Something About You

By lex_nolan

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After her junior year of college comes to an end, Parker heads back home for the summer fresh off a breakup... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
To be continued

Chapter 13

58 4 0
By lex_nolan

The rest of my week feels like a blur as the only thing on my mind is getting to New York City. I keep myself occupied as much as possible at work but the thought of sleeping next to Claire haunts me in the back of my mind. Every night I fall asleep thinking about what Megan and Trent said, how I should recall what Trent did to me all those times we hooked up and be selfless. I fantasize about what I would do to Claire; how I'd kiss her, where I'd kiss her, where I'd touch her, everything. I fantasize about everything.

I rapidly pack up my things at my desk Thursday and hurry home. I still have about six hours until my flight, but I can't benefit my company anymore with how distracted I am by Claire; it's best I take my imagination and big, goofy smile home. I finish packing up the rest of my suitcase and toiletries dancing to the sounds of 80's hits. I'm a sucker for 80's music.

Megan calls me down for dinner; salmon and veggies. I walk into the kitchen and, with the immediate smell of fish, I know Megan isn't pleased for dinner yet again. I wouldn't say I'm a health nut, but watching countless documentaries on food and obesity has scared the shit out of me; doesn't seem to bother Megan as she picks up McDonalds breakfast on the way to school.

"Excited for your big weekend?" My dad sniffs the salmon he just made and forks it into his mouth.

"Been excited all week! Should be a great weekend; I'm really looking forward to my first work conference."

"Megan, you're taking her to the airport, right? I want to go to bed early tonight." He looks to her with the same piece of salmon slowly being chewed in his mouth.

"Yep, and then going to Paige's house after." She tosses her food around her plate.

"Now is Paige a friend or um... not a friend?" My dad still has a hard time finding the words to ask Megan if girls she hangs out with are girlfriends or just friends.

"Just a friend, dad. She has a boyfriend."

After I finish dinner, and Megan leaves half the vegetables still on her plate, I go back to my room and call Claire.

"Well hello there," she answers with her voice low, and it gives me chills just hearing her.

"Is this a good time?" I know she's had a busy and stressful week; last thing I want to do is annoy her.

"Perfect time, just got home. You packed up and ready to come to the big city?"

"I have a lot of expectations for New York so I hope you deliver. I don't remember much since I visited about ten years ago."
"It'll be the most incredible time in your life. I'm really glad you decided to come, Parker." I can hear her moving around on her bed or couch in the background and I picture what her apartment looks like; I picture her staining every ounce of the place with her blissful and intoxicating perfume.

"Thank you for the invite and seriously thank you for using your miles to fly me out. You didn't have to do that."

"What's done is done. Text me when you take off and when you land, I'll be waiting. Sweet dreams." Her voice leaves me wanting to teleport to New York right this second.

"Goodnight, Claire." I hold the phone in my hand smiling from ear to ear.

The few hours go by and Megan comes to my room with keys in her hand, giving me the signal she's ready when I am. I've been ready since Monday. I grab my suitcase from the corner, my backpack from the bed, and lug myself down the stairs. I say goodbye to my dad and go over the usual communication routine; call every morning and every night. As we head to the airport, Megan spots a McDonalds, looks at the clock in her car, and turns into the shopping center. I look at her and smirk.

"That dinner was not gonna hold me over all night. Don't judge me." She says to me as pulls into the drive-thru.

She gets her food, takes a few fries out of the bag, and gets on the freeway; the airport isn't too far from where we live. Everything in this city is pretty much accessible by the freeway.

"I want to know everything when you get back. I'm serious. Everything." She says as she pulls a cheeseburger from its wrapping and takes it to her face, holding one hand on the wheel. "You nervous?"

"You're one of the only people that knows anything so of course I plan on telling you. I mean I'm nervous but I'm more excited than anything. I can't wait to see her and see New York." I look out the window daydreaming of the infinite possibilities to come.

"Just don't be a pussy, Parker." I snap out of my daydream and look at her.

"I'm ready for this shit." My face is sarcastically serious; she gives me a look that she's a proud lesbian sister.

She pulls up to the airport's departing flights, I give her a hug and unload my bags from her car. The nervousness that I had from the first night I met her, taking the elevator to her room, has made a return to my body; I feel parts of my body lightly shake as if a chill has come over me. I make my way through security and sit at my gate anxiously. I figured earlier in the week that I'd sleep on such a late flight but as the thought of being in Claire's bed arises to my mind, I realize I probably won't sleep after all.

Not paying attention to my boarding pass until now, I step onto the plane looking for seat 4A. It didn't occur to me to look on the piece of paper and see that I was sitting in first class. My mind is so out of it until I see a bigger seat in the front of the plane labeled 4A. I stare back and forth for a moment confused. "UH DUH" I think to myself, wanting to smack myself in the head. Dammit Claire, of course you did.

A flight attendant comes by asking if I'd like a glass of champagne. "Will that help me sleep through this flight on its way to Claire Emerson?" I think and laugh to myself.

"Please. Thank you." I occupy myself the whole flight with a movies on the TV built into my first class seat.

The sky starts to slowly lighten as our aircraft begins its descent into JFK. I look out the window the remaining duration of the flight and take in as much of the scenery as I can. I smile. I'm just minutes from seeing Claire and from what I know will be one of the best weekends of my life. I grab my bags from overhead and hustle my little ass down out of the gate.

"Just touched down in the Big Apple 😊" I text Claire.

"Yay! Make your way to baggage claim, Edan will be holding a sign with your name on it 😊" I figured Claire Emerson wouldn't be waiting in JFK baggage claim holding a sign, drawing attention.

I come down an escalator, follow the signs, and eventually find Edan holding up a black sign with 'P. Layton' written in white.

"How are we doing this morning, Miss Layton?" He's in a jolly mood for being up so early.

"Great Edan, how are you?"

"Very well. Claire is waiting this way," He guides his arm to the right, takes my bags and we walk out.

We get to an area that's separate from the other passenger pick-up; a row of limos and SUV's fill up the street.

"It's this black SUV up here," he points out to me and walks to the back door to open it for me. Claire's sitting inside with another gentleman in the passenger seat.

"How was the flight?" She's dressed and ready for the day; an absolute vision.

"Not bad, I watched a movie and the sunrise. Got a good glimpse of the city." I still feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Any critique?"

"It's a big, beautiful place." I smile at her and pull out my phone to text my dad that I've landed.

"You just wait," she looks at me with sexy mystery and turns to the window.

Edan jumps into the driver's seat and takes us out of the airport craziness. We get to Manhattan and drive through the crowded streets with bumper to bumper traffic of cars and yellow cabs. People crowd the sidewalks, skyscrapers tower the city, shops and restaurants are everywhere, billboards and ads cover the sides of the streets, and lights are illuminated everywhere even though it's just early morning. As we turn every corner and drive through every light, I fall in love with the city. All types of people and culture populate the parks, restaurants, and shops. Performers, joggers, and bikers fill up the sidewalk and streets. Claire is narrating the whole time.

I'm used to a pretty big city, but nothing compares to this. Nothing. I never would have thought I'd like such a crowded place, but it's beautiful. Rich in culture. Loud, but in a vibrant way. Noises of all sounds are everywhere; I particularly notice a lot of whistling from cars and cab drivers. I love the skyscrapers and how they're all so unique; new ones, old ones, modern ones, or ones rich in American history. Each street has something to offer. Every corner and block has something another doesn't and I'm picking all this up in a car ride on the way to Claire Emerson's building.

Edan slows down and pulls to the side of the road in front of a modern looking building. Tall, like most of them, shiny, sleek, glass, and has two doormen in front. He and the other gentleman in the passenger seat get out and open the trunk and my side door; I slide out and Claire follows. The other gentleman examines the streets and I notice an earpiece in his left ear. Edan takes my luggage from the trunk and I notice he has an earpiece too. They show us to the entrance when both doormen open the doors.

"Good morning, Miss Emerson," They both greet us.

"Here you are, Miss Layton," Edan hands me my luggage and looks to Claire. "Let me know if you'll be needing my assistance today."

"Will do. Thanks guys." She nods and looks to me. "So far so good?"

"I think I'm in love with this city." I look in her green eyes with honest sincerity.

I follow her to the elevators where men in all suits come out, likely on their way to the finance district; I may not remember my last time here, but I know a few things about Manhattan. We step in and she presses floor 24; just a floor below the penthouse. We get to her floor and there are only two doors. One on the right and one on the left; I assume her apartment takes up half the floor. She walks to the right and I follow her like a shadow.

She pulls a key from her purse and opens the door for me.

"After you."

I walk in and immediately there is a view of Manhattan and a glimpse of the Hudson River. A single wall is taken up by massive glass windows from floor to ceiling giving the most beautiful sight of New York I'd seen thus far. Skyscrapers of all dimensions and color, the river in vision, and the hustle and bustle on the streets below. I leave my bags by the door as she locks it behind us. In front of us is the living room with a long, big, L-shaped, and comfy looking couch sitting partially on a rug. The floors are a dark hardwood, the large TV is mounted on the wall that separates the living room from the kitchen, a few small and tall tables are placed around the open floor plan, and a few art pieces and photo collages take up the wall space. Very modern and clean with a sense of hominess and comfort.

The kitchen is to the right with marble countertops and white cabinets. A medium sized dining table fits by the massive windows with a flower placement in the middle. To the left, the apartment wraps around to a hallway of bedrooms, closets and a bathroom. I follow Claire to the master bedroom where two double doors open to yet another room of magnificent, large windows. Her king-sized bed against the wall facing the view with gray sheets, a white comforter, and multiple pillows. Two night-stands on each side, a love seat and table in the corner, and a bathroom to the left.

I walk into the large bathroom of tiled floor, modern accents, his and her sinks (her and her sinks as of now), and a large walk-in closet. I fall in love with every detail of Claire's apartment; the windows that give an incredible view of this incredible city, the artwork hung up on her walls, the pillows of different colors and patterns on her bed, and the girl that occupies it all. I regain my focus from all the details of the apartment back to her. She's giving a light smile as she watches me walk around, taking in every detail and touching things in every room. We get back to the living room where I grab my bags.

"I think I should freshen up and change before we start our day."

"Of course. You can use my room and bathroom for whatever you need, the dresser in my closet for any clothes, and then we'll be back here in plenty of time before we get ready for the show tonight."

"Thank you again for flying me out here," I kiss her cheek and walk to her room. She smiles.

"Your towel is hung up on the left side in the bathroom!" She calls out to me as she sits herself on the couch.

I put my bag down on the floor next to the windows and unpack my clothes to put in the dresser drawer. I walk into the bathroom to see my towel hung up perfectly next to hers, the bathtub built next to the shower with various colors of bath salts in a decorative piece, and two Sean es on the backside of the door. I open the glass shower door to turn on the shower and undress. Hair and body product's I've never heard of fill up the shelves, I put my hair up to keep it dry and use body products sparingly.

I dry off, wrap the towel on my body, let my hair back down, and realize I have no idea what to wear today. I walk out to the living room and she immediately turns her head to see my body, wrapped in a towel, still a little wet. Her eyes widen a little with a smirk.

"What should I wear?" I smile at her.

"Jeans or shorts should be fine with any shirt." I sense her still looking at me when I walk back to her room.

I put on a little light makeup and throw together a simple outfit as quickly as I can so Claire doesn't have to wait all morning for me and so we can get on with our day. I walk out to the living room and see her in the kitchen unloading a paper bag of muffins and croissants, and removing cups of coffee and tea from a drink tray.

"I had Edan pick up a few things from down the street, I figure you probably need to eat something. Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee please," I walk over to her as she finds the cup of coffee amongst four other options.

"And to eat? I've got a blueberry muffin, banana walnut muffin, croissant, or some fruit. We're gonna have a big lunch but if you're really hungry we can go grab something?" So far, I'm the one that's had to make decisions and come up with surprises, but I like seeing this side to Claire; I can tell she enjoys it.

"I'll take a blueberry muffin and a banana please, and thank you Miss Emerson." I give her a mixed look of sarcasm and sincerity.

I take a seat on one of the high stools by the kitchen counter and snack on my breakfast. I'm still looking around her apartment and paying attention to every detail and item in its place, and then my eyes make their way to her. She's debating between two cups of tea, decides on one, then grabs the croissant.

"So, what do you have planned for us today?" I nibble off a piece of the muffin and eat it.

"You know, I'm wondering if I should tell you or leave it as a surprise like you did with me," she raises her eyebrows and I smile.

"Fair enough. I'll let you surprise me."

We finish our breakfast snacks and make our way outside to a sunny, and humid, New York summer morning. A light wind makes the morning feel a bit cool as Claire takes the sweater in her arms and puts it on.

"Are you cold?" She looks at me in my thin t-shirt. "This is the first cold morning we've had in a while. It's usually hot and sticky by now."

"Oh no, I'm fine. Are you good with a sweater?" I should feel freezing coming from the Las Vegas heat but being around Claire, my body feels a sense of numbness.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just let me know if you get cold and we can get you a jacket." She rubs her hands up and down my arms then grabs her sunglasses from her clutch.

I look at her, look at the city in front of us, and look back at her. It seems cheesy, but I think this city is absolutely beautiful and magnificent for just seeing a small glimpse, but nothing compares to her long, blonde hair, her green eyes, her perfect smile, her soft hands, and those lips that make my entire body tingle when I kiss them.

I notice Edan outside the SUV parked a few yards away. Claire guides me to the car and we set off for a drive.

"We have to drive our way up a bit but are you up for a little walk?"

"Absolutely. Show me around your town", I say with a smile.

I'm trying to gather memories from when I came here years ago with my mom and sister, but I can only vaguely remember the Broadway show we saw and the Empire State Building.

Edan begins to slow down and we pull off to a corner. The streets are busy and loud, but Claire doesn't seem to be a big item of attention. I guess I'm expecting everyone to stop her for a picture or ask for an autograph; a few people hold their glance a little longer and take second looks but we're walking around feely and undisturbed.

We walk our way to a corner where I can clearly see the beginning of Central Park. I think we are at the southwest end of it and to my left I can see a few skyscrapers and business buildings. Claire tells me we are at Columbus Circle. The crowd of people among the streets and sidewalks start to get bigger. Claire puts her head down and takes my hand. As the light is clear for us to walk, we make our way through the park. I start wondering what we could possibly be doing. The best thing I can think of is maybe she has a picnic planned for us.

Along our walk, I ask her a few more questions about what it's like to be in the spotlight and how we can walk around in one of the biggest cities in the world like this without people swarming around us.

"New York is my home. A lot of people know me, and know I love this place; depending on where I go, people are different. If I go to my usual places, it's typically the same, laid back people but tourist areas are harder to keep a low profile, so I generally stay away from them."

"Taking a risk coming here aren't you?" I ask.

"Eh, maybe a little, but this is a surprise worth risking." She smiles, takes my hand, and tilts her head slightly down.

As we keep taking a trail in Central Park, Claire tells me about the art event tonight. I gather that the artist is not her ex-girlfriend, Josephine but a man named Dominic who lost his mother to Alzheimer's. The art work is being auctioned off with the proceeds going to a local Alzheimer's foundation; not exactly an A-list event, but I learn that Claire is passionate about attending fundraisers of all sorts. She bought one of the paintings in her apartment from Dominic last summer and intends to buy another tonight.

After taking a winding trail for quite some time, we arrive at the Central Park Zoo where Claire has a private tour set up for us. We meet our tour guide, Jane and follow her to a side entrance of the zoo.

"Alright ladies, so you came on the perfect day. All our animals are pretty energetic this morning and we'll actually get to feed a few of them. Have you been to our zoo before?"

"I have a few times, but I think this is her first," Claire seems happier than ever as she looks to me.

"Well, welcome! Our first stop will be the sea lions." She walks in front of us, talking a little history about the zoo and animals.

We make our way behind the scenes where the sea lions usually do a few shows a day, but instead of seeing the show, we meet the sea lions in their backstage habitat. Following that, we go feed and pet a few penguins and also a snow monkey they named Ralphie. Little fucker was full of energy when he jumped out of the cool pool making his way to us with a tray of food. Jane dried him off with a towel and made sure he was calm enough to play with us; would be a zoo nightmare if he were to attack the face of Claire Emerson.

I catch Claire taking a picture of me and smiling that damn gorgeous smile as Ralphie climbs on my shoulders taking a bite of the snack in his hand. We laugh together, and I find myself in the midst of another amazing moment with Claire. I briefly fantasize about the possibility of the rest of my life having constant adventures with her. Nothing seems better.

After seeing and feeding a few more animals, our tour comes to an end.

"Would you mind if I got a picture to share on our Zoo instagram page, Claire?" Jane asks timidly.

"Not at all," Claire says with ease and poses next to the Zoo sign.

"Thank you for an amazing morning," I say to Claire as we walk out of the zoo.

"I like being on the other end of a surprise," she grins at me and takes my hand.

She pulls me tightly along in a little bit of a hustle as she sneaks us off behind a few trees where no one can see us. Still holding my hand, she swings me around so my back is to a tree and kisses me. Her hands grab my face and my hands grab her waist. The sun peaks through the tree branches and a light wind breezes around us. I tangle my fingers in her shirt and scratch her back softly. She gives me one long slow kiss and looks to me.

"How about a late lunch?"

"Okay," I will do anything she says at this point.

We tip toe out of the shrubbery and make our way back onto a sidewalk path to go for lunch. 

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