A Place...To call.. My own?

By Salem_Kitchen_Witch

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...Loading Chapter One...
...Loading Chapter Two...
...Loading Chapter Three...
...Loading Chapter Four...
...Loading Chapter Five...
...Loading Chapter Seven...
...Loading Chapter Eight...
...Loading Chapter Nine...
...Loading Chapter Ten...
...Loading Chapter Eleven...
...Loading Chapter Twelve...

...Loading Chapter Six...

106 1 1
By Salem_Kitchen_Witch

"And you let me sleep in?!" Rin ran out of the dorm.

Itadori watched as he ran out. Kuro yawning as he sat up, and pranced out of the room. Itadori sighed.

"He looked like he needed it though" Itadori said.

He sighed once more and left to go patrolling again, maybe they'll have better luck this time?


Rin ran into the kitchen where Yukio stood, making himself a tea. Yukio didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Rin.


"Where is your new room? I let you have the week to yourself and you think you can just move rooms? Did you know you're supposed to be under supervision at all times?" Yukio asked.

Rin sighed, he knew this was coming.

"I couldn't find, you, I was giving you a whole day to come around so I know where you are, and it appears you've been sleeping" Yukio said, now making eye contact with Rin.

Yukio was indeed not pleased in the slightest. Rin sighed and relaxed his shoulders.

"I am still under supervision, I'm rooming with Itadori until they leave" Rin said.

"The Jujutsu Sorcerer trainee? Fine. But return to our room once they leave, and do something productive instead of lazing around all the damn time" Yukio said as he walked off.

"I got a cram class to teach, I told Shura about your week off, she will be begin her training earlier, so you better get moving" Yukio said.

Yukio walked out of the Kitchen and left the dorms. Rin rubbed his face, way too tired to even care right now. Rin just prepared himself a quick meal and took it to his new temporary room to get changed and ready for Shura's training lesson.

Rin arrived with his sword. She tossed a beer can she finished into the trash bin and looked at him.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked.

Rin shrugged "I dunno, still alive" He said.

She sighed mentally as she watched Rin take a bag of candles, and sat his happy ass down cross legged and dug into the bag to bring out three candles and set them in front of him. Rin set the bag aside and Shura watched as Rin began to clear his mind and tried to set only the whisks on fire.

          What might've been hours passed in silence, the only sound was Rin groaning in frustration every now and then at the failed attempts.

"Breathe" She said.

"Huh?" Rin started breathing again, he didn't even realized he had stopped breathing.

"Take your time with this. Well, don't take your sweet ass time, still rush and hurry but do it in your fastest pace" She said.

"Not helping" Rin said.

"Still" She said.

"Whatever... At this point I know I'm going to be executed, I haven't even mastered lighting some whisks on fire. So why should I care?" Rin said, standing up.

"Rin, c'mon, think about this, you're only like 17, you have so much to live for-"

"As a weapon for the Vatican? Or as me? Rin Okumura?" Rin asked.

Shura stopped, she knew that he would be treated as nothing more than a weapon if he lived. Rin felt slightly more pissed, he turned around angrily.

"Whatever. Let me die. I'll just live my last three months however I want"

"Rin, you don't want to do this, come back here we can try to find another way to control your flames" Shura walked over to Rin.

Rin slung his sword over his shoulder and stepped away from her. She stopped, looking at Rin in sorrowful and fearful disbelief.


"I've lost all hope of living... If they say I'm a demon, then I'm a demon. It doesn't matter anymore. But know this... If humans can be fucking terrible and cruel as shit, then why can't a demon like me who had never hurt anyone be good? Must every demon die because of what we are? I might be saying this cause I'm scared and a demon as well. But I know for a fact that not all demons are bad" Rin turned around.

"I'll leave, I know I'm going to die one way or another, might as well make it quicker..." Rin turned around, his back facing her, but he only turned his head to look at her saddened expression.

       He smiled softly at her, he accepted his fate.

      "I'll see you either before or at the trial. Thanks for doing what you can with me, I appreciate you and everything you did for me." Rin ended up walking out of the training area.

Shura was left there, in shock. She felt sorry for him, and didn't know what to do about this whole "Rin accepting to die" business.

       Rin exited the building and a feel of fresh air flew past his entire person, as if it was ever so softly kissing him. Rin closed his eyes and looked up at the nice blue sky that was already beginning to set, making a sky a pretty orange color.
           Rin breathed in the air. Something inside him felt light, he felt contented and he felt......... Better?

          Had the decision of accepting the fact that he was going to die in 3 months made him feel better? Was death what he needed? Something welled up inside him. It was strange and at first he tried to hold it down, but it felt wrong to hold it down, he let it out.

          What came out was a large and bright smile, he spread his arms like he was embracing the skies. He smiled, wider and wider, he felt glee and felt happier and happier. He dropped his arms and ran out of school grounds to the market where he ran around happily, he began spreading positivity to everyone he saw, complimenting everyone, helping old ladies cross the street.

         If you could see him, you'd smile at such happiness. But you would frown if you knew why he was so happy.

The moon was full and out, Rin sat at the empty playground, sitting on the swings, swinging himself happily, feeling like a child again. All these years.... All this torment.... Was this trial perhaps his only release? Was the heavens rewarding him for accepting that he was going to die by giving him this burst of carefree and happy energy?

He didn't know if that was true, but he was way too happy at the moment to care. Might as well burn some energy before returning to the dorms. Rin stopped swinging and just looked at the moon.

He was content, he closed his eyes and thought about nothing but this moment. But then, a voice broke him out of his happy moment.

"The hell are you doing out?"

Rin didn't need to open his eyes or move a muscle to know that voice anywhere, it was none other than Bon himself. Rin decided to ignore him and not allow this rooster to ruin his good say, and his good 3 months left of life.

        But Bon began walking up to Rin, maybe as an attempt to make him look at him. Rin felt that he was approaching, if it was a week ago, Rin would've just sat there and allowed whatever was going to happen happen.

        But not right now, not anymore. Rin looked at Bon., his eyes showing warning.

        "Bon, I'd back up if I were you"

       Bon indeed stopped, but he looked pissed.

       "Finally got the balls to speak?"

       "I've always did, but I never spoke, right now. I will, so back off, I was in a jolly mood before you killed it"

       Bon was even more pissed now, before Bon could speak, Rin looked up at the moon once more.

      "I know you like trash talking me. I know you're only targeting me as I'm the closest thing to Satan for you to get your revenge. I know, trust me, and I feel for you."

       Rin looked to Bon "But must I be blamed for something that I didn't do? I wasn't even born yet and I'm being punished by you for what Satan did?" Rin stood up.

      Bon did think about it, but his rage held better over him.

       "Bon, I have a task for you"

      "I ain't doing shit-"

        "Just listen asshole"

      Bon shut up, and Rin sighed.
      "I've accepted the fact that I'll never get my flames under control, my trial that determines if I live or not is in three months, and I know I'll die. Because I've accepted my death."

       Bon raised a brow in confusion, but he had an idea where this might be going.

       "Bon, in order to make you feel better and avenge everyone that died that night, I'll make you an offer you won't refuse"

      Rin looked up to Bon with a warm smile.

      "I'm not Satan, but being the closest thing to Satan is good enough I suppose, but during my execution, I'll let you be the one who ends me"

Bon wasn't sure if he heard that correctly. He had the look of shocked confusion on his face. Rin just sighed, a defeated smile on his face.

"I suppose I'll let you think about it. You have three months and two weeks to think about it, I better be going, until then, I have a life I wanna live before then. See you around"

Rin walked past Bon and walked back to the dorms. Bon just stood there, only turning around to watch as the demon walked off. Bon thought how Rin looked so accepting as Rin basically said that Bon could kill him if he wanted to. Then it all came to him.

      Both he and Rin were friends....Then Bon basically betrayed him....Beat him and everything.... And here Rin was.... Saying Bon could kill him if he pleases. Bon as well looked to the moon.

       What the hell happened???

        Rin arrived back at the dorms, it was late so maybe no one was awake. Which was fine. He walked to his room, and carefully opened the door in case Itadori was sleeping, but Itadori was wide awake, a small lamp lit as he played with Kuro with one of his many toys.

Both Kuro and Itadori looked to Rin "Hey, what kept you so long?"

Ah... That's right..... He still had to tell them about his decision for death.

Rin sat on his bed "Nothing really just... Had a good day today"

Kuro looked to have smiled "Really?! That's good!"

"Really? What'd you do? Play around town?"

"Basically yea"

"I see, next time bring me with you" Itadori said, standing up, holding Kuro in his arms.

Itadori began telling Rin about his day as Rin slightly dozed off. He'd hate to leave Kuro alone, and he doubt that Yukon would keep him.

'Maybe when I die.... Kuro should stick with Itadori? They look to get along well...'

Rin just smiled and listened to Itadori and what he was saying.


Yukio turned around and saw Shura running after him.

"What's your problem?" He asked.

"Rins my problem!" She said, panting for air.

"What did he do now? Did he give you a hard time?"

"No! He's planning to just accept his execution! Left in the middle of training saying he accepted his fate and is going to live the 3 months until the trial however he wanted to! You need to talk to him!" She said.

Yukio was shocked, and ran back to the dorms as fast as he could from a late night mission.

      Itadori and Rin stayed up late playing a card game. There were snacks and drinks, both having a good time.

       "Okay.. here's a card.." Rin said, taking a chop out of his ice cream sandwich and began reading the card.

       "Hit me" Itadori said, holding his hand of cards to his face.

Rin smiled "Okay.. The card says... "what sounds great, after four margaritas?" Hehe, hit me with your best shot" Rin said.

Itadori held a laugh as he set the card down, Rin looked down and read it.

"DOMESTIC TERRORISM?!?! BRO WHAT THE FUC-Ahahaha!" Both Rin and Itadori laughed.

As most can tell... They're playing "Cards against humanity"

"You said with my best shot" Itadori said.

Rin laughed, feeling more alive than he had been "True, your turn" he said.

Itadori nodded and began drinking his soda as he pulled out a card and quickly read it before he spoke what the card said.

"What's about to take this dance floor" Itadori did a little dance move with his arms and shoulders, making Rin laugh before he continued "To the next level?"

Rin looked at his hand and smiled slyly as he placed the card he picked on top of the previous one Itadori drew.

"Suicide Bombers" Rin said.

"Jesus fucking Christ Rin" Itadori said, smiling.

"Hey I might as well fucking join, I'ma die anyways soon" Rin said.

"You know what. Fucking same I'm hopping in too" Both Itadori and Rin laughed as they continued continued to play.

"Hey, I saw this one TikTok where this dude would lay four of these answer cards in front of his cat, say what the card say, and the cat would chose a random card, what the card that cat chose was always so unhinged and fucking funny that it can make me laugh for hours on end" He said.

"Where you getting at?" Rin asked.

"Watch" Itadori set four cards in front of Kuro who looked at them curiously.

"Okay Kuro, once I read this card-" He held one up "you pick a random card from any of these, and Rin would read what you chose. Okay?"

Kuro nodded, happy to be included. Let's just say, Kuro was good at this sort of games...

  [To be continued....]

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