Under His Protection

By Annie_Sunflower

5.8K 289 50

(DARK ROMANCE) When Evara bumps into a stranger not knowing what destiny has stored in for her. A mere harml... More

Content Warning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

141 14 2
By Annie_Sunflower

' Lies '


For once in my life, never I had thought that I'd be isolated from my mother, held hostage by someone I barely even knew about and kiss the stranger just to see my mother..

The reality Arick had shown me was way more worse than my imagination. The perfect world I've been living in was just a fraction of a dream, there's nothing called perfect.. it was faux, a lie to begin with.

But, why me?

What did I even do to make my life worse than a nightmare?

I didn't lie,
I was nice to everyone,
I never broke someone's heart,
I was never a bad daughter.

Then.. why?
Am I not supposed to deserve at least a bit of happiness?

I snuggled more into my mother's warm embrace as the thoughts were on the verge of bursting my mind.
Mom massaged my scalps in a slow pace, and the knot around my head loosened.

At least, the hospital was treating my mom with great care. Mom told me that every day a physiotherapist makes her do different exercises to gain muscle control. A special massage for her whole body was conducted  every tuesday.

I was grateful for it..

A nurse popped her head inside with a gentle smile and entered with a tray containing some medicines. I sat straight.

"Oh! Naira.. Meet my daughter Evara."
Mom introduced her and we both exchanged a smile.

"Ma'am, it's time.. for your medicine" Naira deliberately paused before finishing off her sentence with a bright smile, while she gave me a look. Pleading me through her eyes.

I broke out in sweat, avoiding her gaze completely.

Arick must've sent her.. to remind me that the one hour he gave me so mercifully has come to an end. Just thinking about it makes my heart ache, how he toyed me and enjoyed my vulnerable state.

Like a psycho-- a sadist.

"It went over by half."

My eyes widened in horror when Naira announced in a bit high pitch, on the pretext of checking mom's blood pressure. Mom frowned and exchanged looks with Naira and me, I faked cough and stood up abruptly.

"M-Mom.. I need to go now..."

"Oh! Do you have to? Can't you stay for today?"

Mom said sweetly, I gulped trying to hold back my tears, when I saw Naira hastily approaching the door.

Oh no! She's going to tell Arick!

"No.. Uh-.. Prity will not be available tomorrow so I have to take her shift too... Maybe next time.."

Mom frowned but still nodded in understanding.
"Give me a hug." Mom added and pulled me onto her.

My throat ached from holding back tears, I fake coughed again to suppress the sobs.

"Bye.. take care."

"You too."

I waved at her, forcing the tears back with a tight smile. I burst out the door, nearly missing an inch from bumping into a pissed off Arick.


I've thought about a million ways to stall my stay about a while ago, but now I stood tongue tied, scared and stressed. 

But again,
Was he really mad at me cause I spent a few more hours with my mother? What if I stayed a bit long, is it the end of the world?

"We are late."
Arick said in a deep calm voice sending chills down my spine. I swallowed hard but I didn't utter a word.
He clicked his tongue and grabbed my wrist to pull me out of the place.


Arick parked in front of a grand restaurant without a word. I can't predict a thing about him, one moment he's good and the other.. worse. His mood flips in a matter of seconds.

And.. It's scary.

The guards of the hotel adjusted and stand straight, and a chauffeur came running to us. His eyes wide open looking at Arick’s Black Mercedes, but the man halted when he saw our bodyguards pulling over.

Arick didn't paid any heed to the surroundings, but I was awestruck by the magnificent building.

The place was dazzling with lights, sparkling like a diamond. It was spacious, peaceful and relaxing.

Few people crossed by when we entered. A lady in a red knee length skirt and neat blouse, her hair pulled up in a neat bun, showing her bright smile, came forward and greeted Arick.

She took us to the VVIP cabin.

My jaws dropped to the floor when I entered the private cabin. It was a whole new restaurant with a vast lounge area with an elegant table for two at the centre, two luxurious couches in the corner, and it was decorated with roses, tulips and daisies.
There was even a private piano at the corner. 

The fact that such a place exists in this world was so surreal.

Arick's deep chuckle near me, brought me back to earth, my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I was shamelessly gawking while standing in the way. I hurriedly entered leaving enough space between us.

A pretty lady soon joined us and took our orders, well , Arick's order. He ordered for both of us, at this point I should be used to this, but still I was quite surprised when he ordered exactly what I like.

Cream cheese pasta

But sure it came with a fancy name, I can't even pronounce. However, Mom made it sound easy.

Arick kept quiet. I thought he would go wild and crazy but he surprised me with a quiet and peaceful ride and maybe a peaceful evening.

The waiter came and served us our respective dishes and dashed out.

My mouth watered from the delicious aromatic creamy pasta... I was hardly controlling myself from digging in. My stomach growled in hunger and it was justiciable. I only ate breakfast after one day of running around on an empty stomach. What do I expect?

"What did you talk about?"
Arick asked all of a sudden. I looked up at him but he was busy cutting his steak.

"Nothing special.. just about.. treatments.."

Arick nodded, taking a bite, he closed his eyes and gave a curt nod.

I too, took a mouthful bite.. and.

My God! It was so delicious..

I've never eaten anything so heavenly tasty. The creamy texture melted straight away and a small moan slipped out before I could even control.

The silent walls were instantly filled with Arick's violent coughs. I watched him taking big gulps of water, while munching on my delicious pasta.

After a few seconds, he threw away the napkin, leaning back as he watched me like a hawk.

"Is it that good?" Arick asked with a frown. My mouth was full of food, I had to chew it down in haste and swallow. He looked away in annoyance.

"Yes. It's delicious."
I cheered but it was short lived. Arick threw me a dead glare, with clenched jaws.
I was flabbergasted..

"Is that your favourite?"


I took another bite, Arick sneered and shook his head.

"Interesting.. What else is your favourite?" Arick asked all of a sudden, a smirk playing on his lips. I gulped down nervously and shrugged at his question.

"Let's play a game.. shall we?"

No.. not another game.

But can I deny him?
I briefly paused and stared down, avoiding his scrutinised gaze.

"It's a simple one. Twenty questions.. have you heard of it?" Arick added, sensing my nervousness. I meekly replied positively earning a huge grin from him.

"Let's start then.." He suggested without even letting me breathe for a moment he fired questions at me.

"What's your favourite flower?"

"Queen of Night.."

Arick's eyebrows shot up in amusement, he slightly tilted his head with a frown. I wasn't at all interested.

"What's your favourite colour?"
Arick asked flatly, and patiently waited for me to answer.

Again, his eyebrows shot up and he passed me a crooked smile.

"What's your-"  Arick started again but paused briefly. He tapped his temple posing to be in a deep thought, but his gaze shifted onto me.
"Wait no! Let me ask you a good one..
Is Tulips your favourite flower?"

I held my breath when his eyes darkened as he finished his sentence. I gulped nervously.

Why did I even lie?

The sound of the glass shattering hit me with an instant need to crawl back from the place, from him. 
Fear gripped my heart once again when I saw the broken bottle of wine rolling on the floor, spilling the exquisite wine all over the floor.

I thought it was the end.. but

Soon the glass, plates and even his chair joined the wine bottle. I got up startled but with a spin he was behind me, his hands pressing me down from both of my shoulders.
I gingerly sat, somehow I was expecting an outburst from Arick considering I did so many wrong things.. which isn't even my fault.

"Eat." He commanded in a low growl.

I panicked but still picked up the fork, though it slipped from my hand every now and then, I still managed to take a bite.


I froze when he turned and sat on the table with one hand still on my shoulder pressing me down firmly and with the other, he took my fork and swirled the now cold pasta.

Sweat beads formed in my forehead with some trailing down my temple, my heartbeat racing graciously but I can't blame no one but me.

I put this on me.. but I wasn't wrong.

"Say.. ahh..."
Arick snarled with a mountain of pasta. Even if I opened my mouth wide enough to break my jaw, it wouldn't fit. The fork had all the pasta from my plate leaving only a few of it behind.

"Open." His voice thundered across the wall that sent shivers down my spine but I didn't. Instead, I clenched my jaws even more, Arick kept pushing the saucy pasta on my face making a mess but I remained firm.

"Comeon... open up darling." He said coldly, with clenched jaws.

In a swift action, I swept my arms up and pushed him with full force. Although he didn't budge from his place, I managed to get free from his hold. Without wasting any seconds, I jumped from my seat and.. ran.

"Run baby run.. but once I catch you...-" Arick yelled from behind but I didn't wait for him to finish, his voice gradually fading away as I sprint with all my might, at random direction.

I burst through plenty of doors, while I managed to bump into a few people but all I could get was a look of pity..

No one helped..

No one stood up..

It wasn't because they couldn't or they didn't care.. it was simply,
they didn't dare.

A flash of loath emerged for all the people present inside this grand restaurant boasting their hollow pride and ego... All of that pretentious reputation and rich status for nothing. Nothing!

Fear is the best weapon for a coward..
And sure they were all cowards cause they lived in fear.

I hate it..

I hate them..

I hate this world..

I hate him.

I hate him with all my heart


Don't forget to vote!

Sorry for the late update. I had my reasons, which was to be dealt with extra cautious attention.

Enjoy reading!

Comment down your thoughts! I swear I reply..

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