Aero (a BNHA OC story)

By ineedtoshush

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In which UA's former golden boy is recruited to join UA's teaching staff. After his debut as the hero Aero, K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
UA days 1
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
UA days 2 (part 1)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 *
Chapter 69 *
Chapter 70 *
Chapter 71

UA days 2 (part 2)

53 4 0
By ineedtoshush


After enduring a few more lessons, the school day finally drew to a close. Kenzo gathered his belongings and made his way out of the classroom, eager to escape the confines of the school grounds and head home.

As he stepped through the front door of his house, he noticed his stepfather slouched in the living room, a half-empty bottle of whiskey clutched in his hand. Kenzo's heart sank at the sight, knowing all too well the unpredictable mood swings that often accompanied his stepfather's drinking.

Hastily, Kenzo tiptoed past the living room, his breath caught in his throat as he prayed not to draw his stepfather's attention. With each creak of the stairs, his anxiety grew, the tension in the air palpable.

Finally reaching the sanctuary of his bedroom, Kenzo let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door behind him, turning the lock with trembling hands. Safe within the confines of his room, he collapsed onto his bed, his mind swirling with a mix of exhaustion and apprehension.

As the evening wore on, the distant sound of his stepfather's drunken ramblings echoed through the house, a constant reminder of the tumultuous environment in which Kenzo found himself trapped. Yet within the confines of his locked room, he found solace.

That night, Kenzo found himself tossing and turning in his bed, the weight of his thoughts weighing heavily on his mind. Despite his exhaustion, sleep remained elusive, slipping through his grasp like sand through clenched fists.

With a frustrated sigh, Kenzo cast his gaze around the dimly lit room, his eyes eventually landing on the loose floorboard in the corner. His heart sank as he remembered what lay hidden beneath—a stash of marijuana, a crutch he had relied on far too often to numb the pain and quiet the turmoil within.

For months, Kenzo had been trying to break free from the grip of his addiction, to reclaim control over his life and escape the cycle of dependency. Yet each time he vowed to quit, the lure of escape proved too strong, pulling him back into its embrace with an irresistible allure.

Tonight was no different. With a resigned sigh, Kenzo rose from his bed, his footsteps silent as he crossed the room to the corner where the loose floorboard lay. He pried the board loose, revealing the familiar sight of his stash concealed within.

As he reached for the small bag, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him—guilt, shame, but also a sense of desperate longing for the temporary relief it promised. With a heavy heart, Kenzo succumbed to temptation once more, knowing full well the consequences of his actions, yet unable to resist the siren call of escape.

With a sense of resignation, Kenzo retrieved his phone from the bedside table and dialled Dennis's number, his fingers fumbling slightly as he navigated the screen. As the call rang through, Kenzo took another hit from the joint, feeling the familiar rush of euphoria wash over him, momentarily drowning out the chaos of his thoughts.

"Hey, Dennis," Kenzo greeted his friend, his words slightly slurred from the effects of the marijuana. "You up?"

Dennis's voice crackled through the phone, tinged with sleepiness. "Kenzo? What's up, man? It's like, 3 in the morning."

Kenzo chuckled softly, the sound echoing hollowly in the quiet of his room. "Yeah, sorry about that. Couldn't sleep, you know? Just needed someone to talk to."

Dennis's tone shifted, concern evident in his voice. "You okay, Kenzo? You sound... off."

Kenzo hesitated for a moment, grappling with the weight of his emotions. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied with forced nonchalance, though even he could hear the uncertainty in his own voice. "Just... having one of those nights, you know?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, as if Dennis was weighing his words carefully. "I'm here for you, man," he said finally, his voice soft with understanding. "Whatever you need, I've got your back."

Kenzo felt a surge of gratitude wash over him, grateful for Dennis's unwavering support even in his darkest moments. "Thanks, Dennis," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "I really appreciate it."

As they continued to talk, Kenzo felt the weight of his troubles ease ever so slightly, buoyed by the reassuring presence of his friend on the other end of the line.

After hanging up, Kenzo decided he felt too claustrophobic. With a sense of urgency, he hastily tucked the phone into his pocket and rolled two more blunts, his fingers moving with practised precision. He snatched a lighter from his bedside table, pulling on a jacket and slipping into his trainers over his pyjamas.

As he tiptoed towards the door, every creak of the floorboards felt like an echo in the silence of the night, each sound amplifying his sense of apprehension. He paused at the top of the stairs, straining his ears for any sign of movement from the living room where his stepfather slumbered.

When all remained still, Kenzo exhaled a silent sigh of relief and descended the stairs with cautious steps, his heart pounding in his chest. Every nerve in his body seemed to be on edge, a gnawing sense of unease clawing at the edges of his consciousness.

Once he reached the front door, Kenzo eased it open with trembling hands, wincing at the faint creak of the hinges. He slipped outside into the cool night air, the darkness enveloping him like a comforting blanket.

With a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure he hadn't been followed, Kenzo set off towards the park, his footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The familiar path unfurled before him, each step a testament to the memories that he had made here.

When he reached the park, Kenzo found solace in the empty benches scattered beneath the moonlit sky. He settled onto one of them, the cool metal beneath him a stark contrast to the warmth of his jacket.

As he sparked up one of the blunts, Kenzo inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of marijuana mingling with the crisp night air. With each exhale, he felt the weight of his worries begin to lift, replaced by a sense of calm that settled over him like a gentle breeze.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Kenzo allowed himself to simply be, to exist in the quiet solitude of the night, far removed from the chaos of his daily life. And in that moment, as he gazed up at the stars twinkling overhead, he felt a glimmer of hope flicker to life within him, a beacon of light guiding him through the darkness.

As Kenzo crept back home in the early hours of the morning, the pungent scent of weed clung to him like a second skin, permeating the air around him with every step he took. The darkness seemed to swallow him whole as he approached the front door, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

With trembling hands, Kenzo turned the key in the lock, the familiar creak of the door echoing through the silent house like a warning bell. His heart hammered in his chest as he stepped inside, his every movement amplified in the stillness of the night.

But before he could slip away unnoticed, a gruff voice shattered the silence from the living room. "Who's there?" his stepfather's voice boomed, thick with sleep and irritation.

Kenzo froze in his tracks, his heart sinking like a stone in his chest. He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as he struggled to form a coherent response.

As he began to ascend the stairs, the floorboards creaking beneath his weight, his stepfather emerged from the living room, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Kenzo? Is that you?" he growled, his voice laced with anger.

Kenzo's heart sank even further at the sound of his name, knowing full well what awaited him at the top of the stairs. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he turned to face his stepfather, his gaze steady despite the fear coursing through his veins.

"Yeah," Kenzo muttered, as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation.

His stepfather's nostrils flared as he caught a whiff of the unmistakable scent clinging to Kenzo's clothes. "What's that smell?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word. "Have you been smoking? You damn nitty."

Kenzo winced at the term, his fists clenched at his sides as he met his stepfather's furious gaze head-on. "I was just out for a walk," he spoke, his voice tinged with defiance. "I wasn't doing anything wrong."

But his stepfather's expression remained unchanged, his eyes boring into Kenzo with unbridled fury. "Don't lie to me, you piece of shit," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "I know exactly what you've been up to. You're nothing but a worthless junkie, just like your mother."

Kenzo flinched at the mention of his mother, a pang of guilt twisting in his chest at the memory of her struggles. He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could speak, his stepfather's hand lashed out, striking him across the face with a sharp crack.

The force of the blow sent Kenzo stumbling backward into the bannister, his head spinning as pain exploded behind his eyes. His lip was busted and his arm was bruised, nothing too major, but hate spiked through the blonde's heart.

"Don't fucking touch me. I hate you." Kenzo seethed as blood dripped from his upper lip, staining his pyjama shirt.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" His stepfather growled, starting to climb the stairs.

Without hesitation, Kenzo turned and fled to his room, the echoes of his stepfather's curses ringing in his ears long after he had closed the door behind him.


Kenzo's eyes fluttered open, his mind still foggy from the lingering effects of the weed. With a groan, he pushed himself upright, his body protesting every movement. As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, the events of the night before flooded back into his consciousness, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

Dragging himself out of bed, Kenzo stumbled towards the bathroom, his muscles aching with every step. He winced as he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror, his eyes bloodshot and rimmed with exhaustion. A bruise mottled his lip and arm, stark reminders of his confrontation with his stepfather.

Turning on the shower, Kenzo stepped beneath the hot spray, the water washing away the grime and tension of the night before. He let out a heavy sigh, the steady rhythm of the water soothing his frayed nerves.

As he stood beneath the stream, Kenzo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. The confrontation with his stepfather had left him shaken and vulnerable, his sense of security shattered like fragile glass.

But despite the turmoil swirling within him, Kenzo resolved to push forward, to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same resilience and determination that had carried him through countless trials before. With a steely glint in his eyes, he shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, ready to face the day head-on.

Kenzo stood in front of his wardrobe, his uniform laid out neatly on the bed beside him. He eyed the pristine white shirt, green pants and grey blazer, the familiar attire of UA High School, with a hint of pride. No matter how tough life got, he was still attending one of the best hero schools in the world. He wasn't going to forget that

Remembering Aizawa's warning about the tie, Kenzo let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he should have learned how to tie one by now, but the absence of a proper father figure in his life had left him woefully unprepared in certain areas.

With a reluctant shrug, he reached for the red tie, the fabric feeling foreign and unfamiliar in his hands. He fumbled with it for a moment, attempting to mimic the motions he had seen others perform countless times before.

But no matter how he twisted and turned the fabric, Kenzo couldn't seem to make any progress. The tie remained a tangled mess in his hands, mocking him with its stubborn refusal to cooperate.

Frustration mounting, Kenzo let out a string of muttered curses under his breath, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. It was moments like these that made him keenly aware of the gaps in his knowledge and the weight of his past experiences.

Kenzo hurriedly stuffed the stubborn tie into his bag, hoping to deal with it later. With a final glance around his room, he made sure he had everything he needed before pulling on his school shoes and slipping into his blazer.

Grabbing his bag, Kenzo dashed down the stairs, the wooden steps creaking beneath his hurried footsteps. He barely spared a glance at the living room where his stepfather still lay asleep on the couch, his presence a looming reminder of the tense atmosphere that permeated their home.

Without a second thought, Kenzo flung open the front door, the cool morning air hitting him as he stepped out onto the doorstep. The events of the previous night lingered in the back of his mind, casting a shadow over the start of a new day. But he pushed aside his worries, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same resilience and determination that had carried him through countless hardships before.

Kenzo arrived at school earlier than usual, the sun barely peeking over the horizon as he made his way through the empty corridors. An idea had sparked in his mind, one that he hoped would help him with his struggle.

With a determined stride, Kenzo headed towards the staff room, his footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. He hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door, the soft murmur of voices greeting him as he stepped inside.

Ms. Midnight, the seductive pro hero, glanced up from the sofa with a warm smile. "Good morning, Ikari. What brings you here so early?"

"Morning, Ms. Midnight," Kenzo greeted her with a polite nod. "Is Mr. Aizawa in? I need to speak with him."

Ms. Midnight nodded, gesturing towards Aizawa's office at the end of the room. "He's in his office. Go on in."

Kenzo offered her a grateful smile before making his way to Aizawa's office. He knocked lightly on the door before pushing it open, stepping inside to find his teacher seated behind his desk, a stack of papers spread out before him.

"Good morning, Sensei," Kenzo greeted him respectfully, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Aizawa looked up from his work, his expression unreadable as he regarded Kenzo. "Good morning, Ikari. What can I do for you?"

Kenzo took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "I... I need your help, Sensei."

Aizawa put down his pen, looking up at his student. He noticed the slightly swollen lip, and the red eyes, and from how the blonde was rummaging through his bag, he could tell there was something wrong with his arm. Maybe his student was finally going to open up to him, to allow him to get him out of his abusive household.

"I need help with my tie." Kenzo spoke, holding out the red fabric toward his form teacher, an embarrassed blush coating his cheeks. Gosh this was more embarrassing than he thought it would be.

"Huh?" Aizawa was caught off guard by this. One of his most promising students he had ever taught, loved by fans and staff, destined to be great, didn't know how to tie a tie?

"I... don't know how to... do a tie." Kenzo admitted, his cheeks furiously red now.

"Do a tie?" Aizawa repeated amusedly, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Tie a tie.. I mean, whatever, you told me to bring it in for the interviews but I don't know how to tie it."

Aizawa's initial surprise gave way to a faint smile. "Sixteen years old and you don't know how to tie a tie?" he repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Kenzo's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah... I never had anyone to teach me."

Aizawa's smile softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Alright, let's fix that. Come here."

Aizawa rose from his desk and gestured for Kenzo to come closer. With a patient demeanour, he began demonstrating the steps of tying a tie, explaining each movement clearly as Kenzo watched attentively.

"First, you loop the tie around your neck with the wider end on your right and the narrow end on your left," Aizawa explained, his hands deftly manoeuvring the fabric.

Kenzo followed along, mimicking Aizawa's actions as best as he could. Despite his initial nerves, he found himself gradually getting the hang of it under Aizawa's guidance.

"Next, cross the wider end over the narrow end," Aizawa continued, his instructions calm and steady. "Then, bring the wider end under and up through the loop around your neck."

As Kenzo followed the steps, he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him as the knot slowly took shape. With each movement, he grew more confident in his ability to master this basic skill.

"Finally, pull the wider end down through the loop in front," Aizawa concluded, adjusting the tie to ensure it was neatly in place.

Kenzo stepped back, examining his handiwork with a mixture of pride and relief. The knot wasn't perfect, but it was a vast improvement from his previous attempts.

"Thank you, Sensei," Kenzo said gratefully, a genuine smile lighting up his face. "I really appreciate it."

Aizawa nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "No problem, Ikari. Remember, practice makes perfect."

As Kenzo turned to leave, Aizawa's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Ikari, wait," Aizawa called out, his tone serious yet not unkind.

Kenzo paused and turned back, a questioning look on his face as he waited for Aizawa to continue.

Aizawa gestured towards the office door. "Shut the door," he instructed, his expression unreadable.

Kenzo furrowed his brow slightly, a hint of confusion flickering across his features. Nonetheless, he complied, stepping back towards the door and gently pushing it closed until it clicked shut. "What's up, Sensei?"

Aizawa leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest as he regarded Kenzo with a penetrating gaze. "I couldn't help but notice the injuries," he began, his voice low and measured. "You have a bruised lip, there's something clearly wrong with your arm... You always seem to be coming in with new injuries."

Kenzo shrugged nonchalantly, trying to brush off Aizawa's concern with a hint of banter. "Ah, you know how it is, Sensei. Just a hazard of being a hero in training," he replied with a casual grin.

Aizawa's expression remained unreadable, his gaze unwavering as he studied Kenzo intently. "I don't buy it," he stated firmly. "I've been a teacher long enough to know when something's not right."

Kenzo's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of unease crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Come on, Sensei, you're reading too much into it. It's nothing I can't handle," he insisted, his voice more confident than he felt.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, clearly not convinced by Kenzo's flippant attitude. "I'll let it go for now, but don't think I'm not keeping an eye on you, Ikari," he warned, his tone stern.

Kenzo nodded, a tight knot forming in his stomach as he met Aizawa's gaze. "Ok, Sensei," he replied solemnly, his mind racing with thoughts of how to evade further scrutiny.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Aizawa straightened up, signalling the end of their conversation. "Now go on, get to class, i'll be there in a bit," he said, his tone returning to its usual gruffness.

Kenzo nodded once more, offering a small smile before turning to leave the office. As he stepped out into the hallway, a sense of gratitude washed over him, knowing that he had a teacher who cared about him.

As Kenzo walked into the 2-A classroom, the chatter among his classmates immediately caught his attention. He grinned as he made his way to his seat, noticing the curious glances thrown his way.

"Hey, Kenzo, is that the school tie you're wearing?" Yasmin, the purple-haired girl from the back, piped up, her eyes widening in mock surprise.

Kenzo flashed her a grin, nodding as he adjusted the tie around his neck. "Believe it or not, Yasmin, it is indeed the school tie," he replied, his tone playful.

A chorus of laughter erupted from the classmates nearby, as they joined in on the teasing. "Wow, Kenzo, you clean up nicely," Dennis quipped, earning a round of chuckles from the others.

Roy, leaning back in his chair, added with a smirk, "Yeah, next thing we know, he'll be running for class president."

Kenzo laughed along with them, basking in the camaraderie of his friends. "Hell yeah, I'll give Toshiro a run for his money," he joked, earning a few playful groans from the group.

As Kenzo settled into his seat, adjusting his tie with a self-satisfied grin, the classroom door swung open, and Hana walked in, her eyes immediately locking onto Kenzo's newly adorned accessory.

"Hey, Kenzo, what's with the tie?" she asked, a curious smile playing on her lips as she approached his desk.

Kenzo's grin widened at the sight of her, his heart skipping a beat at her presence. "Oh, you know, just trying to impress the reporters for the UA interviews," he replied casually, though there was a hint of pride in his voice.

Hana chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I have to say, it suits you," she complimented him, her eyes sparkling with warmth as she took a seat beside him.

Kenzo felt a rush of exhilaration at her words, a flush creeping up his neck as he met her gaze. "Thanks, Hana," he replied, his tone genuine as he flashed her a grateful smile.

As the conversation flowed between them, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite the challenges he faced, having Hana by his side made everything feel a little bit brighter.

As the intercom crackled to life, calling out the names of the selected students for the interviews, a mixture of excitement and apprehension filled the classroom. Tensei Ida and Rumi Usagiyama from the third years, Kenzo Ikari and Mahito Toshiro from the second years, and a couple of first-year students were among those summoned.

Kenzo exchanged a tense glance with Mahito as their names were announced, both knowing that they would have to put their differences aside for the sake of the interview. With a resigned sigh, Kenzo rose from his seat, shooting a brief nod at Aizawa before they both made their way out of the classroom.

"Try not to embarrass the school with your cocky attitude." Mahito muttered under his breath as they walked down the corridor, his tone dripping with disdain.

Kenzo rolled his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "Oh, please. Maybe you should stop being such a prick. I think that's more embarrassing," he replied coolly, his voice laced with irritation.

Mahito scoffed, his lips curling into a sneer. "Don't act like you're better than me, Ikari. Just because you won the stupid sports festival doesn't make you anything special."

Kenzo clenched his jaw, struggling to keep his temper in check. "And just because you're the class president doesn't mean you can talk down to everyone else," he shot back, his tone sharp.

Their voices carried down the corridor, drawing curious glances from passing students, but neither Kenzo nor Mahito paid them any mind. Their argument had taken on a life of its own, fueled by years of rivalry and resentment.

"I've had it with your attitude, Toshiro," Kenzo snapped, his fists clenched at his sides. "If you want to settle this, let's settle it right now."

Mahito stopped in his tracks, his eyes flashing with anger. "You think you can take me, Ikari? Bring it on," he challenged, stepping closer to Kenzo with a menacing glare.

Their confrontation escalated, the air thick with tension as they squared off, each daring the other to make the first move. But before they could come to blows, a stern voice interrupted their showdown.

"What in the world do you two think you're doing?"

They both turned to see Principal Nezu standing before them, his small frame belied by the authority in his voice. Kenzo and Mahito exchanged guilty glances, realizing they had let their tempers get the best of them.

"Principal Nezu, sir," the duo stammered, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "We were just, uh, on our way to the interview."

Principal Nezu regarded them with a shrewd gaze, his eyes narrowed in disapproval. "Well, you're certainly not going to make a good impression if you're bickering like children," he scolded, his tone stern.

As Kenzo and Mahito stepped into the principal's office, they found themselves amidst a small gathering of their peers, all awaiting their turn for the interviews. Kenzo's eyes gleamed with anticipation, his enthusiasm evident as he surveyed the room.

The interviewers, representing a national television station, outlined the interview format to the assembled students. They would proceed by year group, starting with the first years and progressing through to the third years. Each student would have a brief window to introduce themselves, discussing their experiences at UA High School along with their aspirations and ambitions for the future. Following this, they would face a series of general questions.

Kenzo absorbed the instructions attentively, nodding along with a confident smile. The prospect of stepping into the spotlight only served to invigorate him further. He was no stranger to commanding attention, and this interview presented yet another opportunity for him to showcase his charisma and poise to the world.

As the first years were called in for their interviews, Kenzo reclined in his chair, his mind already churning with ideas for his own moment in the spotlight. This was his chance to shine, and he was determined to seize it with both hands.

As Kenzo and Mahito were finally called in, they entered the room with practised ease. Kenzo flashed a charming smile at the interviewers, his demeanour exuding confidence as he settled into his chair. Mahito followed suit, politely acknowledging the assembled interviewers.

The cameras started rolling, and the interviewers wasted no time delving into their questions. "Welcome, Kenzo Ikari and Mahito Toshiro. We're thrilled to have you here. Let's start by having each of you introduce yourselves and share a bit about your time at UA High."

Kenzo leaned forward, his blue eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Absolutely, it's a pleasure to be here. My name is Kenzo Ikari, and I've had the honour of attending UA High for the past two years. It's been an incredible journey filled with growth, challenges, and unforgettable experiences. I've had the opportunity to forge lifelong friendships, push my limits, and discover my true potential as a hero."

Mahito nodded in agreement, his tone measured but polite. "I'm Mahito Toshiro, and like Ikari, I've had the privilege of studying at UA High. It's been a transformative experience, one that has shaped me into the person I am today. I've learned invaluable lessons, both in and out of the classroom, and I'm grateful for the opportunities that UA has provided me."

The interviewers nodded, impressed by their responses. "That's wonderful to hear. Now, as second-year students, you must have encountered your fair share of challenges. Can you tell us about a particularly memorable moment or obstacle you've faced during your time at UA?"

Kenzo leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Ah, where do I even begin? There have been countless moments that have tested my resolve and pushed me to my limits. But if I had to choose one, I'd say winning the UA Sports Festival was a defining experience for me."

"Ahh yes! How could we forget that. Your win last year was one of the best we've seen in a while!" The interviewer gushed as the camera zoomed into Kenzo's face.

"Thank you very much. Kenzo replied humbly, flashing a smile at the camera. "Although I would never have reached that level of skill without the supportive UA staff to help me."

"Well, congratulations for that. We hope to see you shining again in this year's sports festival as well. Now How about you Toshiro? Can you tell us about a particularly memorable moment or obstacle you've faced during your time at UA?"

Mahito nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. One of the most defining moments for me was developing my special moves. The UA staff is extremely supportive and they help you every step of the way. They really made me realise my full potential as a hero."

The interviewers nodded, clearly intrigued by their responses. "That sounds like quite an adventure. Now, we understand that you two are not just classmates but also very close friends. Can you tell us about a memorable moment you've shared together at UA?"

Kenzo's smile widened, laughing a bit louder than normal. "Oh, where do I even begin? Mahito and I are such good friends! We have shared so many unforgettable moments together, from late-night study sleepovers to impromptu training sessions. But one memory that stands out is when we teamed up to help each other improve our close combat skills a few days ago. Actually," Kenzo clapped Toshiro on the back, slightly harder than a friendly gesture, "How about you tell them about it."

Mahito forced a smile onto his face, though there was a hint of incredulity in his expression. "Haha, yes. Kenzo and I are very good friends. Our training session was definitely a memorable experience. Kenzo and I worked seamlessly together, utilising our strengths to improve our skills. It was a true testament to the bonds we've formed here at UA."

The interviewers nodded, clearly impressed by their camaraderie. "That's incredible. It's clear that you two make a formidable team. Now, looking ahead, what are your aspirations and goals for the future?"

Kenzo's eyes gleamed with determination as he leaned forward, his voice filled with passion. "My ultimate goal is to become the greatest hero the world has ever seen. I want to inspire hope, protect the innocent, and make a positive impact on society. Whether it's rescuing civilians from danger or taking down dangerous villains, I'll do whatever it takes to uphold justice and defend those in need. I want to be like All Might."

Mahito nodded in agreement, though his expression was more reserved. "I share Kenzo's dedication to becoming a hero of renown. My goal is to use my abilities to make a meaningful difference in the world, whether it's through humanitarian efforts, disaster relief, or combating crime. I believe that with hard work, determination, and a strong sense of justice, anything is possible."

As the interview progressed, the atmosphere remained light, with the interviewers asking more general, lighthearted questions. Kenzo and Mahito, despite their underlying animosity, maintained their facade of friendship, engaging in playful banter and witty retorts.

The interviewer turned to Kenzo with a smile. "Kenzo, rumour has it that you're quite the mischief maker around UA High. Care to share any memorable pranks you've pulled on your classmates?"

Kenzo chuckled, leaning back in his chair as he prepared to regale the interviewers with his antics. "Ah, where do I even begin? I've pulled off some pretty legendary pranks in my time at UA. There was this one time I filled Toshiro's locker with glitter. You should have seen his face when he opened it!"

Mahito's lips twitched with thinly veiled irritation, but he forced a laugh. "Oh, yes, I remember that. It took me days to get all that glitter out of my hair. Very funny, Kenzo."

Kenzo grinned, shooting Mahito a playful wink. "Just spreading a little sparkle, Toshiro. You can thank me later."

The interviewers chuckled at their banter, clearly entertained by their dynamic. "Sounds like you two have quite the friendship. Mahito, do you have any stories of Kenzo's pranks that you'd like to share?"

Mahito's smile faltered for a moment before he regained his composure, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, where do I even begin? Kenzo's pranks are as subtle as a sledgehammer. Like the time he replaced all the heroics textbooks in the classroom with adult novels. Real mature, Kenzo."

Kenzo laughed, though there was a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "Hey, it's not my fault you have such refined literary tastes, Toshiro. Besides, I thought it would add some excitement to our studies."

The interviewers laughed, intrigued by their answers. "And finally, if you could team up with any pro hero for a mission, who would it be and why?"

Kenzo grinned, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "No question about it, I'd choose All Might! He's one of the strongest heroes out there, and teaming up with him would be an incredible learning experience. Plus, imagine the epic battles we could have together!"

Mahito shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "As much as I respect All Might's strength, I think I'd prefer to team up with someone like Endeavour. His strategic thinking would complement my own abilities well, and I think we could make a formidable team."

The interviewers nodded, thoroughly entertained by their banter. "Well, it's been a pleasure interviewing you both. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences with us!"

After the interview concluded, Kenzo and Mahito stepped out of the principal's office, the tension between them simmering just beneath the surface. As soon as they were out of earshot of the interviewers, they wasted no time in letting their true feelings show.

"That was unbearable," Mahito muttered under his breath, his tone laced with irritation.

Kenzo shot him a sidelong glance, his expression equally sour. "Tell me about it. I could barely stand pretending to be best buddies with you for five minutes."

Mahito rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a sneer. "Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I'd rather spend a day in detention than have to endure another interview with you."

Kenzo scoffed, his patience wearing thin. "Oh, please. At least I didn't embarrass myself by stumbling over my words like you did."

Mahito bristled at the jab, his temper flaring. "Watch it, Ikari. You may have won the sports festival, but that doesn't make you invincible. I could take you down with one hand tied behind my back."

Kenzo matched his glare with equal intensity, his fists clenched at his sides. "Is that a challenge, Toshiro? Because I'd be more than happy to prove you wrong."

Before their argument could escalate any further, a voice interrupted them, pulling them back to reality. "What's going on here?"

They turned to see Aizawa standing in the doorway of his office, his expression unreadable as he regarded them both. Kenzo and Mahito exchanged a tense glance before reluctantly dropping their argument, knowing better than to defy their teacher.

"Nothing, Sensei," Kenzo replied, his tone terse as he forced himself to calm down.

Aizawa eyed them both warily, clearly unconvinced by their nonchalant demeanour. "No fighting indoors."

Kenzo and Mahito nodded in unison, before turning and continuing to their lesson. As soon as they rounded the corner however, Mojito spoke up again. "You really think you could handle teaming up with All Might? Please, you'd probably just slow him down," Mahito scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain.

Kenzo shot him a withering glare, his patience wearing thin. "At least I'd be able to keep up with him unlike you and Endeavour. I can just imagine you getting in her way with your indecisiveness."

Mahito's eyes flashed with irritation, his fists clenching at his sides. "Indecisiveness? Coming from the guy who can't even decide on a hero name? Give me a break."


As Kenzo rode the train home, he couldn't resist the urge to pull out his phone and watch the interview he had just participated in on YouTube. As he clicked on the video, he couldn't help but smirk at the sight of himself and Mahito putting on their best fake smiles for the camera.

But it wasn't long before his attention shifted to the comment section below the video. As he scrolled through the myriad of responses, he was met with a mixture of amusement and surprise.

Some comments were downright thirsty, with fans gushing over his charming smile or Mahito's stoic demeanour. Others speculated about potential romantic relationships between the two of them, much to Kenzo's amusement.

But amidst the playful banter and ship wars, there were also heartfelt messages from aspiring heroes who looked up to them as role models. Kenzo couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the thought of inspiring others to pursue their dreams, even if it meant putting up with Mahito's insufferable company.

As the train rumbled on towards his stop, Kenzo continued to scroll through the comments, a smile playing on his lips. Despite the occasional troll or hater, the overwhelming response to their interview was overwhelmingly positive, and Kenzo couldn't help but feel a sense of validation wash over him. Maybe, just maybe, he was destined for greatness after all.


(6092 words)

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