Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(...

By HappySoup156

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Isn't just fun being stuck with piles opf homework and stressing yourself 24/7? Today Courtney is going to ta... More

Wait....WHAT (Chapter 1)
Year Wha- (Chapter 2)
Kaguya's moon (Chapter 3)
Daily run (Chapter 4)
Cops and Robbers (Chapter 5)
New People (Chapter 6)
King Of What?! (Chapter 7)
Gunshot (Chapter 8)
Chapter of memes (Chapter 9)
CAR RIDE (Chapter 10)
Babysitting (Chapter 11)
Bet (Chapter 12)
The Fight (Chapter 13)
Lady in the Ballroom (Chapter 14)
Action #1
Nightmares (Chapter 15)
A Talk (Chapter 16)
Night (Chapter 17)
Aurthors NOTE
A child of somebody (Chapter 18)
What the countryhumans you havn't seen look like
The Compass (Chapter 19)
:) didn't expect this
Football (Chapter 20)
Appointments (Chapter 22 )
Memories (Chapter 23)
Just The Begaining (Chapter 24)
New School Same Me (Chapter 25)
Class fight (Chapter 26)
Action #2
Eyes (Chapter 27)
Choose a book Cover
The Truth (Chapter 28)
Other Family (Chapter 29)
A Family Betrayal(Chapter 30)
No name(Chapter 31)
Home (Chapter 32)

Unexpected Phone call (Chapter 21)

38 1 2
By HappySoup156

(3rd person POV)

G.E doesn't know what to do, he just warmed Courtney up and now she turned back into an ice cube.

"She is freezeing again." said G.E

"What do you mean?" asked R.E "I just saw you warm her up plus your coat is on her."

"Ich weiß nicht."(I don't know) said G.E "Something is up, should we take her to a hospital vater?" (Father)

Prussia thought for a moment then shook his head. They were almost back home, HRE and A.E can help better than strange doctors. The drive was silent and by now Courtney have three coats on her, R.E's coat was the warmest and Prussia 's coat was on top of it. Even with all the three country's coats she is still shivering and cold, the three country's though she might be sick. Their house soon came to veiw, they woke up Rectangle and told him they have arrived. Rectangle was about to get up but then he saw Courtney under R.E, G.E and Pruissia's coats. Rectnagle removed the layerd coats and unbuckled them, he woke Courtney up saying that its time to go. Courtney got out the car holding the thre three coats, and just to tell you they are heavy. Rectangle tried to help carrying it, but Courtney said that she can handle it and she did. Courtney went to the three countries and handed them back their things, R.E took his coat back and wrapped it around Courtney. The weight of the Russian country's coat was hard to walk normal with it, to R.E it's just a normal coat but to Courtney is felt like carring a bag full of bricks. Rectangle picked her up and carried her into the house, the door was unlocked since no one is dumb enought to even enter a country's house. Rectangle entered the living room and set her down next to Ottoman and HRE.

"Hey isn't that R.E's coat?" asked Ottoman

"Yeah it is." said Courtney "But I don't know why he put it on me, I don't feel cold or anything."

"You don't feel cold?" questioned G.E.

"No, I don't feel cold right now."

"But in the car you were freezeing!" said G.E "I felt you hand and it was cold like a ice cube."

Otto asked if he can touch her hand, Courtney allows it and when the country placed his hands over her hand it numbed his fingers somehow. She was indeed colder than Anarctica itself, Ottoman asked G.E if she needs to see a doctor. Courtney heard the word doctor and the memory of the crazy one trying to insert needles in her was back. G.E was thinking about it, but he asked if HRE could help her. HRE said that he doesn't know if he can fully help Courtney to bring her back a normal temperture. While the older countries were talking, Courtney's eyes wandered around the room. She then spotted a woman in a light blue dress with some flowers on it. It was Dorthey

"Hello Courtney." greeted Dorthey "I want to ask if you can play a song for me today, its a specaial day for me."

"Sure why not, its kinda boring listening to them talk." giggled Courtney

Dorthey walked upstairs and Courtney followed, she neatly folded R.E's coat and placed it on the couch. She followed Dorthey upstairs and into the ballroom, Rectangle saw her going upstairs and also followed her. He saw Courtney entering the small ball room and the door closed behind her, he stood infront of the door and listened. He heard Courtney's voice and then another woman's voice that he never heard.

"So what is the special day of yours today?" asked Courtney

"My husband came and he said that he would want me to go to a dance with him." said Dorthey

"That's great, he visted you?"

"No, he just called." repiled Dorthey "He said that he was really busy and want to make up for lost time."

"Well its good that he didn't forget about you." said Courtney

"Yeah." said Dorthey

"What song do you want me to play?" Courtney ask

"Any is fine." said Dorthey

Courtney lifted the piano cover and sat on the chair, Dorthey was sitting on a chair with a cup of tea in her hands. Courtney played a slowly and relaxing song for her friend, on the other side of the door Rectangle was also listening. Her melody almost put him to sleep, Rectangle was not a country that word sleep, he barely even sleeps. Everynight when is G.E passed out on his bed Rectangle would watch him, or stoll around the house of boredom. Courtney finished her song and closed the lid of the piano. Dorthey clapped for her porformace and told her that she played very well, they embraced eacother for a moment. Rectangle then started to hear the woman's voice again, this time he heard it well and clear.

"Courtney, I was thinking about going back to France and I would like to take you with me." said Dorthey "Would you like to come with me?"

Courtney was silent for a moment, is she actually going to France!? This is a once in a life time oppertunity, France us one of the countries Courtney wanted to go. Before she can respond the door to the small ballroom was opened, and she saw Rectangle standing infront of the door.


(Courtney's POV)

"Hi Rectangle!" I said "Do you need something?"

"Courtney dear who is this?" asked Dorthey "I have never seen him around."

"Okay so Dorthey meet Rectangle, Rectangle Dorthey." I said

Rectangle looked at me as if I was crazy, he didn't move an inch as Dorthey bowed to him. Rectangle seems to ignore Dorthey's apearance, he just stared at me.

"I need you to come with me." he said

He guestured toward the door and let me go befor him just like when he found me hanging on the ceiling. I told Dorthey that I would think and about it and said goodbye to her, she waved by and then was blocked by Rectangle. I walked out the room as she closed the door behind him, I slide down the stairs because its better and more fun than walking down the steps. Rectangle was chasing after me, scared for me falling off. I was sliding over the couch and I got the best idea that would scare Rectangle out of his mind. I gave him a salute and fell over just like the window trick, he started to yelled when I dropped down, I landed on the couch as the other countries looked up at Rectangle.

"Courtney are you okay?!" yelled Rectangle "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN."

"No promises buddy." I said.

"What happend?" asked Prussia

"She fell off the stairs railing while sliding on it and landed on the couch." said Rectangle

"Thats not it." I said "I gave you a salute and then fell off."

Prussia gave me a dispointing look, Rectangle got down the stairs and stood next to me. He gave me a glare and I saw him take his belt off and I made a dash for it, I hid under R.E's cape.

R.E didn't mind me doing so, Rectangle saw me peaking behind from R.E. His belt was in his hands, I clutched on to R.E's clothes for my dear life as he came closer to me. R.E was confuse on why Rectangle was coming towards him and when he looked down he saw me hiding behind him. Rectangle charged at me and right at the last second I got out of R.E's cape, Rectangle couldn't slow down in time and crashed into R.E. I laughed as they both fell over, A-H and Otto joined in as Prussia pinched his nose ridge. R.E and Rectangle started to get into an small argument, G.E and Bulgaria came to seperate the two apart. 

"Stop fighting like childerens." Said Bularia

Then my phone started to ring, I didn't put my phone in silent mode so everyone heard it. I quickly took it out and read who is calling me, the caller was unknown. I pressed end call but my thumb was selling and I picked up the call instead. 

"Courtney? Hello is this you?" asked the caller. 

NO WAY THAT IS ERICK'S VOICE. The countries stopped arguing and listened to the caller was kept calling my name. I told Prussia that I'll be right back and rushed upstairs ignoring the other's words, I closed my bedroom door behind me. 

"Erick is that you?!" I shouted 

"Uh duh, hey so turns outs I was enrolled to a school were we don't get half of our summer time to go out." I heard him say "Sorry I couldn't call sooner, my parents took away my phone." 

"It's okay, Erick" I said  

I heard him sniffle, is he crying? Maybe his parents yelled at him. 

"So um where are you?" he asked

"You won't believe me if I tell you." I said 

"Nah, try me." 

I told him eveything and he listend to everyword I said. At the end of my long story he summerized it. 

"So you are saying that you fell in a cave, and it brought to back like hundred years ago and the people have flags for their faces?"

"Just the rulers, not the civains they are grey and have their native flags on their cheeks." I said 

"And you think your mom had also been here?" 


"I see, this has to be crazy for you right?" He asked "With dangerouse countries living with you and all." 

"Its alright, but I think there is something going on around here." I said

 "Why don't you just leave?" 

"I can't, they are keeping me in here." 

"Dang, well if you are bored you can vist your friend Dorthey or Alex." said Erick 

"They locked both of the rooms, I can't get in." I said

"How many days till your birthday?" asked Erick

"Three more days and I'll be 14 like you." 

I also told him about the compass with my mother's name on it, Erick told me to keep it close by my side. I felt my pockets and the compass was still in it, I thanked Erick and told him that I'll call him back. He wished me luck and then the call ended, if felt nice that he didn't abandon me yet. I unlocked the door and sliped my phone in my pockets. I jumped down the stair railing and landed on the couch beside R.E, he jumped away and noticed that I jumped from the stairs. He then scolded me twice, one for getting him in trouble and the other is that I was doing life taking stunts. After a few more minutes of scolding I want to see Alex, I went to the kitchen and went to the suppily room, it was locked. I saw that Prussia locked it and put it in the the locked drawer in the living room, I went back out and went to the drawer. Somehow its now unlocked and I opend it there were stacked papers and a few keys, they were all labled so I took the one with the suppily room tag on it. I went back to the kitchen and unlocked the door, I got a beer bottle from the fridge and went down there. 

"Alex hellooo? you there?" I shouted for his name

"Hi Courtney, what are you doing here?" asked Alex

I hugged him, and gave him the bottle of beer. He thanked me and gulped it down, soon we talked for a bit before hearing the countries saying that its dinner time. I said good bye and went up the stairs, I went out the suppily room and returnd the key to its home.     

"And where did you go, young lady?" asked a thick german voice behind me. 

I turned around and saw Rectangle behind me, he then saw the key in my hand. 

"How did you get that?" he asked

"From the drawer, becuase you guys locked Alex down in the suppily room by himself." I said "So I went down there and visted him."

"Courtney there is literaly no one in that room." 

"Haha very funny buddy." I said "Come on its time to eat."  


Dinner was nice, I was sitting between R.E and Rectangle. The food was served and we all ate, we all talked and played card games. Everyone drank their own kind of alcohol execpt for me, but I'll get my way soon. There was a unclaimed full bottle of beer on the table, and out anyone noticing I took it and opend the bottle cap making a loud pop. R.E looked over at me for a split second before turning away, I was glad that he didn't noticed the bottle in my hands and as I was about to take a sip R.E turned back around. He took the bottle out of my hands, luckly some went into my mouth. 

"Spit it out." demanded R.E

I shook my head and swallowed the liquor, and then looked up to him.  

"Spit what out?" I asked and an evil smile apeard on my face.

R.E gave me a glare, Bulgaria who was next to him spoke up making his head turn towards him. I took this oppertunity and took the bottle out of the Empire's hand and started to drink as much as I can. The room was very cold so the alcohol was providing me body heat, but R.E had to yank it away from my hands. He ordered me it spit them out, but again I swallowed it too, Prussia who is sitting infront of me was watching the both of us. Rectangle took me away from the angery Russian Empire and placed me on his lap. I stared into R.E's eyes as Rectangle pats my head, R.E was holding in his frustration. I saw Soviet, Third and Weimar quieter than before, Weimar was sweating a bit while looking at my direction. What is wrong now, they were just talking and now they scared, why? I took my bowl of soup and ate it with a spoon, I noticed that Otto was also staring at me. Why are people staring at me like they never seen me before? I opened my mouth and ate the soup, Otto slowly nodded and finished his plate. As I took another bite out of the spoon of soup, I heard a metal sound. I took out the spoon and noticed that the spoon now has holes in it, did my teeth do this? I tugged on Rectangle's cloths which is litterly a drak grey military uniform and show him the spoon. He didn't question why there are holes in it and just got me a different one, this time I gentally used the spoon for my soup. I cautgh Otto wishpering to A-H next to me and now he is staring at me, I ignore the fact and I chatted with Third. Third asked his dad if he could leave the table since everyone finished their meal, G.E nodded and allowed the younger ones to go.

"Come on Courtney!" said Soviet

I excused myself from the table before thanking the chefs and went out and joined the boys.

 (Austria-Hungary's POV)

"Even though she doesn't have any parents she does have some kind of manners." 

I heard KoF say beside me, I nodded in agreement. The table was silent even Otto and Bulgeria weren't even talking anymore, is there something I missed that made everyone silent? Then I remember the words that Ottoman whispered to me and broke the silence. 

"I think we should make an appointment for her." I said

"What appointment?" asked R.E

"A dentist appointment." 

"Why? Something is wrong with her teeth?" asked America

I rubbed my rubbed my eyes which was covered by my eye patches. How can America be so numb, can't he see that Courtney have unusaul sharp teeth? Thank god Otto explained it to him, if it was me I would be yelling at him in 2 seconds. 

"She have very sharp teeth, have you not noticed?" asked Ottoman

"No?" said America "Why would I be looking at her mouth?" 

"Never mind." said Otto

Rectangle raised his hands and told us that she handed him a spoon saying that there are holes in them. He pulled out the spoon which he said that Courtney was using before, he tossed it to Prussia. He inspected it and passed it around, when it got to me I saw at least 5 holes through the spoon. Even the Greman family can't even bite holes into spoons, and they are the only family countries I know that have shark like teeth. I passed it to KoF, and after that she gave it to Luxumbroug. 

"I agree with A-H we should take her to a dentist." said Prussia 

"Should we ask her before hand?" said KoF "I want to know what she thinks." 

"Since when did you care about other's opinions?" asked France

I watched the drama between a mother and son unfold. Some actions would be nice since the converstaions were quiet boring. I took a sip of my liquor, I always see Courtney trying to take sips of alcohol. Is it really that good? 

"I am not answering that." I heard KoF say "I just care for her thats all." 

"You actually CARE ABOUT OTHER'S?" said France "And since when huh?" 

KoF stayed silent, since I didn't hear anything from her. I saw a blurry frown on KoF's face, Prussia cleared his throught and spoke up catching my atention. 

"You know, KoF is not the only country here that had changed." said Prussia

"Who else?" asked Spain

He was sitting next to his father. Prussia gesturd towrd the two countries infront of him, my eyes landed on R.E and Rectangle. Rectangle was being gentle with Courtney and allowed her to do things that he wouldn't allow anyone else to do to him. R.E was a cold person most of the time especially towards his son, even children and his own people. Everyone's eyes looked toward R.E and Rectangle, Rectangle showed no emotions while R.E brought his head down hiding his face.

"There are more but those two are the ones that changed the most." said Prussia "They gone soft."

"SHUT IT, PRUSSIA." growled Rectangle

The table became tense, I saw Prussia smilling towards him. Before Rectangle got up Prussia asked if any remaining of us wanted to sign the paper. Rectangle sharshly declined and left the dinning room, a few more hands raised up. Now the only ones that didn't sign it was Rectangle, KoF, me and G.E. It's just the 4 of us left. I went upstairs and walked toward my bedroom, I passed by Courtney's room and heard some nosies in there. I knocked on her door and I heard her faint voice.

"Who is it?" 

"Its just A-H." I said "Are you okay?" 

"There is something under my bed." I heard her sniffle. 

The door was unlocked so I told her I was coming in before entering. I saw her wrapped in blankets, the closet and bathroom door was all barricated and there were crosses drawings around. I went up to her bed and looked under, there was nothing. 

"Nothing is under there, are you sure there is a monster under your bed?" I asked 

"Not a monster A-H, its a demon." she started to cry "I saw it under the bed."

I pulled her in for a hug, thinking that her mind is playing tricks on her. I patted her back as her cries was soon gone. She described the 'demon' under the head, saying it hade four arms and a bandage with a 'x' over it's eyes. 

"I saw my mom too." 

I looked at her face, isn't her mother dead? Prussia said that they died in a crash, her mind is indead playing cruel tricks. 

"The demon was hurting her, and I couldn't do anything but watch." 

Courtney started to tear up again, I held her in my arms trying to confort her. She took a few breaths in and out and spoke up again. 

"He something terrible at the end." I heard her mubble

"What did the demon do to your mother?" I asked 

"The thing ate her." 

I froze, what the heck, Courtney just imagine her dead mother being eaten by a demon with 4 arms. I could hardly imagine that, I asked her where she saw it and she pointed the empty space next to the bathroom door. The door was blocked with a chair and stacks of books, the room was also freezeing. Since G.E told everyone that Courtney's bady was icy cold, I decied that she shouldn't sleep here in the freezeing room tonight. Its not good for a young child's health. 

"Courtney do you want to stay in my room tonight?" I asked

I felt her head nod a little, I picked her wrapped up blankets and carried her out of the room, and brought her toward my bedroom. She was surrpising light, a bit too light too. I set her on my bed and went to change in the bathroom, when I came out I saw Courtney soundly asleep on my bed. She was shivering even though my room was very warm, I went under my blankets and soon fell asleep with her next to me. 

???: "He is going to pay for that"


(3591 words)


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