Wind Demon (One Piece x Male...

By ThatOneDanganDude

99.6K 2.4K 424

(Y/N) is a wind man, he ate the Kuki-Kuki no mi. He finds himself in a complicated situation but gets rescued... More

Info (Updated)
Rubber Man
Off To The Sea!
Cat Burglar Nami!
The Pet Store
Buggy The Clown
Up Up And Away!
Captain Usopp!
The Boy Who Cried Pirate
Important DF A/N (Vote)
Scardey Cat
Hero Of The Village
The Strawhats!
Sanji The Chef
Don Krieg
Hawk Eye
Zoro Vs Mihawk
Arlong Park
Fishmen Attacks
Arlong! Arlong! Arlong!
Arlong Pirates Vs Strawhats
Bitch I'm Drowning
Our Hope
Double Trouble (A/N)
Our Navigator
Luffy Dies
The Grand Line
Reverse Mountain
100 Bounty Hunters
Y/N vs Luffy vs Zoro
The Princess

Whiskey Peak

507 23 1
By ThatOneDanganDude

The ship sails on. Today's climate is.... Winter, with a little spring from time to time.

"Achoo! It's freezing!"

After leaving Twin Capes at the base of reverse mountain, the ship now heads for whiskey peak.

"Done! The man who fell from the sky, Mr. Snowman!" Luffy exclaimed with pride as he gently tapped the mediocre snowman of his own creation that sported a barrel as a makeshift headpiece

"Mine is the best snowman warrior to ever be made." Y/N declared with confidence, showcasing a snow sculpture marginally bigger than Luffy's.

Most notably, it brandished one of Zoro's swords, which had been slyly taken while he slumbered, protruding on the snowman from where one would expect a hand.

"Hahaha... Such childish snow games..." Usopp scoffed at his two companions.

"What!?" Both Luffy and Y/N retorted in unison, their gazes locked onto the sharpshooter with the elongated nose.

"Behold! My masterpiece in snow art! The snow queen!" Usopp presented his immaculately detailed creation resembling an elegant woman.

"Holy cow, that's amazing!" Luffy gaped in awe at the sight of the Snow Queen.

"How the hell did you do that in 15 minutes!?" Y/N asked before exchanging a knowing look with Luffy.

"Snowman punch!" Together they launched an assault on Usopp's snow figure, resulting in its untimely destruction.

"The hell was that for!?" Usopp bellowed as he retaliated by attacking both Luffy's and Y/N's snowy sculptures.

"GAHHHHH! OUR SNOWMEN!" They shouted.

"Jeez, how can those three be so lively when it's so cold out?" Nami wondered to herself while observing from the kitchen window as Y/N, Usopp, and Luffy engaged in an snowball scuffle clad in winter attire.

"Nami! How much longer shall I continue my snow shovelling of love?" Sanji turned to Nami as he halted his shovelling motion.

"Until it stops snowing, Sanji." Nami instructed without averting her gaze from outside.

"Yes ma'am."

"Hey you. Doesn't this ship have a system or something?" Asked Mr. 9, huddled inside the kitchen alongside Ms Wednesday due to the cold.

"It's really cold." Ms Wednesday chimed in softly.

"Shut up! You're not here as our guests! Go outside and help shovel the snow or something!" Nami scolded them, moments before a sudden clap of thunder echoed through the air.

"Lightning...!? Just what's going on with the climate here!? It was clear and warm just a second ago... It's exactly as Crocus said. The seasons and climate here on the grand line is beyond messed up!" The navigator said as she looked out of the window.

"It seems you're underestimating grand line quite a bit and you've left the rudder alone for awhile now, you sure that's alright?" Ms Wednesday asked.

"Awhile? But I just checked our directi- AHHHHHHHH!" Nami’s scream pierced the air.

"W-What is it!?" Usopp shouted. "What's the matter my beloved Nami!?" Sanji added.

"This can't be happening!" Nami’s eyes were glued to the log pose. Her voice commanded urgency as she issued an order to the crew outside. "Turn the ship around 180 degrees hurry!"

"180 degrees? Why are we turning back?" Y/N inquired with confusion lacing his question. "Did we forget something?" Luffy asked.

"No! The ship turned itself around and is now heading directly away from our destination! I only took my eyes off of the log pose for a second and the waves were so calm too...!"

"Looks like you've been played by the waves."

"Are you really a Navigator? That's the kind of ocean this is. The winds, skies, waves, and even the clouds.. you can't trust any of them. The only thing you can trust out here is in the direction of your love pose points! Do you understand?" Ms. Wednesday drawled with a hint of mockery in her words. Her smirk only added insult to injury for Nami who could barely conceal her irritation.

"STOP ACTING SO HIGH AND MIGHTY AND START HELPING OUT!" Nami’s foot made contact with them as she sent them flying outside.

"Catch the wind from the right side! We'll use it to turn the ship around 180 degrees to the left!"  Mr 9 muttered under his breath following up on Nami’s command. "Y/N, Usopp you two take the jib sail! Sanji you take the rudder!"

"Alright!" Y/N acknowledged, joining Usopp in swift movement.

"Leave it to me Nami!" Sanji shouted. "And be quiet!" She quickly added that.

The conditions on deck quickly took a turn for the unexpected; Y/N halted abruptly as a shift in the wind became apparent."Hey, wait! The wind just changed!"

"That can't be!" Nami turned to him.

"Ah, the first breeze of spring." Mr 9 and Wednesday embraced the incoming gust as if it were a refreshing sign of spring arriving anew.


"Zoro, wake up! We're in an emergency!" Usopp desperately tried rousing the dozing swordsman who remained unmoving as stone.

"Hey, I see a dolphin jumping over there! Let's go check it out!" Luffy’s eyes sparkled with a childlike wonder as he noticed sea life off in the distance.

"You just stay quiet!" Nami shouted at him.

"The waves are getting higher! And now there's fog!"

"Oh.. isn't that an iceberg?" Y/N inquired, pointing forward with concern etched on their face.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS OCEAN!" Nami's voice carried across the tumultuous waters in alarm.

"We just grazed the iceberg!"  Nami observed sharply. "There's water leaking in the lower deck!" Luffy ran to explain to her.

"Hurry up and seal it then!"

"On it!" Usopp declared, as he armed himself with wooden planks and a hammer for the repair.

"The clouds are moving to fast! Raise the sails! The winds are too strong!"Nami called out again, her voice cutting through the howling wind.

"Everyone eat up and energize!" Sanji announced, offering riceballs to his fellow shipmates.

"Got it!" Luffy enthusiastically complied, his mouth quickly bulging with Sanji’s food.

"You're eating too much!" Sanji lightly hit him in the head.

"We've got another leak on the lower deck! Dammit!" Usopp cursed as he dashed towards the problem area.

"Nami where's the compass pointing to now!?" He asked.

"It changed again!" She replied, exasperated.



A long yawn escaped Zoro as he stretched his limbs, emerging from a satisfying slumber.

"That was a nice nap... Hm?"

Adjusting to his surroundings, he noted the crew splayed across the deck, drained of all energy.

"Hey come on now. I know the weather's nice and warm but don't you think you're being a bit too lazy!? Are you sure we're going the right way?" Zoro's words echoed provocatively, causing everyone to think to themselves. 'You son of a...!'

"And why are you two on our ship?" His attention pivoted to Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday. "You noticed now!?" They shouted but weakly from tiredness.

"We're headed towards their town right now." Y/N mentioned casually while sitted beside Luffy on the ship's railing. The only two seemingly unaffected by weariness.

"What, so we're giving them a ride? It's not like we're obligated to or anything." Zoro turned to the both of us.

"I know." Luffy replied with an impish smile playing on his lips.

"Hmm.. there's something sinister about your faces... What did you say your names were again...?" Zoro inquired with a sly smirk, leaning forward with keen interest towards the duo.

"M...Mr 9...."

"And I'm miss Wednesday...."

"Right... Something about those names have been bugging me ever since I heard em.."


"I feel like I've heard it before... Or not. Well in any case-"


Suddenly, Zoro felt a solid thump on his head. "Did you have a nice nap!? You wouldn't wake up no matter how hard we tried...!" Nami loomed intimidatingly over Zoro.

"Huh?" The swordsman groaned, turning around in irritation.

"I finally understand just how terrifying this ocean truly is, as well as why they call it the grand line! I understand because all of my navigation skills have failed to work!" Nami announced.

"Uhh... Are we going to be fine?" Usopp gazed apprehensively from the upper deck where most of the crew lay sprawled out.

"We'll be fine! Things will work out one way or the other. And as a proof of that, look...!" The navigator gestured towards the horizon as an island began to appear from the sea mist.

"The first leg of out journey, is over."

"So this is Whiskey Peak!" Luffy said as he sat ontop of Merry, while his companions stood by admiring the new landfall.

"Thank God we've arrived alive!" Mr 9 sighed out of relief.

"Now then, we ask you please drop us off here!" Mr 9 and Ms Wednesday suddenly took a stand on the railing of the ship.

"Thank you for taking us here, my honeys! If fate wills it, then let us meet again!" Ms Wednesday said.

"Bye bye baby!" They flashed bright smiles as they leaped from the vessel into the watery depths below.

"They're gone... Just what is up with those two.." Sanji sighed.

"Forget about them! Prepare to land!" Nami instructed briskly.

"There's a river right up ahead. Looks like we can dock inland." Y/N told his crew mates.

"T-There wouldn't be any monsters on this island now, right...!?" Usopp questioned nervously while wiping away a bead of sweat from his brow.

"Considering this place is Grand Line and all, I'd say there is a good possibility." Sanji remarked calmly taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Well, we can always run away if that's the case." Luffy commented cheerfully.

"Wait just a second. Don't forget that we have to stay on this island for a certain amount of time." Nami closed her eyes.


"This log pose has to record this island's magnetic field, before we can move in to the next island! And the recording time varies for each island. There's some islands that take only a few hours to record while some take even a few days." She pointed at her log pose.

"Then even if we come to a horrible monster island that we want to run away from, it's possible that we'll have to stay on it for several days....!?" Usopp sweated once more.

"That's right." Nami responded.

"Well, we'll have to worry about it when it happens. So let's just go already!" Luffy declared, his smile wide and infectious.
"It'd be weird not to go in when there's a river in front of us!" He added cheerfully.

"For you, maybe..." Nami exhaled with a hint of resignation.

"No, what he says is right there's no use worrying about it so let's just go." Zoro chimed in with support.

"I'll protect you, Nami!" Sanji professed with a charming smile directed at her.

"H-H-Hey guys... Listen I uh.. I think I've suddenly developed a can't enter islands disease." Usopp interjected, hoping to garner their attention.

"How unfortunate, buddy." Y/N remarked sarcastically.

"...Fine let's go in then." Nami gave up.

"I'm serious. Guys my can't ente-"

"Ready? Be prepared to fight or run at a moment's notice." Nami told the boys.

"Huh, isn't that a pirate ship?" An onlooker observed as the ship made its passage. "Hey you're right!" Another one chimed in.

"I can hear people. But this fog's too thick to see them."

"People!? You sure it's people!?"

"Go tell the others!" The other one said.

"Pirates are here!"

The welcoming crowd erupted as they greeted the newly docked ship. "To the town of welcoming Whiskey Peak!"

"Oh?" Luffy grinned.

"Huh? Not only are there no monsters, but there's people greeting us." Usopp observed aloud, flabbergasted.

"What's going on..?" Sanji furrowed his swirly brows.

"Long live the brave heroes of the sea!" The townspeople cheered emphatically.

"T-Theres a bunch of lovely ladies too!" Sanji exclaimed as he swooned, his eyes morphing into heart shapes.

"Talk about a warm welcome! Looked like pirates really are the people's heroes!" Usopp boasted proudly, blowing kisses back at the crowd while Luffy and Y/N entertained them with comical gestures.

"You may be shocked at the welcome, but this is Whiskey Peak, a town of liquor and music. Hospitality is our middle name." Igarappoi explained.

"If it's fine liquor you want we have an oceans worth. So please I cordially invite you to our banquet. And hope that you may entread- ahem! Ma ma maa!"

"This man's hair too curly." Luffy remarked.

"Entreat us with tales of your adventures."

"GLADLY!" Usopp, Luffy, Y/N, and Sanji linked arms and dashed away, their countenances brimming with joy.

"The idiotic four." Nami muttered under her breath, while Zoro merely watched their retreating figures with a gaze of indifference.

"Ah, by the way, how long will it take for this island's log to be recorded?" Nami inquired of the melodic gentleman.

"Log? Please put aside thinking of such weary matters for now and focus on resting from your journey! Everyone! Prepare the banquet! And let us sing to out heart's content for these adventures!"

"Alright! Time for a party!"

The sun sets on Whiskey Peak.

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