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Sofia looked up and saw him standing Infront of her with concern look seeing him she felt comfortable without wasting time she hugged him he was taken back by her sudden action she keep hugging him and said. " I thought you won't come I thought I might die today I'm glad you are here "  he fist his hand

                             Time skip

He placed a glass of water Infront of her she looked at him " you know your life is in danger than why you keep doing this what if I didn't came at right moment "  soo-jin said looking at her " I am sorry I was just tense that time and needed break that's why" he nodded feeling her state

                                3rd person pov

A girl entered the net cafe with a mask and cap covering her face she start typing " kim Sofia is cheat she never deserved all this success she used money to get this fame otherwise she is just loser " and click she posted this with smirk " lets see how far you can go Sofia "

                                 Next day

Sofia arrived at the location of shooting she saw byeol she walked to her , byeol smiled seeing her best friend " sofia" she took a seat beside her " I'm glad you got this drama "  byeol looked down feeling guilty " I never wanted to replace you am sorry "

" Aish why you saying sorry you're actress too and am glad you got this drama and no one else " sofia said with a smile" byeol shoot is ready " director said byeol look at y/n " its okay you go byeol we will meet later okay "

Saying that Sofia walked to soo-jin who was standing in some distance " I need favour"

" What kind of favour Ms Kim " soojin asked her " do you know any place which is not so crowded actually as I have nothing to do I am thinking to enjoy by day so you know any place "?

" Yes I know "  he said making her smile " great let's go " they walk to car Sofia was about to sit on backseat but than she opened the passenger side and sit he looked at her " its okay as we going together so it's not a problem if I sit with you right "? He simply nodded

There was silence for a minute until she said something " did you really called me Nari yesterday or was that my imagination "?

" Yes I did " he said without wasting time " how I mean I thought no one knows my this name "

" As your bodyguard I know your real name is Kim Nari "  she give sad smile " my mom gave me this name I was 7 years old when I got my first drama my mom was coming to pick me up but ended up getting in an accident and she died after that no one calls me Nari everyone knows me as Kim Sofia even my dad my sister my boyfriend everyone calls me Sofia and for the first time after my mom's death you called me that I felt really happy when u call me that "

He was listening her carefully "  when you call my name yesterday it felt like you called the real me thank you for that " he look at her and said

" I know Kim Nari is different form the Kim Sofia that  world knows "

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