By AhnzuDeLeon

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Sam and Mon were high school lovers who were destined to fight for their love despite of legal constraints af... More

Chapter 1: The Fab Five
Chapter 2: A Wife's Duty
Chapter Three: Regret's Path
Chapter 4: Bestfriends
Chapter 5: Diversity
Chapter 6: Rekindled Echoes
Chapter 7: The Rumors
Chapter 8: Yearning Forgiveness
Chapter 9: Contract Termination
Chapter 10: Sleepless
Chapter 11: A Deep Slumber
Chapter 12: Unattainable Heart
Chapter 13: Rekindled Bonds
Chapter 14: Sinful Desire
Chapter 15: Who is Nop?
Chapter 16: In Pain
Chapter 17: Can You Be My Girlfriend
Chapter 18: A Secret Affair
Chapter 19: The First Night
Chapter 20: Forbidden Love
Chapter 21: Breakfast and Jealousy
Chapter 22: The Client
Chapter 23: Kirk's Proposition
Chapter 24: Noi's Confession
Chapter 25: A Little Reunion
Chapter 26: Discreet Confrontation
Chapter 28: A Love Worth Fighting For
Chapter 29: Sam's Confession
Chapter 30: Mon's Birthday
Chapter 31: Over a Broken Promise
Chapter 32: Letting Go??
Chapter 33: Redeeming Commitment
Chapter 34: Unbalanced Desire
Chapter 35: The Cousin
Chapter 36: Shadows of Suspicion
Chapter 37: The Proposal
Chapter 38: Love Lost at Another's Altar
Chapter 39: Rebuilding from Within
Chapter 40: Untying Vows
Chapter 41: Echoes of Conscience
Chapter 42: Heart's Battlefield
Chapter 43: Everlasting Allegiance
Chapter 44: Love's Resilience
Chapter 45: Guarding Secrets
Chapter 46: Holding On
Chapter 47: Gentle Goodbye
Chapter 48: Shielded Secrets
Chapter 49: Life's Wrong Turns
Chapter 50: Moving On
Chapter 51: The Unrequited
Chapter 52: Bounded by Desire
Chapter 53: Unveiling Truth
Chapter 54: Eyes Wide Open
Chapter 55: Unconditionally
Chapter 56: Our Little One
Chapter 57: The Trail of Evidence
Chapter 58: Beneath the Surface
Chapter 59: Stilled Screams
Chapter 60: Shadows of Compromise
Chapter 61: Green Eyed Secrets
Chapter 62: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 63: A Sister's Farewell
Chapter 64: The Repeating Saga
Chapter 65: Blood Ties
Chapter 66: Acceptance
Chapter 67: Home
Chapter 68: Alliance
Chapter 69: Letting Go
Chapter 70: Fresh Start
Chapter 71: The Annulment
Chaptrer 72: Cradling Hormones
Chapter 73: Unexpected Intrusion
Chapter 74: Soothing Emotions
Chapter 75: Journey to Endless Commitment
Chapter 76: A Journey to Ever After
Chapter 77: Dream Come True
Chapter 78: Little One
Chapter 79: Finale
Chapter 80: Special Chapter: 1 Year After

Chapter 27: Heated Sulkiness

428 27 1
By AhnzuDeLeon

As they pulled up to Mon's house, Kirk couldn't help but notice that it looked unchanged from their college days. He glanced at Mon's house, taking in the familiar sight.

Noticing Nop waiting nearby, Kirk raised an eyebrow. "Looks like someone's waiting for you," he remarked casually, turning to Mon with a curious expression.

Mon's heart skipped a beat as she exchanged a quick glance with Sam, her mind racing with apprehension. "Uh, yeah," she replied hesitantly, avoiding Kirk's gaze. "He's my cousin, and..."

Kirk's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing Mon's evasiveness. "He's the one you were talking about, your forbidden love?" he asked, his tone probing.

Mon took a deep breath, preparing herself to explain. "Nop and I... it's complicated," she began, glancing nervously at Kirk. "We've known each other for so long, and our feelings... they're deeper than just cousinly love."

Kirk listened intently, his expression serious as he absorbed Mon's words.

"We're trying to navigate this, especially living under the same roof with my parents," Mon continued, her voice tinged with emotion. "It's not easy, but we're determined to make it work."

As Mon spoke, Sam's jealousy flared up like a wildfire, her heart sinking at the thought of Mon being in love with someone else, especially someone so close to her. She struggled to keep her emotions in check, she tightened her grip on her car door.

Sam, unable to contain her sarcasm, chimed in, "Well, looks like Nop's eagerly waiting. You wouldn't want to keep him waiting, would you?"

Kirk nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's not keep him waiting."

Mon nodded, giving a small smile. "I should go then. See you tomorrow at the office  Sam" With that, she stepped out of the car, her heart heavy with the tension between them.

Kirk contemplated aloud, "It's a shame they're cousins. They seem like they'd make a good couple. Dont you think Sam?"

Sam, unable to hide her irritation, cut in sharply, "Let's just go home, Kirk." She couldn't shake off the jealousy simmering inside her as they drove away.

As the sun's rays gently filtered through the office windows, casting a warm glow over the desks and workstations, the bustling sounds of a new day began at the office. Employees trickled in one by one, greeting each other with smiles and nods as they prepared for another day of productivity.

Noi grinned as they walked towards their workstations, "You're like Sam's guardian angel at work, Mon. Ever since you started working under her, she's been way less tense."

Yha nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's like you have a calming effect on her."

Chin chimed in, "Though sometimes, Sam still loses it, right?"

Mon chuckled modestly, "I'm just doing my job. But yeah, Sam can still get a bit fiery sometimes."

The group froze as Sam's voice cut through the conversation. "And today is one of those days," she added with a sigh.

Noi quickly apologized, "Sorry, Sam. We didn't mean to—"

Chin swiftly retreated, but Sam called her back, "Hey, Chin, about that report I asked for the other day..."

Mon couldn't help but notice the tension in the air as she and Sam locked eyes briefly. Sam then turned to Mhee, "Mhee, could you please bring me my coffee?"

As Sam turned away, Mon couldn't shake off her confusion. "What's going on?" she whispered to herself.

Meanwhile, Mhee nodded and headed towards the pantry to fetch Sam's coffee, leaving Mon standing there, still puzzled by Sam's sudden change in demeanor.

Mhee entered Sam's office with the coffee and found Sam murmuring by herself near the window. "What's with them? Loves him? What about me?" Sam muttered under her breath.

Clearing her throat, Mhee approached Sam and offered the coffee. "Here's your coffee, Sam," she said softly.

Sam snapped out of her thoughts, thanking Mhee with a forced smile, and Mhee left the office, leaving Sam to ponder over her own conflicted feelings.

As Mhee closed Sam's door, she couldn't shake off her confusion about what she witnessed inside. Mon passed by her, noticing her puzzled expression, and asked, "What's wrong, Mhee?"

Mhee sighed, turning to Mon. "Sam's really not in the mood today," she explained quietly.

Just then, Yha's phone rang. After a brief nod of acknowledgment, Yha called out to Mon. "Hey, Mon, Sam needs you in the office," she said, her tone serious.

Mon entered Sam's office, finding her sitting on her couch, her expression serious as she sipped her coffee. "Sam, what's going on?" Mon asked, concern evident in her voice.

Sam sarcastically inquired, "What's going on, Mon? Don't you already know? Perhaps you enjoyed your time with your cousin so much that you don't care about me anymore." Mon chuckled, realizing Sam was sulking over Nop.

Sam stood up to face Mon as she noticed Mon chuckling over her sulkiness. "What's so funny?" Sam asked, her tone serious. "What's your real relationship with Nop?" Mon continued to chuckle, evading Sam's question.

As they revisited their discussion about Nop, Sam pressed on, "You said Nop is just your cousin, right?" Mon nodded, affirming her statement. "Yeah, just my cousin," she replied, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Sam retorted, "He's just your cousin, but you're practically living together. You even told Kirk that you're in love with Nop." Mon chuckled and tried to hug Sam, teasing her, "Aw, you're so cute when you sulk, Sam."

Sam continued to sulk, settling into her office chair. "You can't sweet talk to me right now," she said to Mon, crossing her arms over her chest.

Mon pouted, frustration evident on her face. "We've already talked about this, Sam. Nop is just staying at our house temporarily," she explained, trying to reason with Sam. "And about what I told Kirk... I only said that to give him an excuse."

Mon gently turned Sam's chair so they were facing each other. "Sam, you know who that person is," she said softly, her gaze searching Sam's eyes. "You know who my forbidden love is."

Sam replied, "Then tell me, Mon. Who is it?"

Mon, frustrated, retorted, "Does Sam really not know?"

Sam insisted, "I want to hear it from you, Mon. Or better yet, show me."

Mon was stunned into silence by Sam's determination, meeting her gaze with uncertainty.

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