By Fairyaftab

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Byeon Woo-seok × oc " i won't let you go " " let's stay together" More

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103 4 0
By Fairyaftab

                           Next day

Soo-jin and byeol was sitting in a cafe soo-jin was waiting for her to tell him she gulped " so byeol why you wanted to meet me "? She cleared her throat and said " I was just worried for Sofia that's why I called you here to ask about her as you know I can't talk with her " soo-jin find it suspicious she really didn't called him for that than why she is behaving like this

" You sure that's all you wanted to say " he said raising his eyebrows she quickly nodded " yes that's all "

He wasn't completely believed her but he nodded and after sometime they both said goodbye and left byeol walked to her car sitting in she saw Jessica sitting in passenger seat

" So you didn't told him anything right "? Jessica asked him she nodded " ofc I didn't tell him anything " jessica smirked " you better shut your mouth if you don't wanna end like Sofia or maybe you end up in worst way " saying that Jessica left from there

                            Time skip

Soo-jin entered the house and saw Sofia pacing back forth in living room " where were you huh "!? She asked in demanding voice " I went out for a walk "

" Walk ? In car seriously" she looked at him with curiosity" no just went out for some fresh air like that "

" Nevermind leave it I have a meeting with producer today I have to sign this movie no matter what so have to give my best impression so let's go I have to pick outfit " she didn't even let him say anything and grabbed his hand and dragged him outside


" These all outfits look good yeh soo-jin help to pick one " he pointed his finger " me "?

" Yes you now tell me which one is better " he looked at outfits and than pointed at one

" This one looks better "  she smiled " yes right so I will take this one "

                      Time skip
                       At night

Sofia arrived at her destination there was producer and director waiting for her as it was private meeting so there was no one except them soo-jin stayed in some distance don't wanna disturb them after discussing the project director smiled " we are looking forward to work with you Sofia you're really perfect for his role " sofia smiled brightly director left only Sofia and producer was there Sofia bow

Producer gave her flowers she smiled and thank him when he asked " I heard you had break up Sofia so are you seeing someone or single "? His question was out of blue before Sofia could answer someone pulled her closer by her waist she looked and saw him

" She's my girlfriend" ......

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