Caught Between

By TheLostBoys333

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In his 4th year, Harry feels like he has lost everything while also fighting for his life in the Triwizard To... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 8

113 7 2
By TheLostBoys333

Warning: Major character death


Harry cringed and gave in, snapping the screeching golden egg shut. His ears rang in the aftermath of the screaming as he stared at the Black Lake. It had been a few weeks since the First Task and the Christmas holidays were only two weeks away. He had opened his golden egg a few times in hopes that it would change or he'd suddenly solve the riddle, but it only ever ended with him giving up and slamming the egg shut. He was no closer to figuring it out now than the first time he opened it. He blew out a frustrated breath, wrapping his arms around his knees.


He looked up to find Malfoy approaching him. "What're you doing out here?"

"Could ask you the same thing."

Harry nodded the egg. "Gave it another go. Decided out here was best so I didn't deafen the entire school."

Malfoy conceded the valid point. "Any luck?"

Harry shook his head. "Still the same insane screaming. It's impossible to figure out, completely mental."

Malfoy nodded. "Mental."

Silence fell for a few moments.

"Are you okay?"

Harry turned his eyes back to the Slytherin, confused. "How do you mean?"

"Moody's class a couple weeks back," Malfoy said. "The Unforgivables."

"Oh, that," Harry said, gazing at the dark water. "Good as I can be, I suppose. Can't exactly describe it as lovely, but not something I've never seen."

Malfoy's eyebrows furrowed. "You've see the Killing Curse before?"

Harry nodded. "I used to dream about it from that night. For the longest time it was the only thing I remembered."

Malfoy listened silently, horrified.

"Saw it recently, too, in another dream. A dream from this summer that I still keep having. Voldemort killing a Muggle caretaker."

"Wait, what?"

"That one's just a dream, though, I think."

"Pettigrew was there?"

"And another man I—" Harry stopped suddenly and looked at Malfoy sharply. "How do you know that?"

"My father told me," Malfoy said and Harry's eyes narrowed. "Pettigrew had come by and kept bragging about being the Dark Lord's choice. He told my father about the death of a Muggle."

Harry felt himself pale. "It wasn't a dream?"

Malfoy shook his head slowly. "I don't think so."

"Merlin," Harry breathed, turning to the lake. More silence fell as Harry processed the revelation. "What about you?"

Malfoy frowned at the random inquiry. "What about me what?"

"Moody's class on the Unforgiveables," Harry said. "Based on the way he acted, you have some kind of experience with the Imperius Curse."

Malfoy sighed as he, too, admired the still water. "Have some, by extension."

Harry was about to prod for more when he spotted a very familiar man heading their way. "Moody," he whispered and Malfoy spun around. Harry watched as the Slytherin tensed and he frowned slightly. There was clearly some history between Moody and the Malfoy family.

"Botherin' ye, Potter?" Moody growled.

"No, sir. We were just talking," Harry said.

"Interesting," Moody said, staring intently at Malfoy with his good eye. "From what I've heard, you don't get on with Draco Malfoy."

"Things change," Harry said, slowly getting to his feet and unconsciously moving closer to Malfoy. "A lot's happened this year."

"You don't stop being a Death Eater," Moody said and Harry stiffened when he saw the man grab his wand.

"You're mad!" Malfoy said.

"He's not a Death Eater," Harry said.

"On the way, considerin' his father," Moody said. "'Sides, you don't know a Death Eater when you see one, Potter."

Before Harry could ask what the man was talking about, Moody had waved his wand and Malfoy was suddenly a small white ferret. Harry's eyes widened.

"Professor!" Harry shouted. "Professor, stop!"

Malfoy—the ferret—was now bounding up and down in the air, squealing with fear.

"Little taste of what happens to Death Eaters," Moody snarled.

"Professor!" Harry yelled again. "He's not a Death Eater! He's only fourteen!"

"I've seen younger."


Harry snapped his gaze over Moody's shoulder and found McGonagall rushing towards them. Once there, she gasped at the ferret and immediately flicked her wand. The ferret disappeared and a fearful, disheveled Draco Malfoy took its place. Harry ran over and helped Malfoy to his feet, gazing at the clearly insane professor.

"Alastor, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment, particularly not on students," McGonagall said.

"He was harassing Potter," Moody said.

"That's not true!" Harry argued.

"Regardless, there is no excuse," McGonagall said. "Run along now, boys," she added to Harry and Malfoy. They instantly headed inside, Harry snatching up his golden egg. Once inside, they stopped in the Entrance Hall and Harry turned to Malfoy.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine, Potter," Malfoy said shortly. "Man's a lunatic."

"Yeah, he is."

"I have to go. See you later," and Malfoy disappeared through the door to the dungeons. Harry just sighed, wondering what the Auror's deal was. He turned, intending to return to Gryffindor Tower, when he was intercepted.


He looked at McGonagall. "Yes, Professor?"

"As a Triwizard champion, you are required to dance the opening dance at the Yule Ball."

Harry sighed again. Right, the ball. Christmas day, the traditional Yule Ball was taking place. They were all being given dance lessons as it was expected, as the host school, that all Hogwarts students would make the best impression. As a champion, he had to have a date and he had no idea who to bring. Nearly everyone, while fonder of him, was not fond enough to be his dance partner. He was not looking forward to the night.

"I am?"

"Yes, Potter. Have you found a partner yet?"

"Not yet, Professor."

"Best get on it," McGonagall said. "All eyes will be on you as the unconventional champion."

"Yes, Professor."

McGonagall sighed slightly. "I am aware this is the last thing you want to do after the loss of Mr. Weasley. You are only required to dance the first dance. After that, you have my permission to leave the rest of the ball."

Harry found himself surprised. McGonagall was right. The ball was the last thing on his mind. Having just lost Ron and it being Christmas, dancing was not what he wanted to be doing that day.

"Thank you."

With a small smile, McGonagall pat his shoulder and then walked away.



"Yes, Potter?"

It was a week and a half later and Harry was back in Snape's rooms for their meeting. Christmas was in mere days and he was no closer to...well, anything. His egg remained unsolved, he remained dateless, he was still depressed, and he still had no answers for anything else.

"What am I meant to do about dress robes? I haven't got any."

"You can order some through owl order from Madam Malkin's," Snape said. "She would only need your measurements."

"I don't know them," Harry admitted, dropping his eyes to the book in his lap.

"You don't?"

Harry shook his head. "I only got measured in first year when I first got robes. It wasn't until this year that they needed to be adjusted and Mrs. Weasley just used a charm she's used for all her sons' robes."

"You will need to go to the shop in person then. Perhaps Professor McGonagall would be available to accompany you to Hogsmeade this weekend. Madam Malkin was able to repair her local shop just enough to be of service for the ball."

"Couldn't you come?" Harry blurted out and his eyes widened. Did he really just ask that of Snape? No way had their relationship changed that much.

"Me?" Snape said and fell quiet, contemplating his blushing student. Things had changed quite a lot between them and he would've had to be blind to miss the fact that Potter had some form of trust in him. Perhaps it was their meetings or, perhaps, it was simply the boy latching onto a constant figure in his grief and depression. Whatever it was, he knew it, and the boy, were fragile. "Very well. I have some spare time on Saturday morning."

Harry blinked. "Really?"

Snape just nodded.

"Thank you, sir."

With a small smile, Harry returned to his book. Snape attempted to go back to his lesson plan revision, but he found himself distracted by intrigue in the boy's book. Potter had had the book in every meeting for several weeks now. He was curious what it was about.

"Potter, do you mind me asking what it is you've been reading all these weeks?"

"Hm?" Harry said, distracted before looking up at the professor. "Oh, it's by Demeter Mulligan. It's about cursed objects in the body or cursed areas of the body. I think, anyways. It gets complicated sometimes and I don't always understand." He found himself unconsciously waiting for some remark on his intelligence and inability to understand anything. However, it never came.

"Might I see the book?" Snape asked.

Harry blinked in surprise. "Sure." He handed the book over.

"The Soul Fragment?" Snape said, glancing up from the black book. "Why on earth are you reading this?"

Harry shrugged a shoulder, unsure if he wanted to tell anyone. "Just...personal curiosity, I guess."

"Out of all the things to be curious about," Snape said, handing the book back.

"Sorry," Harry said, blushing slightly.

"Nothing to apologize for, Potter. There is no harm in reading. As long as it is only curiosity."

Harry swallowed under Snape's intense stare. "It is," he said finally and Snape nodded.

"Have you found a special friend to bring to the ball?" Snape asked casually, returning to the previous topic.

"No, not yet," Harry said. "I've got no one to ask. No one would want to go with me so I've got pretty limited options. I don't even want to go in the first place."

"It'll be a hard day for you," Snape said. Harry looked down sadly. "McGonagall has spoken to you?"

Harry nodded. "I can leave after the opening dance."

"You may come down here, if you wish. I intend on leaving as soon as I can as well."

Harry chuckled quietly. "Impressed you'd be there at all."

"Not much choice with Albus Dumbledore around."

"True enough."

"As for a date," Snape said. "I'm sure you have a friend willing to attend."

Harry frowned, wondering just who Snape was thinking of.



Harry spun to see Cedric Diggory, of all people, running towards him. He frowned, confused as to why Cedric was speaking to him. The entirety of Hufflepuff house hated him. He figured Cedric did too.

"Hey there, Harry."

"Cedric," Harry said shortly. "What can I do for you?"

"You don't have to worry. I'm not angry at you like most everyone else," Cedric said. "I've also told my house to lay off."

"Thanks, I suppose."

Cedric nodded and an awkward silence settled over them. Finally, Harry sighed and broke it.

"What did you need, Cedric?"

"Have you figured out your egg yet?"

"Not yet." Harry looked at him. "I suppose you have."

Cedric nodded again. "Take a bath with it. The Prefects' bathroom is a good one to use, its size and all."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"See you, Potter," Cedric said with a smile and began to walk away. "Just take a bath!" he called back over his shoulder. Harry watched him go, thoroughly puzzled.

Shaking his head, he finished his trek inside the school from the Owlery. There was still no word from Sirius even after he had sent off another letter a week earlier. He couldn't understand it. He couldn't figure out why it seemed Sirius no longer cared. He knew he should've expected it. No one truly cared about him or wanted him. He tried not to wallow in such self-pity, though, as it wouldn't do him any good. He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets and pondered where to go.

"Luna," he said in surprise as he rounded a corner and found the Ravenclaw girl. She was staring at one of the Christmas trees intently. He walked up beside her. "How are you, Luna?"

"Hello, Harry. I'm quite well, thank you. How are you?" Luna said in her soothingly dreamy voice.

"Alright, I suppose," Harry said. "What exactly are you doing?"

"There's some mistletoe on this tree," Luna said. "I'm trying to spot a Nargle."

Harry's eyebrows rose. "What exactly are Nargles?"

"Funny little things that love to hide in mistletoe."

"Ah," Harry said even though the girl's response only raised questions.

"Have you solved either of your pressing issues?"

Harry blinked. "Uh, well, I've got an idea for my egg. I don't have any ideas for the Yule Ball."

"Shame," Luna said, still staring at the tree. "A girl would be lucky to go with you."

"You think so?"

"Well, sure. None of what has happened has been your fault. You also fought quite valiantly against the dragon. Additionally, you have made a friend out of our harsh Professor Snape."

"We're not friends, trust me," Harry said quickly.

Luna hummed. "Either way, good things will come amongst the bad."

"I hope so," Harry said. "I've been pretty overwhelmed with bad so far."

"A change will come soon."

"I'll keep an eye out." Harry glanced at the girl and found his mind lighting up. This had to be what Snape meant. "Luna?"


"Would you like to go to the ball with me?"

Luna looked at him with a soft smile. "Me? Really?"

"Of course," Harry said, returning the smile. "You're a good friend and one I'd rather go with than anyone else."

"How kind," Luna said. "I think I would enjoy the party. Thank you for inviting me."

"It's really no problem," Harry said. "With you, I might actually have some fun."

"It'll be a difficult day for you," Luna acknowledged. "The first Christmas without Ron."

Harry sighed and nodded. "Definitely won't be the best of days."

"Perhaps you could try think of all your good, happy memories with him," Luna said. "It will still hurt but some happiness might make it through."

Harry looked at her and gave a tight but thankful smile.


Harry tugged at his dress robes uncomfortably, staring at himself in the mirror. He did not want to do this. He'd rather stay in bed or hide in Snape's rooms. It hadn't been the greatest day all together. Not only was it the first Christmas without Ron, but he also hadn't received anything from Sirius for Christmas. The lack of letters had already been so painful and this was just devastating.

He sighed. Not only was Sirius' near abandonment bothering him, but he had had a nightmare again and he had an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. He just knew something was going to go horribly wrong. Additionally, his dancing skills were atrocious despite the lessons they were all put through.

"Mr. Potter."

He looked at McGonagall's reflection in the mirror.

"It is time."

Setting his jaw, he nodded and followed McGonagall down from the Tower. He couldn't help but smile when he spotted Luna waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Her hair had been curled and left down to fall down her back and frame her face. She was wearing a lovely blue, knee-length dress with small cap sleeves. She wore her usual radish earrings and had a large, almost gaudy brooch on her chest. She looked lovely and just like his friend, and that's exactly what he needed.

He approached her and she smiled.

"You look quite dashing," she said.

"You look great too," Harry said. "Thanks again for coming with me."

"My pleasure," Luna said. "I'm happy to make your evening slightly more bearable."

"Champions, form a line, please," McGonagall called and began pushing the champions and their dates into the correct order. He found himself somewhat startled to find Hermione arm in arm with Viktor Krum and looking remarkable, far away from her usual conservative, scholarly appearance. He sighed sadly, missing his old friends.

Luna hooked her arm through his, pulling his attention from Hermione at the front of the line. He gave Luna another smile and straightened as the Great Hall doors opened. He and Luna were last to enter and it was hard to ignore the stares. He managed, however, by focusing on Luna and also, once they reached the dance floor, Snape. The man was watching him steadily yet calmly and he felt himself automatically relax somewhat. Everything between them was still so strange, but he wasn't questioning it quite as much anymore.

Harry turned, a little more relaxed, to Luna and took her hand and put a hand on her waist. She smiled brightly at him as they awaited the music. It started up suddenly and they were gliding around the floor with the others. It wasn't as horrific as he thought it would be. He was actually almost smiling as he looked around at the other couples. Fleur Delacour had attended with the Ravenclaw, Roger Davies. Cedric had, naturally, invited his girlfriend Cho Chang who was also a Ravenclaw. It was the last that continued to surprise him the most. Viktor Krum and Hermione. They must've started talking recently and hit it off.

Despite everything, he was happy for Hermione. She deserved to have such special attention and to have it come from Viktor Krum was amazing. She looked happy and was clearly managing to move on.

As the music continued, other couples began to move onto the dancefloor. He laughed quietly as Dumbledore led McGonagall onto the floor and couldn't help a small snort at Filch and Mrs. Norris. His eyes landed on Moody for a moment, as well as Karkaroff, and took notice of their intense stares but quickly moved on. He was finally feeling sort of happy and he didn't want to lose that.

"I believe you have fulfilled your duty as a champion," Luna said, grabbing his attention again. "We can sit if you like."

He smiled and nodded. They made their way through the swirling couples and, after grabbing some pumpkin juice, found an empty table. They chose a good time to sit as the ballroom music ended and the wizarding band, the Weird Sisters, was introduced. The music took a turn, becoming much more like Muggle rock music and everyone began dancing in a mob, the professors quickly bowing out. He sipped his juice and watched, catching sight of Hermione bouncing and jumping with Viktor every now and then.

He tensed when a hand lightly touched his shoulder. He looked up, relaxing almost instantly at the sight of Snape. The Potions Master gave him a steady look, asking a question.

Harry smiled. "Actually, I think I'll hang out for a while."

With a squeeze of his shoulder that he wasn't positive even happened, Snape inclined his head and swept out of the Hall.

"It's quite amazing how much has changed," Luna observed casually.

Harry shrugged a shoulder. "I don't think too much has really changed."

"Maybe you can't see it from the inside," she said. "From the outside, however, the change is remarkable. There is so much care between you."

Harry chuckled. "Now I know you're making things up. Snape could never care about me and I'm not exactly singing his praises."

"Don't worry, you'll see it soon," Luna said, going so far as to pat his hand. "These things make us blind."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"Might I bother you for one more dance?" Luna said. Harry blinked for a moment before smiling.

"Of course."

He took her hand and led her back to the floor where couples had once again claimed the space as a slow song began. They dropped the formality and just wrapped their arms around waist and neck. He settled into the swaying motion as they slowly circled, gazing around the Hall at everyone else. Many students were seated, having some snack and drinks and chatting. Most of the professors were standing around the perimeter of the room, observing, and a few stood close enough together that they could talk quietly. Snape, surprisingly, was standing by the doors. He thought the Potions Master had left.

"He's looking out for you," Luna said, grabbing his attention.

"Who is?"

"Professor Snape, of course. You're the reason he's still here."

"I don't think so, Luna," Harry said, glancing back at Snape to find him leaving the Hall behind Karkaroff. "There, see, he's left. He was waiting for Karkaroff."

"That is why he left, not why he had stayed," Luna said and he looked at her. She always seemed to know so much more than she said and people assumed. She was so different and unique.

He was startled out of his thoughts by a muffled crash outside the Great Hall. Only a few people seemed to hear it and everyone else just continued on. Until the second, louder crash and scream that followed quickly after the first crash. The band stopped and everyone stopped dancing, turning to look at the doors in question. Everything was silent for a time, the professors all moving slowly towards the doors, wands drawn.

He jumped and there were startled screams when one door flew open. He frowned at the sight of a distressed and disheveled Lucius Malfoy. The man was looking around wildly until he spotted Draco. Without a word, he hurried to his son, taking a moment to whisper in the boy's ear. Once he finished, he turned to Dumbledore.

"They've gotten inside the castle," Mr. Malfoy said. Harry looked at the headmaster for some kind of explanation, but got none.

Dumbledore had no time to respond before the Great Hall doors disintegrated into tiny shards. Screams rang out and people began running in a panic as the masked intruders began casting curse after curse. Harry's eyes widened and he automatically grabbed his wand.

Death Eaters.

Death Eaters had found a way into the school.

There was no time to contemplate, however, and he pulled Luna out of the path of a particularly vicious Blasting Curse.

"You have to find a way out of here," Harry said, but Luna was already shaking her head. She pulled her wand out from seemingly nowhere.

"I'll fight with you."

He wanted to argue, but there was no time. He nodded and ran into the fray, blocking a Burning Curse from hitting a Beauxbatons boy. He battled the best he could, reading and blocking what he could. He fought for them all...he fought for Ron. He sent a strong stunner, knocking one Death Eater out cold. He hissed as a Cutting Curse sliced the top of his shoulder.

He whirled around when he heard a scream. "Luna!" He watched her go down on a shattered leg and was about to run to her when Draco beat him to it, shielding the Ravenclaw. They met eyes and nodded, Draco standing guard and Harry returning to the fight. He flung a Death Eater into the refreshment table, shattering it, but knocking the wizard out.

He felt a rush behind him and turned. He had no time to react, but others had. He was quickly being pulled and pushed to the left, out of the Killing Curse's path. Despite the interference, the curse still found a target and he stared at Draco's body with shocked, wide eyes. A shudder went through his arm that wasn't his own. He looked up at Mr. Malfoy whose eyes were already flooding and pouring over. The man collapsed to his knees, pulling his dead son onto his lap.

Harry just watched, horrified and heartbroken, paying no mind to the ending battle around them. Was this what it had been like for those that had watched him with Ron? He slowly knelt down and put a hand on Mr. Malfoy's shoulder. The man gave him a sad, almost defeated glance, but there was also gratitude.

They didn't notice when the entire event ended.

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