सौंदर्य विध्वंस का : The Beau...

By roseeee__1

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An untimely tale surrounding the Kingdom of Kapila. Caught between myriad of emotions, battles, jealously, be... More

Chapter 1: Beginning of Destruction
Chapter 2: Amendments
Chapter 3 : Mysteries
Chapter 4 : Politics
Chapter 6 : New Emotions?
Chapter 7 : Questions
Chapter 8 : Longings
Chapter 9 : Hopes
Chapter 10 : Hopes (Part 2)

Chapter 5 : Secrets

89 18 27
By roseeee__1


I wake up in my chamber. My vision is still blur. I see Kamakshi sitting beside me on my bed. She helps me to sit up. I see that both Abhaya and Aniruddha are also in my chamber, sitting on the stool near the balcony. As soon as I wake up, they hurry their way towards me.

"Are you feeling well? Should I call the Rajvaid (Royal doctor)?" Abhaya asks looking concerned.

"No, I am alright, I think I just needed some rest." I say glancing towards Aniruddha.

"आपको अपने स्वास्थ का ध्यान रखना चाहिए, सखी." Aniruddha says smiling.

(You should take care of your health, friend. {सखी=Female friend})

"I certainly will." I reply.

After some random questions and answers, both of them leave my chamber, so that I could rest. But I certainly didn't plan to do so.

"Who brought me here?" I ask Kamakshi.

"Rajkumari, you fainted in the arms of Rajkumar Achyuta. He brought you here and left." She replies.

I scoff. What a man. He wants to marry me and wants me to only think of him. When he doesn't even care of my well being. Heartless.

"From how long I've been unconcious?" I ask.

"Rajkumari, it's the next day. You've slept whole night and whole morning. It's afternoon now." She says, drawing her eyebrows together.

Wait what? I've been unconscious for such long? Come to think of it, it made sense. The clothes of Kamakshi, Abhaya and Aniruddha had changed. They were different from what I last remember.

"You should have your lunch, Rajkumari." Kamakshi says pointing towards a plate kept on the table.

I nod, stand up and sit on the stool to eat my lunch. I gesture her to join me. Never from what I remember, she has eaten her meal before me. And I am sure she had skipped hr dinner and breakfast just because I did not eat. She comes and join me. We both eat in silence. Once we've eaten, she leaves to keep the plates in the kitchen. She returns after some time.

"I want to take a look around the palace. You don't need to accompany me. I will come back and take a bath. So prepare everything till I am back." I say to Kamakshi.

"Yes Rajkumari." She says bowing her head.

I leave the chamber. Unconsciously, I start walking towards Abhaya's chamber. I can't stop thinking about the look he gave me when I first came to the assembly. Suddenly, I hear some noises coming out of one room. I go closer to that I can hear better.

"But she wants a swayamvar." I hear a voice. I immediately recognise it. It's the voice of the King. King Madhavdev.

"But that boy has waited long enough for her. We cannot ruin his chances, his longings this time. It's been more than 1000 years. He took 7 births solely for her." I hear the other voice. I can't recognise the voice.

"But Guruji..." Suddenly I feel a hand wrapping my waist. I get shocked and turn around to see who it is. Achyuta.

"Spying on the king, my little princess?" He whispers in my ears.

His voice, in whisper, sent shivers down my spines. I try to set free from his hold, only for him to tighten his grasp. He pulls me towards himself, so that my back is touching his front. My hands touches his hands, subconsciously.

"I am not spying on the king. I was just passing by and I thought someone was arguing so I stopped to see if there was a problem. And I am not YOUR LITTLE princess." I say defensively.

He keeps staring at me with a smile, as if I am a little girl.

"What? Leave me!" I say struggling to get out of his grasp.

He frees me and puts his hands up in air.

"Anything for my favourite little princess." He says smiling.

I hate this. Why does he keeps on calling me that? Anyways, I don't have time for this.

"I am leaving, prince." I say and walk away from him.

Soon, I find myself in the garden, sitting on the jhula, on which Abhaya sat yesterday. My mind drifts back to what I heard in that room. Who was King Madhavdev talking about? Who was waiting for me? With whom was he talking? And were they really talking about me or someone else? So many questions flooded my mind. My mind gets clouded with all the mixed thoughts. Abhaya, Aniruddha, conversation with Achyuta, King Madhavdev and his conversation... Everything floats up in my mind and made me dizzy.

I needed a break. I quickly go back to my chamber. Kamakshi had kept everything ready for my bath. I take a quick bath and tell her to keep a disguise ready for both of us. We were going out of the palace. In the market. I wanted a shift of environment. We quickly dress as the other maids, cover our heads and face with pallu (free end of saree - a traditional Indian dress). We blend in among some of the maids and leave the palace after some time.

We reach the marketplace. It is crowded with people. I like being among common people. It feels more refreshing then being between few maids and almost no friends. Although palace life is luxurious and I am accustomed to it, but sometimes, being with common people is the best escape you can ask for.

Both of us stroll around the market, buying random stuff and food. Street food of Kapila is mouthwatering. The market is also very huge. We just took two rounds of the market and it was already sunset.

"We should go to the palace, Rajkumari." Kamakshi says seeing all the shops shutting down.

I nod. We start walking towards the palace. After few minutes of walking in silence, I hear sudden rustling of leaves. I gesture Kamakshi to stop and listen to the voice. Suddenly, 5 - 6 men popp out of the bushes. All of them have covered their face and have swords in their hands. I figure out they're a gang of thieves.

"Give me everything you have." One man, probably their leader, says pointing his sword at us.

I didn't want any harm to befall on Kamakshi or me. So I signal her to give her bag of coins. We both place our bags on the ground. One of the men steps in front and takes both the bags. But they don't leave. I realise this is not merely a petty thievery, they're planning to assault us. I spring into defensive mode. I nudge Kamakshi and she understands what I am thinking. Quickly, we take out our daggers from our boots and attack the nearest man. They come to attack us, altogether. I manage to kill one of them. I quickly glance towards Kamakshi. She was fighting with three men. I was left with two. I charge towards them and with one slash, I cut one of the men's throat. He falls on the ground, yet not dead. I go upto him, sit on my knees and give another cut on his throat. He dies on the spot.

I turn around, determined to kill the third one. He's already standing before me. Before I could realise, he cuts my arm with his sword. Blood starts flowing from the wound. My vision gets blurred. I try to lift my arm to attack him, but I can't. I see Kamakshi fighting with one man. She's already killed two. But she can't help me, even if I shout. I can't die like this. I am yet to take my revenge. I had to live. Gathering all my strength, I try to focus on the man. He attacks me. But his attack is blocked by someone.

I see, it's a man, with wavy hair and a mark on his forehead. He used his bare hand to block the attack. He pushes the man back. The man falls on the ground. He gets hold of his sword and with a swift movement, cuts his both arms and at last, his head. Blood splatters all over his face.

He turns around and comes upto me. He pulls a bag and removes a small container from it. He takes my arm in his hand and starts applying the contents of the container on my arm. I see Kamakshi coming towards us. She's totally fine, no scars. I take a sigh of relief.

"Why do you have to be so reckless, princess?" He asks, staring straight into my eyes.

I am too stunned to speak. How does he know who I am? And who is he? Where did he come from? Judging by my expressions, he smiles at me.

"So sorry princess. I am Rishabha. Prince of Kailasha kingdom. You don't recognise me?" He asks looking a bit surprised.

Now I recognise him. He's the son of my father's best friend. I've seen him many time during my childhood. But I couldn't recognise him. But what was he doing here? Afterall, Kapila kingdom and Kailasha kingdom have been enemies from time known.

"Ohh! Greetings, prince Rishabha. I am sorry I couldn't recognise you. Thank you for saving me today." I say smiling at him.

"No problem, princess. It's my duty afterall." He says.

"Are you here in Kapila for any special matter?" I enquire.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, a very very special matter." He says raising his eyebrows.

"What special matter brings you to the enemy kingdom?" I ask him.

"Your swayamvar, princess." He replies with a serious expression.


New character:

Prince Rishabha. Prince of Kailasha. Son of the best friend of Aparajita's father. He's been obsessed with Aparajita since they were children. He has acquired knowledge in 5 subjects- Archery, Sanskrit, Prakrit, swordsmanship and Veena playing. He's also the heir to Kailasha kingdom. He has rejected about 6 to 7 marriage proposals just because he's in love with Aparajita.


I hope you liked and enjoyed today's update. The scene of Achyuta and Aparajita, it's illustration will be posted on ig. Check it out once.
Apart from that, what are your thoughts on the story so far? What is your favourite part or line? Let me know in the comments.
Don't forget to vote!! I'll upload next chapter soon... Stay tuned, take care... xo


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