw her silver white hair and skin-tight black leather suit and jacket.

"FELICIA??" They all questioned in unison.

She had the symbiote in hand, but not willingly. She had a metal collar on her neck and had some sort of gauntlets around her hands, attached to a silver metal container with glass windows on it. It was the symbiote...

The black liquid shot around the container, trying to free itself, but there was no avail.

Black Cat had an angered look on her face as well as a couple of bruises. "Push me again and you won't have a hand to push me with." she threated the guard.

Kingpin then tapped his cane on the ground and a guard pulled out a button. He pressed it and the collar around Black Cat's neck suddenly sent out an electrical charge, causing her to drop to her knees and yell in agony, "I'm really gonna find whoever makes these things and put it on his neck." 

The guard pushed her head forward, "Move." he ordered.

She chuckled, "Alright. You're on my list." She said as she stood up, "And don't believe I won't find you." She glanced over her shoulder at him, "I have a photographic memory, honey. So I will." The man then gulped at her words and a shock was sent through her collar again. This time, she groaned annoyingly after it ended, "ALRIGHT!! I'm going." she said then began to make her way towards Kingpin's side.

"Well..." Robin began, "This just got a lot more interesting..."

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