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Sofia was shocked as hell after hearing all this she was frozen on her spot it felt like someone spelled ice spell on her she just couldn't move her body was she just a target all this time ? She never expected him to betrayal her " Not him " that was the only thing going in her mind at time

" Stop this nonsense Jessica we already broke up long time ago I even left that job so don't drag my past " he said in little angry voice

" Pardon? Ig I heard you wrong , drag ur past be for real soo-jin you really think you can leave your dark past like this you're freaky cheat from the start you're the most selfish and cruel person I've ever met in my life and what about that Kim Sofia do u think she will accept you after knowing you're a fucking criminal"!!!
Soo-jin was getting furious " do you love her "? She said him Sofia also waited for his answer deep down she wanted him to say yes but his answer left her stunned " No I don't love infact I will kill her tonight "

That was it sofia couldn't hear it anymore so she decided to leave soo-jin also had enough of her he was really not in his right mind he grab Jessica's arm and dragged her outside" leave me soo-jin you can't do this with me "!! She said in squeaky voice but that didn't effect him he pulled her out and said " never show me your face again or you will face the worst consequences afterall you know how cruel am I right '?

                          Time skip

Soo-jin arrived home when he saw Sofia sitting in living room staring at nothing he asked her "  Ms Kim you okay"? Hearing his voice send shiver through her spine she looked at him his face his eyes was very calm like he didn't did anything wrong and for the first time she felt scared seeing him like this fear that he will hurt her " Ms Kim "? Again his voice got her back from her thoughts

" Ofc am okay " she said with a smile which was more like a fake smile " btw soo-jin how about we go out tonight"? He looked at her for a second and then nodded " Sure Ms Kim "

                               At night

" Wow it's so pretty" sofia said looking around soo-jin also nodded both were standing there when sofia asked him " why you decided to become bodyguard" that question was out of blue for soo-jin " oh well-" he wasn't sure what to answer at that point

" Maybe someone hurt your ego by insulting you so in the end you decided to take her life in the name of protecting her " his eyes widened no he wasn't ready for this not yet " tell me soo-jin was I that harsh that u decided to end my life and by any chance do you still have same intentions"? He was collecting words to explain her and why ? Why he wants to explain when it was the right moment to end her life than why instead of killing her he wants to explain he was still in these thoughts when she said

" Go ahead and kill me soo-jin there isn't any point to even live "

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